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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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HAHAHA ... come on now. I would say that woman has had enough with being told by MEN how a woman SHOULD be. I believe in a woman knowing her place and when she must be dictated by a man on what her place is, she is failing in her femininity. Thus, she loses what makes her so special. Her God-given grace and purity. Your way of thinking is what takes away from that. Your type is why some women are ashamed of their selves when they have no reason to be such.

Then, if anyone teaches that she is good as she was made, they are good and giving her back the pureness that she was given of by God. If you want to hand this credit over to the Zionists, by all means. I am sure they would be happy to know that you credit them with knowing that God has made us upright ...

after all, clothes were .... God's invention? :no: Ecclesiastes 7:29

the beauty given by GOD to women isnt for her to show it off were ever she goes it is for the man she is going to spend her life with ....

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
... well if she is a Muslim she should ... and if she just does not want to cover her body then she is also influenced by the ZIONIST media

I'm torn between making the two options that leap into my mind, whether to state the obvious by calling you a moron, or rising to the higher ground by simply pointing out how mysoginistic you are.

I think I'll go with the former.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
IS YOUR NAME YMIR ???? since you want to join in you are ALSO IGNORANT i pity you as well!!!!!

No, my name is TVOR (actually, that's my screen name). I would have thought that you would have noticed the difference between myself and Ymir.

Should I just ask your permission to reply to a given post in this (or any other) thread?

I must have missed the forum rule that says we can only respond to post directed to us. I'll keep an eye out for anyone else committing this infraction. When I see it happen, I'll point it out to you.


the beauty given by GOD to women isnt for her to show it off were ever she goes it is for the man she is going to spend her life with ....

Says who? God? you would know this ... errr... because we were born with clothes on our bodies? You assume that because a woman chooses to express herself with creativity through clothing (WHICH WE LOVE TO DO) and does not cover every inch of her body when doing this, then she is a whore showing it off to every man that she meets? come on now. The responsibility for thinking such ways lies at your front door and not that of the woman's.


For the record, I don't doubt that Arabs and Muslims -- and also Palestinians -- are quite often poorly portrayed by Hollywood. But Hollywood tends to get something wrong about everyone -- not just Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians. It is a factory for illusions. There does not seem to be a human group, a region of the world, or a fact of nature that Hollywood does not portray in some illusionary fashion.

Yup, another example of a group of people Hollywood has portrayed in a negative light : Witches :witch:

but then again, they come out with movies like Harry Potter, and although it doesn't give a realistic idea of what Witchcraft is, it makes witches look "cool", so it really goes both ways!

I think Hollywood does this to everygroup not just Muslims & Arabs


That only reinforces my post. that minority STILL runs strong. the fact that a strong minority has FORCED the world to recognize it out of the ashes of WWII is a great credit. perhaps you would rather see Jews being treated as second to garbage as the 'gypsies' in Europe, or the 'natives' in your nation. quite telling, when you got one minority who refused to fit the profile and humbles everyone involved.

To think of other minorities as "less strong, or not strong" because Jews got the state and others didn't is the problem. I'm glad Jews are free from persecution, but if it is going to be at the expense of Arabs, than no human progress has been made.

Jews are not a special powerful minority... and as far as I see it, Jews didn't get the state, it was given to them.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
the beauty given by GOD to women isnt for her to show it off were ever she goes it is for the man she is going to spend her life with ....

I (along with the majority of people on the face of this earth) reject your God. Why should a woman listen to you, or a God (of your making) regarding what they wear and how they act?


Yup, another example of a group of people Hollywood has portrayed in a negative light : Witches :witch:

but then again, they come out with movies like Harry Potter, and although it doesn't give a realistic idea of what Witchcraft is, it makes witches look "cool", so it really goes both ways!

I think Hollywood does this to everygroup not just Muslims & Arabs

I think Hollywood does this to every group, other than white men.


well if she is a Muslim she should ... and if she just does not want to cover her body then she is also influenced by the ZIONIST media

That was far fetched ,brother
I don't think blaming our drawbacks on others is a very good idea .
Not that i don't believe in conspiracies ,I do . but i also believe that we should blame ourselves only for whatever conspiracies that work with us....we are not alert enough ,are we ?


the beauty given by GOD to women isnt for her to show it off were ever she goes it is for the man she is going to spend her life with ....

The beauty that women have was given to them by her parents, and if we believe in 'personal freedom', 'justice', or 'equality' than we would allow women to do whatever the **** she wants with her body, a right most men in the world have gotten to enjoy forever.


I think you missed the post before it? I have no issues with how hollywood wants to portray anyone. I rarely even have the time to watch movies, TV, etc. and when I do, I can draw the line between fantasy and reality. But if it is his ppl he cares about, then why not fight for the women as well? The Arab world DOES consist of them, no? I am not sure ... it is hard to tell sometimes.

Why don't all women fight for Muslims as well?


take this example :
if 2 ladys are walking down the street one is wearing a mini skirt and the other is wearing a muslim dress that covers the whole body and there is this bad dude( rapist)
standing on the corner from your own logic who do you think he will harass ???

Whoa..this really offended me. You're saying it's a womans fault for being raped if she wasn't convered from head to toe. That is a complete load of monkey poo! It's clear that you obviously don't know anything about rapists either.


Jews are not a special powerful minority... and as far as I see it, Jews didn't get the state, it was given to them.

lol again. 4 wars since 1948 and even when odds were against them, they won every single one of them. God bless this People. They DESERVE that land and have proved such. Jealousy, greed, and pride though can't allow another People to admit defeat ... so now they resort to ... well, just look at the example of this thread.


Agnostic Pantheist
To think of other minorities as "less strong, or not strong" because Jews got the state and others didn't is the problem.
Jews have stood out regardless of the modern state of Israel.
I'm glad Jews are free from persecution, but if it is going to be at the expense of Arabs, than no human progress has been made.
With 22 Arab nations, I think the hundreds of millions Arabs around a nation of a few million will make it.
Jews are not a special powerful minority... and as far as I see it, Jews didn't get the state, it was given to them.
Reading up on history never hurt anyone. Jews have worked for the establishment of modern Israel for a long time before it came to be, and when it came to be, they took arms and fought for it.


lol again. 4 wars since 1948 and even when odds were against them, they won every single one of them. God bless this People. They DESERVE that land and have proved such. Jealousy, greed, and pride though can't allow another People to admit defeat ... so now they resort to ... well, just look at the example of this thread.

No, they don't deserve anything anymore than anyone else in the world deserves it.

There is no reason for any other minority to admit defeat... if they did, they would be enslaved.


Jews have stood out regardless of the modern state of Israel.
With 22 Arab nations, I think the hundreds of millions Arabs around a nation of a few million will make it.

Oh, I'm sure they will, just a certain percentage of them will die. Sounds familiar.

Reading up on history never hurt anyone. Jews have worked for the establishment of modern Israel for a long time before it came to be, and when it came to be, they took arms and fought for it.
I'm aware of this. They doesn't mean that they exclusively made the land, all by themselves, Jews only, no help...


Why don't all women fight for Muslims as well?

Do you mean for the Muslim women? What do you think I am doing? :yes:

EDITED TO ADD: oh, you mean muslims in general? because I have not the issues with how women are portrayed in movies. I have no issues with how the Irish (that being my roots .. and we are portrayed as drunk hot-heads ... typically this is truth actually lol) are portrayed or how it is ANYONE might be portrayed in them. MOVIES ARE NOT REALITY! I know this, most ppl on this board know this .. why is it that YOU and the OP do not know this?
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Jews have stood out regardless of the modern state of Israel.
With 22 Arab nations, I think the hundreds of millions Arabs around a nation of a few million will make it.
Reading up on history never hurt anyone. Jews have worked for the establishment of modern Israel for a long time before it came to be, and when it came to be, they took arms and fought for it.

WHAT History i guess its your OWN made up history !!

Fought for it ?????hahahah thats a nice one i guess you dont know anything u should be studying history lessons instead of reading distorted information ..
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