Hi Folks..
lol..........You spectulaly fail to account for the countless MILLIONS who have had such DIRECT EXPEREINCES of a spirit world and who HAVE HAD right since we first stepped out the cave lol..... Convincing evidence..??.....Keep it real - what could be MORE convincing THAN...
Hi Folks...
Interesting conversation...I have an observation to make here though - not aimed at anybody in particular, just general about how we think and actually perceive the Self - in that - all these labels and definitions that are bandied about - surely you (all) realise - you are still...
Hi Folks...
No - Im not even "blaming" anyone - there is no blame to place here at all is there..?..just saying this is the way of things in the natural world the real world situation within that classroom setting....You cant blame the girl for her looks - but how she uses that to...
Hi Folks..
OK - so call me dumb - lol - but all my life I have heard people speak of "left wing" and "right wing" - conservative and liberal - and such other labels...Always spoken off as if it is a given that we all understand their meaning...Except - Hmm - I dont actually understand - what IS...
Hi Folks..
Mestemia; Do try to keep it real - if you can....Indeed, HOW do you even cope out in the real world..?...Its a mystery given some of the conclusions you often jump to here...lol...
Nobody is saying she is asking to be raped - foolish statement aimed at ridicule and nothing...
Hi Folks..
Ah - such confusion...My mate knew it would be so, so He left us ample guidance - but its not to be found in the Bible Folks -that is twisted truth there......As always HE ALONE says it best - so here He is speaking directly and originaly, to Thomas :
Thats about this...
Hi Folks...
Idav; ..............yes - but surely - "Being" itself, requires CONSCIOUSNESS - requires MIND to comprehend and experience that very state of "being" - doesnt it..?..
Therefore Love is a function of Consciousness which defines and experiences the Love that it is now and always was ;)
Hi Folks...
Hmm - things are always going on "behind the scenes" - because simply science and medicine dont know it all do they, so there is always processes happening they are not privvy too...Indeed- science and medicine SEEM to know a lot and tell us to trust them always - but...
Hi Folks...
Hmmm - Id say that anything unnatural should be avoided altogether and NEVER promoted in any way shape or form as being "normal" when it clearly it not...We should not encourage children and minors to adopt or embrace such things at all and in all these gender sexual issues - we...
Hi Folks...
There is only actually ONE Consciousness - One Mind - and this is spread among the entire Creation that comes FROM that Mind - thus we exist now as UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS with what seems like a unique mind PERSONALITY or identity - but actually we are still yet and always will be an...
Hi Folks..
lol - wait - let me stop laughing....Ok thats better..lol..Look - it practically IS the "biggest thing in the world".. 2000 years later and the world is still debating it arguing it fighting over it none stop...probably will be for a long itme to come....lol..NOTHING...
Hi Folks..
Ymir; Ah now we see...lol....You fully believe that a made up "game world" is the most important lol - pay far more attention to DELUSION than you do to any ACTUAL reality - and thus you struggle so here to comprehemd when others speak of their direct experiences....
because you...
Hi Folks...
"Hiding in the grassy knoll" lol - OK - I confess - it was surely Me - grassy knoll sure sounds like a cool place to chill out..lol.. but I wasnt hiding guys - just having a sneaky fat one . :)
I swear though - I didnt see anyone else there ;)
So maybe it was me ??.. oh no -...
Hi Folks...
Speaking from observation - I would say Islam is for sure a relative new comer in terms of European culture....Certainly it played no part at all as I grew up - was not even aware such a religion existed - had no idea at all what it was about - I thought it was a christian sect...
Hi Folks..
Hmm - perhaps you misunderstood me - by stepping out of the Self - I mean stepping literally OUTSIDE of the BODY and so experiencing the Self in an entirely NEW manner altogether....Do that and see NOW we are not even relying on PHYSICAL senses at all ;)
I could tell you...
Hi Folks...
Yer - the lesser of two evils - either we follow democracy to its conclusion - or we end up with some form of "dictatorship" where majority wishes MAY be superceded by those in "authority"...Indeed this seems to be the case here - an electoral college with already established...
Hi Folks..
Bobhikes; Proven..?...What proof would satisfy..??...Step outside and become free from your body for just an instant my friend - and I assure you that viewpoint will change in that same instant...The world you experience now - is uit a thin slice of the world that is ACTUALLY...
Hi Folks..
.........and even if there are MORE than two three or even more parties involved - it doesnt really matter - a majority of just a SINGLE vote IS STILL a majority - is it not..??..
The only stipulation I my Self consider fair - is to say something like NO elected person can receive...
Hi Folks..
Seems very bizarre to me...Its SUPPOSED to be a DEMOCARCY - one vote for per adult head and all equal - majority rules - and yet - it turns out the MAJORITY of votes may not win after all....is that REALLY a democracy..??..
All this talk of regional viewpoints and different...
Hi Folks..
YES - schools should force such a dress code....From the male perspective - can you remember what it is like to be 15..??.. Raging hormones and sex drive in top gear ALWAYS constantly....Having girls revealing nipples in that manner is not a good idea at all if the aim is to be a...