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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
"O heavens, rejoice with Him - Bow to Him, all sons of the divine
O nations, rejoice with His people and let all angels of the divine strengthen themselves in Him.
For He’ll avenge the blood of His sons, be vengeful, and wreak vengeance and recompense justice on his foes
And the Lord will Cleanse His people’s land"

And just to be super clear... there's no divine council here. Just people who are children of God ( poetically ). And angels.


Veteran Member
What is this made up falsehood Muhamu .. What are these many names by which Abraham knew his God ?
I don't claim to know many different languages, and the precise histories of individual Canaanites and Israelites.
I am fully satisfied, that God [ Jehovah / Allah ] made Himself known to many nations in the course of history.

"GOD" is not a name .. God Most High is not a name, it is an epithet.
Well there you go..
You are the one who claims that knowing a particular name for God, in a particular language is
so very important.
I see that it is the attributes of God that are important.
His Oneness .. His Eternal nature .. His neither being male or female .. His having no parent or offspring.
There are many attributes, of which the above are a few of the most important.

..what do you think is the significance of one non-English name .. except recognition between creeds?
i.e. the "I will be what I will be" ---> Eternal


Well-Known Member
I don't claim to know many different languages, and the precise histories of individual Canaanites and Israelites.
I am fully satisfied, that God [ Jehovah / Allah ] made Himself known to many nations in the course of history.

Well there you go..
You are the one who claims that knowing a particular name for God, in a particular language is
so very important.
I see that it is the attributes of God that are important.
His Oneness .. His Eternal nature .. His neither being male or female .. His having no parent or offspring.
There are many attributes, of which the above are a few of the most important.

..what do you think is the significance of one non-English name .. except recognition between creeds?
i.e. the "I will be what I will be" ---> Eternal

Muhammu --- you have warped off the page -- "thought stopping button pushed -- completely avoided addressing the central issue .. which is that you don't know who your God is ... and are engaging in Heresy against the one True God ---

You don't need to know Ancient Hebrew --( I certainly don't) -- to get a passage Translated .. you can study the scholarship --- Here is some from the Journal of Hebrew Scripture on "El as the Speaking Voice Psalm 82: 6-8" El as the Speaking Voice in Psalm 82:6–8 | The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

A whole Journal article on just a few lines --- but worry not . I will save you the trouble of Reading -- moral of the Story is that the ones that can read ancient Hebrew all agree .. Not that El is the speaking voice in Vs 6 .. but that itis EL who is being referred to as "Supreme One" .. making the phrase "Sons of the Supreme one" quite clear.

So solid is the theological scholarship that the Footnote straight out of the Bible agrees -
  1. Psalm 82:6 sn Normally in the OT the title Most High belongs to the God of Israel, but in this context, where the mythological overtones are so strong, it probably refers to the Canaanite high god El (see v. 1, as well as Isa 14:13).
Yeah .. probably mate but, tell you one thing .. it sure as hell is not referring to YHWH .. unless you wish to claim the sons of God being referred to are Sons of YHWH.

BUT OK .. You love Yahu of the Shasu .. claim to want to worship this God .. who was apparently known to a whole lot of people and nations according to you even though this character YHWH himself states he was not known .. and that is all fine .. worship this xenophobic - genocidal maniac - one with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics .. an irrational Flip Flopping trickster God.

The problem -- and your Heresy .. Heresy and Blasphemy .. is claiming this of the One True God -- Tarring the "Most High" with the stank brush above --- Packaged under the name YHWH/Allah/ EA -- what ever you like -- long as the name ends in "AH" ... Joshuah .. Isaiah .. and so on.

The Most High is not pleased .. having such nastyness attributed to the place where his Name Resides .. Perhaps why the place where YHWH's name resides was destroyed :)

and one final question to leave you with ---- Did you really think Sataniel - the greatest of deceivers - was going to show up with Horns and a Red Cape Muhamu ?


Well-Known Member
And just to be super clear... there's no divine council here. Just people who are children of God ( poetically ). And angels.
Transcendental Nonsense Friend

"O heavens, rejoice with Him - Bow to Him, all sons of the divine
O nations, rejoice with His people and let all angels of the divine strengthen themselves in Him.
For He’ll avenge the blood of His sons, be vengeful, and wreak vengeance and recompense justice on his foes
And the Lord will Cleanse His people’s land"

"Divine Council" -- how about Divine Assembly if that term makes hyou feel better.. I agree that the Council is not the Setting as is the Case in Psalm 82..

Your claim that these Divinities are "People" .. absurd nonsense , but also deflecting from the question of Pious Fraud .. "Sin of Omission" from the Textual Translation you came up with ..

Where did all the divinities Go ?
No it doesn't. The MT is not a translation. You can't seem to get this correct. The MT is Hebrew only. The word used there is כפר. Which does mean atonement which is technically covering, not cleaning. Cleanse as you are meaning, would be more like טחר, in leviticus.

Dude -- you are the one keeps getting it wrong --- The Masoretic Text is the source document .. the Text which was used as the source document for the Translation.

We are comparing the Masoretic Text (MT) that which was/is used for modern Bible Translations for 500 years .. the Leningrad Codex for example is the MT.

This text that was created in 700-1000AD differs from the Source Text that I provided .. Created in 200 BC .. linked you to previously .. studied in great detail by Heiser and others ... a very well known "Problem" which newer modern Bibles are starting to account - at least i the footnotes.

The Source text I was citing was the LXX -- and as stated .. given to you before .. along with another 200 BC text 4Deut Q -- a Qumran Text. Both the Old Texts have Divinities partying it up with The Most High in Heaven. Same Crowd in Job -- Same Sons of God came down one day and made some nubile human females pregnant .. the half man - half God hero's of Old ..

but never mind the story .. What happened to all the divinities in your Translation ?? Why did you think they were edited out of the picture .. What ever is being referred to .. Demi-Gods , Angels ,

Edited Out --- and you pretend to be some expert .. providing the "Edited out" Translation -- which could happen to anyone really .. but then not clueing in on the blunder .. this is problem .. tells me you no expert .. and/or full of hot air and disingenuous obvlifion ...

Then in desperation claiming the MT is superior to the LXX -- something soundly refuted by the fact that the other older text 4DeutQ also has other divinities. .. shown to you previously .. but regardless .. this matters not to the question of - Why they edited the Polytheistic past out of this passage... as we know the Israelites were raging Pagans .. The Divine Congregation well understood and accepted by All in general .. and by in general .. All of the people of the nations around them .. saying otherwise like saying the sun will not rise.

Crucified .. this desperate plea for the Dark Side .. Woe to he that can not see .. the error of his ways.



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You don't need to know Ancient Hebrew --( I certainly don't) -- to get a passage Translated .. you can study the scholarship --- Here is some from the Journal of Hebrew Scripture on "El as the Speaking Voice Psalm 82: 6-8" El as the Speaking Voice in Psalm 82:6–8 | The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

It's just Asaph... just one person... and certainly not Abe. And that ignores the people who disagree with you. I brought you a reputable source that doesn't agree with you. But you ignore it.

So solid is the theological scholarship that the Footnote straight out of the Bible agrees -
  1. Psalm 82:6 sn Normally in the OT the title Most High belongs to the God of Israel, but in this context, where the mythological overtones are so strong, it probably refers to the Canaanite high god El (see v. 1, as well as Isa 14:13).

A specific bible, not THE Bible. I know these details are lost on you. It's called NETBible. Again, by evangelicals. It's just commentary.

Here's what THE Bible has for that verse:


Look at that! The congregation of the mighty! I remember saying that.

Here, take a look at all of these translations. I think there's over 25 of them. Guess how many use the name EL? 1. Just one the "NETBible".

Now what were you saying again?

So solid is the theological scholarship that the Footnote straight out of the Bible agrees -

No dude. Only 1 translation has chosen to make this pagan. That's not solid scholarship. That's just more fringe. But since you don't know how to check your sources. Oy. Anyway. Be prepared to see this over and over. No other translation agrees with you but 1. So it'll be pretty difficult to convine anyone that YOUR 1 translation is correct, and ALL those others is wrong. You'll need some serious chops for that. And chops, you be lacking.

Yeah .. probably mate but, tell you one thing .. it sure as hell is not referring to YHWH .. unless you wish to claim the sons of God being referred to are Sons of YHWH.

It's just poetry. They're people who are acting like gods. That's why the NIV has the first verse with gods in quotes. The verse reads:

You are sons of the supreme??!!!! You will die like men!


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Transcendental Nonsense Friend

No, you've completely failed at bringing any verses to support this idea that Abe's god was EL. No verses at all. You tried to pawn off Asaph, but, that doesn't work. It's just Asaph.

And then you tried to bring Deut 32. But there's no EL anywhere, it's only YHWH. And you have to go to the LXX, but that only adds some angels.

Where's the verses you said supported Abe's god being EL?

"O heavens, rejoice with Him - Bow to Him, all sons of the divine
O nations, rejoice with His people and let all angels of the divine strengthen themselves in Him.
For He’ll avenge the blood of His sons, be vengeful, and wreak vengeance and recompense justice on his foes
And the Lord will Cleanse His people’s land"

No divine council, just angels.

"Divine Council" -- how about Divine Assembly if that term makes hyou feel better.. I agree that the Council is not the Setting as is the Case in Psalm 82..

No, just angels. And Psalm 82 says the congregation of the mighty.

Your claim that these Divinities are "People" .. absurd nonsense , but also deflecting from the question of Pious Fraud .. "Sin of Omission" from the Textual Translation you came up with ..

They're angels.

Where did all the divinities Go ?

I don't know. They're just angels. The LXX has a different version. The MT and th DSS have their own version. They're still just angels, and theres not EL anywhere. So this is irrelevant tripe.

Dude -- you are the one keeps getting it wrong --- The Masoretic Text is the source document .. the Text which was used as the source document for the Translation.

No.... you keep calling it a translation. Along with the Leningrad codex. Neither are translations. And the V-E-R-S-I-O-N of the bible you are referring to is called NETBible, not THE Bible.

We are comparing the Masoretic Text (MT) that which was/is used for modern Bible Translations for 500 years .. the Leningrad Codex for example is the MT.

Good, then stop calling it a translation.

This text that was created in 700-1000AD differs from the Source Text that I provided .. Created in 200 BC

No..... The MT did not come from the LXX. The MT added vowels to the original Hebrew.

.. linked you to previously .. studied in great detail by Heiser and others ... a very well known "Problem" which newer modern Bibles are starting to account - at least i the footnotes.

It's interesting, but it has nothing to do with Abe worshipping EL. Again, all you can claim about it is Asaph's beliefs. Ail-Elyon only exists in Gen 14, and Psalm of Asaph 78. If you want to add Psalm of Asaph 82. Still, that doesn't get you where you need to be claiming Abes god was EL.

The Source text I was citing was the LXX -- and as stated .. given to you before .. along with another 200 BC text

The LXX was not the source for the MT. Please bring evidence this false claim.

4Deut Q -- a Qumran Text. Both the Old Texts have Divinities partying it up with The Most High in Heaven.

Nope, Here's what you're working with for the Qumran text:


Go ahead and bring a translation, it still doesn't get any where close to any pagan nonsense. And certainly doesn't have anything to do with Abe.

Same Crowd in Job -- Same Sons of God came down one day and made some nubile human females pregnant .. the half man - half God hero's of Old ..

Nah, those are just people. Everyone is a child of God.

but never mind the story .. What happened to all the divinities in your Translation ?? Why did you think they were edited out of the picture .. What ever is being referred to .. Demi-Gods , Angels ,

I have no clue. But it doesn't have any connection to Abe. And yes, angels. Nothing more nothing less. There's angels in the Hebrew bible.

Edited Out --- and you pretend to be some expert .. providing the "Edited out" Translation -- which could happen to anyone really .. but then not clueing in on the blunder .. this is problem .. tells me you no expert .. and/or full of hot air and disingenuous obvlifion ...

Its not relevant, and I forgot about it. It doesn't MEAN anything.

Then in desperation claiming the MT is superior to the LXX -- something soundly refuted by the fact that the other older text 4DeutQ also has other divinities.

Nope, just angels.

.. shown to you previously .. but regardless .. this matters not to the question of - Why they edited the Polytheistic past out of this passage...

It isn't polythesitic, it's just angels. You can't tell the difference. Some scholars like pagan stuff, so they see it everywhere.

as we know the Israelites were raging Pagans

So what, that doesn't mean Abe was into EL. The entire Tanach has to change from beginning to end, every story, virtually every word to make it into a pagan playground.

.. The Divine Congregation well understood and accepted by All in general .. and by in general .. All of the people of the nations around them ..

So what, Abe rejected all of that. So did Moses, so did the other heroes of the story. They're not perfect heroes, but they weren't idol worshippers.

saying otherwise like saying the sun will not rise.

Just to someone who's ignorant, and arrogant. When are you going to read that article about the divine Kings interpretation of Psalm 82. What are you afraid of?

And when are you going to actually bring some verses to support Abe's belief in EL? No verses at all have been brought.

Crucified .. this desperate plea for the Dark Side .. Woe to he that can not see .. the error of his ways.

I've brought so so much evidence. And all you do is repeat the same stuff. That's probably because there REALLY isn't much to this.

Abe spoke to YHWH, by that name many times.
Exodus 6:3 is misunderstood by many. The name was known, YHWH was not fully known.
Sydyk >> Malchi-tzedek >> Shalem >> Yirushalayim >> Adoni-Tzedek >> Zadok is one of the most contrived theories I've ever heard.
Deut 32 has no EL and no divine council.
Psalm 82 is Asaph, and it's the congregation of the mighty.

So what exactly are you preaching about? You claim to have scholarship, of what? All you've brought is about Psalm 82, and that's irrelevant. if you want to claim Asaph is a pagan... fine! Who cares?


Well-Known Member
A specific bible, not THE Bible. I know these details are lost on you. It's called NETBible. Again, by evangelicals. It's just commentary.

Here's what THE Bible has for that verse:

View attachment 78376

Look at that! The congregation of the mighty! I remember saying that.

Here, take a look at all of these translations. I think there's over 25 of them. Guess how many use the name EL? 1. Just one the "NETBible".

Now what were you saying again?

No dude. Only 1 translation has chosen to make this pagan. That's not solid scholarship. That's just more fringe. But since you don't know how to check your sources. Oy. Anyway. Be prepared to see this over and over. No other translation agrees with you but 1. So it'll be pretty difficult to convine anyone that YOUR 1 translation is correct, and ALL those others is wrong. You'll need some serious chops for that. And chops, you be lacking.

It's just poetry. They're people who are acting like gods. That's why the NIV has the first verse with gods in quotes. The verse reads:

You are sons of the supreme??!!!! You will die like men!

In addition to "appeal to popularity fallacy" - your "guess how many use the name El" comment betrays a deep dark void in understanding of the subject matter.

1) The Hebrew word being Translated is "EL" -- in this case " Assembly of EL"/"congregation of El"

Do YOU UNDERSTAND ? -- "EL" is the word being Translated .. not some word that resembles Mighty. You seem clueless to this Fact .. pretending that EL does not Exist in the Text .. which is completely wrong/False and somewhat dense to be sure - given your professed expertise in the area -- this would be downright clueless.

No one debates that the word "EL" is used... the Question is what this word means .. whether it is the Personal Name for the High God EL .. or if it is the general word for GOD.

Do YOU UNDERSTAND ? -- there is no question that the word "EL" is the word that is being translated ??

In this case .. the word is used in conjunction with a term that means some kind of Assembly or Congregation --- into a compound Phrase "Assembly of EL"

This is the Phrase being Translated -- "Congregation/Assembly of the Most High" or "Congregation of the God(s)" -or "Congregation/assembly of the Mighty"

Or .. the most widely accepted Translation in view of current Scholarship and Biblical Archaeology .. Congregation of EL" El being used as a Personal Name -- a reference the Divine Council --- as explained in Detail in the Footnotes from the Bible ..

  1. Psalm 82:1 tn The phrase עֲדַת אֵל (ʿadat ʾel, “assembly of El”) appears only here in the OT. (1) Some understand “El” to refer to God himself. In this case he is pictured presiding over his own heavenly assembly. (2) Others take אֵל as a superlative here (“God stands in the great assembly”), as in Pss 36:6 and 80:10. (3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly. (See Isa 14:13, where El’s assembly is called “the stars of El.”) In the Ugaritic myths the phrase ʿdt ʾilm refers to the “assembly of the gods,” who congregate in King Kirtu’s house, where Baal asks El to bless Kirtu’s house (see G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 91). If the Canaanite divine assembly is referred to here in Ps 82:1, then the psalm must be understood as a bold polemic against Canaanite religion. Israel’s God invades El’s assembly, denounces its gods as failing to uphold justice, and announces their coming demise. For an interpretation of the psalm along these lines, see W. VanGemeren, “Psalms,” EBC 5:533-36.

Do YOU UNDERSTAND - what is being said to you .. Yes Others in the past have desperately tried to interpret the Chief God El out of the picture .. but your argument that this Assembly of the Mighty are human still fails by your own Translation that you blew up in size

"God Standeth in the Congregation of the Mighty "He Judgeth among the Gods" --

What part of "He Judgeth among the Gods" -- are not humans .. Do you NOT Understand ?

(3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly.

What is it about modern scholarship underlying this translation .. after being explained to you numerous times .. Do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?

Your claim that there was some significant Population of Monotheistis in Israel at the time of Abraham or Solomon .. is completely made up ... and false nonsense. --


Veteran Member
Your claim that there was some significant Population of Monotheistis in Israel at the time of Abraham or Solomon .. is completely made up ... and false nonsense. --
..depends what you mean by "significant population".. 100 .. 1000 .. 50,000?
It does not change the basic teachings of monotheism, in any case.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
In addition to "appeal to popularity fallacy" - your "guess how many use the name El" comment betrays a deep dark void in understanding of the subject matter.

No.... YOU claimed that the scholarship is so solid that... blah-blah-blah. And I'm showing that you are again clinging to fringe.

You're claim about a deep-dark-void is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. More fringey nonsense.

You beleive in alien abductions, don't you? crop circles? The illuminati? You seem like an illumuniti person. Am I right?

1) The Hebrew word being Translated is "EL" -- in this case " Assembly of EL"/"congregation of El"

Just in the NETBible. And it's just Asaph, so who cares?

Do YOU UNDERSTAND ? -- "EL" is the word being Translated .. not some word that resembles Mighty. You seem clueless to this Fact .. pretending that EL does not Exist in the Text .. which is completely wrong/False and somewhat dense to be sure - given your professed expertise in the area -- this would be downright clueless.

No... that's what the word means, mighty. I already showed you multiple places. Your own source the Encyclopedia britanica, it's the first sentence in the entry.

No one debates that the word "EL" is used... the Question is what this word means .. whether it is the Personal Name for the High God EL .. or if it is the general word for GOD.

And... it's still just Asaph. You're trying to connect Psalm 82 to Abe, and you're failing.

Do YOU UNDERSTAND ? -- there is no question that the word "EL" is the word that is being translated ??

Do YOU understand it's irrelevant?

In this case .. the word is used in conjunction with a term that means some kind of Assembly or Congregation --- into a compound Phrase "Assembly of EL"

Or assembly of the mighty, as in, the humans who are acting like gods. That's the context.

This is the Phrase being Translated -- "Congregation/Assembly of the Most High" or "Congregation of the God(s)" -or "Congregation/assembly of the Mighty"

Or "mighty" lower-case. And the "gods" are in quotes too. Again, I brought you a really good article, why haven't you read it? What are you afraid of?

Or .. the most widely accepted Translation in view of current Scholarship and Biblical Archaeology .. Congregation of EL" El being used as a Personal Name -- a reference the Divine Council --- as explained in Detail in the Footnotes from the Bible ..

No.... the most widely accepted translation is the KJV which says "mighty".
No.... not The Bible, the NETBible. You just cannot get names correct, or details correct, or transliterations correct...

why do you trust your conclusions?

Do YOU UNDERSTAND - what is being said to you .. Yes Others in the past have desperately tried to interpret the Chief God El out of the picture .. but your argument that this Assembly of the Mighty are human still fails by your own Translation that you blew up in size

No it doesn't fail. It's perfect. The author of the psalm is saying, "You're sons of the supreme??!! You will die like men!" It's talking about people who are mighty, they are judges, but they are not just.

"God Standeth in the Congregation of the Mighty "He Judgeth among the Gods"

Yeah, they think they're gods, but they're not. They will die like men. You need to read the whole psalm and try to understand it.

What part of "He Judgeth among the Gods" -- are not humans .. Do you NOT Understand ?

They are acting like gods. But they will die like men. It's easy to understand.

(3) The present translation assumes this is a reference to the Canaanite high god El, who presided over the Canaanite divine assembly.

It's the NETBible. So what? And even if its right, that's Asaph. If you want to claim Asaph had ... ahem ... gathered a pagan idea and included it in the poem, so be it.

What is it about modern scholarship underlying this translation .. after being explained to you numerous times .. Do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?

As if "modern scholarship" is a unified thing... your religious faith in your gurus is noted.

Anyway, you need to show that translation I brought is somehow flawed, and that the very easy understanding that these are people acting like gods, but who will die like men is flawed.

Otherwise, it's just 1 pagan idea which is balanced equally with a non-pagan idea.

And still.... it's just Asaph it has nothing to do with Abe.

Your claim that there was some significant Population of Monotheistis in Israel at the time of Abraham or Solomon .. is completely made up ... and false nonsense. --

Nopey-nope. I didn't say that. I said that Abe was the exception.


Well-Known Member
..depends what you mean by "significant population".. 100 .. 1000 .. 50,000?
It does not change the basic teachings of monotheism, in any case.
Holy have no understanding of context ---- we are not talking about one person who might have had some concept of Monotheism .. we are talking about what the average Person Believed --- How they would have interpreted "Sons of God" - "Congregation of EL"

Second .. you apparently do not understand what Monotheism is .. in context either.

"Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me" is NOT Monotheism --- believing in the existence of many Gods .. but Choosing to Worship only one -- is NOT - Monotheism. Do YOU UNDERSTAND ?

This has nothing to do with changing the basic Teachings of Monotheism .. What is your dilemma here ? We are talking about what the term "Council of EL" / Congregation of EL --- meant to the Canaanites during the time of ABE .. or the Israelits during the time of Solomon.

The Bible tells us that next to no one was MonoLateralist .. "Worshiping Only YHWH" while believing in other Gods. They were all worshiping other Gods along YHWH .. when they were worshiping YHWH at all.

What part of .. Monotheism was just not a thing ..... sans some person who had a private Eureka moment .. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?
And that is what the Bible States .. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ----->>>> "THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE STATES"???

That Biblical History and Archaeology tell us the same thing .. is an added bonus. What did you think the Asherah Tree was for at the YHWH Temples ? How about the Male Prostitutes .. what were they for ?

Answer the Question ? and explain how this Temple was a Temple dedicated to Monotheism .. ?????? ---- Do you UNDERSTAND ??? This is what the Bible States .. now quit this deflection and denial charade and tell me what Asherah is doing in the Temple of YHWH ?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Holy have no understanding of context ---- we are not talking about one person who might have had some concept of Monotheism .. we are talking about what the average Person Believed --- How they would have interpreted "Sons of God" - "Congregation of EL"

Ummm, yes. We're talking about 1 person Abe. And yes, the word "Ail", which is the actual word in those verses means mighty, or divine. So the average person would understand that.

It's kind of like the name "Joy" or "Summer" or "Faith" or "Hope".

And if you're going to change the vowels from Ail to EL, then the word you're tranlsating as congregation, is testimony. It's just a change of vowels.

And all people are children of God. It's poetic, not literal.

Second .. you apparently do not understand what Monotheism is .. in context either.

Ummmm, muslims are the best at understanding monotheism.

"Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me" is NOT Monotheism

Sure it is, "other-god" is an expression for an idol. Apply a little grey-matter to this.

How does a human physically put another god in front of another god? Do they lasso this other god, and drag it to earth? Do they make mouse-trap and put some virgins in it or something? How exacty does this statement make sense if it is understood hyper-literally in the way you are doing?


--- believing in the existence of many Gods .. but Choosing to Worship only one -- is NOT - Monotheism. Do YOU UNDERSTAND ?

The audience, the egytpian slaves worshipped idols. Again, you cannot make a solid argument about Moses or Abe or David or Zadok.

You can make a claim about the general populace. But you cannot make a crtain claim about these individuals.

This has nothing to do with changing the basic Teachings of Monotheism .. What is your dilemma here ? We are talking about what the term "Council of EL" / Congregation of EL --- meant to the Canaanites during the time of ABE .. or the Israelits during the time of Solomon.

But it's written by Asaph, so it doesn't have anything to do with Abe.

The Bible tells us that next to no one was MonoLateralist .. "Worshiping Only YHWH" while believing in other Gods. They were all worshiping other Gods along YHWH .. when they were worshiping YHWH at all.

Zadok was Zealous for YHWH. See the Zs. It MUST be true, look at that similar first letter!
Abe too.
Moses too.
Isaiah too.
Eliezer too.

So... where are those verses supporting the idea that Abe worshipped EL? You haven't brought any.

What part of .. Monotheism was just not a thing ..... sans some person who had a private Eureka moment .. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?

Ummm, that's Abe, he had a eureka moment. Some say when he was very young.

And that is what the Bible States .. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ----->>>> "THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE STATES"???

It doesn't say Abe, nor Moses, nor Zadok, nor David, nor Isaiah, nor Jeremiah, believed in any other gods.

The bible states the opposite, but you are in denial of those simple facts.

That Biblical History and Archaeology tell us the same thing .. is an added bonus. What did you think the Asherah Tree was for at the YHWH Temples ? How about the Male Prostitutes .. what were they for ?

Irrelevant to Abe.

Answer the Question ? and explain how this Temple was a Temple dedicated to Monotheism .. ?????? ---- Do you UNDERSTAND ??? This is what the Bible States .. now quit this deflection and denial charade and tell me what Asherah is doing in the Temple of YHWH ?

It WAS dedicated only to YHWH, then it became defiled. It's the same for the Great Temple at Meggido. Check the archeology on that if you don't believe me. Originally, it matches a YHWH only temple. The it was captured by the egyptians, they expanded it and added other Gods.

Temple Tel Arad. The House of Yahweh. No signs of pagan influence. One tiny lion sculpture, but sculptures are not prohibitted, it's not a graven image.

Anyway, again, your sources and your conclusions are wrong if they're saying there was ZERO monotheism. Archeology shows otherwise. A temple like this, and the infrastructure supporting it do not magically poof into existence. There's a history of monotheism supporting it. Other temples show signs of polytheism and pagan worship. This one didn't. That is evidence of montheistic belief.

Anyone who says what you're saying, your sources, cannot be trusted to give the whole story. Either they don't know, or they are lying by omission.


Well-Known Member
No.... YOU claimed that the scholarship is so solid that... blah-blah-blah. And I'm showing that you are again clinging to fringe.

Holy Carp this is intentionally and disingenuously stupid on steroids... You have demonstrated yourself to have no idea about about Modern Scholarship .. and textual criticism .. but are claiming that I am arguing the Fringe Position .. On the basis of how many Bibles you can find that support your position.

Do you realize how stupid this is .. completely unhinged ignorance of what Modern Scholarship means .. never mind know which side is on the Fringe.

So .. tell me .. What was the "Fringe Position" of the Ancient Israelites .. When hearing Congregation of EL -- what did that mean to these folks ?

Everyone in the crowd not only Knows who the God El is .. but has him as Chief of the Divine Pantheon .. On EArth during Abes time .. but still in Heaven during the time of the Israelits .. the Sons of El Battling it out for supremacy over the Earth .. as described in the Good Ol fun times and the OT.

You have not the faintest idea what you are talking about .. nor the merest shard of integrity .. knowing full well what your average Israelite was up to during good King Solomon's reign .. whether or not they believed in only one God .. Yet you feign ignorance .. in some sordid dark dance of deceit ..

Our Lord and Savior says by their Fruit you will know them .. the false prohets .. What Triggered this Blindness .. was it SMCT perhaps ? What triggered this Disingenous Oblivion .. and Self Deceit

Tell me what the Bible has to say about the Israelits during the time of Solomon -- - tell me about their Pagan Beliefs --and practices -- and quantify how many are engaging in such practices .. using the Bible to support your claim .. and have fun refuting yourself .. will give others a chuckle but at the same time be very educational.

Stage is yours mate .. -- Time to support one of your many vacuous unsupported claims --- Tell us what the Asherah Idol in the Temple of YHWH was for ? and give us a heads up on the Male Prostitutes in the Temple --- and the high place out back.

Tell us what these supposedly Monotheistic Israelites were up to during the time of Solomon ..


Well-Known Member
Ummmm, muslims are the best at understanding monotheism.

It WAS dedicated only to YHWH, then it became defiled. It's the same for the Great Temple at Meggido. Check the archeology on that if you don't believe me. Originally, it matches a YHWH only temple. The it was captured by the egyptians, they expanded it and added other Gods.

Temple Tel Arad. The House of Yahweh. No signs of pagan influence. One tiny lion sculpture, but sculptures are not prohibitted, it's not a graven image.

Anyway, again, your sources and your conclusions are wrong if they're saying there was ZERO monotheism. Archeology shows otherwise. A temple like this, and the infrastructure supporting it do not magically poof into existence. There's a history of monotheism supporting it. Other temples show signs of polytheism and pagan worship. This one didn't. That is evidence of montheistic belief.

Anyone who says what you're saying, your sources, cannot be trusted to give the whole story. Either they don't know, or they are lying by omission.

It is not "ZERO" monotheism . .. pathetic builder of strawmen .. deciet at every corner -- that one dude Akenaten for example .. had some Monotheistic followers .. We are talking about the beliefs of the Israelites . and the general public during time of Solomon -- What they thought "Council of EL" meant ..

So quantify -- what did the Bible have to say .. about the Temple of YHWH .. Tell us about worship of YHWH during Solomon's day and worship in general of the average soul livng one of Israel's many towns ---

Wailing on about Sources .. The Bible is the source in Question .. and your lack of knowledge of the Book --- .. waiting for you to back up your made up silly claim .. tell us about Israelite beliefs .. On the Basis of "The BIBLE" .. are you having trouble understanding what "On the Basis of The Bible" means ?


Veteran Member
"Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me" is NOT Monotheism..
Well, it doesn't sound like the teachings of polytheism to me! :)

--- believing in the existence of many Gods .. but Choosing to Worship only one -- is NOT - Monotheism. Do YOU UNDERSTAND ?
There is no need to shout .. we all know that people of old often believed in many gods, and had little
formal education.

..What did you think the Asherah Tree was for at the YHWH Temples ?
The same could be asked about the existence of Baal in the Holy Kaaba in Macca before
Muhammad came and reformed them from idol worship.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Holy Carp this is intentionally and disingenuously stupid on steroids... You have demonstrated yourself to have no idea about about Modern Scholarship .. and textual criticism .. but are claiming that I am arguing the Fringe Position .. On the basis of how many Bibles you can find that support your position.

No. You simply cannt be trusted to pay attention to details. And you haven't brought modern scholarship, just the NETBible.

How many bibles include EL? Is the NETBible even printed? Will you find it any organization anywhere?

And you still cannot produce any connection between this Psalm and Abe.

Do you realize how stupid this is .. completely unhinged ignorance of what Modern Scholarship means .. never mind know which side is on the Fringe.

So .. tell me .. What was the "Fringe Position" of the Ancient Israelites .. When hearing Congregation of EL -- what did that mean to these folks ?

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

Everyone in the crowd not only Knows who the God El is .. but has him as Chief of the Divine Pantheon .. On EArth during Abes time .. but still in Heaven during the time of the Israelits .. the Sons of El Battling it out for supremacy over the Earth .. as described in the Good Ol fun times and the OT.

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

You have not the faintest idea what you are talking about .. nor the merest shard of integrity .. knowing full well what your average Israelite was up to during good King Solomon's reign .. whether or not they believed in only one God .. Yet you feign ignorance .. in some sordid dark dance of deceit ..

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

Our Lord and Savior says by their Fruit you will know them .. the false prohets .. What Triggered this Blindness .. was it SMCT perhaps ? What triggered this Disingenous Oblivion .. and Self Deceit

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

Tell me what the Bible has to say about the Israelits during the time of Solomon -- - tell me about their Pagan Beliefs --and practices -- and quantify how many are engaging in such practices .. using the Bible to support your claim .. and have fun refuting yourself .. will give others a chuckle but at the same time be very educational.

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

Stage is yours mate .. -- Time to support one of your many vacuous unsupported claims --- Tell us what the Asherah Idol in the Temple of YHWH was for ? and give us a heads up on the Male Prostitutes in the Temple --- and the high place out back.

Tell us what these supposedly Monotheistic Israelites were up to during the time of Solomon ..

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.

I told you, all of your bloviations are going to be ignored. I have supported my position extensively. You have nothing no rebuttal. Just religious faith.

have given many verses which support the Claim that ABe's God Was EL

This claim has failed. Just like all your others.

Where's the verses? You brought Psalm 82. It's irrelevant and your theory is not supported by anything other than the collapsed DH and the NETBible. You brought deut 32, but there's no EL in it anywhere, and no divine council. Maybe there's angels. Whoopdee-doo.

Where are the verses to support your position?

Where is the relevance to Abe?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
It is not "ZERO" monotheism . .. pathetic builder of strawmen .. deciet at every corner -- that one dude Akenaten for example .. had some Monotheistic followers .. We are talking about the beliefs of the Israelites . and the general public during time of Solomon -- What they thought "Council of EL" meant

Temple Tel Arad is the proof os israeite monotheism. There's others, but this enough. It's a huge temple, matches the desciptions in the bible. Not even a whiff of pagan worship. Modern archeology. That you were ignorant of it before this thread makes sense. That you are ignoring it now, makes sense also. Your FAITH does not permit it.

My answer on Psalms 82:1 remains the same, the council of the mighty.

.. So quantify -- what did the Bible have to say .. about the Temple of YHWH .. Tell us about worship of YHWH during Solomon's day and worship in general of the average soul livng one of Israel's many towns ---

Irrelevant. This is archeological evidence of montheism practiced by the israelites.

Wailing on about Sources .. The Bible is the source in Question

But you're not using THE Bible. You're using the NETBible. And your lack of attention to detail is the primary reason you keep failing. Second to that is the inability to evaluate relevance. Third, but not least, ignoring the compounding uncertainty of chaining assumptions together.

.. and your lack of knowledge of the Book --- .. waiting for you to back up your made up silly claim .. tell us about Israelite beliefs .. On the Basis of "The BIBLE" .. are you having trouble understanding what "On the Basis of The Bible" means ?

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.


Well-Known Member
Temple Tel Arad is the proof os israeite monotheism.

But you're not using THE Bible. You're using the NETBible. And your lack of attention to detail is the primary reason you keep failing. Second to that is the inability to evaluate relevance. Third, but not least, ignoring the compounding uncertainty of chaining assumptions together.

This is irrelevant to Abe's god. What is the relelvance? The Psalm was written by Asaph.
Proof of Israelite Monotheism "WHEN" ? the New English Translation is Fine .. way better than your translations in some instances .. such as Psalm 82 -- but I use many other sources .. gave you a journal article from Journal of Hebrew Scripturs which you ignored.

.. but why are you deflecting from your task at hand ... backing up your laughably false Claim -- by Showing us what the Bible States about Israelite Monotheism during time of King Solomon .. High Priest Zadok in Charge of the festivities.

You have only been asked to support your claim with the Bible as the Bible says the Israelites were raging Pagans at the time of Solomon by en large .. including King Solomon .. and all the Kings after him .. and not a monotheist among those who came before. All believed in the Existence of other Gods .. and at the time of Solomon the vast majority are worshiping other Gods along side YHWH.

Prove from the Bible --- or is that Irrelevant to Abes God as well .. Irrelevent to the central question relating to what the Israelites believed.
and tell us what the Asherah Pole in YHWH's temple was for . .and the Male temple Prostitutes ..

The questions not going away Brother D .. Tell is about those monotheistic Israelites "FROM The BIBLE"

DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND what "From the Bible" means ? --- that book you are having so much trouble figureing out .. might help to read it.
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Well-Known Member
.The LXX was not the source for the MT. Please bring evidence this false claim.

Nope, Here's what you're working with for the Qumran text:

View attachment 78378

I didn't say the LXX was the Source of the MT --- your confusion and continual strawman fallacy is painful ..

You were given a translation of the Passage from the LXX .. Your Translation came from the MT .. as do almost all modern Bibles.

Your task . .is to explain why all the divinities do not exist in the MT .. and come to think of it .. are you sure the LXX was not used as a Source for the MT ? and why would you post pictures of qumran text .. warping to a completely different page .. no ability to maintain train of thought .. or understand what is being said to you .. making up nonsense at every turn ..

NOW Answer the question .. Where did the divinities in the LXX version of Deut 32:43 dissappear to ? same for 4DeutQ which also contains those other divinities.

and at the end of the day .. It matters not that the MT doesn't have them .. because the LXX and 4DEutQ have them --- Do YOU NOT UNderstand ? Which Bible is correct and which is not God Breathed Brother D ..



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Proof of Israelite Monotheism "WHEN" ? the New English Translation is Fine .. way better than your translations in some instances .. such as Psalm 82 -- but I use many other sources .. gave you a journal article from Journal of Hebrew Scripturs which you ignored.

.. but why are you deflecting from your task at hand ... backing up your laughably false Claim -- by Showing us what the Bible States about Israelite Monotheism during time of King Solomon .. High Priest Zadok in Charge of the festivities.

You have only been asked to support your claim with the Bible as the Bible says the Israelites were raging Pagans at the time of Solomon by en large .. including King Solomon .. and all the Kings after him .. and not a monotheist among those who came before. All believed in the Existence of other Gods .. and at the time of Solomon the vast majority are worshiping other Gods along side YHWH.

Prove from the Bible --- or is that Irrelevant to Abes God as well .. Irrelevent to the central question relating to what the Israelites believed.
and tell us what the Asherah Pole in YHWH's temple was for . .and the Male temple Prostitutes ..

The questions not going away Brother D .. Tell is about those monotheistic Israelites "FROM The BIBLE"

DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND what "From the Bible" means ? --- that book you are having so much trouble figureing out .. might help to read it.

The Temple Tel Arad is from 1000ish bce. The institutional monotheism existed long before that. All of Israel were not pagan.

None of what you're saying about Psalm 82 is relevant to Abe's beliefs.

I have proven from the bible in multiple ways that Abe's God was YWHW.

And I've proved in multiple ways that Exodus 6:3 does not mean Abe did not know god by the name YHWH.

YOU need to bring evidence that Abe didn't use that name. Exodus 6:3 doesn't work without bringing reasons to refute the grammar issues and the NIV translation.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I didn't say the LXX was the Source of the MT --- your confusion and continual strawman fallacy is painful ..

You were given a translation of the Passage from the LXX .. Your Translation came from the MT .. as do almost all modern Bibles.

You did say it, but whatever. The Lxx you brought doesn't have a divine council. There's no EL, and it's irrelevant to the story of Abe. So it's all more irrelevant nothings.

Your task . .is to explain why all the divinities do not exist in the MT .. and come to think of it .. are you sure the LXX was not used as a Source for the MT ? and why would you post pictures of qumran text .. warping to a completely different page .. no ability to maintain train of thought .. or understand what is being said to you .. making up nonsense at every turn ..

No I don't need to explain it. It has no relevance on Abe's beliefs.

NOW Answer the question .. Where did the divinities in the LXX version of Deut 32:43 dissappear to ? same for 4DeutQ which also contains those other divinities.

Don't know, don't care. I see no relationship to Abe. If there are angels in the verse, or no angels in the verse... Who cares?

and at the end of the day .. It matters not that the MT doesn't have them .. because the LXX and 4DEutQ have them --- Do YOU NOT UNderstand ? Which Bible is correct and which is not God Breathed Brother D ..

It matters not that the Lxx has them either

You still haven't brought any verses that support Abe worshipping EL.