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Why do Christians accuse other religions of believing in false prophets?


Well-Known Member
The Temple Tel Arad is from 1000ish bce. The institutional monotheism existed long before that. All of Israel were not pagan.

None of what you're saying about Psalm 82 is relevant to Abe's beliefs.

I have proven from the bible in multiple ways that Abe's God was YWHW.

And I've proved in multiple ways that Exodus 6:3 does not mean Abe did not know god by the name YHWH.

YOU need to bring evidence that Abe didn't use that name. Exodus 6:3 doesn't work without bringing reasons to refute the grammar issues and the NIV translation.

Who said it was related to ABE ? Pretending Again --- in this desperate dance of avoidence .. denial , and deceit ..

You claimed the Israelites at the time of Solomon were Monotheists .. and finding a temple without Asherah Poles .. because Josiah removed them .. or even if he didn't .. does not show the person was not worshiping other Gods .. along side YHWH .. or merely believed in other God but worshiping only YHWH .. as YHWH asks .. that we put him above other Gods .. such as Sataniel and Azazel ..

but that is not what you were tasked with you tricky trickster .. -- WE ARE USING THE BIBLE --- as the Source .. Do you not Understand ? Pick any Bible you like .. but show the extent of Israelite Monotheism or lack ther-of .. "FROM THE BIBLE"

How is it you have such a problem understanding that we are using the Bible for evidence of Claim .. we can find many archaeological digs riddled with Israelite Paganism .. but we are using the Bible as evidence .. what does the Bible have to say on the Issue ? ..

Do you have a problem with using the Bible to back up your claim ? If so .. state what your problem is .. and perhaps we can find a cure.
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Well-Known Member
The Temple Tel Arad is from 1000ish bce. The institutional monotheism existed long before that. All of Israel were not pagan.

None of what you're saying about Psalm 82 is relevant to Abe's beliefs.

I have proven from the bible in multiple ways that Abe's God was YWHW.

And I've proved in multiple ways that Exodus 6:3 does not mean Abe did not know god by the name YHWH.

YOU need to bring evidence that Abe didn't use that name. Exodus 6:3 doesn't work without bringing reasons to refute the grammar issues and the NIV translation.

We are discussing your ridiculously false assertion that the Israelites were Monotheists .. in some significant amount .. as per "THE BIBLE" a book you have been desperate to Ignore.

Back up your claim and quit trying to deflect to Abe ...and your nonsensical heresy .. declarig YHWH a liar. We can deal with that later .. must be one step at a time with you .... like a fish trying to wiggle off the hook ..

Either admit your error .. or back up your claim using the Bible Show me this Israelite Monotheism during Solomon's time .. if you are not lying .. and contiuing to lie ... because you have no idea what the Bible says .. that or you do .. and are engaging in Disingenuous Oblivion.

Time to put up Brother D .. Tell us what those naughty Israelites were up to during Solomon's day .. all those lovely temples in Jerusalem and Israel .. Tell us what the Asherah Idol was for .. and the male Prostitutes .. and that special high place out back ... and how All know what the Divine Council of El is.. and the Most High God who MelchiZedek and Abe were worshiping ... and that Zedek was the Patron God of Jerusalem for 500 Years .. but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Let us Start with your explanation for the Asherah Idol and the Male Prostitutes.. I don't recall YHWH ordering these .. the High Place for Sacrifice out back YES .. but not the other two.

From the Bible Please --- no speculation or gibberish .. just a few passages to support your uneducated made up assertion.. along with your explanation for the happenings I pointed out from the bible .. Asherah Pole .. and the Joy Boys ..


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
OK I already worked out that you don't believe the Bible.

Those writing before the Exile warn Israel and Judah about worshipping false gods and that God (YHWH) was going to punish them for that, according to the rules of the Covenant they were in with YHWH.

From one verse, Deut 32:8, which has different translations and understanding, you have set up a whole theology it seems, which contradicts the monotheism of the Bible and prefers the scriptures of modern secular scholars who also do not believe the Biblical version of things.

Satan was a high ranking supernatural being in the heavenly courts and God (YHWH) is the only true God who teaches the judges of Israel (as in Psalm 82) and who judges all His angels and other supernatural beings, just as He judged the actions of Satan in Eden. (Gen 3:14) They are all created beings and should submit to their creator, YHWH, who in the end, owns and rules all of His creation.
It is interesting that there were (are) angels on YHWH's side (Jehovah's side) and those who are (were) not.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You can't depart from a place you have never been - Israel was never monotheistic throughout its entire History - which ends when Assyria destroys the Northern Kingdom.

What the Jews in Jesus day thought about Psalm 82 -- we do not know .. nor do we care .. as the question is what did the Israelites believe , what did the people singing the song in one of the Temples of YHWH think - believe.

Why are you so desperate to avoid the beliefs of the Israelites ... the people who wrote the song . and the audience for which this song was written .. none of whome had ever heard of the Gospel of John .. nor of Jesus .. and as such had ZERO bearing on the religious beliefs of these people.

Why is this so difficult to understand .. and why did you not listen to what Michael Heiser has to say about Psalm 82 ?

and last -- yes mate -- we know directly from the Bible that the Israelites were raging pagans for 99% of their time .. but were never monotheists .. as was the author of John. The people were monolateralists that other 1% -- meaning they believed in many Gods -- but only worshiped one.

Your Trinity claim in relation to the Bible is demonstrably false .. 6 ways to sunday Brian.
They often deviated. The nation agreed to follow the law Moses gave them.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Who doesn't believe the Bible ? YOU -- Thats who -- but what difference does it make and thus why such a stupid comment. Like the vast overwhelming Majority of Christians .. I believe parts of the Bible and others I do not -- like YOU -- lests you are a fundamentalist Literalist .. which is a problem .. but let us not down this fallacious rabbit hole further.

Exile- another #$R$ comment ? -- demonstrating lack of understanding what you are responding to because you don't know the Bible - "After the Fall of Israel" - aka The Northern Kingdom -- folks blamed this fall on displeasing the war God YHWH. What part did you not understand and or not believe ? .. this has been stated to you numerous times .. you now trying to repeat back to me but failing ... SO - what does these writers after getting crushed .. blaming the fall on Israelite Paganism ... have to do with the fact .. that Israelites were Pagans ? Worshiping many Gods ..along side YHWH .. when they remembered him .. and even the ones who were worshiping only YHWH -- still believed in the Other Gods .. they just didn't worship them "Monolateralism" .. in the commands YHWH doesn't tell you that there are no other Gods .. just that you shall not put the other Gods before him ... such as the Desert God Azazel .. to which YHWH has the Israelites make a sacrifice.

I havn't set up any theology - what is this raging nonsense -- desperate to make this about me and put words in my mouth .. "Strawman fallacy"/ "Ad Hom fallacy" .. anything but the Bible you are desperately trying to avoid .. "not believe in". I am not telling you MY theology - I am telling you the theology of the Israelites .. which you seem to not want to believe .. followed by crying out that I am an Unbeliever .. in some kind of circular projection thing...

Passages like Deut 32:8 - and in particular Deut 32:43 - were whitewashed of other divinities by later copyists in later translations of the Talmud. - which resulted in the different "Understanding/Translation" to which you refer .. If you want to see a bad case of "Pious Fraud". compare the LXX Translation of 32:43 .. to the MT translation .. to the 4DeutQ

The LXX and 4DeutQ are prior to Jesus 100-300BC -- the MT was done 700-1000AD -- by Jews -- who were being wildly persecuted and in fact blamed for the death of Christ.. so some of this sanitization was understandable -- not wanting to be roasted at the Stake by Christians.

Here (on page 6) are the three Translations side by side https://thedivinecouncil.com/DT32BibSac.pdf

We will start with the LXX - Deut 32:43 -

"O heavens, rejoice with Him Bow to Him, all sons of the divine
O nations, rejoice with His people and let all angels of the divine strengthen themselves in Him.
For He’ll avenge the blood of His sons, be vengeful, and wreak vengeance and recompense justice on his foes
And the Lord will Cleanse His people’s land"

The next is the Masoretic Text (MT) -

"O nations, rejoice His people
For He’ll avenge the blood of His servants and wreak vengeance on His foes
And will cleanse His people’s land"

It is a severe Hack Job .. all the stuff in Bold wiped clean in the MT. The whole heavenly party is left out of the picture .. "The Heavens" rejoicing with the Supreme One .. .. along with all the "Sons of the Divine" bowing to him (on a lower level but still Gods .. like Sataniel) and on the next rung lower we find the Angels . all of this clearly going on in heaven .. not referring to any human rulers .. descriptive of the divine Pantheon .. in which everyone at the time of the Israelites believed.

Do you understand Brian - ?? -- the Israelites were not Monotheists - Israel ends with the destruction of the Northern Kingdom --- Judah and the Benjaminites remain -- but there are no "Jews" until after the Exile.

So ...round the time of David and Solomon --when Psalms was written - songs that would be sung in Church/Temple - NO ONE in Israel believes that YHWH i the Only God .. this is simply not what these people believe.. They believe in a Pantheon ..and almost all in Israel are worshiping gods other than YHWH .. never mind belief in their existence .. which includes YHWH who also believes in the Existence of other Gods .. who - in Psalm 82 -- defeats these other Gods .. and Psalm 89 Read the Green part ... and notice the white washing done by the KJV -- https://www.scripture4all.org/OnlineInterlinear/OTpdf/psa89.pdf

and to make sure you have done your homework .. Who is the other Named Diety that shows up alongside YHWH in Psalm 89 ? and WHO - does not want to believe the Bible .. who is the "disbeliever" in the room ? Tell me Brian...
Belief or no belief in the Bible does not always come into the equation. For instance, there, are many different and various religions. Some sects are within the same framework but have different ways of looking at things, often to their peril from other sects within the framework. Therefore -- one must conclude something.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Who said it was related to ABE ? Pretending Again --- in this desperate dance of avoidence .. denial , and deceit ..

LOL, YOU did. You said you had verses supporting the claim that Abe worshipped a god named EL. And then when challenged to produce, you brought Psalms 82 and Deut 32.

Glad we cleared this up.

So do you or don't you have any verses that support your claim that Abe worshipped a god named EL?

You claimed the Israelites at the time of Solomon were Monotheists ..

Yup. Temple Tel Arad. Not all Israelites. But monotheism existed and was healthy long before 1000BCE.

and finding a temple without Asherah Poles .. because Josiah removed them .. or even if he didn't .. does not show the person was not worshiping other Gods .. along side YHWH .. or merely believed in other God but worshiping only YHWH .. as YHWH asks .. that we put him above other Gods .. such as Sataniel and Azazel ..

Sure it does. There's multiple strata of excavations showing hundreds of years of use. No pagan artifacts, not even a whiff of polytheism. Josiah, in theory, was 600ish BCE. And the excavations go back 400 years before that.

but that is not what you were tasked with you tricky trickster .. -- WE ARE USING THE BIBLE --- as the Source .. Do you not Understand ? Pick any Bible you like .. but show the extent of Israelite Monotheism or lack ther-of .. "FROM THE BIBLE"

No, you're not. Your using NETBible. But it doesn't matter remember. It's not relevant to Abe. So.... who cares what's in Psalm 82.

How is it you have such a problem understanding that we are using the Bible for evidence of Claim .. we can find many archaeological digs riddled with Israelite Paganism .. but we are using the Bible as evidence .. what does the Bible have to say on the Issue ? ..

How come you cannot support this claim about Abe? Are you ready to drop that claim?

Do you have a problem with using the Bible to back up your claim ? If so .. state what your problem is .. and perhaps we can find a cure.

You haven't backed up the claim about Abe's god. You brought Psalm 82 and Deut 32, but they're both irrelevant even if I accept your preferred translation.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
We are discussing your ridiculously false assertion that the Israelites were Monotheists .. in some significant amount .. as per "THE BIBLE" a book you have been desperate to Ignore.

OK, we can drop the false claim about Abe's god being EL.

It's YHWH, and there's zero evidence for anything else.

Back up your claim and quit trying to deflect to Abe ...and your nonsensical heresy .. declarig YHWH a liar. We can deal with that later .. must be one step at a time with you .... like a fish trying to wiggle off the hook ..

We can move on, IF you agree that there is NO evidence for Abe worshipping EL.

Either admit your error .. or back up your claim using the Bible Show me this Israelite Monotheism during Solomon's time .. if you are not lying .. and contiuing to lie ... because you have no idea what the Bible says .. that or you do .. and are engaging in Disingenuous Oblivion.

We can move on, IF you agree that there is NO evidence for Abe worshipping EL. The evidence has been given. Temple Tel Arad, excavations going back to 1000-ish BCE. 400 years before Josiah, noooooooo pagan anything.

Time to put up Brother D .. Tell us what those naughty Israelites were up to during Solomon's day .. all those lovely temples in Jerusalem and Israel .. Tell us what the Asherah Idol was for .. and the male Prostitutes .. and that special high place out back ... and how All know what the Divine Council of El is.. and the Most High God who MelchiZedek and Abe were worshiping ... and that Zedek was the Patron God of Jerusalem for 500 Years .. but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

We can move on, IF you agree that there is NO evidence for Abe worshipping EL.

Let us Start with your explanation for the Asherah Idol and the Male Prostitutes.. I don't recall YHWH ordering these .. the High Place for Sacrifice out back YES .. but not the other two.

Asked and answered. We can move on, IF you agree that there is NO evidence for Abe worshipping EL.

From the Bible Please --- no speculation or gibberish .. just a few passages to support your uneducated made up assertion.. along with your explanation for the happenings I pointed out from the bible .. Asherah Pole .. and the Joy Boys ..

We can move on, IF you agree that there is NO evidence for Abe worshipping EL.


Veteran Member
It is interesting that there were (are) angels on YHWH's side (Jehovah's side) and those who are (were) not.

It is interesting that there seems to be a greater variety of ideas these days for understanding the Bible.
Archaeological errors in the past and wrong theology (eg Documentary Hypothesis etc) and secular ideas coming into the interpretation of the Bible, seems to have multiplied the possibilities for misinterpretation.


Well-Known Member
LOL, YOU did. You said you had verses supporting the claim that Abe worshipped a god named EL. And then when challenged to produce, you brought Psalms 82 and Deut 32.

Glad we cleared this up.

So do you or don't you have any verses that support your claim that Abe worshipped a god named EL?

Yup. Temple Tel Arad. Not all Israelites. But monotheism existed and was healthy long before 1000BCE.

Sure it does. There's multiple strata of excavations showing hundreds of years of use. No pagan artifacts, not even a whiff of polytheism. Josiah, in theory, was 600ish BCE. And the excavations go back 400 years before that.

No, you're not. Your using NETBible. But it doesn't matter remember. It's not relevant to Abe. So.... who cares what's in Psalm 82.

How come you cannot support this claim about Abe? Are you ready to drop that claim?

You haven't backed up the claim about Abe's god. You brought Psalm 82 and Deut 32, but they're both irrelevant even if I accept your preferred translation.

This is not about ABE at the moment - and you don't even say which claim you are referring to. This is About your Claim that the Israelites were Monotheists to some significant degree during Solomon's day, but you will not acknowledge the Bible ... what it says about he Israelites during the Solomon's day. Nor what the Bible says about Abe .. lying again about what has been provided you ..

but this is about your claim that there is some significant Monotheism in Israel. Finding a Temple with Only Baal in it does not prove the adherents only worshiped BAAL .. your logic is non existent .. as your hatred for the bible is extant. Why do you reject the Bible .. so desperate to flee from what the Bible has to say about the raging Pagnism of the Israelites .. who never give up worshiping other gods .. never heed the words of the Prophets .. nor Moses .. but, even these Prophets do not tell the people they can not believe in other Gods .. as per your wretched made up falsehood .. "Have no other Gods Before Me" means exactly that .. Only YHWH is to be Worshiped.

The Bible refutes your made up assertion -- The Bible Tells us that the Israelites never turn from Worshiping Other Gods throughout their History .. which ends in 721 BC .. Later Prophets and redactors blame the downfall of Israel on Worshiping Other Gods .. confirming the fact that your claim is made up falsehood.

Tell us what the Asherah Pole was for in the Temple of YHWH .. if not for the worship of other Gods .. ? Down the dark path of deception you have wandered ... to the land of "Thought Stopping" .. triggered by SMCT.

YHWH told us Abe knew not his Name.. So what name did ABE know his God by .. if not "EL" --- Sup Brother D ? Cat got tongue ? can only deflect and hide from the Bible it seems .. demonizing the New English Translation ..

Tell us what the Bible has to say about Israelite Monotheism mate .. run and hide no more.


Well-Known Member
Belief or no belief in the Bible does not always come into the equation. For instance, there, are many different and various religions. Some sects are within the same framework but have different ways of looking at things, often to their peril from other sects within the framework. Therefore -- one must conclude something.

You can disbelieve the Bible all you like mate .. pretend the other Gods do not exist .. .. conclude what you like on the basis of made up dogma-- something the fundamentalist sects are famous ..


Well-Known Member
It is interesting that there seems to be a greater variety of ideas these days for understanding the Bible.
Archaeological errors in the past and wrong theology (eg Documentary Hypothesis etc) and secular ideas coming into the interpretation of the Bible, seems to have multiplied the possibilities for misinterpretation.

The Doc Hypothesis was not "WRONG" as clamed - and it is moronic to continue to make this claim after been shown its error. While the Hypothesis got some things wrong .. the overall idea that there were many authors and many sources from which the book was put together over many centuries .. is accepted by all serious Theologians and Biblical Scholars. Secular ideas have nothing to do with this issue .. and your claim that secular ideas have increased the possibilies for misinterpretation us a purile nonsense comment .. Secular ideas have vastly improved Translation as has archaeology. Errors in Archaeology have been corrected .. wrong theology corrected .. such as the belief that the Israelites had some fondness for monotheism.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
This is not about ABE at the moment

We can move on after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

- and you don't even say which claim you are referring to.

Sure I do, and have multiple times. Here it is again.

have given many verses which support the Claim that ABe's God Was EL

So, where are these verses? Psalm 82? At best it's talking about Asaph's beliefs. You denied that you claimed it was relevant to Abe, but that was what you brought when it was time produce some of these verses you claim exist to support the Abe claim you made. And you brought Deut 32. That's also irrelevant. And it doesn't even have EL anywhere in the chapter. It literally says YHWH is alone and there are no other gods. But somehow a bizzarre mention of angels in the LXX is isignficant. News flash: it isn't.

We can move on after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

This is About your Claim that the Israelites were Monotheists to some significant degree during Solomon's day, but you will not acknowledge the Bible ... what it says about he Israelites during the Solomon's day. Nor what the Bible says about Abe .. lying again about what has been provided you ..

I brought evidence. I answered the question.

We can move on after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

but this is about your claim that there is some significant Monotheism in Israel. Finding a Temple with Only Baal in it does not prove the adherents only worshiped BAAL .. your logic is non existent .. as your hatred for the bible is extant. Why do you reject the Bible .. so desperate to flee from what the Bible has to say about the raging Pagnism of the Israelites .. who never give up worshiping other gods .. never heed the words of the Prophets .. nor Moses .. but, even these Prophets do not tell the people they can not believe in other Gods .. as per your wretched made up falsehood .. "Have no other Gods Before Me" means exactly that .. Only YHWH is to be Worshiped.

I have answered this. We can talk more about it after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

The Bible refutes your made up assertion -- The Bible Tells us that the Israelites never turn from Worshiping Other Gods throughout their History .. which ends in 721 BC .. Later Prophets and redactors blame the downfall of Israel on Worshiping Other Gods .. confirming the fact that your claim is made up falsehood.

We can talk more about that after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

Tell us what the Asherah Pole was for in the Temple of YHWH .. if not for the worship of other Gods .. ? Down the dark path of deception you have wandered ... to the land of "Thought Stopping" .. triggered by SMCT.

Asked and answered, I'll be happy to repeat and elaborate after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

YHWH told us Abe knew not his Name..

Nope. I already showed you this is false. Multiple sources, multiple experts of varying types. You ignore all of them? You remain ignorant. If you keep shopping around for people t preach at on this forum, I am fully capable of shutting you down again and again and again.

YOU need to bring a scholar who addresses the grammatical issues in Exo 6:3, and someone who gives reasons to reject the NIV translation.

Without that, I have much much more evidence than you do, all you have is "ignore all those details, ignore the story, ignore the context... ignore everything... just listen to this english translation with words added."

So what name did ABE know his God by .. if not "EL" --- Sup Brother D ? Cat got tongue ? can only deflect and hide from the Bible it seems .. demonizing the New English Translation ..

Asked and answered it's YHWH. I've answered repeatedly, correctly, honestly, and I brought many sources proving it.

Tell us what the Bible has to say about Israelite Monotheism mate .. run and hide no more.

The common people strayed again and again from the very beginning of the nation almost immediately after sinai. The leaders? Not so much. Abe, Zach, Jake, big Moe, Zadok and the Zadokites, Isaiah, Jeremiah... the prophets. All stayed true to YHWH.

We can move on after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.


Well-Known Member
We can move on after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

What a sad show of deceit and self deception -- you deflect from backing up your claim about Israelite Monotheism by changing the topic .. then refuse to back up your claim unless I admit a falsehood - and back up your lie that you were given Zero verses. . There are plenty of verses supporting the Claim that Abe's god was EL .. hence why Theological and Biblical Scholarship claim that the God of the Patriarchs was EL Introduced as "EL Shaddai" in Genesis 17 .. and in Genesis 14 when MelChiZedek and Abe are worshiping El Supreme -- which you were given previously.

Now enough of the lies deception and deflection . Defend your claim that the Israelites during Solomon's time were monotheists .. did not believe in nor worship Gods other than YHWH .. tell us what the Asherah Pole was for .. if not the worship of the Goddess Asherah .. YHWHs consort .. and the purpose of the male prostitutes.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What a sad show of deceit and self deception -- you deflect from backing up your claim about Israelite Monotheism by changing the topic ..

No, I gave you evidence, and explained the error in your objection. Temple Tel Arad, multiple strata excavated, artifacts going back to 400+ years prior to Josiah. Israelites were practicing monotheism per archeological evidence. It doesn't get clearer than that.

We can discuss this in more detail after you admit you have zero verses supporting the claim Abe's god was EL.

then refuse to back up your claim unless I admit a falsehood - and back up your lie that you have given you Zero verses.

I think you meant, "backup a lie that I [ Sagonski ] have given you [ Dybmh ] zero verses.

It's true, you have given none. zero, zipperooni, the zilchiest.

. There are plenty of verses supporting the Claim that Abe's god was EL ..

But you can't bring a single one. Why is that?

hence why Theological and Biblical Scholarship claim that the God of the Patriarchs was EL

No.... you are assuming that's the reason. It's actually NOT the reason that those scholars claimed that. If that were the reason, you would be able to bring those verses.

As I've said, the *actual* reason for that theory, hypothesis, notion, was fromt he DH trying to shoe-horn 4 distinct sources onto a text that doesn't actually support that. And that DH was hached by people who were ignorant of the meaning of these different names. They couldn't get beyond it. Some of them, maybe a good number were ignorant Jews who had assimilated into German society and so never learned the deeper mystical concepts that go along with the Torah.

The rabbis discourage assimilation, and encourage following the Torah's laws. These people wanted to assimilate and didn't want to follow the laws. So, these people distrust the rabbis, they don't like it. That's basically where it all begins. Then comes Reform Judaism, and the DH, and the rest is history. But in order to split the Torah based on the divine names, many complications arose. And in order to address these complications, more and more sources had to be imagined. And then redactors, and then redactors to the redactors. And chapters were split verse to verse. Verse 9 is source Q6b, and verse 10 is Q6a. And verse 11 needed to be split in half, the first part belongs, the second part doesn't... it's a total mess.

Eventually, the DH became so convoluted, after about 100+ years, it could not be defended any longer. There are no more distinct 4 sources. There isn't an E source which speaks about maybe-maybe an EL worship. None of that works. The Torah is considered an ideological unit, with A God. One God. A story which rejects polytheism.

So, this idea about Abe comes from the DH, not from verses, not from evidence. It literally comes from ignorance, and a desire to assimilate, and a rejection rabbinic thought, translation, grammar rules, the original language, everything. And then rewrites the story imagining what it could have been if there were originally 4 sources. And after 100+ years a lot of work has gone into that desire to reject orthodox Judaism. And now, a lot of its supporters are needing to eat some crow. and those scholars who wrote and assumed and published based on layers and layers of assumptions... yeah, they're needing to admit all of that is a bust. And that's what happens when so-called scholarship leans to heavily on layer after layer of cascading assumptions. If the foundation collapses... y'all need to start over.

I've known for years the DH was doomed. And it feels good to have been correct about it all along.

It's the epitomy of arguing from ignorance, and revisionist history. That's the reason for the Abe worshipping EL theory. There are NO good reasons to believe it. If there are scholars who are still adherents to this theory they have not been informed of the disaster of the DH. Some of them might be fans of pagan theology, I've seen that. A scholar talks lovingly about all the female pagan goddesses and wants the israelites to particiapte in that, and sees evidence for it everywhere. Not a biggie. But they can't claim the leadership was doing it too. And... they don't.

Introduced YHWH appeared as "EL Ail Shaddai" in Genesis 17

Fixed it for ya.

Abe doesn't call his god EL, in Gen 17 does he? It's another fail.

It literally says it was YHWH at the very beginning of the chapter. This is approaching epic fail territory.

YHWH appeared to him as Ail Shaddai, not EL Shaddai. Abe never gave a name when speaking to God in that chapter. What IS happening in that chapter is Abraham is shocked, and disbelieving, but circumcises himself anyway. The type of revelation the, let's say, the degree of the revelation is accurately and consistently described by the name Elohim and HaElohim in that chapter.

If it was just 1 name ALLLLLLLLLL the time those details would be lost. But pagan folk, don't really get that. And it's natural to envision gods as humans, and hearing these different names, thinking they're different gods. But the different names bring details about the revelation.

Anyway, Abe, never uses a name in that Chapter. In fact, he's a bit impetuous and lacking faith. "Will I at my age actually father a child? What about Ishmael?" he asks. So it makes sense he's not speaking using YHWH's name or any name here. That would increase the disrespect.

So, there's no EL, there is only the names YHWH ( primary, given first ), Ail Shaddai and Elohim in this chapter. And Abe uses niether of those. This is also a fail. Unless you can show me Abe *actually* using the name EL in this chapter, I'll add it to the other failures Psalms 82, and Deut 32.

and in Genesis 14 when MelChiZedek and Abe are worshiping El Supreme -- which you were given previously.

You gave it previously, and it was rejected because Abe does not use the name EL. Abe isn't worshipping EL, he says it was YHWH. As *I* have given you many times previously.
And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand to YHWH, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth.​

Go and check your crappy PDF, but ignore the transliteration.


Understand. Abe doesn't want any of Sodom's spoils. These aren't good people. He only did it to rescue Lot. The king of Sodom brings in a priest from Shalem. Abe is blessed and recieves a tithe from this priest. Maybe the king of Sodom is *trying* to say thank-you by finding someone with similar beliefs. But Abe is clear, I raised by hand to YHWH, the supreme god posessor of heaven and earth. Abe does not want there to be any confusion in the mind of the king of Sodom about who's his god.

But.... when Abe is in private and has a vision, and is maybe shocked and questioning, he doesn't use any name at all. And that makes sense.

Now enough of the lies deception and deflection

No.... YOU still need to bring verses supporting the claim that Abe worshipped EL before we can move on.

You can say that YHWH appeared as "Ail Shaddai" to Abe in Gen 17. But you cannot say that Abe was worshipping EL, or even that Abe was worshipping Ail Shaddai. All that can be said is YHWH appeared as Ail Shaddai, and was heard as HaElohim, Abe doubted and questioned, but obeyed anyway circumcising himself and his household immediately after rec'ing the command.

That's it.

So, there's still no verses supporting this claim that Abe worshipped a god named EL.

Psalm 82? fail
Deut 32? fail
Gen 14? Mega-super-duper-fail
Gen 17? fail

. Defend your claim that the Israelites during Solomon's time were monotheists .. did not believe in nor worship Gods other than YHWH .. tell us what the Asherah Pole was for .. if not the worship of the Goddess Asherah .. YHWHs consort .. and the purpose of the male prostitutes.

Already answered. I would be happy to repeat and elaborate once you have either brought actual verses to support this claim that Abe's god was EL or admit you have NONE.

Psalm 82? fail
Deut 32? fail
Gen 14? Mega-super-duper-fail
Gen 17? fail
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Well-Known Member
Already answered. I would be happy to repeat and elaborate once you have either brought actual verses to support this claim that Abe's god was EL or admit you have NONE.
I gave you verses .. that you did not like these verses .. is not my problem .. The "Most HIgh" being worshiped by Abe and MelchiZedek is not named YHWH according to YHWH ... Thus .. what is the Name of the "Most High" in the Canaanite Pantheon .. as Melchi is a Canaanite Priest King ?

English Standard Version
I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them.

Berean Standard Bible
I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by My name the LORD I did not make Myself known to them.

King James Bible
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

New King James Version
I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them.

Now quite deflecting and lying .. and support your claim that the Israelites during Solomon's time were monotheists .. did not believe in nor worship Gods other than YHWH .. tell us what the Asherah Pole was for .. if not the worship of the Goddess Asherah .. YHWHs consort .. and the purpose of the male prostitutes.

1) The name by which Abe knows his God ?
2) What that Asherah Pole was for .. and the MP's .. and showing from the Bible the religious beliefs of the Israelites round Solomons time ... and quit running away from defending your claim like a theological coward.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I gave you verses .. that you did not like these verses .. is not my problem ..

None of those verses work. That's like me saying these support my argument:

Exodus 5:3
And Leviticus 21:6
And Jeremiah 2:4

What???? They're irrelevant and nothing contained in them support my case? You simply don't like them.

No. That's not how it works.

First you brought Psalms 82... that's irrelevant.
Then you brought Deut 32... it has nothing in it about EL or a divnine council AND it's irrelevant.
Then Gen 17.... no EL anywhere. Abe doesn't use any name at all AND YHWH is mentioned in the very first verse.
Then you keep going back to Gen 14... BUT Abe uses the name YHWH, it's as if he is correcting malchi-tzedek and the king of Sodom.

The "Most HIgh" being worshiped by Abe and MelchiZedek is not named YHWH

Yes! It is YHWH! You have to find some evidence to show that the verse was changed adding the name YHWH. And without that, Abe is literally calling god YHWH.

according to YHWH ...

No! The verse in Exodus 6:3 does not say that. YOU need to find some scholar to address the grammar issues and somehow discredit the NIV translation.

Thus .. what is the Name of the "Most High" in the Canaanite Pantheon

NO! That doesn't work either. It's an argument from ignorance. Even if the other two huge problems are ignored ( That Abe literally says YHWH in Gen14 & that Exodus 6:3 is talking about fully knowing YHWH, and is not denying Abe's knowledge of the name YHWH ), you still need actual evidence of Abe using that name. This isn't some sort of process of elimination where there's only 2 options. YHWH or EL.

And this ignores all the other occurances of Abe using the name YHWH.

So you need actual evidence. "What else could it be??? Someone went and changed all the names to be YHWH!!!" is the weakest of weak claims of a conspiracy theory.

Now quite deflecting and lying .. and support your claim that the Israelites during Solomon's time were monotheists ..

There was a huge Temple. Archeological evidence. That's proof. It's not proof of ALL the israelites walking in lock-step. But its enough to show an ongoing monotheistic tradition and practice loooooooong before Josiah.

Again, you need to address the problems in your theories and stop ignoring them. Or, just admit you didn't know these details and scrurry along and do more research.

And the smart thing to do, is to apply a healthy dose of skepticsm to anyone you hear on youtubes on on blogs, even if they have academic credentials, if they do not speak about these facts.

Psalm 82 was not written by a prophet, and it really-really reads like a condemnation of humans acting like "gods".
Deut 32 does not *actually* have EL or any pagan pantheon nonsense, it literally says YHWH is ALONE there are NO OTHER gods. If someone is ignoring that, they are misinformed or lying to you.

I mean... dude, literally in verse 39. Go lookie-lookie in the LXX, if that;s what you trust:
ἴδετε ἀρὰς ἐγὼ εἰμὶ καὶ οὐκ ἔστι θεὸς πλὴν ἐμοῦ​
Now see that I, I am, and there is no god besides me.​

How in the world does a person claim there is a pagan pantheon because the LXX is talking about angels in verse 43, when literally 4 verse earlier is a declaration, there are no other gods????

These are the type of issues you NEED to address in order to proceed with using these verses as evidence for your claims. AND if your sources are ignorant of them or willfully omit them from the youtubes you watch, or the articles you read, or the instagram posts that you consume, or wherever these ideas come from... those sources cannot be trusted to give you good info.

Again, it matters not if they have letters after their name. These people are not gods, they have bias. If they're ex-Christians or liberal Jews... they might not be giving you all the facts. either intentionally, or because they simply curate their sources just like you seem to do.

And this is the same with Gen 14... YOU need to address the problem with Abe using the name YHWH there. And it can't be some conspiracy theory.

And Gen 17 is a total bust. There's nothing there. YHWH is in the very first verse. Abe never uses the name EL.

did not believe in nor worship Gods other than YHWH .. tell us what the Asherah Pole was for .. if not the worship of the Goddess Asherah .. YHWHs consort .. and the purpose of the male prostitutes.

I already answered that, I'm not repeating or elaborating on it until this issue with Abe is resolved. If you cannot listen to these faults, and counter them. But instead repeat-repeat-repeat-repeat... I'm not moving on.

You need to admit you have no evidence, or somehow counter the objections with more than denial and repetition.

1) The name by which Abe knows his God ?


2) What that Asherah Pole was for .. and the MP's .. and showing from the Bible the religious beliefs of the Israelites round Solomons time ... and quit running away from defending your claim like a theological coward.

Asked and answered, I think at least twice. I'm not repeating or elaborating until the issue of Abe is resolved. If you cannot address and counter the objections. Or admit that you can't and concede, there's no reason to move on. You're just setting up a pulpit and preaching your gospel.


Well-Known Member
None of those verses work. That's like me saying these support my argument:

Doesn't matter .. you were given verses .. Here is the word in Hebrew you can Translate עליון as per the Masoretic Text Genesis 14 -- means "Supreme" the word before is El "EL Supreme is the God they are worshiping"

Now quite lying and doing this dance of deceit and deflection --- and quit callling YHWH a Liar .. as he said Abe did not know him by this name. or are the three Bible passages you were given lying ?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Doesn't matter .. you were given verses ..

Oh? Content and relevance doesn't matter?

Well, Then. these prove you wrong then...

The entire book of Genesis
The entire book of Exodus
The entire book of Leviticus
The entire book of Numbers
The Samuels
The Kings...

Oh yeah, and ALL scholars agree with me
And all translations agree with me.
THE Bible
The Leningrad Codex
The Aramaic Targum

See that? if I ignore the content and relevance, everything defeats you. WOW! Amazing.

By your standards, you are not debating, you are preaching. You need to actually engage with the arguments, and either counter them or admit you have no rebuttal. Or... go away and come back when you have new arguments or counter arguments.

Here is the word in Hebrew you can Translate עליון as per the Masoretic Text Genesis 14 -- means "Supreme" the word before is El "EL Supreme is the God they are worshiping"

No. Abe says it's YHWH. That IS the MT. You are skipping the first word used. He uses that name first, it's as if he is correcting Malchi-tzedek and making sure the king of Sodom, not the nicest fellow, knows who Abe's god is. And this makes sense in context because Abe is declining any of the spoils of the war.

He's saying "No thanks my god is YHWH."

Now quite lying and doing this dance of deceit and deflection --- and quit callling YHWH a Liar .. as he said Abe did not know him by this name. or are the three Bible passages you were given lying ?

No, Exodus 6:3 does not say that. The grammar shows it. Multiple experts agree. The NIV agrees. You need to engage with this argument, counter it. Find others who counter it. Actual scholars not blogs or youtubes. I brought a peer-reviewed journal article.

Or... you can admit that you don't have a rebuttal.

Then you can either bring a new verse to discuss, not Psalms 82, not Deut 32, not Gen 14, not Gen 17, or admit you have no more verses.

Then I am happy to restate, repeat, elaborate, move on to something new. Your choice. But Abe, the patriarch of the big 3 western religions, did not worship EL.

EL is a preposition in Hebrew. The word you keep thinking is EL is Ail.


You can check this in your scripture4all.org sources from the scripture4all foundation since you trust them. Here, I'll show you how.

EL, the preposition is super common, one of the most common words.

So, I'll just pick at random... exodus 19...

Then I'll go scripture4all... find the PDF... open it up and search for space-to-space... like this...


See that? Up at that top, that's the search box. I hit the space bar, then typed "to" no quotes, then hit the space bar again. Poof. 32 hits. right on the first page.

I literally picked a book and chapter at random. It's that common. Now. Remember these people can't actually read Hebrew. They're the ones who told you it was EL... heeheeehee Oliun. *chuckles*, I'm sorry, that still gets me. Didn't I tell you not to trust this source when we first first started debating. Anyway.

So you can't trust the transliteration. It is NOT "al". It's "el" the three little dots are th "eh" sound. Heres a source for that.


And you can go check Biblehub if you want too.

Here's a link to google results for : what is the vowel sound for 3 triangle dots in hebrew

And at this point you might be asking yourself... "why oh why does anyone make this claim about EL being worshipped by Abe?" It's a bias driven by the DH, and people who want to discredit orthodox Judaism. And people who like to make scandal. And people who want views on youtube. And people who are anti-religious or anti-Christian. There's a lot of reasons for people to adopt this false idea. And simply ignore simple things like... ummmm....

EL is a preposition in Hebrew. The word you're looking at is actually Ail.
Dan and Don are not the same name.
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Well-Known Member
Oh? Content and relevance doesn't matter?

Well, Then. these prove you wrong then...

The entire book of Genesis
The entire book of Exodus
The entire book of Leviticus
The entire book of Numbers
The Samuels
The Kings...

Oh yeah, and ALL scholars agree with me
And all translations agree with me.
THE Bible
The Leningrad Codex
The Aramaic Targum

See that? if I ignore the content and relevance, everything defeats you. WOW! Amazing.

By your standards, you are not debating, you are preaching. You need to actually engage with the arguments, and either counter them or admit you have no rebuttal. Or... go away and come back when you have new arguments or counter arguments.

No. Abe says it's YHWH. That IS the MT. You are skipping the first word used. He uses that name first, it's as if he is correcting Malchi-tzedek and making sure the king of Sodom, not the nicest fellow, knows who Abe's god is. And this makes sense in context because Abe is declining any of the spoils of the war.

He's saying "No thanks my god is YHWH."

No, Exodus 6:3 does not say that. The grammar shows it. Multiple experts agree. The NIV agrees. You need to engage with this argument, counter it. Find others who counter it. Actual scholars not blogs or youtubes. I brought a peer-reviewed journal article.

Or... you can admit that you don't have a rebuttal.

Then you can either bring a new verse to discuss, not Psalms 82, not Deut 32, not Gen 14, not Gen 17, or admit you have no more verses.

Then I am happy to restate, repeat, elaborate, move on to something new. Your choice. But Abe, the patriarch of the big 3 western religions, did not worship EL.

EL is a preposition in Hebrew. The word you keep thinking is EL is Ail.

View attachment 78480

You can check this in your scripture4all.org sources from the scripture4all foundation since you trust them. Here, I'll show you how.

EL, the preposition is super common, one of the most common words.

So, I'll just pick at random... exodus 19...

Then I'll go scripture4all... find the PDF... open it up and search for space-to-space... like this...

View attachment 78481

See that? Up at that top, that's the search box. I hit the space bar, then typed "to" no quotes, then hit the space bar again. Poof. 32 hits. right on the first page.

I literally picked a book and chapter at random. It's that common. Now. Remember these people can't actually read Hebrew. They're the ones who told you it was EL... heeheeehee Oliun. *chuckles*, I'm sorry, that still gets me. Didn't I tell you not to trust this source when we first first started debating. Anyway.

So you can't trust the transliteration. It is NOT "al". It's "el" the three little dots are th "eh" sound. Heres a source for that.

View attachment 78482

And you can go check Biblehub if you want too.

Here's a link to google results for : what is the vowel sound for 3 triangle dots in hebrew

And at this point you might be asking yourself... "why oh why does anyone make this claim about EL being worshipped by Abe?" It's a bias driven by the DH, and people who want to discredit orthodox Judaism. And people who like to make scandal. And people who want views on youtube. And people who are anti-religious or anti-Christian. There's a lot of reasons for people to adopt this false idea. And simply ignore simple things like... ummmm....

EL is a preposition in Hebrew. The word you're looking at is actually Ail.
Dan and Don are not the same name.

What a mindless babble of denial friend. You did not even address the passage under question... Wailing and crying about some hundred other passages .. that supposedly support your raging nonsense.

El Supreme .. I gave you the Hebrew script .. the Passage Gen 14:18 and now you are running from that. Now stop claiming that you were not given any passages .. continuing this worthless lie .. in a desperate attempt to avoid addressing your claims .. now which include claiming that YHWH is a liar .. that the 3 Passages from different Bibles of Exodus 6:3 are a lie.... which is exactly what you are claiming stating Abe knew his God as YHWH.

Now tells us what the Asherah Pole was for .. if not the worship of Asherah .. support your claim using what the Bible Says ... and burp up your your other claim .. which has now turned into a worthless lie.. no longer a mistake .. but indentional deceit .. as those of the darkside are wont to engage.

Thought Stopping -- SMCT --- Did you understand those concepts mate ? since you don't want to talk about the Bible .. other than to Call YHWH a Liar... and then go into denial ...


Veteran Member
The Doc Hypothesis was not "WRONG" as clamed - and it is moronic to continue to make this claim after been shown its error.

It's wrong and you have not shown me the error of this claim.
I'll just be impolite and offer you a couple of sites which show errors in the Documentary Hypothesis and that there is plenty of anti Documentary Hypothesis views in Biblical scholarship.
