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Why did the Israel's neighbors attack it in May 1948?


Gday all :)

Well, the anti-Palestinian excuses are sure flowing thick and fast now.
(Odd saying - is it a very muddy flood? a molasses flood? but that would be slow. Is it a flood of memos arriving fast and making a thick stack in the In box?)

Here's a funny one -
waving away Medic Sgt Elor Azaria executing the helpless and wounded al-Sharif as he lay on the ground - with a shot to the head - because it was 'cherry-picked' (um, what ?)

It happened on camera.
And is good evidence of what happens to Israelis all the time.
There are many many videos of Israelis abusing, assaulting, shooting, and killing Palestinians.

We can expect the anti-Palestinians to avoid this execution at all costs,
and certainly never answer those awkward questions I posed.

Let's cherry-pick another -

The recent case of the un-armed Palestinian college-girl, sorry - 'dangerous terrorist'.
This dangerous girl terrorist threatened the safety of several Israeli men.
There were only three of them, and they only had guns.
Bravely they surrounded her, pointing their guns at her, hands on triggers ...

Perhaps they feared her dangerous mind powers ?
Perhaps she could leap and kill in one sudden and ferocious move ?
Would you believe laser-beam eyes ?
How about extremely sharp finger-nails ?
An unpleasant burp, perhaps ?

Just what DID these brave Israeli men fear exactly ?
We will never know - because one of these brave men risked his own safety by 'neutralising' her with a shot to the body.
Brave brave Sir Robin !

Valiantly they searched her school bag, but were unable to identify the exact nature of the threat as no weapons were found.
Having survived the dangerous battle they were able to extract themselves from the scene safely without any casualties at all.
Well, no ISRAELI casualties anyway.
Of course they left the un-armed Palestinian college-girl lying bleeding on the ground.

(Sorry readers, I cannot find the video again, and I do not know what became of the poor girl, or her name.)



Gday rosends and all :)

Well, I've looked through all of your points there rosends, but sadly all I found was the usual spam - excuses and propaganda and outright lies.

There was no “Israel” to do any invading.

Oh, so the forces fighting against Palestinians from May 1948 - March 1949 did not exist ?
Just more silly word games.
As if they can obscure the reality of history (well actually they CAN, and ARE - which is why I am fighting for truth and justice here.)

The land WAS Palestinian, called Palestine, and filled with (mostly) Palestinians.
Some newcomers fought to take the land, and succeeded.
Afterwards the land was Israeli, called Israel, and filled with Israelis.

The war to invade and capture Palestine was won !
By nobody - according to rosends.
The Arabs all lost a war against nobody.
You know - you're not very good at this rosends.

People who lived there became a country and were already there. How can one invade where one already lives?

Naughty naughty rosends :(
I just caught you in an out-right false-hood.

Here are the facts -
Zionists bought about 5% of what became Israel.
The remaining 95% of Israel was captured by force 1948-49.

Here is the evidence no-one will accept :

The (small) white area was bought up by Zionists before 1948.
The (large) pale-green area was taken by force in 1948-49.

Otherwise, what is YOUR explanation for the pale-green area ?



Gday rosends and all :)

Except that there is no "Palestine" to erase.

Excuse #1 Not a State !

Palestine is a known region, with borders, population, history and a govt.

But I see you too have to call it "Palestine" in quotes,
because it's not REALLY Palestine to you is it ?
Based on some word games ?
It's not a REAL country, so the Palestinians are not REAL people.

Therefore it's OK to erase and gobble up "Palestine" and massacre and murder its people ?

What a horrific argument.

Are Israeli (or Jewish) lives worth more than Palestinian (or Muslim) lives ?



"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Give it a rest, you've made you point, now you're just getting petty and resorting to personal attacks on those that don't see it as we do. There are forum rules against such personal attacks, and they can get you permanently banned, you should read them


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's boring to see the same arguments again and again, unlike seeing no evidence from your side other than shouting 'Propaganda', 'Anti-Semitic', etc whenever you are called to account for the Palestinian genocide committed by a group of people who reflect Nazi Germany in an improved style of brutality and terrorism.

Nazi's believed they were the superior race (according to your version of the story) which is why they killed Jews. The holocaust of the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel is Nazi Germany version two.


Like I already wrote I won't get worked up about it again. You can of course try to work me up with it but it won't work.

I wonder if Jews have ever claimed responsibility of having done something wrong??

Always stay vigilant of them Gharib.


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Palestine is a known region, with borders, population, history and a govt.
Excellent. Obviously your penchant for dishonest demagoguery hasn't blunted your ability to learn -- albeit slowly. Now that we know that "Palestine is a known region, with borders, population, history and a govt," why don't you share with us the characteristics of that government, let's say from the 13th century through 1947?
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
I've read several accounts of both Madeleine Albright and Bill Clinton almost ready to throttle Arafat. By many accounts he was near impossible to deal with.
And even the Saudi officials were shocked because they thought a deal was close to being wrapped up.


Well-Known Member
Gday rosends and all :)

Well, I've looked through all of your points there rosends, but sadly all I found was the usual spam - excuses and propaganda and outright lies.
So I cited Arabs, Europeans, historians, Americans and guess what? They are ALL propaganda and lies! What a shocking response. You didn't address a single one of the historical documents or fact, and just call them all lies! How convenient for you.

Oh, so the forces fighting against Palestinians from May 1948 - March 1949 did not exist ?
Why start then? Arab violence easily predates that -- whom were the Arabs killing in Chevron in 1929? Israelis? Whom were they attacking in 1947? Invading Israelis? Remember, there was no Israel. Israel was declared and then attacked. So the ISRAELIS couldn't have invaded -- they didn't exist before the state was declared, but they were provably ALREADY THERE. Invasion? Not so much. Remember, Jamal Husseini in 1948 admitted that the fighting was begun by the Arabs. Security Council Official Records, S/Agenda/58, (April 16, 1948), p. 19 oh, wait...he was lying.
The land WAS Palestinian, called Palestine, and filled with (mostly) Palestinians.
There was a region dubbed Palestine a long time ago (I gave a link to the history of the name -- you clearly didn't read it). The land was actually called Israel. You might want to look at this picture of a Mandate era postage stamp, learn Hebrew, and see what the British printed in Hebrew https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Palestine_Mandate_Stamp_92.jpg It disproves your claim clearly. Sure, it requires you learn something, but hey, there's a price to pay for everything I guess.
By nobody - according to rosends.
The Arabs all lost a war against nobody.
You know - you're not very good at this rosends.
Reading and thinking seem to escape you. Not "by nobody" -- there was no invasion, so you can't claim that Israelis invaded. Simply changing your wording because your point is disproven is not effective. You would call it "word games" because that's what you are playing.

Zionists bought about 5% of what became Israel.
The remaining 95% of Israel was captured by force 1948-49.
I like how you play fast and loose with statistics and provide no sources. Jews had bought up 723 square miles (of approx 10000 square miles) which isn't 5 percent. Also, 80% was given to become Jordan (regardless of the rights of the "Palestinians" living there, right? You haven't complained about that). Then partition plan established 2 states with a 55/45 split (with 60% of the Jewish state being the Negev desert, not agricultural land). Arabs rejected this. Howard Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), p. 292.
Of course, this is all propaganda, and any citations are lies, right?


Well-Known Member
Gday rosends and all :)

Excuse #1 Not a State !

Palestine is a known region, with borders, population, history and a govt.
Well, a population of mixed races and religions. And a government by, um... " Moabites,Ammonites, Tjeker, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, different dynasties of the Early Muslim period (Umayads, Abbasids, Seljuqs, Fatimids), Crusaders, Late Muslim dynasties (Ayyubids, Mamluks, Ottoman Turks), the British, Jordanians (1948–1967, on the "West Bank") and Egyptians (in Gaza)"
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Palestine no doubt, all lies]
Which of those is "Palestinian" government?
But I see you too have to call it "Palestine" in quotes,
because it's not REALLY Palestine to you is it ?
Well, not as a nation or state http://historynewsnetwork.org/article/139168


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Excellent responses, @rosends

All propaganda, obviously, but still, excellent...
As the old saying goes, "Truth hurts..."

I think it a somewhat encouraging sign that Israel's detractors are forced to lie and mislead simply to make their case. The truth will prevail... much like Israel itself...


Bodhisattva in Recovery

A wonderful synopsis and my favorite paragraph was:

The Ironic history or Palestine said:
So, it is the height of irony when we hear the militant Islamists of Hamas insisting that any compromise about the land that constitutes “historic Palestine” is impossible, for, as they argue, the entire land is a waqf, or Islamic trust, bestowed by God. Think about it: a border drawn by British Christians based on their reading of the Jewish Bible is now interpreted by Muslim fundamentalists as God-given and unchangeable!


Gday all,

Give it a rest, you've made you point, now you're just getting petty and resorting to personal attacks on those that don't see it as we do. There are forum rules against such personal attacks, and they can get you permanently banned, you should read them

Yes, indeed.

I have been called a liar and 'stupid' and 'deceitful' and 'not to be taken seriously'.
I have been called 'anti-semitic' and a 'conspiracy theorist'.
I have been laughed at and insulted and ridiculed.

Why do the mods allow it ?



the answer is to OP is clear :

The Arab nations tried to defend the land of Palestine
against the Zionists who successfully captured most of Palestine by force,
and re-named it Israel.
That's history.
That's a fact.

Anti-Palestinians defend this invasion by blaming the Palestinians for daring to fight back - if only they had just allowed the Zionists to take their land peacefully, there would have been no fighting.

In other words -
It's OK to invade and capture someone's else country if they don't want you to !

It also helps if you deny they are a real state - so that a country with known :
  • name
  • borders
  • history
  • culture
  • people and towns
can simply be erased and gobbled up if you deny they are a REAL state.



Gday all,

So, NOT ONE of the anti-Palestinians will address the case of Medic Elor Azaria executing wounded and helpless al-Sharif.
A reasonable observer would conclude they support his actions, like 80% of Israelis.

I also note the conspicuous failure of any anti-Palestinian to answer the key question :

Are Israeli (or Jewish) lives worth more than Palestinian (or Muslims) lives ?

A silence which is quite telling.



Gday again,

So, here are the facts that stand un-refuted :
  • Israelis kill about seven times more Palestinians than Israelis are killed.
  • Israelis wound about seven times more Palestinians than Israelis are wounded.
  • Israelis kill about fifteen times more Palestinian children than Israeli children are killed.
  • Israel has been named in 77 UN Resolutions. Palestine just one.
  • Israel has imprisoned (and tortures) about 6,700 Palestinians. Palestinians have no imprisoned Israelis.
  • Israelis have destroyed at least 28,000 Palestinians homes. Palestinians have destroyed no Israeli homes.
  • Israelis occupy 261 illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Palestinians have no settlements on Israeli land.
  • Israel receives over $3 billion (maybe $5 billion soon) in arms from the US each year. Palestine gets $0.
  • Israel is an occupying power in total military control of all Palestinians. Palestinians are an occupied people with no control of their own lives.
  • Israel has possibly the most advanced hi-tech army in the world. Palestinians have rocks, rifles, and some rockets which rarely kill.
  • Israelis killed thousands of Palestinians (mostly civilians) 'mowing the grass' in Gaza 2014. Because Palestinians had killed three Israelis.
  • Israel is a very powerful nation, having politically captured the US. Palestine is weak and down-trodden and denied to be a state.
  • Israel is protected in the UN Security Council by the US. Palestine has only recently achieved even minor status in the UN.
  • Israelis dominate the banking sector in the US, and are influential elsewhere. Not so the Palestinians.
  • Israelis largely control the mainstream media in the West. Palestinians have no influence.
  • Israel claims the land based on their ancient scriptures. But Israel took the land by force from the Palestinian's ancestors, the Canaanites - according to those same scriptures.
  • Israel was only created in 1948, following the Zionist's arrival in the 1800s. Palestinians have been living there for many centuries.
  • Israel has grown by gobbling up about 80% of Palestine since 1948. Palestine has lost that territory.
  • Israel is erasing Palestine. Palestine is not erasing Israel.


Gday all,

After WW2 :
Remember the Holocaust !
Never let it happen again !

After Palestine :
Remember the Holocausts !
Never let it happen a third time !

What Israel is doing to the Palestinians now is much like
what the Nazis did to the Jews back in WW2.

History will treat Israel very harshly over this.

Fortunately, many people are waking up to the truth, and the propaganda of Holocaustianity (TM) is fading away like mist in the morning sun.

There may only be 20% of Palestine left (actually it may be closer to 12%) but as the world increasingly realises the truth of Holocaust 2.0 it becomes much harder for Israel to complete the job of erasing Palestine completely.

Especially when they use such ridiculous arguments like :

Hamas openly says they WANT Israel gone from Palestine -
so that makes it OK for Israel to ACTUALLY erase Palestine.

I mean really - does anyone BELIEVE that ?
