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Why do many Muslims believe that God wants them to injure, kill, or imprison homosexuals?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
To the guy above me, Islam seriously isn't supposed to be like that, it's just been hijacked by conservative nuts, extremists, and political leaders. It seriously isn't a bad religion.


Intentionally Blank
I'm highly skeptical when it comes to statistics because i have seen numerous times how it been carried out, especially when it comes to Muslim and what they believe in. I need to see the questions being asked and the methodology being used before accepting any flying figures.
It's kind of hard to support a statistical claim without statistics. I use the best sources I can find.

Homosexual people are as human as me, but when it comes to Islam, people don't understand that homosexuality relations are not forbidden alone for being a homosexual act, it's just another illegal practice along with fornication, adultery, etc. Any relation that occur outside the realm of marriage is not allowed whether it was a homosexual or heterosexual one. I would have supported gay rights if the law allowed heterosexuals to do fornication for instance, like the US.
And Muslim people don't understand that we don't care why you think it's "forbidden," any more than we care why Jews don't eat oysters. That's your business. Just don't do it, and leave the rest of us to live our lives in peace.

I see. Do you think you have the right to harm yourself? it's your life right? do you have the right to do so?
It's my right, if I ever wanted to. I can't imagine why I would, but if I did, it would be my right.

I'm sure you'd like to enjoy the freedom to practice your religion, despite whatever I may think of it, no? Please grant me the same freedom not to. If you cannot do this, then, as I have said many times, we cannot tolerate a religion of intolerance.


Intentionally Blank
To the guy above me, Islam seriously isn't supposed to be like that, it's just been hijacked by conservative nuts, extremists, and political leaders. It seriously isn't a bad religion.
In theory. In practice it can be pretty bad.



Intentionally Blank
Is there a Muslim here at RF who believes that other people's love lives are their business, and so gay and lesbian people should enjoy full human rights without interference?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Yes, to what you showed above, yes, that's what I mean. The religion has been hijacked, the same that happened with Christianity in Europe 500+ years ago.


Well-Known Member
I see. Do you think you have the right to harm yourself? it's your life right? do you have the right to do so?
I'm sure you'd like to enjoy the freedom to practice your religion, despite whatever I may think of it, no? Please grant me the same freedom not to. If you cannot do this, then, as I have said many times, we cannot tolerate a religion of intolerance.

Damn straight. These peoples interpretation of "help" is some serious level of doublespeak. Just like how Hitler "helped" the Jewish problem.


Intentionally Blank
Look, Muslims, I think your religion is really wrong, a myth, just plain dumb, completely delusional...and I absolutely defend your right to practice it. Get out your rug and bow down to a deity I think is utterly imaginary five times a day. Buy your lamb at a special butcher. Wear yourselves out...as long as you can grant me and everyone else the same freedom.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I agree auto-dialect with every part of that except deity being imaginary. That doesn't just go for Muslims, but for extremists of every religion.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
See I always have to wonder, when I see some Muslims saying punish homosexuals, punish fornicators, adulterers, etc. Do they mean be the bedroom police or only punish for open sexual acts? Because I can tell you as a former Shi'ite that the only time the Koran permits punishment for any sexual act, sin or not, is done in public with four witnesses. Muslims are not to be the bedroom police and try to control what goes on in private out of public society.

Of course when Muslims speak of these acts, they mean either the one done in public, the one been witness by 4 or more, or the one being confessed. The government is not allowed to enter bed rooms to check what's happening. I thought that was obvious.

the muslim members here on RF are some of the most two faced people i have ever met. in one instance (terrorism) you say that the killing of innocents is bad. in another instance (homosexuality & sorcery) you say the killing of innocents is perfectly ok. you do more to discredit your religion than the great satan that is the western media could ever hope to do. ive come to realize that when most muslims say that islam is a religion of peace, that this peace comes only from violence, death, and repression. keep up the good work, maybe you'll someday succeed in killing every sinner on earth. then the true islamic peace can come to this world.

I don't appreciate your accusations. No body has appointed us to attack sinners. You got the wrong idea about us.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's kind of hard to support a statistical claim without statistics. I use the best sources I can find.

I don't just look up the source, but i also look for the methods in collecting the data, who are the people who answered the questions and from which background, how many persons been questioned, and what type of questions been asked, etc.

And Muslim people don't understand that we don't care why you think it's "forbidden," any more than we care why Jews don't eat oysters. That's your business. Just don't do it, and leave the rest of us to live our lives in peace.

Hmmm, i noticed that you live in the US, so don't worry, the Muslims in the US won't tell you to stop being a homosexual.

It's my right, if I ever wanted to. I can't imagine why I would, but if I did, it would be my right.

Sorry, but i thought that it is something obvious that people will be stopped and even treated if they were trying to harm themselves.

I'm sure you'd like to enjoy the freedom to practice your religion, despite whatever I may think of it, no? Please grant me the same freedom not to. If you cannot do this, then, as I have said many times, we cannot tolerate a religion of intolerance.

I don't live in the US, and even if i live there, why would i stop you from being a homosexual? who am i to stop you or decide what you can do and what you can't? Only US authorities can do so, no?


Intentionally Blank
I don't just look up the source, but i also look for the methods in collecting the data, who are the people who answered the questions and from which background, how many persons been questioned, and what type of questions been asked, etc.
Go for it. Feel free. The source is a highly respected, nuetral organization.
Hmmm, i noticed that you live in the US, so don't worry, the Muslims in the US won't tell you to stop being a homosexual.
Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi of the ISNA said: "Homosexuality is a moral disorder. It is a moral disease, a sin and corruption... No person is born homosexual, just like no one is born a thief, a liar or murderer. People acquire these evil habits due to a lack of proper guidance and education."
They sure as heck would like to try; we just won't let them.
But I'm not only concerned about myself, but for the thousands of gay victims of Islam all over the world.

Sorry, but i thought that it is something obvious that people will be stopped and even treated if they were trying to harm themselves.
Isn't it up to me to decide whether I'm harming myself? Because, you know, I think your religion harms you, but it's not up to me, is it?

For example, if someone wants to smoke cigarettes in their own home, that's their business; it's not up to me to kill them, beat them, or deny them equal rights for it.

Oh, and by the way, please explain how my love harms me. Generally speaking, heterosexuality is more harmful for women than lesbianism.

I don't live in the US, and even if i live there, why would i stop you from being a homosexual? who am i to stop you or decide what you can do and what you can't? Only US authorities can do so, no?
I don't know why crazy Muslims find it important to stop innocent gay people from living their lives. I'm waiting for you to explain it.

Fortunately, I don't live in a Muslim country. The important thing is to prevent other countries from turning Muslim, so more people do not have to suffer the oppression inflicted on gay people by Muslim governments.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
So-called Muslim countries are actually corrupt political systems misusing Islam to oppress the masses. Oppression is against Islam. That being said, I'm glad I don't live in a so-called Muslim country either, I'm gay. :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Look, Muslims, I think your religion is really wrong, a myth, just plain dumb, completely delusional...and I absolutely defend your right to practice it. Get out your rug and bow down to a deity I think is utterly imaginary five times a day. Buy your lamb at a special butcher. Wear yourselves out...as long as you can grant me and everyone else the same freedom.

I don't think it's possible to reason with someone like you. Insult the Muslims and their religion now all you want.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Well TashaN what would you call it when a country is so oppressive that even Muslims are leaving that country and moving to the west? The Koran says it's better to die then to be oppressed.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I didn't say evil. I said many of them misuse Islam to oppress the masses. Islam has become a political tool of control to their governments, just like Christianity was in mideval Europe.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I didn't say evil. I said many of them misuse Islam to oppress the masses. Islam has become a political tool of control to their governments, just like Christianity was in mideval Europe.

You didn't say *many*, earlier. I thought you meant ALL Muslim countries.


Devotee of the Immaculata
so you and those people who agree that "Everyone has a right to express their sexuality in their own way" are ok with bestiality then?

I find it amusing / sad that every time the subject of gay people comes up in a thread a Muslim feels the need to compare it to either rape or bestiality. What does the sexual expression of two consenting adults who care about each other have to do with either of those two things? The bottom line is you just don't have a good argument for why you feel okay with persecuting LGBT people, other than Allah told you to do it. God is about love, not hate - no matter what you happen to proclaim.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I don't know what all Islamic countries are like to comment, but if it's anything like what goes on in Iran, I'd call that oppressive. You don't consider Saudi Arabia a tad oppressive?