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Why Doesn't the World Call on Hamas to Surrender?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Throughout history, when one side of a war is losing, it's almost always the case that the losing side surrenders.

Why isn't the world calling on Hamas to surrender? If "the world" truly has humanitarian goals, the best way to stop civilian casualties in this war would be for Hamas to surrender.
Would you ask the same with Ukraine to surrender to Russia ?
war of russia vs ukraine is threaten humanity existance ,because WW3 nuclear weapon is last war of humans.


Christian Evolutionist
Ok, so I guess they've been fighting. And I guess there is no sign of it ending any time soon. Ok, so Hamas is utilizing the Palestinian people, namely civilians, as recruits for their efforts ... Umm, human shields specifically, but what good is a rebellious and unsupportive citizen base to Hamas? I'm sure they must show support. It's tragic, but what can be done about groups who have been planning this type of government rule and conflict for I'm guessing a few decades now? I don't know if there is a way to convince Hamas to quit fighting, so the world calling for their surrender seems pretty well pointless. Honestly, I question whether the mindset is isolated to just Gaza strip and Israel. I'm thinking no, but what the hell do I know about it? I live somewhere across the pond.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I have heard from several reliable sources that the Palestinian DNA is predominately of Beduin, Jordanian, and Saudi Arabian ancestry. Seems like those countries would be open to taking in refugees.


Active Member
Nah, that's a myth. There's a Palestinian journalist who posted their pictures of this so-called prison. Lovely place, beautiful beaches, delicious fancy food, happy people .... etc.

Don't believe the hype. It's rubbish.
What a logic. So when people are in a prison in the us and they are happy and laughing then they arent in a priosn?.

When people are in a situation and can’t control it, then they will accept the reality and make the best out of life. Same goes when people are in prison in the us. There is no way of getting out so accepting the reality in order to make best of it.


Active Member
I have heard from several reliable sources that the Palestinian DNA is predominately of Beduin, Jordanian, and Saudi Arabian ancestry. Seems like those countries would be open to taking in refugees.
The issue isn’t taking refugees. The issue is there will be no way of return, like some officials of the Zionist have preached, that it’s best for them to go way and not return.


Veteran Member
Your hate towards Islam and it's religious leaders has blinded you between a clear conflict of oppressors vs oppressed.
Didn't your Prophet say this?

Narrated ‘Ali, the Messenger of Allah –may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him- said:

“There will come a time upon the people when nothing will remain of Islam except its name and nothing will remain of the Quran except its words. Their mosques will be splendidly furnished but destitute of guidance. Their scholars will be the worst people under the Heaven; strife (fitna) will issue from them and avert to them.” (Mishkat al-Masabih 1/91 Hadith 276)

Mishkat al-Masabih is not the original Hadith source book. It has narrations with reference to other works giving full chain of narrators:

Al-Baihaqi –> Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Ahmad bin ‘Abdan –> Ahmad bin ‘Ubayd as-Safar –> Muhammad bin ‘Eisa bin Abi Iyas –> Sa’id bin Suleman –> ‘Abdullah bin Dukayn –> Ja’far bin Muhammad –> Muhammad bin ‘Ali –> ‘Ali bin Hussain –> ‘Ali bin Abi Talib –> Messenger of Allah, on whom be the peace and blessings of Allah.

In his Musnad (1/107) al-Daylami reports through al-Hakim the following, narrated by Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, said:

سيأتي على الناس زمان لا يبقي من القرآن إلا رسمه، ولا من الإسلام إلا اسمه، يقسمون به وهم أبعد الناس منه، مساجدهم عامرة، خراب من الهدى، فقهاء ذلك الزمان شر فقهاء تحت ظل السماء، منهم خرجت الفتنة، وإليهم تعود

"Soon a time would come upon people when nothing will remain of Quran except its script, and nothing of Islam will remain except its name, they will divide and will be farthest from it. Their mosques will be furnished but devoid of guidance. The scholars of that age will be the worst people under the heavens. Strife will emerge from them and return to them.”

Khalid bin Yazid al-Ansari <– Ibn Abi Zi’b <– Nafi’ <– Ibn ‘Umar <-- Messenger of Allah, on whom be the peace and blessings of Allah.

“Soon nothing will remain of Islam except its name and of Quran except its script … In that day your mosques will be well furnished but your hearts and bodies will have no guidance. At that time the worst people under the sky will be your scholars, strife will originate with them and return to them.” A man stoop up and asked: “Why would this happen O Commander of the Faithful?” He said: “When the knowledge is the worst among you and when immorality spreads even amongst your best people and rule with the lowest amongst you, then the Doomsday will set in.” (Shu’b al-Iman, Hadith 1765)

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I don’t think it’s funny the situation Palestinians are in but yet again I am not surprised people think it’s funny
It's just a figure of speech. Also can be substituted for peculiar.

The impression im getting is the Palestinians are just too violent and can cause trouble.



Veteran Member
I agree with you that we live in a new era. Which started after WW2 when international agencies was formed. This conflict was one of the first conflict they encountered and they did a horrible job and Palestinians are still suffering for that. But we shouldn’t point fingers and we should force those in power to cooperate for peace. But I don’t think this will happen since there I will be countries that wanna hold on this conflict so they can benefit

Humanity should look at the present time, and figure out a solution which is practical to the problem.

If arguing and fighting was going to result in a solution, it would have by now.

But to me, looks like, people, who apparently are pro-Hamas, don't really care about the Palestinian people's life. They use this situation, as an opportunity to express their hatred and fanaticism against Jews. It is more about we are good, they are evil. It is about wanting to be superior.

Look at the map. See how tiny is this area that has been under dispute for decades?
The whole Isreal is one of the smallest countries. It is even smaller than a single Province of many countries.
Does it make sense to fight for this for decades, and die for it, even if, it really belonged to Palestinians? (though it is quite a debatable dispute)

Now, consider, this worldwide Muslim community who have so many lands and countries, could have helped the Palestinians to build their existing land with good quality, and if indeed some Palestinians don't have a place to live, they could take them as Refugees.
What is the Muslim brotherhood for then? Just a empty and void claim? Let's get real, and accept the truth.


Active Member
It's just a figure of speech. Also can be substituted for peculiar.

The impression im getting is the Palestinians are just too violent and can cause trouble.

So for clarification, they don’t take Palestinians in because they are violent and cause problems?


Active Member
Humanity should look at the present time, and figure out a solution which is practical to the problem.

If arguing and fighting was going to result in a solution, it would have by now.

But to me, looks like, people, who apparently are pro-Hamas, don't really care about the Palestinian people's life. They use this situation, as an opportunity to express their hatred and fanaticism against Jews. It is more about we are good, they are evil. It is about wanting to be superior.

Look at the map. See how tiny is this area that has been under dispute for decades?
The whole Isreal is one of the smallest countries. It is even smaller than a single Province of many countries.
Does it make sense to fight for this for decades, and die for it, even if, it really belonged to Palestinians? (though it is quite a debatable dispute)

Now, consider, this worldwide Muslim community who have so many lands and countries, could have helped the Palestinians to build their existing land with good quality, and if indeed some Palestinians don't have a place to live, they could take them as Refugees.
What is the Muslim brotherhood for then? Just a empty and void claim? Let's get real, and accept the truth.
The truth is there cannot be peace without justice.
And to reply on the argument well why won’t Muslims countries take them in?
Why should they do that?
Why did Jews take land that was lived by Palestinians that lived with different kind of people. Couldn’t they create a state Elsewhere without having to remove people from their homes? Simple yes they could but wanted this particular land.

And the idea that Palestinians hating Jews is just denying history. They lived side by side in peace this changed when Zionist came in and demanded land which wasn’t theirs. They wanted a state for them alone. They thought they could get away because of the holocaust, which happened by the west and not by the Palestinians


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You are so blind @InvestigateTruth. It's a plot of Gog and Magog to put Muslims in subjugation and keep them from having their own countries free. Israel invaded Lebanon too, but were kicked out.