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  1. W

    True Confessions

    She rrraatttccchhheeettt!!!
  2. W

    True Confessions

    You are right, I don't even see colour! So I don't know why you were getting so offended for!? Like seriously I think people wake up in the morning and decide to be offended that day. I don't even care that you are Punjabi or Islam or whatever you people are.
  3. W

    True Confessions

    :sad4: Sniff sniff Blows nose. Looks up to Phil with wide eyes... Can you get me a pink one please?
  4. W

    True Confessions

    OMG they are so ghetto, ghetto people are so funny, I bet her name is "Katahshequa" I want to be ratchet like that!
  5. W

    True Confessions

    Stop telling people I'm Arab!!! Now they will all stereotype me. Horrorble goes into self hate mode Guys seriously! I'm not like those kinds of Arabs, not all Arabs are like that :sorry1:
  6. W

    True Confessions

    I am using my right to free speech to define brown people how I want to. I am so sick of everyone trying to be so self righteous and PC. If you have a problem with that then you are overly sensitive and probably racist against white people.
  7. W

    True Confessions

    Omg yeah girl, come to my house we will put on ghetto music, and dress up real ghetto, and record each other twerking and call each other ghetto names like "shaniqwah." It's so fun to play ghetto, seriously!
  8. W

    True Confessions

    :o I'm not black, who have you been speaking to!!!???? :help:
  9. W

    True Confessions

    I'm from the UK and I've never seen a Mexican, I am 100% certain of this because all the brown people here are from Islam
  10. W

    True Confessions

    P.S let's totally forget I'm part Arab for the purposes of this thread. No one bring that up and embarrass me
  11. W

    True Confessions

    This is just too complicated and I think you're splitting hairs, it's all the same to me...brown people. No need to be overly sensitive.
  12. W

    True Confessions

    But isn't Punjabi like the same religion?
  13. W

    Abortion for rape or icsest teenager

    Things to consider: .She is a rape incest victim .She wants an abortion . She is only 15 .The child will be unwanted and unloved and maybe abused as well. . She might end up terminating the pregnancy in other ways that would risk her own life. . Child birth will be very traumatic for her. My...
  14. W

    Beauty Standards

    So women are pressured and little girls catch on to this? So beauty standards do contribute to the development of low self esteem in our girls?
  15. W

    Beauty Standards

    I'm very touched by that Alceste, thank you.
  16. W

    Beauty Standards

    Phil my niece is 9 years old and thinks she is fat, when she was about 3/4 years old she said she wishes she was a different skin colour, my skin colour, light skinned or like her teacher, "peach" (white). So it annoys me when people think I'm somehow trying to take away women's "strength" and...
  17. W

    Beauty Standards

    You have strange taste Sunstone, but I forgive you.
  18. W

    Beauty Standards

    This is why no one should ever ask me to guess their age ever...I've been known to make grown men cry.
  19. W

    Beauty Standards

    Yes definitely. I went to a 1920's themed party recently and decided to take inspiration from makeup artist Pat Mcgrath who is a genius in my opinion, and takes a lot of her inspiration from 1920's film makeup but she modernises it. And it was a lot of fun being someone else. I know exactly...
  20. W

    Beauty Standards

    I too see makeup as an art form: Haute Haute Couture But I don't think that is what we are talking about. We are talking about how women are made to feel unattractive or have issues with our natural selves in ways that men aren't. Makeup is mostly not marketed as a creative tool, but as a...