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Why Doesn't the World Call on Hamas to Surrender?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Run by who?
Run by the inmates, That does not help much. They cannot go to their homes. Personally I would like some pressure put on the surrounding Arabic countries to take in at least some of the refugees that they incited to rebel. The Palestinian were victims because the were promised aid and then left holding the bag.

There is plenty of blame to go around to all of the countries in this area. It is not just an Israel problem.


Veteran Member
The truth is there cannot be peace without justice.
And to reply on the argument well why won’t Muslims countries take them in?
Why should they do that?
Why did Jews take land that was lived by Palestinians that lived with different kind of people. Couldn’t they create a state Elsewhere without having to remove people from their homes? Simple yes they could but wanted this particular land.

And the idea that Palestinians hating Jews is just denying history. They lived side by side in peace this changed when Zionist came in and demanded land which wasn’t theirs. They wanted a state for them alone. They thought they could get away because of the holocaust, which happened by the west and not by the Palestinians

Sometimes it is wise to choose between bad and worst.
It may not be exactly what the Palestinians want, but to go through an unfair fight with a more powerful is the worse option.

Let me ask you this.
If this Land does not belong to the Jews, why Allah does not weaken the Jews, and make the Palestinians strong, so, they can be victorious Over the Jews?
Isn't Allah with the Muslims? Isn't He on their side? Is not He, all-powerful?
What am I missing here?
I just want to see what you think.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Freemasons were masterminds behind the movement. They are using Jews to bring about a world order. Of course, freemasons master is Gog and his master is Satan himself.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Sometimes it is wise to choose between bad and worst.
It may not be exactly what the Palestinians want, but to go through an unfair fight with a more powerful is the worse option.

Let me ask you this.
If this Land does not belong to the Jews, why Allah does not weaken the Jews, and make the Palestinians strong, so, they can be victorious Over the Jews?
Isn't Allah with the Muslims? Isn't He on their side? Is not He, all-powerful?
What am I missing here?
I just want to see what you think.
You are complete disbeliever, and would've never awaited Moses (a) with believers of that time. You are a worshiper of dunya and that's what is you are missing.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You are complete disbeliever, and would've never awaited Moses (a) with believers of that time. You are a worshiper of dunya and that's what is you are missing.
Moses appears to be another fictional character of the Bible. And realizing that our world is probably all that there is is not "worshipping" it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Freemasons exist. They are behind it.
Where is your evidence for that claim? Yes, the Freemasons themselves exist, but they appear to be a harmless organization. Where did this insane conspiracy theory nonsense about the Freemasons start? Why does it have such a hold over irrational people?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Moses appears to be another fictional character of the Bible. And realizing that our world is probably all that there is is not "worshipping" it.
In Quran, Moses (a) story is not unique. It's something time and time happens, when God delivers the believers from oppressors and destroys their oppressors. Before it was more local. With the Mahdi (a), it will be a world scale and the consequences are much larger. The delay is out of mercy of God not to destroy but also to build a core of believers. Believers are always tested with oppressors. The only thing, it has never been on a world scale before.

Now, western powers, and their oppression against Muslims is more of a world scale event.

Of course, it's possible destructions of cities don't occur. But we are avoiding warnings (mankind is ignoring and oblivious to the Mahdi in the Quran).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Where is your evidence for that claim? Yes, the Freemasons themselves exist, but they appear to be a harmless organization. Where did this insane conspiracy theory nonsense about the Freemasons start? Why does it have such a hold over irrational people?
This laughable. You've done no research into it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is the beliefs in fictional beings that is a big part of the problem.
The belief in God's chosen vs Taghut/Jibt/Abu Lahab/Gog/Anti-Christ, is the only way to really see politics for what it is behind the smoke. Till then you got no idea what's really going on at all.

You place your bet that God doesn't have a hand (the guide) on earth, like many people did in the past. There were many "super powers" who thought they were the super power and didn't think of God as a power, just a place holder in religion and philosophy like you do.

Then when the guide comes and perform miracles, their hate towards believers from before and their playful nature, will make them accuse him of being a sorcerer.

The Mahdi will come. The world will divide base on him and the final battle will occur. Gog and Magog will fall from every high place of power, influence, and authority. This society will disappear.

The question is a number game. Will there be very few believers or many. Will it be even split more so. Will it be majority siding with the truth for once? We don't know.

The Quran warns about it so warnings are to be avoided and the catastrophes it warns about to be avoided. Will they be avoided, I doubt it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The belief in God's chosen vs Taghut/Jibt/Abu Lahab/Gog/Anti-Christ, is the only way to really see politics for what it is behind the smoke. Till then you got no idea what's really going on at all.

You place your bet that God doesn't have a hand (the guide) on earth, like many people did in the past. There were many "super powers" who thought they were the super power and didn't think of God as a power, just a place holder in religion and philosophy like you do.

Then when the guide comes and perform miracles, their hate towards believers from before and their playful nature, will make them accuse him of being a sorcerer.

The Mahdi will come. The world will divide base on him and the final battle will occur. Gog and Magog will fall from every high place of power, influence, and authority. This society will disappear.

The question is a number game. Will there be very few believers or many. Will it be even split more so. Will it be majority siding with the truth for once? We don't know.

The Quran warns about it so warnings are to be avoided and the catastrophes it warns about to be avoided. Will they be avoided, I doubt it.
No, quite the opposite as shown by your relying on conspiracy theories. I challenged you to support the nonsense that you posted. Please do so. If you can't then you only confirm my accusation that it is nonsense.


Active Member
Sometimes it is wise to choose between bad and worst.
It may not be exactly what the Palestinians want, but to go through an unfair fight with a more powerful is the worse option.
I agree I don’t see this as a fight or a war. Israel are stronger for many reasons. And them being the occupier they are responsible for everything. Let alone the so called allies.
Let me ask you this.
If this Land does not belong to the Jews, why Allah does not weaken the Jews, and make the Palestinians strong, so, they can be victorious Over the Jews?
Isn't Allah with the Muslims? Isn't He on their side? Is not He, all-powerful?
What am I missing here?
I just want to see what you think.
So you are asking now about Islam and before I will answer you.
We don’t claim this is the land of Muslims. Sure we have a certain attachment to for example the Asqa mosque and it a long time in possession of the Otto mans empire. So when ottomans empire lost the land, does that mean that someone else can take and rule the land?
Yes obviously they can but there are things like justice.
This idea of the true owner of the land is subjective . We can all point out in history who has ruled the lands. What we can’t support is taking homes where people live in and is is unjustifiable

To answer your question about Allah. We don’t accectp Allah to intervene in matters that involved matters of humans. We believe nothing happens without Allah will. We Muslims suffering we see it as Allah testing us. Can he make the Muslims stronger sure he can, does that mean that he will, no not necessarily.


Veteran Member
Fictional beings have nothing to do with the problems. It is the beliefs in fictional beings that is a big part of the problem.
Gog and Magog are not fictional beings. They are real. We even have their pictures see:


Just to avoid any confusion, the one on the left is Gog and the one on the right side is Magog.

@Link Knows them better


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The issue isn’t taking refugees. The issue is there will be no way of return, like some officials of the Zionist have preached, that it’s best for them to go way and not return.
Sorry, don't know that much about the situation. Are Zionists in the majority?


Veteran Member
To answer your question about Allah. We don’t accectp Allah to intervene in matters that involved matters of humans. We believe nothing happens without Allah will. We Muslims suffering we see it as Allah testing us. Can he make the Muslims stronger sure he can, does that mean that he will, no not necessarily.

Well, the Quran says, Allah intervened before against the Jews:

[59.2] He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book to go forth from their homes at the first banishment you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah; but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts; they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers; therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes!

[59.3] And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have chastisement of the fire.

[61.14] O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as~ Isa son of Marium said to (his) disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost.


Active Member
Sorry, don't know that much about the situation. Are Zionists in the majority?
Obviously Zionist are the majority since Zionist means someone want a Jewish state. But it’s complicated. Because if you don’t support the government on their efforts to keep Israel safe then they are usually labeled as antisemitic or a self hating Jew. But yeah the right wing Zionist are the majority so it’s a majority now


Active Member
Well, the Quran says, Allah intervened before against the Jews:

[59.2] He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book to go forth from their homes at the first banishment you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah; but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts; they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers; therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes!

[59.3] And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have chastisement of the fire.

[61.14] O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as~ Isa son of Marium said to (his) disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost.
Like I said we Muslim don’t accept him he will intervene but it is possible he will


Active Member
I agree. I share the same belief.

Please explain how, this suffering, in this particular case, is a test? What is the test?
Not really the topic of the thread, maybe open a new thread ?

We believe our a whole life is a test. Our purpose is to worship Allah alone and don’t attach any partners. We believe the prophet is his last messenger Allah has sent and revealed the Quran through him. So suffering we see it as a test because this may cause someone to leave their faith or even better strengthen his relationship with Allah. Same with happiness, someone can leave islams because he is happy what he have and think he doesn’t need god or happiness can strengthen his relationship with Allah because he is grateful what god has giving him.