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Search results

  1. asketikos

    What do the Orthodox think of wealth?

    Good question. I think they follow the similar Christian ethos, or should, that wealth is not an ideal, that the poor should be helped. Orthodoxy deals a lot with renunciation of the world, and wealth is seen as part of the world that needs to be renounced.
  2. asketikos

    Death and Decision

    I actually had a dream something like that when I was very little. I was 9 years old, and in this dream I was running through an alley and I felt a strong pain in my back, and then I realized that I had died. Then a line was drawn in the center and a judgment took place, and I was sent to...
  3. asketikos

    define god...

    for me God is love, that's the best definition i can come up with.
  4. asketikos

    Believers Only Please

    Atheism on its own is harmless. But there is a destructive branch to it, such as militant atheism as we saw in the USSR and as we see in China and North Korea. It is a murderous element of society, for not only do they choose not to be believers, they see it as their duty to wipe spirituality...
  5. asketikos

    Believers: Does God forgive investigation and doubt?

    I believe yes, if it comes from a sincere and true doubt, questioning. Many great saints and mystics have experienced doubt, and investigation about their faith. If anything it is a test of faith, and it should only grow stronger.
  6. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    I understand, and I agree that they are broad issues, but they are related issues, very much so. Terrible public employees? Yes, they exist. They exist everywhere. I don't think we are ever in history going to find a profession where every single person is putting in their best at all times...
  7. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    That's not the problem, unfortunately. In fact union power is not as big as it was in the 1950s and 60s, when 1 in 5 people where in a union and our economy was booming. The costs of teachers and pensions are not, realistically, as out of hand as government contracts to firms and consultants...
  8. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    No of course not like Nazi's. That would be ridiculous. I was hoping to raise the issue that when we begin restricting people's abilities to organize, to demand certain basic rights like health-care (yes I believe it's a right), protection from exploitation, wage increases in accordance with...
  9. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    With no collective bargaining there is no union. That is the whole point of a union, to be able to bargain collectively. Collectivity = union. No bargaining power -- no union. You can call them whatever you want, but the point of a union is to collectively bargain. To say that necessity...
  10. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    If you read the bill then you will see that it has nothing to do with the budget. Beyond the destruction of the union, there are severe draconian amendments to the bill. The costs of unions and labor are so insignificant compared to the budget that it is a ridiculous argument, not even 2% of...
  11. asketikos

    The power of prayer

    Interesting thread, thank you. These are, however, I feel, very private and personal questions. How can you expect me to tell you these intimate prayers of suffering and joy? On a simpler level - everything that occurs, good and bad, beautiful and evil, should be understood from the prism of...
  12. asketikos

    Wisconsin govenor busted!

    Scott Walker says he is a Christian, and many of his social and political positions are supposedly faith-based. If he really believes in God, then he is a shame, liar, and disgrace. Putting the needs of the rich before the poor is a terrible sin. His anti-poor politics are indicative of...
  13. asketikos

    Homosexuality observed in Animals: Not so Unnatural After All

    That's not my point. A horse born within hours can start running, a chimp born within weeks can start climbing. Humans are the most complex creatures on this earth, we are the furthest from our closest ancestors - except DNA wise, but in terms of our abilities to learn, comprehend, and form...
  14. asketikos

    christian mystic

    Some Christian mystics said this. Gnostics mostly.
  15. asketikos

    Helping your brother...

    Yes - get her help, professional help. She needs mental and physical experts to put her back into a normal mode. But you should never give up, your job is not to give her medical advise, but to be there to help her spiritually - listen to her, show her that you can be trusted, and pray for...
  16. asketikos

    Punch a Catholic Day

    Wow. And this person is a professor? This is just disturbing, even though it may be a lame attempt at humor.
  17. asketikos

    Question for Christians

    Well, you are incorrect - in fact the Orthodox Church is considered the original church, that is why it is called "Orthodox." Besides that. It is not a matter of correct. It is not a lottery. People who think they are saved simply because they join a human denomination on earth are extremely...
  18. asketikos

    Homosexuality observed in Animals: Not so Unnatural After All

    There are many things that are observed in the animal kingdom that happen with humans, just as chimps murdering other chimps. The question if it is natural is different. Human beings, though we share much of our DNA with animals, are not the same. We are the only animal that needs years of...
  19. asketikos

    Christians: Who is Jesus to you?

    i view Jesus as the embodiment and messenger of love
  20. asketikos

    Why would anyone want the Christan God to be real?

    i understand perfectly what you're saying, but you have it wrong i believe, yes it is wrong that a small fanatical religious group sets the course in this country - i agree religion is a simple way of leading many people who are not very well educated nevertheless, the issue is not a social...