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Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.


Well-Known Member
No, because we know you have a belief with which we don;t agree and telling you that you are wrong is a waste of breath. You don't understand what you read, you come to conclusions that fit preconceived notions and you have no interest in learning. We don't begrudge you your belief and yet yours is predicated on denigrating others. That's sad. But have fun with it. Peace out.
Whats sad is your defense of such sinister elitist logic cleverly renamed "Rabbinic authority". Your religion in not based on Torah so just stop the act. Think for yourself. And while you are at it you might want to research were your "kippah" comes from, because it is not Torah. Later.


Well-Known Member
Whats sad is your defense of such sinister elitist logic cleverly renamed "Rabbinic authority". Your religion in not based on Torah so just stop the act. Think for yourself. And while you are at it you might want to research were your "kippah" comes from, because it is not Torah. Later.
I have written extensively on the topic. Your assumption that I haven't investigated things is another problem with your interpersonal approach. But c'est la vie.


Well-Known Member
I have written extensively on the topic. Your assumption that I haven't investigated things is another problem with your interpersonal approach. But c'est la vie.
Votre kippa est rien, mais un désir de rester
à Babylone…..au revoir
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Well-Known Member
Its remarkable to see the willful ignorance amongst those defending their (Rabbi's, Pastor's, Imam's). Even though everyone is parroting the opinions of their spiritual masters it seems these same people are convinced their opinions are do to their "personal spiritual search". How ironic.


Active Member
No. Just don't want to rehash the same argument that already has a thread. Calm down.

I took a gander through those. It's more likely you meant, you didn't want to get logically torn to pieces again... Very unconvincing, on both fronts.


Well-Known Member
Hey? Why are all the Rabbinic Jews silent now?

Because you know you are all following a bunch of MORONS who put their own words above Torah. It can't be avoided or denied. You either must believe the Rabbi's have a God given exclusive claim to interpret the Torah or they are LIARS! And so is your "religion".

Yeah yeah we got it the first 12000 times you mentioned that you are the only one understanding Torah, what God wants and probably how to cook too.

What is there to discuss? You think everyone but you is an idiot. Well good for you.

No. Just don't want to rehash the same argument

Oh the irony.


Well-Known Member
Yeah yeah we got it the first 12000 times you mentioned that you are the only one understanding Torah, what God wants and probably how to cook too.

What is there to discuss? You think everyone but you is an idiot. Well good for you.

I just proved that the Rabbi's are the ones who believe their interpretation is authoritative…not me. They even believe it is higher then God's!! I am the one telling people to think for themselves and not the way elite religious nuts want them to think. I don't claim to have an exclusive claim of interpretation. I AM CONVINCED THAT THE RABBI'S ARE OPERATING OUTSIDE THE GUIDELINES OF TORAH AND I HAVE OPENLY MADE A LOGICAL AND BIBLICAL CASE FOR WHY I BELIEVE THAT. You have seen the evidence which demonstrates the Rabbi's abusing the Torah in order to manipulate the masses into thinking they have authority. Yet you have NOTHING TO SAY about there obvious corruption which is remarkable to say the least. All you can do is get mad at me for pointing it out and blame me for the very thing the Rabbi's are doing.
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Active Member
I just proved that the Rabbi's are the ones who believe their interpretation is authoritative…not me. They even believe it is higher then God's!! I am the one telling people to think for themselves and not the way elite religious nuts want them to think. I don't claim to have an exclusive claim of interpretation. I AM CONVINCED THAT THE RABBI'S ARE OPERATING OUTSIDE THE GUIDELINES OF TORAH AND I HAVE OPENLY MADE A LOGICAL AND BIBLICAL CASE FOR WHY I BELIEVE THAT. You have seen the evidence which demonstrates the Rabbi's abusing the Torah in order to manipulate the masses into thinking they have authority. Yet you have NOTHING TO SAY about there obvious corruption which is remarkable to say the least. All you can do is get made at me for pointing it out and blame me for the very thing the Rabbi's are doing.

Jesus, sir. Jesus is the answer.


Well-Known Member
I just proved

Yeah uhm no.

You extensively use Christian/Messianic websites to prove your point. Which in itself is completely unimportant to Jews. You might as well quote Martians.
This is then coupled with the complete disregard for the opinions and beliefs of those which you want to address or let's call it what it is, lecture.

All in all you are the example of the "totally true Torah-believer" which we regularly see with Muslim and Christian fanatics who know it all better than anyone else. They then proceed to open Thread after Thread about how incredibly wise they are and how stupid everyone else is. After all they have seen the light and need to share their wisdom in a totally insulting manner.

Though you still miss something at the moment. Keep your style of writing but add excessive colouring. Not just one colour, at the very least 4.
And some form of Visions would also help. I'd try mushrooms if it were me.

Also if you write so much in capital letters you seem like one of those raging Internet kiddies. Which doesn't really help your point, though let's be honest no really cares.

So have fun, I am gonna be off and serve the evil Rabbi Overlords.


Well-Known Member
Yeah uhm no.

You extensively use Christian/Messianic websites to prove your point. Which in itself is completely unimportant to Jews. You might as well quote Martians.
This is then coupled with the complete disregard for the opinions and beliefs of those which you want to address or let's call it what it is, lecture.

All in all you are the example of the "totally true Torah-believer" which we regularly see with Muslim and Christian fanatics who know it all better than anyone else. They then proceed to open Thread after Thread about how incredibly wise they are and how stupid everyone else is. After all they have seen the light and need to share their wisdom in a totally insulting manner.

Though you still miss something at the moment. Keep your style of writing but add excessive colouring. Not just one colour, at the very least 4.
And some form of Visions would also help. I'd try mushrooms if it were me.

Also if you write so much in capital letters you seem like one of those raging Internet kiddies. Which doesn't really help your point, though let's be honest no really cares.

So have fun, I am gonna be off and serve the evil Rabbi Overlords.
Still no response to my argument.


Well-Known Member
Yeah uhm no.

You extensively use Christian/Messianic websites to prove your point. Which in itself is completely unimportant to Jews. You might as well quote Martians.
This is then coupled with the complete disregard for the opinions and beliefs of those which you want to address or let's call it what it is, lecture.

All in all you are the example of the "totally true Torah-believer" which we regularly see with Muslim and Christian fanatics who know it all better than anyone else. They then proceed to open Thread after Thread about how incredibly wise they are and how stupid everyone else is. After all they have seen the light and need to share their wisdom in a totally insulting manner.

Though you still miss something at the moment. Keep your style of writing but add excessive colouring. Not just one colour, at the very least 4.
And some form of Visions would also help. I'd try mushrooms if it were me.

Also if you write so much in capital letters you seem like one of those raging Internet kiddies. Which doesn't really help your point, though let's be honest no really cares.

So have fun, I am gonna be off and serve the evil Rabbi Overlords.

Discrediting an argument because it is a Christian, Muslim or Messianic website only shows your level of indoctrination. Its the typical circular logic which immediately discredits sources outside of their belief system. Why not debate the actual substance of the argument? Instead of sitting back and whining about how I am wrong or how a source "isn't credible". The Messianic site was ONLY quoting examples of Torah being observed before Sinai. Nothing more. There was not Messianic indoctrination in what I posted. It was a valid and logical argument with clear examples from the Torah which can't be refuted. Nor did you try to refute it. Because you know you can't. So you simply attempt to discredit. What a "truth seeker" you are.


Well-Known Member
I took a gander through those. It's more likely you meant, you didn't want to get logically torn to pieces again... Very unconvincing, on both fronts.

Ok buddy

Just so you know. It's much easier to expose Christian logic than Rabbinic Judaism. Your pastors are facilitating a pyramid scheme which promises eternal "salvation" to those who "believe" in Jesus. And what is the world being saved from? Eternal fire and torture which Christians claim God will inflict upon all who don't believe. You follow a hellenized fairy tale based off of a Torah observant Jew named Yeshua. You even worship this idol on Dec 25th! The same day every other pagan sun god was worshipped. Christianity is an inch deep and a mile wide.
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Well-Known Member
Still no response to my argument.
Just an amused note -- you have no argument. You are starting with interpretive schema which don't correlate to the one used by Jews. You are starting with preconceived notions which don't jibe with the cultural system n which the things you quote exist. In brief, you are starting with your own belief system, outside of the system in which all the things you quote were given, written, and understood. You have standing to disagree but should realize that your disagreement is based on your personal position as an outsider, so nothing you try to cobble together will have any value or persuasive power when presented to someone inside the system who views it as a coherent whole. So you have no argument, because no argument is possible. You have no proof when nothing can be proven by you. You waste your breath insisting that you must be right because, based on how you see the world and how you line up the quotes, everyone else is wrong. That may fill up your day but it isn't really convincing to anyone else.

But carry on if it keeps you busy.


Well-Known Member
Just an amused note -- you have no argument. You are starting with interpretive schema which don't correlate to the one used by Jews. You are starting with preconceived notions which don't jibe with the cultural system n which the things you quote exist. In brief, you are starting with your own belief system, outside of the system in which all the things you quote were given, written, and understood. You have standing to disagree but should realize that your disagreement is based on your personal position as an outsider, so nothing you try to cobble together will have any value or persuasive power when presented to someone inside the system who views it as a coherent whole. So you have no argument, because no argument is possible. You have no proof when nothing can be proven by you. You waste your breath insisting that you must be right because, based on how you see the world and how you line up the quotes, everyone else is wrong. That may fill up your day but it isn't really convincing to anyone else.

But carry on if it keeps you busy.
Ahhhh….I get it. I have no right to critique the rabbi's because my position as an "outsider" (which i take as a compliment). Once again, circular reasoning. I gave you specific examples of rabbi's distorting the written Torah which can't be wished away. You can ignore the argument all you want and try to make it about me but any logical person on this thread knows I have a point and also knows you are avoiding it. You can continue to "incline after the majority" like your Rabbi's command you. Even though the Torah says the exact opposite. I guess if you really believe their authority is above God's then it all makes sense I guess.


Well-Known Member
I took a gander through those. It's more likely you meant, you didn't want to get logically torn to pieces again... Very unconvincing, on both fronts.
Do you really want to get into it? Christianity is much easier to expose then Rabbinic Judaism. Where should we start?


Well-Known Member
I am the one telling people to think for themselves and not the way elite religious nuts want them to think. I don't claim to have an exclusive claim of interpretation.

Whats even funnier is how people pretend like they have some personal deep conviction which they have personally toiled over. What a crock! Listening to other people spoon feed you truth is NOT "sincere search".

Yes, you claim that you don't have an exclusive knowledge of interpretation and then in the next breath you say that other people's searches for knowledge are all formed by brainwashing and being spoon fed knowledge. In effect, you are invalidating everyone's studies and searches and instead believing that only your beliefs are valid. To my mind, that is an exclusive claim of interpretation. As metis said earlier, you hold yourself as an authority and then blame others for following an authority.


That's nice. I don't deny your right to hold such a belief. And if you don't want to accept a given rabbi's authority, then don't. But, I don't agree with your belief and haven't found any logic in your arguments for that belief.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you claim that you don't have an exclusive knowledge of interpretation and then in the next breath you say that other people's searches for knowledge are all formed by brainwashing and being spoon fed knowledge. In effect, you are invalidating everyone's studies and searches and instead believing that only your beliefs are valid. To my mind, that is an exclusive claim of interpretation. As metis said earlier, you hold yourself as an authority and then blame others for following an authority.

That's nice. I don't deny your right to hold such a belief. And if you don't want to accept a given rabbi's authority, then don't. But, I don't agree with your belief and haven't found any logic in your arguments for that belief.
see post 214 and 215

I have shown that the Rabbi's themselves teach that their interpretation is above the prophets and God Himself. I have also shown them twist the Torah in order to create such logic. Remarkably, not one person has even given a logical defense for such statements. Its as if you don't really care that the Rabbi's believe this about themselves. That to me is startling.


Well-Known Member

I would love to here your views on what this means:

“Even if they (the Rabbi's) instruct you that right is left or left is right, you must obey them” (Sifre Deuteronomy 154 on Deut.17:11).