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Search results

  1. Mr. Hair

    Your political affliation.

    I tend to see myself as a Liberal in the British/European mold. Although to a certain extent I'm also a British styled Conservative, and so I'm probably best described as a Conservative-Liberal. Politics is fun. (Oh, and the hyphen is very important) Generally, I usually hold to policies and...
  2. Mr. Hair

    I've Joined the Coffee Party

    Wait, you mean there's no organised political Frappuccino Party? The tasty iced coffee beverage that you drink from bottle, or can, has been rendered... Impotent? ... Your wounds are deep, America. Your wounds are deep.
  3. Mr. Hair

    One small reason I Believe - I know I'm goinna get blasted....

    Interesting story stars; I appreciate you sharing it with us. :) Though I'd like to quickly point out that no, we don't all live under one constitution. ;) Right! Labels can be surprisingly difficult to take back. At least, unless you use those special sticky-notes, but even those tend to...
  4. Mr. Hair

    atheist dating a christian

    Just popping by to agree with the handful of people that, yes, relationships between partners of different religions or none can most certainly work. Me and my fiance-of-three-and-a-half-years (henceforth known as "the Missus") come from different faiths, in fact I was the first person outside...
  5. Mr. Hair

    Atheist Ads on New York Subway

    I find your lack of faith disturbing...
  6. Mr. Hair

    To anyone - Why do people espouse religion?

    Y'know, I'm a little surprised that no one has directly mentioned the old scientific adage that correlation does not infer causation. And it doesn't. I read recently of a study that showed a correlation between church attendance and a longer life expectancy, but that doesn't mean that being...
  7. Mr. Hair

    New Headphones

    Well Gentoo; for a mere 16 bucks and a handful of loose change, inclusive of postage and packing, you (yes you!) can be the proud owner of a pair of Sennheiser CX-300's! Amazon.com: Sennheiser CX300-B Earbuds (Black): Electronics Included are six ear-hearing-things, bits-o'-wire and a...
  8. Mr. Hair

    Christianity vs Mythology

    Well, given that mythology is basically just a big ol' bundle of interconnected sacred stories, it seems pretty obvious that are two are not one and the the same. Christianity, or any other religion, is a lot more then the retelling of myths, it also has a very important social and political...
  9. Mr. Hair

    Giving God human qualities

    Maybe because it can be difficult to bring the unformed God of rough silk and briar patches into our everyday lives?
  10. Mr. Hair

    what is the true religion?

    Seems to be a lot of fuss over something fairly simple. Mine, obviously.
  11. Mr. Hair

    Christ is not some "hippy"

    Honestly, I suspect that the Christ that can be talked about is not the eternal Christ.
  12. Mr. Hair

    Might be buying a game console...

    Ahhh, danke for the clarification. I think that '"justification" is too strong a word, I wasn't being that serious. (Though looking back my tone was a little ambiguous, my emoticon-fu is sorely lacking in some areas) Basically, whilst buying a SNES console and games is a luxury that I could...
  13. Mr. Hair

    Did Lot really ever live in Sodom

    Wait, what? What biblical historians are these? Wikipedia disagrees with you. I'd say that the story of Lot in Sodom is not historically accurate, but that 'historical accuracy' is not necessarily the same thing as 'truth'.
  14. Mr. Hair

    Might be buying a game console...

    What can I say? Maybe Nintendo is secretly charmed by the whole Netherland-thing y'all got going? (And who could blame them? :)) (I was going by the All-Mighty-Wiki, which says the FF, CT, Lufia and Legends were never, ever, officially released in a PAL format, and never, ever, will be... EVER!)
  15. Mr. Hair

    Might be buying a game console...

    Hey, positive responses! :D Aye, it's going to be awesome. Now, admittedly I haven't actually played anything yet, or read any dispassionate accounts of people who have, but frankly I believe that when you want something to be a certain way strongly enough you don't need first-hand experience...
  16. Mr. Hair

    Might be buying a game console...

    ... And it's going to be a SNES. Yep, that's right, in the near future I may well wield total control over almost 2.7 MHz of pure gaming power, or in layman's terms, almost 1/1200th of the pure gaming power of a PS3 or Xbox 360. Wow. Anyhoot, does anyone here have any experience with the ol'...
  17. Mr. Hair

    Masturbation: To Sin or Not to Sin?

    What if you think about men instead?
  18. Mr. Hair

    International Court of Justice to "Punish" Countries That Contribute to Global Warming

    I know that it's a (very) small thing, but I'm kinda amused that in this post you are: Saying that you're not a part of 'the' global community. Using European imagery to make your point.
  19. Mr. Hair

    Do Atheists believe in free-will?

    ... Not anymore.