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Search results

  1. Caina

    Removing the Holocaust from the curriculum in the UK?

    What is taught and what is believed are rarely sinonimous;)
  2. Caina

    Christianity and Cannablism

    Ritual practice akin to witchcraft;)
  3. Caina

    Your political/gender abortion stance

    And what would facist fall under?
  4. Caina

    Your political/gender abortion stance

    Socialist isnt an option?
  5. Caina

    How do YOU help save the environment?

    The company I work for is certified by the EPA as zero waste and we recyle technology mainly, but everything else as well. Its kinda nice to be able to take my home waste to work with me and drop it off. Now if I can just get over the hour comute;)
  6. Caina

    Your Friends are Making You Sick

    I have one friend, all the rest are acquaintances:)
  7. Caina

    Who would you save??

    Life for a life:)
  8. Caina

    What is your favorite scripture or saying?

    Scriture - Ecclesiastes 3:19 Saying - "We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone. Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ecstasies...
  9. Caina

    Does It Matter?

    Mind over matter - If I dont mind, it dont matter;)
  10. Caina

    "Word of God" & discrepancies???

    I like the frozen orange and a straight razor;)
  11. Caina


    Maybe;) Depends on what part of the body you are eating. I would think a strong spice like tumeric would mask any taste of human in the meal:)
  12. Caina

    Shame on US capital punishment

    I would love to give it a read, sure you cant remember?
  13. Caina

    Here Now-What's All This Talk About The Truth?!?

    We become deceptive when we have been decieved;)
  14. Caina

    Vote: The Next American President

    Elvis for king of America:)
  15. Caina

    What should be made into a film?

    Hells yes:)
  16. Caina

    What do all Religions have in Common?

    Getting there, still about a thousand to go;) The journey continues:)
  17. Caina

    I'm surprised that....

    Thats the good ol' south fer ya. And most churches did deal with the strays in such a manner. I wouldnt be suprised to here them ask "How do you spay a cat with a gun?" :)
  18. Caina

    I'm surprised that....

    No doubt. I wouldnt do it again for any reason though. Thanks religion for teaching me how to kill:(
  19. Caina

    I'm surprised that....

    My pastor gave me my first gun at four:) I was also paid to rid churches in South Carolina of cat infestation. two cats can become forty in just two years;)
  20. Caina

    Wanna be a pole dancer
