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Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Given the state of the Italian economy I well understand why. *Snort*

precisely. If our government had protected us from speculators and from the ECB and its money-hunger, our economy would be better.

Dearest, Italian Capitalists are quite fine. They become richer and richer at cost of the people's poverty. and the government is on their side


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Oh, dude, It was for everyone. Some of the remarks that may have sounded directed towards you really weren't. I was clarifying my frustration with many on RF, you included lol
Thank you so much for this clarification. Oddly, I don't get frustrated with human animals on back-water internet forums, but hey, each to their own, I say. :)

The A) 1) statements were showing a balance to an equation.
Of course they are.

In reference to this response of yours: "OK, I think I get what you are saying now. Are you meaning how expectations do not sync up with reality?"->

What I mean is, no matter what decision you make, the Irony persists. The only 'logical' explanation I can find, other than 'Gods Will', is an individual's destiny being set in stone. The path they take to get there is entirely up to them, so if they take 95 to New York or a bunch of back roads around the country instead, thats up to them, but their destination is the same. Its not something, on the other hand, that they can control. They cannot control the outcomes. Every Turn in life stears them back towards their destination. What accounts for this? My reasoning says God. God is love but Love is pain. Our Destination is eternal peace. I cannot, for the life of me, find another reason for the Irony in our own personal lives that points nowhere but to love.
I'm not a subscriber to fate, though I can understand how some minds who are far greater than mine could rationalize it as being a legitimate concept. Then again, I've always been a "the glass is half full" kind of guy, all my life. Oh, as for the eternal peace thingy. I've already got enough peace of mind to satisfy a small village. You're always welcome to some, as I wouldn't miss it a bit.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
precisely. If our government had protected us from speculators and from the ECB and its money-hunger, our economy would be better.

Dearest, Italian Capitalists are quite fine. They become richer and richer at cost of the people's poverty. and the government is on their side
I keep wondering when Pope Francis will begin cutting cheques to the Italian people thereby redistributing the vast wealth of the church into the hands of the people who need it the most. No doubt, the cheque is in the mail, as we speak.


Sheppard for the Die Hard
Thank you so much for this clarification. Oddly, I don't get frustrated with human animals on back-water internet forums, but hey, each to their own, I say. :)

Of course they are.

I'm not a subscriber to fate, though I can understand how some minds who are far greater than mine could rationalize it as being a legitimate concept. Then again, I've always been a "the glass is half full" kind of guy, all my life. Oh, as for the eternal peace thingy. I've already got enough peace of mind to satisfy a small village. You're always welcome to some, as I wouldn't miss it a bit.

A wiseman did proclaim that it's not over until everything turns out right >.>
Perhaps it's right for you ^ this setting, time, place in yor life,
good sir. As for me of 22 years, I've still got quite the journey ahead to get there. :D
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Well-Known Member
Actually my cultural background is based upon uncontrolled Capitalism, and I am strongly against it.

I wouldnt expect you to support uncontrolled capitalism. ALmost everyone in Europe doesn't support uncontrolled capitalism; it's a super liberal area of the world. That is just evidence of alignment with 21st century cultural morals.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Peace be on everyone.

Why do people deny or have various doubts about God?

Edit / add: and what is the source of morality in life, of above mentioned people?

If we apply Occam's razor, we might better ask:

Why do some people think that ancient books contain society's best thinking on morality?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
First, I'd like to point out that religion is indeed a construct of man. It may or it may not have it's roots in the existence of a God. I would suggest that all religion is made up to a certain extent. Even the Bible suggests that this is true.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)

If it could be determined that God does exist, and if we should discover that God has created all the laws of nature such that a tree limb is incapable of withstanding a lightning bolt, and if a lightning bolt should strike such a tree limb and cause it to fall to the ground, what is the cause of that tree limb falling to the ground? Is the lightning bolt the cause of it? Is gravity the cause of it, or is God the cause of it?
Your viewpoint is very deist yet you still keep to Christianity? May I ask why you claim to be a "christian" if you believe god cannot be defined?

I am not sure I understand your question. Basically if the cause of things are nature but god created the laws of nature then god is the ultimate cause of everything? Is that what you are getting at?

A return question is "what if god is everything but nothing more? would you still call it god?"

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I probably shouldn't have laughed at that, idk, but I chuckled loudly. Something tells me you said that with a sense of humor/sarcasm lol

I was half-joking. Charlie Sheen is known to be a crackhead, among other things. But that's another topic entirely.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Please don't ever take a job where your in a position of counseling..
The "bad past, hurt by a mean theist" reason for atheism is one I only ever hear from theists, and rarely, if ever, hear from an actual atheist.
Honestly, no offense, but I can't really get behind almost any of the rationalization you stated in this post...
hasn't there been thread after thread, and poll after poll on this topic, that almost unanimously shots down that "bad past equals atheism" propaganda??

Hi :)
Yes, the reason they won't say this is because it's not a conccious thing sometimes, sometimes it is, though.

I'm just saying, our past experiences with people, religions, shape our current ideas, whether we admit it or not, it's very easy to say, 'no, my opinions are all shaped in a manner of equality', yeah right.;)
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Well-Known Member
I'm not Alceste, but I have read the Bible.

Luke 3:23-38 lists all 70 odd generations from Adam to Jesus. Adam was made less than a week after Creation. Either the world is less than 7,000 years old or the Bible is wrong about the time frame.


That depends on how you define the day. I am not so shortsighted. A simple glance at a dictionary will show you.

a period of opportunity or prominence
an era of existence or influence
the interval of light between two successive nights
a time of light
Day - definition of Day by The Free Dictionary

My friend, "God is Light". When God is present, it is as day. When he is not, it is as night. While God is present and creating it is day. When he steps back to see what He has made, it is night.

morning - The first or early part; the beginning
morning - definition of morning by The Free Dictionary

evening - A later period or time
evening - definition of evening by The Free Dictionary

Every time God was present it was day. When He was beginning His work for the day, it was morning. When He was finishing with His work for the day, it was evening. And God saw that it was good. "...And the evening and the morning were the first day." (Genesis 1:5)


Well-Known Member
Of course God can be present in any thing. It depends on freewill.
When I say that God is not separated from matter, I mean that God is the meaning of matter. I don't mean that God is inside matter (as Spinoza said).

I give you an example. We humans can recognize the just from the unjust, the ugly from the beautiful. Animals can't. Because we humans have developed the Word or meaning. So God and humans are alike.

when we see a piece of land filled with useless grass, and other infesting plants, we see that nature is chaotic. But if we turn this land into a garden with bushes of roses, tulips and daffodils...all right. we have given meaning and order to chaos. That's the relationship between God and nature and we are little gods

Maybe one day. Today I'm still just pond scum.


pro scapegoat
That depends on how you define the day. I am not so shortsighted. A simple glance at a dictionary will show you.

a period of opportunity or prominence
an era of existence or influence
the interval of light between two successive nights
a time of light
Day - definition of Day by The Free Dictionary

The bible was written in Hebrew, the word translated as 'day' in English, was 'YOM'.

YOM does not mean a 24 hr period, it can mean ANY unit of time, it is translated elsewhere in scripture as year, season, era, epoch, forever, ago, day and so on.
My friend, "God is Light". When God is present, it is as day. When he is not, it is as night. While God is present and creating it is day. When he steps back to see what He has made, it is night.

morning - The first or early part; the beginning
morning - definition of morning by The Free Dictionary

evening - A later period or time
evening - definition of evening by The Free Dictionary

Every time God was present it was day. When He was beginning His work for the day, it was morning. When He was finishing with His work for the day, it was evening. And God saw that it was good. "...And the evening and the morning were the first day." (Genesis 1:5)

The sake goes for the hebrew words for morning (warm, beginning, dawn) and evening.

So the English sentence translated from Hebrew as: "On the evening of the third day'

Could as accurately be translated as: "In the cold of the third reign"..


Well-Known Member
No thank you. We have already had about two billion threads by Christians trying to "prove" that genesis is literally true. And another two billion threads by Christians arguing that it is somehow metaphorically true. It's obviously just plain incorrect. If you don't know that you need a science class, not an argument.

So in your mind, the college courses I've taken in college don't count - Physics 1&2, Chemistry 1&2, Geology, Soil Science, Hydrology, Evolution, Calculus 1&2, Ecology - none of these count as science classes. Well I guess the math isn't science. What say you?

But no worries, as you've said, you've already seen "billions" of threads by Christians. Wow, "billions". You must be an amazing speed reader, or perhaps a liar?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
So in your mind, the college courses I've taken in college don't count - Physics 1&2, Chemistry 1&2, Geology, Soil Science, Hydrology, Evolution, Calculus 1&2, Ecology - none of these count as science classes. Well I guess the math isn't science. What say you?

But no worries, as you've said, you've already seen "billions" of threads by Christians. Wow, "billions". You must be an amazing speed reader, or perhaps a liar?

I would imagine she was exaggerating as a linguistic tool to underline her point in a colorful way.

But what I am curious of is what did you learn in these college science/math courses that led you to believe that these science/math courses were wrong ?