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Search results

  1. Rick123123

    Something cannot come from nothing?

    It seems you are reffering to here that time is an actual thing then instead of something made by man. You see joeboonda there is no such thing as time, time is merely a concept that man made up to explain the movement of objects through our universe. In reality time is not moving we are...
  2. Rick123123

    If the soul is immortal, does that mean it has always existed?

    I think the energy in the sould has always existed it was just in different forms before it took shape into the form it is now, like before it was I or you it was a part of God then it broke off and created the soul.
  3. Rick123123

    Why is being gay considered wrong?

    Again this is one of those things where, the thing (being gay) is not wrong or right it just is. It is our judgements about that thing which make it right or wrong. Those of you people out there who say God is all there is or God has all power, and yet still condemn gays... this is a...
  4. Rick123123

    Something cannot come from nothing?

    They have come out with some new theories in science that hypothesize that when energy slows down enough it forms into matter. And so it is in new age religionists every thought you have send out a sort of radio like wave of energy, it is vibrating extremely fast, when enough of this energy...
  5. Rick123123

    Why not Bible study in schools?

    Normally in elementary they stick to the better stuff i.e. the new testament, Jesus, and the creation stories. Later in highschool they start getting into the harcore stuff, like where God talks about the sins of man, and all that.
  6. Rick123123


  7. Rick123123

    How Spicy Do You Like It?

    I love anything spicy, but nothing that makes me pass out!!!
  8. Rick123123

    Why not Bible study in schools?

    People I go to catholic school we have bible study literally everyday...
  9. Rick123123

    How do you make people happy?

    Michel it is impossible to give someone else happiness before you are happy yourself. What you wish to give to others you must first give to yourself, all thing come from within and end within. All in all on this subject of happiness, you cannot give anything to anyone if they do not wish to...
  10. Rick123123

    Something cannot come from nothing?

    Sorry, I missed this quote. Ch'ang in the physical universe what you explain is true, that one thing cannot exist without it's opposite. But in the metaphysical universe this law does not apply, one thing can exist without its opposite because in ultimate truth there is only two things us...
  11. Rick123123

    Something cannot come from nothing?

    Nicely put. Forever is longer then you, or I can imagine cynic.
  12. Rick123123

    Personality Disorder Test

    Low in all cases
  13. Rick123123

    What's your favorite story of creation or evolution?

    Ok this might get a little confusing... Before everything, everything that was, was ALL that IS and there was nothing else. Now ALL that IS knew that ALL it WAS was all that is and there was nothing else. ALL that IS had one true longing, and that was to experience itself; experience itself...
  14. Rick123123

    A Death Prayer

    This is a prayer I just read, it comes from a wonderful spiritual teacher named Neil Donald Walsch who has written the Conversation With God series. I want to share it with all you because I thought it was a most wonderful prayer, it made me feel like crying with joy. It is a prayer for a...
  15. Rick123123

    What do you think of this quote?

    I beleive it means that the truth is so great that in this physical form one of us cannot hold onto all of it at once. "While each beleives his little but the whole to own" That our little bit of the truth is ours to own and when you bring each of our bits together, it is the ultimate truth. And...
  16. Rick123123

    Life after Death

    When I die I will experience whatever my thoughts lead me too, if I think I will be reuinted with God I will, if I will stay to watch the physical world to comfort my beloved ones I will, if I want to reunite with other people from my previous lifes I will. All of my previous lives will be known...
  17. Rick123123

    One God or many?

    Yes but do you al lthink that the God that is proposed in the bible is exactly the same God that is spoke of in the koran, or the torah?
  18. Rick123123

    The Injustice Proposed by the Belief System of Hell and the Tyrannical Cruelty of God

    There are around 1 billion christians in the world dorsk that would make the percentage of people who are christians 17 % and those who are not 83 %. All in all I think that there is no such thing as Hell, there is no such thing as one true faith.
  19. Rick123123

    One God or many?

    I seem to be seeing many people reffering to God as if there is more than one. People seem to be seperating the God from their religion from others. So what is it? Is God one being or many?
  20. Rick123123

    Oh where oh where has God...

    God is neither good or evil, it simply created the universe and then handed it over to all that was living, the shape the world is in now has nothing to do with God, but with ourselves. We are the ones who created all this misfortune and war, not God. I do not think God even really cares because...