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  1. 0zyzzyz0

    uuuhhh!!.Why are We here?

    I didn't realize that you responded to my earlier post. Like anybody else, I recognize that my life will someday end. "Nothing lasts forever." I find it hard to deny this. Many, however, deny this with all the dread and angst and horror and hope against hopelessness that they can respond...
  2. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    All is still quiet here at work. ...I love how you bring the continuum hypothesis into this. I've broken my brain trying to contort it around that. The most I can figure is that reality can be both continous and discrete, depending on the perspective it is considered from. In that, the nature...
  3. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    I guess what i was trying to say in my too wordy way was that we should keep in mind that information can neither be created nor destroyed as it is mathematically equivalent to mass and enegy and therefore subject also to the laws of thermodynamics. I am inclined to agree with those positing...
  4. 0zyzzyz0

    winter solstice lunar eclipse

    Thanks for the tip. That was the first lunar eclipse i've seen. I only managed to be up for it because it was a cold night and the fire needed some attention. Catching the one in summer would be another real treat, but hopefully not as cool. Watching this one was actually damned cool and...
  5. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    Ellen:"...based upon the postulation: if every increase of information is accompanied by an increase in entropy, what if the converse is also true? What if entropy, long seen as merely the engine of destruction is actually the engine of creation? That each increase of entropy is driving the...
  6. 0zyzzyz0

    Your Reason for "God does not Exist".

    In response to AntEmpire's "Defne God" you offer "Beyond "Time"". In attempting next to define "time" in order to give your definition some sort of relational meaning, it seems you might be exposing "God" as a non entity. To be fair, you did put "Time" in quotes. I suspect you are implying...
  7. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    Ellen writes: "I don't see how "omni" overcomes "the parable of time." That's a tale I wrote when I heard that time did not begin until 10^-42 seconds after the big bang..." It's not quite right to say that time began at 10^-42 seconds after the big bang. If we keep in mind that time isn't...
  8. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    I think any would be hard pressed to fault your reasoning. I'm on the same page with you on this, btw. It sure seems that in accepting the MWI there remains no need of invoking the God hypothesis. When you raise the question, "...where is the freedom for god to act or create?", does that...
  9. 0zyzzyz0

    winter solstice lunar eclipse

    A few nights ago I watched something wonderous and well worth taking the time to watch. No, it wasn't "It's a Wonderful Life", although even as an atheist and sometimes provacateur ignostic I do think that Capra classic is well worth watching - especially with a good rum and egg nog and some...
  10. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    Dang it! I tossed out these provocative leaps of reasoning in hopes of engaging some interesting minds. Nobody interested in challenging what's been said so far? Skwim's challenge of the initial semantic premises seemed a good place to start. I for one can't but appreciate that approach...
  11. 0zyzzyz0

    uuuhhh!!.Why are We here?

    Purpose? We construct purpose along with values and motivations and reasons and meanings and moralities and... We each of us individually and collectively, subjectively within the contexts of our experiences and ponderings, build these things for ourselves. There can be no ultimate purpose for...
  12. 0zyzzyz0

    Are all gods myths???

    It all depends on what definitions are used. I often use the example of my dog. His name is doG, and if I define a god as being my dog, DoG, then my dog, doG, is that god. He just doesn't happen to have any mystical qualities. He is real, and therefore not mythical. I could ascribe all...
  13. 0zyzzyz0

    Your Reason for "God does not Exist".

    My reasons for believing that there is not such a thing as a real God, in the capital G traditional sense, is that there is no evidence indicating that it exists. Also, there is no logically necessary reason dictating that it must exist. Also, I had a vision in which He declared to me that...
  14. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    Skwim, when you say "Perhaps you do, but I don't." I'm thinking you mean that you remain uncomvinced that an omnipotent being is necessarily also omnicient and omnipresent. Questioning the premise to ensure its actually valid before employing it seems like a wise move to me. I'm big on...
  15. 0zyzzyz0

    Omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence

    I think you might have just defined God as absolute existence that is absolutely self aware. Tricky Can such an omnieverything ontological being that is all of being be something within its own greater context? If not, can it still be considered omnipotent? I just started another...
  16. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    Skwim, I think Reptillian basically has the idea as I understand it. Our understandings, of course, don't spell out the last word. If something is all powerful then it seems to me that it would be able to know everything that is possible for it to know. Different interpretations of what...
  17. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    I'm not sure if putting this in the Philosophy catagory is the best place for it, so if a moderator thinks it could be better placed I am open to moving it. Can a thread be posted under more than one heading? -- That is, in a non MWI of reality?
  18. 0zyzzyz0

    Does the MWI of QM allow for amnipotence?

    In a past discussion of quantum machanics in another forum I raised the question of whether the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics might allow for a resolution of the paradoxes of an hypothesized god being omnipotent. Q: "Allowing that omnipotence would naturally imply...
  19. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    :confused: It seems we're maybe not sharing the same universe. Either that wasn't sensible or it's a failure on my part to make sense out of what you've tried to share here. Sorry. Enlightenment, admittedly either a delusion or a somewhat mythical state of mind, seem more likely to come from...
  20. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    Kilgore, I think that might just be the most practical approach I've come across yet.:bow: