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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Or you are projecting your own bitter views and want us to feel insecure about our secure and happy lives confusing us into accept paganism and becoming part of your fold.....

Actually, your name Moonstone is ******* me off as I been playing Indiana Jones - The Fate of Atlantis and the damn moonstone got me stuck for a long time, AND, talking about the topic, we had stereotypical views about Germans, all being Nazis and us americans are Glorious and Highly Advanced (the game is played in 1930's when we lived in poverty and as backwards as a squid) and yada yada yada.

Why should I care if anyone else is Pagan? I've yet to meet a Pagan who wishes to recruit anyone to their "religion". We don't believe in a one true way to reach spiritual peace. Just wanted to make that clear. Other than that I won't adress anymore of your childish nonsense...who is seeking attention now?

Anyways, I've gone off topic again..sorry guys. :cover:


Active Member

So then, my final Question, What is the "True" Religion and How would you know being that most Christians, Muslims and Jews are indoctrinated into the religion their parents have and are told it is "the True one"...

Please explain how you define and prove that YOUR, of all these religions, is the True one and of course, what a coincidence that YOU where born into the right one. Lucky Aymen.


All in the Family was a show that offended many and yet the main actor, Carroll O' Connor, was a huge activist for minorities. His hope was to bring issues to the forefront in a shocking way so as to CAUSE others to talk about them. In this show, the target was often the Jewish and the Blacks being that they are the most hated in America <---- yes, though most are ignorant of this fact, Muslims are less the target of hate than the Jews here in America and how this can remain an ignorance of so many is beyond me.

Or, as a white person, I guess I could be offended that the white ppl used in the Cosby show were often portrayed as dumb arses. Rather though, i loved the Cosby show and thought it had some good discussion value in its topics. He is brutally honest with his own ppl for their sakes rather than being one who would bash white ppl. His point in portraying white ppl the way he did was for a brilliant purpose.

Maybe some of you are just thinking the wrong way about the points that are supposed to be made in these movies that are being complained of?
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Active Member
My parents are ignorant...

Actually, Ignorance is not heredital but did nto bother responding to it. Knowledge is derived and saved in soceities, if the society dies, the knowledge dies but ones parents are irrelevant to this other then that they could prevent you from gaining knowledge like Creationist and Muslims do to their children.

That is, your parents may be ignorant/religious, but this does not make you (naturally) ignorant, but it may have given you a disadvantage in life, or being a positive making you fight extra hard to gain knowledge learning more then the average. Lots of research in this.


Actually, Ignorance is not heredital but did nto bother responding to it. Knowledge is derived and saved in soceities, if the society dies, the knowledge dies but ones parents are irrelevant to this other then that they could prevent you from gaining knowledge like Creationist and Muslims do to their children.

That is, your parents may be ignorant/religious, but this does not make you (naturally) ignorant, but it may have given you a disadvantage in life, or being a positive making you fight extra hard to gain knowledge learning more then the average. Lots of research in this.

Particularly interesting thought.
So then, my final Question, What is the "True" Religion and How would you know being that most Christians, Muslims and Jews are indoctrinated into the religion their parents have and are told it is "the True one"...

Please explain how you define and prove that YOUR, of all these religions, is the True one and of course, what a coincidence that YOU where born into the right one. Lucky Aymen.

FIRST OF ALL it is only one religion and ONE MESSAGE and that is submitting to the CREATOR in ARABIC that is ISLAM ,

Islam means submitting to the almighty Creator

So Muslims believe in One God , Christians Believe in the One God , Jews Believe in the One God

the Holy Books send the same message , and all prophets came with the Same Message ,,,and that is to worship God Alone

One more thing there is nothing called Christianity and there is nothing called Judaism this names have been adapted after the Death of the Prophets Both Moses & Jesus peace be upon them

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Well i was !! until i found out the truth .. which i hope you see

Okay, now I get it.

You USED to be indoctrinated, but now that you have changed your views, you are no longer indoctrinated - but the rest of us are (unknowingly, of course).

What are the odds that you are indoctrinated NOW?


Active Member
All in the Family was a show that offended many and yet the main actor, Carroll O' Connor, was a huge activist for minorities. His hope was to bring issues to the forefront in a shocking way so as to CAUSE others to talk about them. In this show, the target was often the Jewish and the Blacks being that they are the most hated in America <---- yes, though most are ignorant of this fact, Muslims are less the target of hate than the Jews here in America and how this can remain an ignorance of so many is beyond me.

Or, as a white person, I guess I could be offended that the white ppl used in the Cosby show were often portrayed as dumb arses. Rather though, i loved the Cosby show and thought it had some good discussion value in its topics. He is brutally honest with his own ppl for their sakes rather than being one who would bash white ppl. His point in portraying white ppl the way he did was for a brilliant purpose.

Maybe some of you are just thinking the wrong way about the points that are supposed to be made in these movies that are being complained of?

Yes, you are correct. In shows like the "Cosby Show" or other "black" sitcoms whites where almost universally bad people, racist, thieves murdereds and so on, the Black communities are extremely racist against Whites, Black woman can be disowned for being with a white man and so on, this is not very new. Interestingly enough, black males can be with white woman without getting the same treatment, but it is not seen as something good, this is apparently because they can not get pregnant, and alot of Blacks, atleast in the US, think the "black race" is dying out. Yes, it shows that Whites arent the only ignorant group of people in my wonderful nation.

Jewish hatred is nothing new, they have been persecuted for millenia, come with something new, as I am not religious I wouldn't care of you are black, white or jewsih as long as you are a decent person not stealing my socks.

Muslim "hatred" is new and has come, specifically, to America because of the 9/11 attack and other historic events which we, As Americans, have been responsible for. We attack muslim nations killing muslims because they have Oil, or political issues or whatever and most of the Average American have no knowledge of the hundreds of thousands of innocent people (mostly muslims) we killed/kill, and this becomes "hatred" and fear towards the muslim communities here in the U.S, this is sad, but not really a religious issue, it is politics and general ignorance of my own nation.
Yes, you are correct. In shows like the "Cosby Show" or other "black" sitcoms whites where almost universally bad people, racist, thieves murdereds and so on, the Black communities are extremely racist against Whites, Black woman can be disowned for being with a white man and so on, this is not very new. Interestingly enough, black males can be with white woman without getting the same treatment, but it is not seen as something good, this is apparently because they can not get pregnant, and alot of Blacks, atleast in the US, think the "black race" is dying out. Yes, it shows that Whites arent the only ignorant group of people in my wonderful nation.

Jewish hatred is nothing new, they have been persecuted for millenia, come with something new, as I am not religious I wouldn't care of you are black, white or jewsih as long as you are a decent person not stealing my socks.

Muslim "hatred" is new and has come, specifically, to America because of the 9/11 attack and other historic events which we, As Americans, have been responsible for. We attack muslim nations killing muslims because they have Oil, or political issues or whatever and most of the Average American have no knowledge of the hundreds of thousands of innocent people (mostly muslims) we killed/kill, and this becomes "hatred" and fear towards the muslim communities here in the U.S, this is sad, but not really a religious issue, it is politics and general ignorance of my own nation.

Its Good to hear that From YOu :yes:


Active Member
FIRST OF ALL it is only one religion and ONE MESSAGE and that is submitting to the CREATOR in ARABIC that is ISLAM ,

Islam means submitting to the almighty Creator

So Muslims believe in One God , Christians Believe in the One God , Jews Believe in the One God

the Holy Books send the same message , and all prophets came with the Same Message ,,,and that is to worship God Alone

One more thing there is nothing called Christianity and there is nothing called Judaism this names have been adapted after the Death of the Prophets Both Moses & Jesus peace be upon them

Hold on, Islam and Christianity is based on Judaism, and now you sit and say that Judaism does not exist when your religion did not exist until millenia after its creation.... What? Do you know religious History?

You sound like a Muslim that have been indoctrinated by Muslims scholars and never actually read any world history... I am sorry, you claim no indoctrinating and yet you sound EXACTLY like the people I hear in Iraq, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and they have all been IGNORANT of basic world facts. I mean seriously, do you know when your religion was created?

Do you have an idea of the DATE of when Islam was created? And then we shall have a look at when Chrisitanity was Created and then Judaism, Would you want to do this test? This is basic Religious World History. Do you know where your religion stems from?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
What God are u talking about ?!?!!?!? I thought you Don't believe in God
My parents aren't ignorant enough to ignore a CREATOR

You are ignorant enough to assume that anyone that doesn't embrace your version of God must automatically be wrong. You are ignorant enough to think that you are going to come on a site like this, with informed people living in open societies and sway them with your psychotic rhetoric. You are ignorant to think that others won't recognize your villification of Jews in your pursuit of martyrdom.

I'd say that THAT is a pretty good resume for someone that wants to define (by their actions) what ignorance really is.


Shut the **** up with your ignorance, and let's discuss the topic at hand like ******* adults, not toddlers. Jesus ******* Christ!


Yes, you are correct. In shows like the "Cosby Show" or other "black" sitcoms whites where almost universally bad people, racist, thieves murdereds and so on, the Black communities are extremely racist against Whites, Black woman can be disowned for being with a white man and so on, this is not very new. Interestingly enough, black males can be with white woman without getting the same treatment, but it is not seen as something good, this is apparently because they can not get pregnant, and alot of Blacks, atleast in the US, think the "black race" is dying out. Yes, it shows that Whites arent the only ignorant group of people in my wonderful nation.

If want to get to the roots of 'black ignorance' we should start with the 300 years it was punishable by death or severe beating for reading.
Hold on, Islam and Christianity is based on Judaism, and now you sit and say that Judaism does not exist when your religion did not exist until millenia after its creation.... What? Do you know religious History?

You sound like a Muslim that have been indoctrinated by Muslims scholars and never actually read any world history... I am sorry, you claim no indoctrinating and yet you sound EXACTLY like the people I hear in Iraq, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and they have all been IGNORANT of basic world facts. I mean seriously, do you know when your religion was created?

Do you have an idea of the DATE of when Islam was created? And then we shall have a look at when Chrisitanity was Created and then Judaism, Would you want to do this test? This is basic Religious World History. Do you know where your religion stems from?

YOUR actually the one Who DOESNT know !!!

Islam has been around since the beginning of time , Since the first Prophet
to break it into details
the First prophet is ADAM , he was a Muslim he believed in the one God
Noah was a Muslim
Abraham was a Muslim
Jacob was a Muslim
Joseph was a Muslim
MOSES was a Muslim
JESUS was a Muslim
Mohamed was a Muslim
and we believe in all of them , THEY ALL CAME WITH THE SAME

Judaism actually Moses himself doesnt know what that is
Christianity Jesus (ISa) Doesnt know what that is

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Say: we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il: Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)."
(Qur'an, Al-Imran 3:84)
You are ignorant enough to assume that anyone that doesn't embrace your version of God must automatically be wrong. You are ignorant enough to think that you are going to come on a site like this, with informed people living in open societies and sway them with your psychotic rhetoric. You are ignorant to think that others won't recognize your villification of Jews in your pursuit of martyrdom.

I'd say that THAT is a pretty good resume for someone that wants to define (by their actions) what ignorance really is.

Informed people with open society Your actually an example of those informed people to me you are IGNORANT and the more you utter words the MORE ignorant you prove your self ..
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