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Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.


Well-Known Member
Everyone tries to tell you what to do. Your best friend gives their opinion of your actions. The president tells people what to do. Muslims want to tell you what to do. So why this anger against our Rabbis?
No anger. Just funny how you all see these errors amongst Christians and Muslims but are incapable of seeing your own issues.


Well-Known Member
How do you know that Flanker didn't study and meditate on the Torah?
I don't know what Flanker has down. All I know is that he/she is blindly defending Rabbinic interpretation that she deems is authoritative and binding. Which is false.
Not a single Torah is preserved to this day. All have been adulterated.

Yeah, that's it .The Torah doesnt exist anymore. And as I have shown above, a number of verses that prove that.

So when I say "the Quran was modified and distorted by humans" and that everything is explained in the torah via the talmud (in the same way that you say everything was explained through the hadiths) you will see how persuasive your argument is.

Ooh really?

The Qur'an is well-protected and here are the evidences

Surat Al - Hajir verse (9)
Sahih International
"Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian."

Surat Fuşşilat verse (41)
"Indeed, those who disbelieve in the message after it "
"Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy."

Surat Al - Kahf verse (27)
"And recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. There is no changer of His words, and never will you find in other than Him a refuge."

Surat Al-Ankabut verse (48)
"And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your right hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had [cause for] doubt."

Verse (49)
"Rather, the Qur'an is distinct verses [preserved] within the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none reject Our verses except the wrongdoers."

Surat Az-Zukhruf verse (3)
"Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand."
Verse (4)
"And indeed it is, in the Mother of the Book with Us, exalted and full of wisdom."

Surat Al-Wāqi`ah verse (77)
"Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an"
Verse (78)
"In a Register well-protected;"
Verse (79)
"None touch it except the purified."
Verse (80)
"[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds."

Surat Al-Baqara verse (2)
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -"

Well now, my job of showing the truth is done.Now , it's up to you .

Islam is very peaceful and beautiful religion.If you want to learn more about it, just click here.
SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS, Discover Islam, Muslim people, Holy Quran and Islamic Religion
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Because you all find ways to reject and add commandments to His Torah. This makes your religion false according to the written Torah. Its that easy.
No, it's not "easy" because you simply are not in a position to make such a statement on what is "fake" and what is not and still be credible. In order to do so with any credibility whatsoever, you would have had to have been there when God gave the Commandments. Already you have shown that you are unaware of some basics, such as your claim that Adam was told to obey Shabbat when Torah does not say nor imply that.


Well-Known Member
Pot meet kettle.
Ahhhh…but I do see my own errors. I have spent my life questioning my beliefs as well as studying other peoples beliefs.
No, it's not "easy" because you simply are not in a position to make such a statement on what is "fake" and what is not and still be credible. In order to do so with any credibility whatsoever, you would have had to have been there when God gave the Commandments. Already you have shown that you are unaware of some basics, such as your claim that Adam was told to obey Shabbat when Torah does not say nor imply that.
Are you suggesting that Adam was not aware of the Shabbat that God "hallowed"?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
There is nothing wrong with interpreting the text. When a group of people get together and claim exclusive authority to "interpret" the text is when it becomes a controlling false religion.
Rabbis do not claim exclusive authority as we have a commentary system whereas anyone can take and write their position. On top of that, we have no creed.

So, all you are doing is fabricating stories, and your credibility is shot because you post your opinions as if they're slam-dunk facts, plus you don't even seem to understand some of the basics.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's it .The Torah doesnt exist anymore. And as I have shown above, a number of verses that prove that.

Ooh really?

The Qur'an is well-protected and here are the evidences

Surat Al - Hajir verse (9)
Sahih International
"Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian."

Surat Fuşşilat verse (41)
"Indeed, those who disbelieve in the message after it "
"Falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it; [it is] a revelation from a [Lord who is] Wise and Praiseworthy."

Surat Al - Kahf verse (27)
"And recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. There is no changer of His words, and never will you find in other than Him a refuge."

Surat Al-Ankabut verse (48)
"And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your right hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had [cause for] doubt."

Verse (49)
"Rather, the Qur'an is distinct verses [preserved] within the breasts of those who have been given knowledge. And none reject Our verses except the wrongdoers."

Surat Az-Zukhruf verse (3)
"Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand."
Verse (4)
"And indeed it is, in the Mother of the Book with Us, exalted and full of wisdom."

Surat Al-Wāqi`ah verse (77)
"Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an"
Verse (78)
"In a Register well-protected;"
Verse (79)
"None touch it except the purified."
Verse (80)
"[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds."

Surat Al-Baqara verse (2)
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah -
I don't think that there is anything for you left to say.

Well now, my job of showing the truth is done.Now , it's up to you .

Islam is very peaceful and beautiful religion.If you want to learn more about it, just click here.
SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS, Discover Islam, Muslim people, Holy Quran and Islamic Religion
You realize that your proofs come from within the same text that I can claim was adulterated, right? That's sort of self-serving.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Ahhhh…but I do see my own errors. I have spent my life questioning my beliefs as well as studying other peoples beliefs.

Are you suggesting that Adam was not aware of the Shabbat that God "hallowed"?
Show where it says in Torah that God gave Adam Shabbat and told him to follow it? The first mention of Shabbat doesn't show up until Exodus.


Well-Known Member
Rabbis do not claim exclusive authority as we have a commentary system whereas anyone can take and write their position. On top of that, we have no creed.

So, all you are doing is fabricating stories, and your credibility is shot because you post your opinions as if they're slam-dunk facts, plus you don't even seem to understand some of the basics.
Sanhedrin 11:3. Greater stringency applies to [the observance of the words of Scribes than to [the observance of] the words of the [written] Law.” (The Mishnah, translated by Herbert Danby, Oxford University Press, 1933).

“A more strict rule applies to the teaching of scribes than to the teachings of Torah” (The Mishnah, a New Translation, by Jacob Neusner).

Interestingly, the Mishnah goes on to expound on the PENALTY for going against the “teaching” of the scribes, the oral Law and its interpretations, saying.

“A. They put him to DEATH not in the court of his own town or in the court which is in Yabneh, but they bring him up to the high court which is in Jerusalem.

“B. ‘And they keep him until the festival, and they put him to death on the festival,

“C. as it is said, And all the people shall hear and fear and no more do presumptuously.

“D. R. Judah says, ‘They do not delay the judgment of this one, but they put him to death at once.

“E. ‘And they write messages and send them with messengers to every place;

“F. ‘Mr. So-and-so, son of Mr. So-and-so, has been declared liable to the death penalty by the court’” (Sanhedrin 11:4).


Well-Known Member
In the lack of proof that he was aware of something, or ever observed it, it seems illogical to assume that he was. One needs to prove a lack?
I am allowed to use my own logic and make an assumption. I am not making up a new law or anything. My assumption is based off of numerous other passages which prove the Torah was in existence BEFORE SINAI!


Well-Known Member
no…but we have textual proof that others kept Shabbat before Sinai. We also have proof that many other Torah commands were being kept before Sinai as well.
What is the proof that others kept the specific law of the sabbath? So far all you have shown is that others kept whatever laws they were instructed to keep, no mention of the sabbath.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Are you suggesting that Adam was not aware of the Shabbat that God "hallowed"?

Apparently not as there is nothing in Torah that states or implies anyone was ordered to follow the Sabbath Laws until Exodus. If you doubt that, then please post chapter & verse that says otherwise. Do you think Adam followed God around so that he could observe God resting on Shabbos?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I am allowed to use my own logic and make an assumption. I am not making up a new law or anything. My assumption is based off of numerous other passages which prove the Torah was in existence BEFORE SINAI!
Then prove it if it's supposedly that available. Prove that the 613 Laws were given prior to Sinai. You keep making statements but you don't back them up.