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Why worship Satan?


Left Hand Path
I feel the need to reply to clear some things up. As you can see my title is "Theistic" Satanist but I don't know whether my views are the same as other Satanists or not. I don't think it really matters. The question in this thread is, "Why worship Satan?" and my response is, I don't. This might confuse some because I believe in the existence of Satan but I can acknowledge his existence without actually worshiping him.

It basically works much like this. Satan brought us knowledge and freedom. This, I respect, and much like Satan, I strive to be completely free. In that, I am my own God, and bow to no one. If Satan brought us freedom, why would I return that Freedom and in turn bow before him? After throwing everything away in order to give us freedom, why would he want us to instead bow before him?

I don't believe he does. In this light I guess it doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong. If it turns out Satan doesn't exist it doesn't change any of my core beliefs, who I am, or the way I live. In the end I'll still be the same cynical person who questions everything, doesn't follow others, strives to make the most out of my life without adhering to someone else's rules/lifestyle, and most of all living as a free individual.

Being a Satanist is about living life as a God.

I think you are mistaking general theism. But why give yourself a label?

Instead you should just be, what you are..

Gladius Deus Ex

Enlightened One

I think you are mistaking general theism. But why give yourself a label?

Instead you should just be, what you are..

This is probably because I buy into the possibility that there was a creator who cast out a figure that is now known as Satan. The same Satan who gave mankind both knowledge and free will. In turn for this gift I oppose the tyrannical creator by striving to be my own God, in essence, following the same steps as Satan. An Adversary to God. That is why I consider myself a Theistic Satanist. This is not at all, however, saying I buy into the bible nor that I practice reverse Christianity. I believe Satan, as well as the Creator, were given many names over thousands of years. This sums it up in a nut shell, going more in depth would take a lot longer to explain.

I do, however, focus more on the here and now to the point where most people assume I'm either an Atheist or an Atheistic minded Satanist. Unless asked I don't normally discuss my beliefs. It's normally other people who give me labels and I tend to keep the ones I like. Does this make sense and answer your question?
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Left Hand Path
This is probably because I buy into the possibility that there was a creator who cast out a figure that is now known as Satan. The same Satan who gave mankind both knowledge and free will. In turn for this gift I oppose the tyrannical creator by striving to be my own God

Don't take offense to this, but that last sentence sounds like a contradiction. If this God was such a tyranist who created everything, wouldn't he have to ability to destroy Satan, which in turn, would have never created us? If this 'creator' truly did exist, his tyranny could not be crushed then could it? Since he is the creator of everything? But then maybe he is not as powerful as everone thinks he is, but then he wouldn't really be worthy of being called a 'God' if he could not stop his own downfall. Maybe I am not looking at it in the same perspective as you, honestly it sounds a bit rediculous. Maybe you could help me out a bit.

in essence, following the same steps as Satan. An Adversary to God.

Exactly, the literal meaning of Satan, Opposition/Advesary. Instead of following the same steps, create your own, and you will become all that you know.:yes:

I do, however, focus more on the here and now to the point where most people assume I'm either an Atheist or an Atheistic minded Satanist. Unless asked I don't normally discuss my beliefs. It's normally other people who give me labels and I tend to keep the ones I like. Does this make sense and answer your question?

Of course, you seem to follow the Nine Satanic Statements, though I wouldn't know, since I don't know enough about your beliefs. The sentence I bolded above makes me think such a thing :D.

By the way an 'Atheistic minded Satanists' may also be known as a LaVeyan :D.

You should look into Anton LaVey and his philosophy, I think you could benefit a lot from what he has to offer, of course I am not saying that you have to follow it. It just adds on to the perceptions you seek :D.

But I think I understand where you come from, as a fellow Satanist I can acknowledge your will to be 'Enlightened', but in order to be so, you must become everything that is, and embrace death :D.

But honestly I don't believe in 'Enlightenment' for what does it matter, when death itself does not percieve?

Gladius Deus Ex

Enlightened One
I have read the Satanic bible of LaVey and find myself agreeing with quite a bit of it. Realize that I only consider the possibility of actual deities existing as theoretical, leaning more towards belief than disbelief going by my own personal experiences. It's not so much that I believe it's possible to actually destroy a tyrannical creator than it's more I'd rather face oblivion on my feet, head held high, than on my knees in servitude for all immortality. In other words, it's..

"I'm free. I'll do what I will in this life as well as the next, and if God himself tries to impose his will on me I'll strike out with everything I have rather than submit in servitude." So regardless whether he can or can't be defeated doesn't really change my stance. Of course if this creator exists and doesn't bother me in the next life I could care less to bother him.

That make more sense? :p The reason I don't like discussing things like this is because it makes it appear I focus more on it than I really do. As I said before, I much prefer to focus on the here and now. I'm also still very skeptical of the "Afterlife." and "Supernatural." but what Satanist isn't? I regard everything as theory and stick to what works.


Left Hand Path
I have read the Satanic bible of LaVey and find myself agreeing with quite a bit of it. Realize that I only consider the possibility of actual deities existing as theoretical, leaning more towards belief than disbelief going by my own personal experiences. It's not so much that I believe it's possible to actually destroy a tyrannical creator than it's more I'd rather face oblivion on my feet, head held high, than on my knees in servitude for all immortality. In other words, it's..

"I'm free. I'll do what I will in this life as well as the next, and if God himself tries to impose his will on me I'll strike out with everything I have rather than submit in servitude." So regardless whether he can or can't be defeated doesn't really change my stance. Of course if this creator exists and doesn't bother me in the next life I could care less to bother him.

That make more sense? :p The reason I don't like discussing things like this is because it makes it appear I focus more on it than I really do. As I said before, I much prefer to focus on the here and now. I'm also still very skeptical of the "Afterlife." and "Supernatural." but what Satanist isn't? I regard everything as theory and stick to what works.

See there, I agree with you 100% there. So your label 'Theistic' is misleading. I suggest joining the group The Black Order.


Active Member
Stupidest picture ever posted anywhere

May i ask which picture your speaking of, or is this a witty hit~n~run?

My idea of why Satan is perhaps one of our best currents to work with is because he is a great role model. Always the perfect gentleman, cunning and respected. However, i think we would do well to worship ourselves using the metaphorical representations of the qualities of Satan. I've found this current extremely effective in my past and when deemed necessary, to this day. Its the archaic nature of this focal point i find effective. The raw force that's generated and required is also a very alluring to the lhp initiate.
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Twig pentagram

High Priest
Satans a bit of a rotter, Jesus said he cripples people and that he's a liar.
So clue me in, what is there about Satan to like, let alone worship?
Do people worship him because they're scared of him or what?
I'm not big on the whole satanist thing. I'm more interested in the luciferian ideology. I think lucifer and satan are two totally different archetypes. Some say lucifer means light bearer or morning star or Jupiter. Some people think lucifer was satans name when he lived in heaven, but the bible dose'nt even support that so I don't know where they got it from.
I don't think the word lucifer is used at all in most translations of the Bible. I've heard that there is no hebrew word for lucifer, and some don't understand how or why it is used in the KJV. Lucifer is truly a mysterious archetype and it is far more fascinating then satan.


Left Hand Path
I'm not big on the whole satanist thing. I'm more interested in the luciferian ideology. I think lucifer and satan are two totally different archetypes. Some say lucifer means light bearer or morning star or Jupiter. Some people think lucifer was satans name when he lived in heaven, but the bible dose'nt even support that so I don't know where they got it from.
I don't think the word lucifer is used at all in most translations of the Bible. I've heard that there is no hebrew word for lucifer, and some don't understand how or why it is used in the KJV. Lucifer is truly a mysterious archetype and it is far more fascinating then satan.

The common type is a very over looked misconception.

Lucifer, the Roman God of Light, fell when Christianity started conquering the European Nations.

Being one of the four princes of Hell, Lucifer holds one of the grandests titles of being and ascention.

But Luciferiansim itself is controlling and very clear on it's purpose. I.e. to condemn thyself to what the Christians call 'Hell'.

I find the purpose of Luciferiansim very silly...however my opinion is not relevant to this discussion.

But 'mystery' is the very net that encaptures and oppresses the mind. When one overcomes the 'enigma' of existence and finds the true self is when their perception rises beyond the common ground.

Lucifer and Satan, they are just labels to define the Unknown (that goes without saying that All perceptions are given labels). Satan beng literal for the meanings Opposition, and Advesary, is the very essence of which all beings flow. As all beings are in opposition, of some Aspect of Life. Therefore, all beings are Satanic.

Twig pentagram

High Priest
The common type is a very over looked misconception.

Lucifer, the Roman God of Light, fell when Christianity started conquering the European Nations.

Being one of the four princes of Hell, Lucifer holds one of the grandests titles of being and ascention.

But Luciferiansim itself is controlling and very clear on it's purpose. I.e. to condemn thyself to what the Christians call 'Hell'.

I find the purpose of Luciferiansim very silly...however my opinion is not relevant to this discussion.

But 'mystery' is the very net that encaptures and oppresses the mind. When one overcomes the 'enigma' of existence and finds the true self is when their perception rises beyond the common ground.

Lucifer and Satan, they are just labels to define the Unknown (that goes without saying that All perceptions are given labels). Satan beng literal for the meanings Opposition, and Advesary, is the very essence of which all beings flow. As all beings are in opposition, of some Aspect of Life. Therefore, all beings are Satanic.
Luciferians believe in an actual hell? I've barely heard of luciferians that believe in an actual Lucifer.


Lol! Perfect, a Satanic Norman Rockwell... teaching children to worship Satan.

Hehe. Yeah, saw it in the window and I just had to have it! Too bad hanging it in the window might cause misunderstandings within the neighborhood...