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Why is being gay considered wrong?


The cake is a lie
Kowalski said:
I don't girls getting on together, but guys, ugh, that's just sick, really sick and gross.


I can't emphasize enough how disgusting I find the behavior of "it's okay as long as I find it hot." :mad:


Well-Known Member
Lol, don't think reading to cows would help much, lol. I did mention I believe we live in a FALLEN creation, right? So the animals are just as messed up as we are perhaps? I need some deodorant, dont want no cows humping on me!

Oh, a man was passing a field when he saw a farmer trying to pull a calf out of its momma, he lent him a hand and the calf was out. He said, can I ask you one question? Just how fast was that little cow running when he hit that big cow? Thot that was funny, lol! PEACE!


Maize said:

Then how come none of the rest of my 5 siblings are gay? I mean, we were in the exact same environment, and very sheltered. No (out) gay family members to speak of. In fact, I really didn't know what "homosexual" meant until I was in high school, (although thanks to the church I grew up in I knew that is was one of the worst things you could ever be called).
Sexual perferrence! I believe it is a choice not a cause!

Ardent Listener

Active Member
Thanks to modern science, there is a cure for homosexuality. If two people of the same sex really love each other so very much, why don't one of them have a sex change? Then they can be normal like the rest of us!

:tsk: :bonk: :woohoo: :tsk:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Ardent Listener said:
Thanks to modern science, there is a cure for homosexuality. If two people of the same sex really love each other so very much, why don't one of them have a sex change? Then they can be normal like the rest of us!

:tsk: :bonk: :woohoo: :tsk:
Something tells me your suggestion is fast headed for the graveyard of untried ideas.

Ardent Listener

Active Member
Sunstone said:
Something tells me your suggestion is fast headed for the graveyard of untried ideas.
You are probably right.:( It's a great idea, but the guy on the tax debate would have to pay for all the medical costs for the gays.:mad: Back to the drawing board.:sarcastic


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
FeathersinHair said:
So it's a matter of belief? If that's the case, why is one belief supposed to be right, and the other wrong?
Good question, Feathers!

Personally, I don't believe that sexual orientation is a matter of choice. I realize the science on that isn't conclussive yet, but I think the weight of evidence that we have so far comes down on the side that sexual orientation is not a choice.


artist in training
Why does it matter if it is natural if people want to be homosexual then let you have no right to condemn them just because the bible says so


Again this is one of those things where, the thing (being gay) is not wrong or right it just is. It is our judgements about that thing which make it right or wrong. Those of you people out there who say God is all there is or God has all power, and yet still condemn gays... this is a contradiction if God is all there is then God must be gays and if God has all power he would put a stop to the people being gay.


I smell something....
:biglaugh: Sunstone, Maize and Feathers. You all are going to make me loose control of my bladder.:biglaugh:


Vile Stove-Toucher
FeathersinHair said:
He also taught that all women secretly desire to have dangly bits. I really, really don't.
Ah, crap! :biglaugh: It won't let me frubal you twice, but you have my frubals in spirit for that one (and I agree!!). :biglaugh:

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I don't know if I should apologize, Turk, or rush to get you some Depends, hehee!

(On a side note, I was effected nearly that badly by a English-to-Japanese-back-to-English translation of "LOTR" last night. My mom, sleeping upstairs, thought it was an attack of hyenas.)

You make a point that resonates with my soul, Rick.


Active Member
Rick123123 said:
Those of you people out there who say God is all there is or God has all power, and yet still condemn gays... this is a contradiction if God is all there is then God must be gays and if God has all power he would put a stop to the people being gay.

Not all christians hold that sort of "Transcendentalist" view of God in relation to Nature and Humanity. I was talking about this with three baptists girls today and they said that God isn't in everyone/thing like that.

Joeboonda said:
But, when God created everything, he said it was good, so after the fall, things began to change, animals and humans too, but I ramble.

First off I personally selve that little story right next to the world created a few thousand years ago and the earth is flat. Believe it if you will, but the notion that all animals and man lived in harmony in "the garden" and all ate vegetables is a leap of faith I see no point in taking. Second, why would God punish the animal kingdom because of a sin that mankind commited?


Vile Stove-Toucher
Ardent Listener said:
Thanks to modern science, there is a cure for homosexuality. If two people of the same sex really love each other so very much, why don't one of them have a sex change? Then they can be normal like the rest of us!
See Feathers' comment about dangly bits above: that's my response to your proposed "cure". You'll find I'm not the lone ranger there.

BTW, "normal" is a very relative term. Very. :biglaugh:


Active Member
Jensa said:
I can't emphasize enough how disgusting I find the behavior of "it's okay as long as I find it hot." :mad:
Well that's your problem. My problem is human nature, which means things are never balanced, I think it's rather naive to not accept that humansare the most biased creatures you could imgaine.



Well-Known Member
FeathersinHair said:
Cows should be given all the options! (I've got a sneaking suspicion most would turn out to be Hindu. I wonder why that is...:sarcastic )
I'm not sure about that, Feathers. Cows may be sacred so they don't eat them, but it apparently does not mean they have to take care of them either. I've read articles and watched tv documentaries on India (I think) where the cows are diseased and starving because nobody takes care of them. Which is worse, to have your diseases treated and be fed even though your life is short....or to have a longer life but be miserable because you're starving and full of blowfly larva?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Kowalski said:
I don't girls getting on together, but guys, ugh, that's just sick, really sick and gross.


That actually is understandable. It has been explained that psychologically, a man understands loving a woman, sothe idea of a woman loving another woman is much more acceptable that that of two men together.

But, being civilized human beings, we do have the ability to react to stimulus by tempering our gut reaction hard wired instictive reactions......I say 'do have'; I should maybe have said 'ought to have' - perhaps you are lacking in some form of 'self policing' of your instincts - I hope you have better control in other areas, where gut reactions are not to be reacted to, without intervention from your conscience, or your understanding of mankind......
Jensa said:
I can't emphasize enough how disgusting I find the behavior of "it's okay as long as I find it hot."
Yes Jensa, I agree with you completely. But there we are, some people cannot (or maybe will not) help themselves.

ch'ang said:
Why does it matter if it is natural if people want to be homosexual then let you have no right to condemn them just because the bible says so
I couldn't agree with you more Ch'ang - but the bible does not condemn the homosexuals per se; besides which, at the end of the day, it is between the homosexual and God - I don't believe anyone else's views have any relevency whatsoever. But some people, it seems, love poking their noses.........:p

Bastet said:
See Feathers' comment about dangly bits above: that's my response to your proposed "cure". You'll find I'm not the lone ranger there.

BTW, "normal" is a very relative term. Very.
'Normal' is very relative indeed; you might point out to our friend that, from your point of view of normality, and from the point of all of your kind, he is the one who is abnormal. makes you think...
Besides, I have some dangly bits for sale, I have 'done' with them, besides, I think they look pretty silly..............:D

Kowalski said:
Well that's your problem. My problem is human nature, which means things are never balanced, I think it's rather naive to not accept that humansare the most biased creatures you could imgaine.

No it isn't; just about everyone else here has no problem. The problem sits well and truly with you.

Well, you are sure proving that you are one of the most biased I have ever met; I must admit that I am only thankful that the majority of people are a lot less judgemental than you. I don't know you personally, of course, but I must admit I am tempted to be judgemental of you....

Now, instead of getting people all riled up and thorougly upset by your very unkind comment, why don't you just bow out gracefully. As far as I know, we all subscribe to democracy - so you are of course welcome to think what you will; the point is that the 'majority rule'. Since you are clearly not in the majority, however many toys you chuck out of your pram, no one is going to pay the least attention to your rantings.
I only hope that you never get treated with the judgementalism that you like to dish out; I mean that too - no one deserves the kind of bashing you give out.:)


Well-Known Member
if God is all there is then God must be gays and if God has all power he would put a stop to the people being gay.[/QUOTE]\

He has stopped it in the past, Soddom and Gomorrah, and he will again.