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  1. W

    Beauty Standards

    I think also men can help us with this, I do think young men are more influenced by older men. And I will give you an example, when a guy I worked with who was 18 at the time found out I didn't wax my armpits he started freaking out. Then I was at my sisters house and her friend was there with...
  2. W

    Beauty Standards

    What I meant is we lie to ourselves that it doesn't effect our self esteem and that it's authentic and that we would do it anyway if we weren't socialised this way as girls, not that we lie about wanting to do it, of course we want to do it, but under specific reasonings that are taught us, such...
  3. W

    Beauty Standards

    That is what I have a problem with, that oppressed groups have the extra burden of being viewed as weak if they submit to what they have always known.
  4. W

    Beauty Standards

    Then you should know beauty standards are imposed before they are self-imposed.
  5. W

    Beauty Standards

    No, you are just a bit in-denial about the microagressions women face.
  6. W

    Beauty Standards

    Your opinion is irrelevant because this is a feminist forum and it's clear by what you posted that you don't understand feminist discourse about beauty standards. So that is why I asked the question...
  7. W

    Beauty Standards

    Exactly, and we pick up on this from a very young age. I watched a YouTube video where this woman said because she felt she was not very beautiful she puts so much pressure on herself to be really academic, because if she not pretty and not significantly smart or academic then she's not worth...
  8. W

    Beauty Standards

    Happy for you but this is a feminist forum.
  9. W

    Beauty Standards

    Are you a feminist?
  10. W

    Beauty Standards

    I just want to add that this thread wasn't meant to be taken personally and for people to list in detail their beauty regimes and what they are willing and not willing to do themselves. It was about how we have been socialised to view ourselves as women and to place more value on ourselves by...
  11. W

    Virtural RF Christmas Party

    Myself and I will eat all the food
  12. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    Which is exactly why we are better off as a matriarchy!
  13. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    And this is why the mum is always the better half on TV, because it's true, men are stupid!
  14. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    Women being able to choose their romantic/sexual partners is clearly a sign we are living in a matriarchy. If she chooses to be with a jerk its obviously because women like to be abused. True equally would mean women would be oligated to only sleep with men who buy her stuff. If only it was as...
  15. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    Can't frubal you again, but totally would.
  16. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    Gentley places hand on Sunstones chest Your wife is a very lucky woman! Do you have any kids? I'd be suprised if you do, you don't look much over 30. Actually hold the drinks, Heather wanted to get something to eat.
  17. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    Horrorble "accidentally" drops her keys, as she bends over to pick them up sunstone gets a glimpse of her frilly sheer black knickers Ahem, Mystic and I have just finished our drinks Sunny.
  18. W

    The Devil has been in My Girlfriend's Panties Drawer!

    We did! I mean he did...I mean they did...
  19. W

    Grow it wild and long :D

    Grow it wild and long :D
  20. W

    Everyday Signs of Matriarchy

    And we will turn the kids against the father so he doesn't have anyone to look after him when he gets old. Yeah!