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Why Doesn't the World Call on Hamas to Surrender?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
That's your argument? Conspiracy theories?
Conspiracy theories ? No no this is well documanted that fake news are oftenly projected by AI.

I have noticed, yes. I point at war crimes committed by Israel and say "The Israeli state did that". And the issue is...?
I don't have an issue since we are clear about Hamas.

"The fact is that what is happening is completely unjustified... HOWEVER"
Why would i say that they should answer? Because it's unjustified.
The war is not about justified or unjustified.

Nope, that's not how this works. It's either unjustified or it's justified.
So bombing Dresden in WW2 is justified , if you use the same criteria?

History doesn't justify it, and repeatedly bringing the history into it doesn't make it any more justified.
I agree , knowledge in History does not justify the choices of the 'Palestinian' people

It's irrelevant. It may be relevant when considering a broader solution to the conflict
Well , that's what we aim to when we talk , or?
Future generation and what can this lead to , or?
Everyone should know the orign of this conflict.

, but it is not relevant to whether or not war crimes are a justified response in this instance.
This is your line of questions and reasoning.

I won't accept this logic from people who say Israel's continual oppression of the Palestinian people means that Hamas' incursion on 10/7 was a justified act of liberatory violence, so why should I accept this kind of reasoning in the other direction?
No-no i have explained they are different discussions in this conflict.

It could have started a million years ago. It still wouldn't change the moral judgement of whether or not war crimes against civilians are justified. How do you not get this?
So when rockets fly over you head , you will get outside and bring your morality on stage or what? You will be shot in the head , you know that , do you?

I don't care about the broader origin of the conflict right now.
So you have no interest in possible solution and end of the hate between Israel and the Arab world.Good to know..

I care about the tens of thousands of people who are dying (to be clear, on both sides) and continuing war crimes and human rights abuses that continue to kill more every day. Why do you think the origin of the conflict is relevant?
It is , the people in Palestine should be against Hamas and seek the solution in another system which with time will give them the right to govern their own state.

Fine. But that has nothing to do with whether or not what Israel is doing is justified and can be judged as such.
It's not justified , why do we keep insisting on this line of reasoning?

So why do you keep dragging the origin of the conflict into a discussion about what Israel is doing?
Because that is the only way to seek peace in the future otherwise it will never stop.


Woke gremlin
Conspiracy theories ? No no this is well documanted that fake news are oftenly projected by AI.
I don't engage with conspiracy theories.

I don't have an issue since we are clear about Hamas.
So what's your problem with me pointing to Israel with regards to Israeli war crimes?

Why would i say that they should answer? Because it's unjustified.
The war is not about justified or unjustified.
What about the WAR CRIMES?

So bombing Dresden in WW2 is justified , if you use the same criteria?
What? How did you reach that conclusion? What makes you think my "criteria" justifies the bombing of Dresden?

I agree , knowledge in History does not justify the choices of the 'Palestinian' people
Or the Israeli state. So stop bringing up history when it comes to accusations of war crimes being perpetrated.

Stop it.

Well , that's what we aim to when we talk , or?
Not when it comes to apportioning and understanding blame for explicit war crimes.

Everyone should know the orign of this conflict.
Everyone should be able to recognise war crimes without someone interceding and saying "Well, yes, BUT IF YOU LOOK AT THE HISTORY..." and then failing to look at actual history.

This is your line of questions and reasoning.
It's the topic of discussion.

No-no i have explained they are different discussions in this conflict.
So stop doing so. Stop dragging history into a discussion about current events being war crimes. It's obfuscation.

So when rockets fly over you head , you will get outside and bring your morality on stage or what? You will be shot in the head , you know that , do you?
What the hell are you talking about? What connection does this have with anything that I wrote?

So you have no interest in possible solution and end of the hate between Israel and the Arab world.Good to know..
That's not what I wrote, so do not misrepresent me. I want to acknowledge WAR CRIMES as is the topic of discussion. Broader discussions about the history of, and solution to, the broader conflict are another subject.

It is , the people in Palestine should be against Hamas and seek the solution in another system which with time will give them the right to govern their own state.
This is like blaming the people of Israel for electing a government that are enacting war crimes. I don't believe in collective punishment, unlike you, and I don't believe enacting deaths of civilians is a justified response to being desperate or indoctrinated enough to seek the protection of violent leaders. I will not allow you to imply that the people of Gaza or Palestine are responsible for their own mass death any more than I would allow anyone to blame Israeli civilians for their own slaughter at the hands of Hamas.

It's not justified , why do we keep insisting on this line of reasoning?
Because I keep needing to do so, because people such as yourself keep forgetting it.

Because that is the only way to seek peace in the future otherwise it will never stop.
So you're now completely contradicting your earlier statement:

"What Israel is doing right know and what Hamas did are two separate discussions.As the orign of this problem is."

If we want to have a discussion about Israeli war crimes, we ought to discuss Israeli war crimes. But doing so must be done on the understanding that, while history may factor into them as events, it doesn't factor into the JUSTIFICATION for these events. And yet I continually find people attempting to imply that very thing.

And then there was that time that you "glossed over" the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, implied that the Palestinians were the sole aggressors, and "failed to mention" the Nakba.

Gee, I wonder why I'm objecting to your characterisation of history.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Iran is hated because it's free.

That would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. Tell the above to the women harassed or killed because they didn't have their hijab on or not warn "correctly". or those who have their clitoris cut off? or...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. Tell the above to the women harassed or killed because they didn't have their hijab on or not warn "correctly". or those who have their clitoris cut off? or...
I know how people react to Iran, because it's pre-ordained by God the followers of truth will be seen as the most evil by people of hell.

وَقَالُوا مَا لَنَا لَا نَرَىٰ رِجَالًا كُنَّا نَعُدُّهُمْ مِنَ الْأَشْرَارِ | And they will say, ‘Why is it that we do not see [here] men whom we used to count among the most evil, | Saad : 62

أَتَّخَذْنَاهُمْ سِخْرِيًّا أَمْ زَاغَتْ عَنْهُمُ الْأَبْصَارُ | ridiculing them, or do [our] eyes miss them [here]?’ | Saad : 63

This is something people of Islam and resistance should all understand. If you are liked by people of hell, you are probably are a hypocrite and with them. If you side with the truth and join the truthful, you will be seen as the evil by the people of hell and of the worst.


Outstanding Member
According to Blinken, Hamas keeps making additions to their proposal, plus their leader recently said that Hamas is winning the propaganda campaign.

What additions? This is the crux of the issue. What is Hamas asking for? Have you read about it?

Israel is "not defending itself"?

No, it is not.

How about the roughly 160 rockets fired out of Gaza into Israel about 2 weeks ago?

What about it?

Israel is just supposed to take it without responding?

What would you find fair at this point? Killing another thousand of civilians trying to find the culprit to avenge the close to zero, if any, deaths it had to incur?

Did the U.S. do that after 9-11? How about after Pearl Harbor? etc.

Since when should the USA serve as an example for what should be done?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Competing fantasies ...

I have Hamas's Sinwar cornered.
He's surrounded by lieutenants.​
He will not surrender.​
I have an assault rifle.​
I kill him without compulsion.​

I have Hamas's Sinwar cornered.
He's surrounded by civilians.​
He will not surrender.​
I have a fragmentation grenade.​
I back away tearfully.​


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Competing fantasies ...

I have Hamas's Sinwar cornered.
He's surrounded by lieutenants.​
He will not surrender.​
I have an assault rifle.​
I kill him without compulsion.​

I have Hamas's Sinwar cornered.
He's surrounded by civilians.​
He will not surrender.​
I have a fragmentation grenade.​
I back away tearfully.​

And Sinwar wins again, and continues to surround himself with civilians since it worked that time. I mean, surely it will work again. And it does! Imagine that!


Χριστός ἀνέστη
So, since you don't seem to care if people use violent means to seize territory from people, why did you deliberately leave out the facts of the seizure of land from the Palestinians?
The British gave it to the Jews , i said they were legal migrants.They established and they are a state since 1948.You have a problem with Israel being a state , or?

Suuure, they had the choice of either continuing to live on only a fraction of the land that they had previously lived on for generations, or to violently resist what was happening (which was, again, obviously going to happen) and thus be held all collectively responsible and be ethnically cleansed.
So didn't welcome the Jews , simple as that.

Ah, the old "nobody owns any land except through conquest, so it's all a-okay" argument.
Nono , i come from the land that is inhabited by the same people for many centuries.We are governing that land as every oder nation does.

Tell me, if in response to the British mandate the Palestinians literally killed every Jewish settler, destroyed their history, wiped out Jewish settlements (including ones that had existed their for generations) and then continued to commit crimes against Jewish populations in the region, would you be implying that that was a perfectly valid and reasonable response? And would you deliberately be leaving out important details in order to paint Jewish communities as the sole aggressors in this case?

No , Arabs started the war , you seem to forget that.
They started the war , because they were not satisfied with what was hapening.

What relevance does that have? You think that means that Israeli militias have the right to annex territory, murder people, de-home more than 700,000 people, raze villages and delete entire cultural histories?
If you are not consistent with that 'annex' , it's useless to talk

You know that Muslims as a minority in many countries, too.
Yes , i have Muslim friends , they don't support Hamas.

I guess that means that anything Hamas does is fine and shouldn't be acknowledged (or we should actively pretend they don't exist) in order to portray Muslims in all circumstances as victims and never perpetrators.
No , nothing that Hamas did is fine.
Neither is fine what Israel is doing in this war with innovent lives.

They had lived there for generations. Many of them alongside Jews and Jewish communities who had been there just as long.
Yes , ok , so two state is what is probable , but it seems that the main issue is territory.

I would say it of literally ALL conquest. Do you seriously want to suggest that violent resistance wasn't an inevitable consequence of Britain literally giving thousands of miles of land that had been settled for generations away and forcing the people who lived their to move away? Did you think the local population would just pick up and leave, happy as Larry?
They did what they did , who should we seek answers from ? The British ?
The Jews came and they were not welcomed.

Disgusting over-generalization and an appalling broad brush.
Yeah , you find it hard to belive that Palestinians have other choices.

That's hilarious. They're literally dis-empowered and Gaza is little more than an open-air prison.
Yes , right now it is.

Israel has one of the most highly funded militaries in the world and the backing and veto power of the world's largest superpower.
Yes , that is why the way Israel operates is wrong.

They can never negotiate from a position of any kind of power, and the failure of their leadership to do so is not a fault of the Palestinian people.
Nobody is talking about now , we can say nothing now , it is war.
In war every side thinks they are the right side.

After fifty-plus years of oppression, people tend to develop extremist tendencies.Remember, you're the one who wants to judge things in terms of the history of the conflict - except, when Palestinians do bad thing, you see it is a moral failing on their part. Weird how you have that double standard.
No , Israel is not the good side here.I don't know how you get to that conclusion based on my answers.

I don't find it bizarre to suggest that people who have lived on land for generations have a more legitimate claim to it than an imperialist nation that simply claims legal ownership of it.
Ok , so the Jews were as long as Arabs (+/-) , so two state solution.

"It started" is obvious. What I'm curious about is why you deliberately misrepresented events to indicate Palestinians as the sole agitators, deliberately missing out the British involvement, the partition and the Nakba.
Because they don't want a Jewish state.
That's a fact of History , not some invented dogma.

No, it's what you keep doing. Stop it.
What am i doing?
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
If we want to have a discussion about Israeli war crimes, we ought to discuss Israeli war crimes. But doing so must be done on the understanding that, while history may factor into them as events, it doesn't factor into the JUSTIFICATION for these events.
Nobody said that.
You ignored what is written.

And then there was that time that you "glossed over" the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, implied that the Palestinians were the sole aggressors, and "failed to mention" the Nakba.

Gee, I wonder why I'm objecting to your characterisation of history.
They are not the agressors , they made the wrong choice.

The Nakba came after Arabs declared war.


Woke gremlin
The British gave it to the Jews , i said they were legal migrants.
So, you deliberately omitted the fact that the historical circumstances (something you otherwise seem to care very much about) at the time were that the land the Palestinians had lived on for generations was being given away to other people, and you want to blame them for engaging in violent resistance while ignoring the fact that they were literally being ethnically cleansed.

They established and they are a state since 1948.You have a problem with Israel being a state , or?
I do not. I have problems with the ways in which Israel formed, but I have issues with the ways lots of states are formed. The fault should not rest with the modern state of Israel, much less the civilians who live there. I do not believe in holding anyone responsible for the actions of decades ago.

So didn't welcome the Jews , simple as that.
So, you interpret "having their land taken from them and given to other people who then ethnically cleansed them" as "they just didn't welcome them"?


Nono , i come from the land that is inhabited by the same people for more many centuries.We are governing that land as every oder nation does.
I agree. How a nation was founded, while it may bare significance to broader discussion about historical tension, should not factor in to a judgement of the current group of people who live their and apportioning blame for current events.

So, with that in mind, why did you deliberately miss-out very significant facts with regards to the partition of Mandatory Palestine and the Nakba?

No , Arabs started the war , you seem to forget that.
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. The war started when the British mandate meant that Palestinians would have to move off their own land. Stop engaging in historical revisionism.

They started the war , because they were not satisfied with what was hapening.
Almost as if there was a thing that happened that resulted in a violent response, almost as if there was a thing that happened prior to the violence that CAUSED THE VIOLENCE TO START AND IS RELEVANCE WHEN DISCUSSING IT. Weird how you keep ignoring that.

If you are not consistent with that 'annex' , it's useless to talk
I am consistent. I think illegally annexing land is bad. The difference being that we can actually do something for annexation happening now - and we actually have parties we can apportion blame to. We cannot blame people for historical annexation. The people of Israel are in no way responsible for the actions of the forces either of Britain that enacted the mandate or the early militant settlers who ethnically cleansed Palestinians, just as the modern people of Gaza are in no way responsible for the historical actions of anti-Jewish Muslim groups.

I'll have to respond to the rest later.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
And Sinwar wins again ...
Sinwar has won irrespective of what's done.

and continues to surround himself with civilians since it worked that time. I mean, surely it will work again.

That is a grievously ignorant statement. The October 7th pogrom is widely recognized as a barbaric act perpetrated by Hamas but enabled by a complex of failures on the part of the Netanyahu regime.

One would expect that, whatever the outcome of the current conflict, Israeli society will take the necessary steps to address these failures.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Sinwar has won irrespective of what's done.

That is a grievously ignorant statement. The October 7th pogrom is widely recognized as a barbaric act perpetrated by Hamas but enabled by a complex of failures on the part of the Netanyahu regime.
Hey, you're the one who brought it up, not me.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
So, you deliberately omitted the fact that the historical circumstances (something you otherwise seem to care very much about) at the time were that the land the Palestinians had lived on for generations was being given away to other people, and you want to blame them for engaging in violent resistance while ignoring the fact that they were literally being ethnically cleansed.
Where were they before 1948 and why was not even efforts for Palestinian state before that?
They were living in a land that was governed by other nation.

I do not. I have problems with the ways in which Israel formed, but I have issues with the ways lots of states are formed.
I have also an issue with the ways lots of states still trying to form.Why is it relevant?

The fault should not rest with the modern state of Israel, much less the civilians who live there. I do not believe in holding anyone responsible for the actions of decades ago.
But we hold them now responcible for being blind to the situation.Both sides included.

So, you interpret "having their land taken from them and given to other people who then ethnically cleansed them" as "they just didn't welcome them"?

They were governed by the British and the Jews came.So the British were better? You understand that in mid 20 century things were different, do you?

So, with that in mind, why did you deliberately miss-out very significant facts with regards to the partition of Mandatory Palestine and the Nakba?
When did it became Mandatory , when Israel formed a state, or even before that?

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
How is a lie that Arabs started a war for a state that never existed in the first place?

The war started when the British mandate meant that Palestinians would have to move off their own land. Stop engaging in historical revisionism.
You know that this goes back to WW I , do you?

Almost as if there was a thing that happened that resulted in a violent response, almost as if there was a thing that happened prior to the violence that CAUSED THE VIOLENCE TO START AND IS RELEVANCE WHEN DISCUSSING IT. Weird how you keep ignoring that.
Yes , there is a thing.
They didn't like that Jews had a state,that's for sure.
They wanted the whole land.
You forget the Holocaust consistenly as it seems.

I am consistent. I think illegally annexing land is bad.
Ok , so the League of Nations then is the problem , not Israel regarding the issue.

The difference being that we can actually do something for annexation happening now
What can we do , exchange words on this forum?

- and we actually have parties we can apportion blame to. We cannot blame people for historical annexation.
No , but we can note how they do the same mistake over and over again , both sides.

The people of Israel are in no way responsible for the actions of the forces either of Britain that enacted the mandate or the early militant settlers who ethnically cleansed Palestinians, just as the modern people of Gaza are in no way responsible for the historical actions of anti-Jewish Muslim groups.
Yes , we have established that for a while , but you insist on some irrelevant points.

I'll have to respond to the rest later.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I know how people react to Iran, because it's pre-ordained by God the followers of truth will be seen as the most evil by people of hell.

وَقَالُوا مَا لَنَا لَا نَرَىٰ رِجَالًا كُنَّا نَعُدُّهُمْ مِنَ الْأَشْرَارِ | And they will say, ‘Why is it that we do not see [here] men whom we used to count among the most evil, | Saad : 62

أَتَّخَذْنَاهُمْ سِخْرِيًّا أَمْ زَاغَتْ عَنْهُمُ الْأَبْصَارُ | ridiculing them, or do [our] eyes miss them [here]?’ | Saad : 63

This is something people of Islam and resistance should all understand. If you are liked by people of hell, you are probably are a hypocrite and with them. If you side with the truth and join the truthful, you will be seen as the evil by the people of hell and of the worst.

Sure, if I posted something as "evil" as the above, I would certainly deserve hell.

However, I really don't believe in hell so it's moot.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sure, if I posted something as "evil" as the above, I would certainly deserve hell.

However, I really don't believe in hell so it's moot.
Hell is only for people who don't believe in hell. Those who believe in hell truthfully fear God, and those who fear God are saved.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
What additions? This is the crux of the issue. What is Hamas asking for? Have you read about it?

No, it is not.
What additions? This is the crux of the issue. What is Hamas asking for? Have you read about it?

No, it is not.

What about it?

What would you find fair at this point? Killing another thousand of civilians trying to find the culprit to avenge the close to zero, if any, deaths it had to incur?

Since when should the USA serve as an example for what should be done?

The above is so utterly bizarre that no reaction from me is necessary. If you want to play such a childish tit-for-tat game, then go for it, I guess.

Simply put, you really don't know much about what's happening and why, and you seem hell-bent on blaming the victim on 10-7. And just to be clear, I cannot stand Netanyahu and his Likud coalition, and the sooner he's gone the better imo.
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Outstanding Member
The above is so utterly bizarre that no reaction from me is necessary.

What specifically is so utterly bizarre?

If you want to play such a childish tit-for-tat game, then go for it, I guess.

Simply put, you really don't know much about what's happening and why, and you seem hell-bent on blaming the victim on 10-7. And just to be clear, I cannot stand Netanyahu and his Likud coalition, and the sooner he's gone the better imo.

I haven't even mentioned anything about who is responsible for what happened in October 7th. That wasn't even the subject we were talking about.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Good way to spin the idea that people being killed is irrelevant.

Too late, though.

It's not spin, it's true. If body count was relevant then each and every victor of each and every war would be unethical.

There are other more appropriate benchmarks for evaluating a just war. But, you'd need a lot more facts to make that judgement. And facts are what you're lacking.