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Search results

  1. MaddLlama

    Government Healthcare: Deny coverage to unhealthy people

    I found this from another board: | News | This is London Frankly I find this to be absolutely abhorrent, and it clearly illustrates that Government Healthcare programs aren't the "pie-in-the-sky" dream everyone says they are. Yes, I think that it's a good idea to encourage people to be...
  2. MaddLlama

    Scientology to face criminal charges

    That's what I'm saying. I'm not sure it really deserves the status of "religion" from the government. It frustrates me that the government treats Scientology as a religion and not a business, and at the same time they fight to keep people who adhere to real religions from doing so in the...
  3. MaddLlama

    Scientology to face criminal charges

    I'm noticing that Scientology doesn't get a whole lot of respect outside of the US. This is one area where I'd like to see us take a cue from our European friends...
  4. MaddLlama

    Criss Angel (Illusionist)

    I wonder if David Copperfield is just as evil. I hear he's not a very nice person, so maybe.... ;)
  5. MaddLlama


    Actually it kind of reminds me of The Spiral Scouts. They're a very small organization, though. But, the GSA is much better than the BSA.
  6. MaddLlama

    Guilty little secret...

    The only CD I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I own is The Sweet Escape, but if I'm telling you here, then I guess I'm not that embarrassed. :)
  7. MaddLlama

    Is The Hell Fire Justice

    So, if God doesn't love me anyway, what reason is there to pay attention to him?
  8. MaddLlama


    That's a great site! Thanks ^_^ *bookmark*
  9. MaddLlama

    Are Playing Cards Evil ???

    They must be, since they're used for children's gambling games.
  10. MaddLlama

    ZOMG It's teh internetz

    Thanks for helping me out, guys. :rainbow1: Here's hoping the next two weeks of this class will be less tedious and retarded. :sleep:
  11. MaddLlama

    Direct experience and visions (From "What is wrong with Islam" thread)

    MOD POST Please note that this part of the conversation has been moved into it's own thread. Happy debating :)
  12. MaddLlama

    Concerning the One True God:

    I don't think the point is that he's jealous of some other God, but rather he's jealous of things. As in, god is jealous if we don't make him the number one most important part of our lives every moment of the day.
  13. MaddLlama

    Concerning the One True God:

    Ah, if only we could take the people who rejected us and torture them for eternity. That might make rejection a bit less painful (or, at least it would satisfy our need for revenge). :)
  14. MaddLlama

    Tarot Study: The Magician

    Magician Spread Shuffle the deck, laying cards 1-3 face up and 4-7 face down, following the diagram above. Card 1: This card represents inspiration, seizing the lightning, gifts from above. Card 2: This card represents the change the inspiration goes through, the transformation through you...
  15. MaddLlama

    Tarot Study: The Fool

    I just want to add something to this, since I found it pretty interesting and useful. I found a set of spreads based on the major arcana a while back, and for those of you who do read or are interested in reading, I'll post them along-side the threads. Fool Spread This spread is to help you...
  16. MaddLlama

    Delinquent hello

    Welcome to the forum! Sorry I missed this. :o What part of the Island are you from? I grew up in Commack. :D
  17. MaddLlama

    The Breast Question

    So, it isn't rude to expect people to conduct themselves in a manner that you approve of?
  18. MaddLlama

    What is something you learned today?

    I learned two very important things: First, never wear high heels if you know you're going to be walking on gravel all day Second, sometimes it's better to bury the hatchet instead of holding a grudge, even if you don't want to.
  19. MaddLlama

    The Breast Question

    I'm not sure I see much of a difference. So far, I haven't seen anyone suggest that mothers should change diapers at the table. The basic idea you're presenting here is that mothers shouldn't bring their babies out in public just because it annoys you. Frankly, I find that to be rude, selfish...