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Abortion: The Gory Photos Are Real

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jamaesi said:
Looked at the pictures. Those fetuses look like no human I've seen, more like aliens.

Fetuses are, for the most part, parasites. If you want a kid, more power to you. If you don't want one, you should not be forced to carry one. If it can't survive on it's own, I don't consider it alive. Yank out a 7 week old fetus and it will die. At the later months it probably can, so that's why I'm not cool with late-term abortion unless the fetus is deformed, dead, or the mother's life is in danger.
Comparing a fetus to a parasite is a false analogy, and it is quite shoking that you would make that comparison. The fetus is not feeding off of a host to the host's peril, waiting for the host to die and find a new host. In a normal pregnancy, the mother's health will actually benefit from having the baby.

I agree that we get into some hairy legal stuff when we as a society try to force all new mothers to carry their babies to term, and on the same lines that you argue. It is an invasion of privacy to prohibit early term abortions. We cannot prove that the baby will go to term, so it is not like murder. Once the fetus can survive outside of the womb, that does change things, and we are allowing ourselves to be robbed of human potential and raping human dignity if we allow late term abortion (except when the mother's life is at risk).

So personally, I see a great loss in any abortion, but I cannot prevent a woman (or support laws that do the same) from doing it because she should be free to control her own body, except when the baby can survive outside of the womb.


Alright, I will modify the situation. Does a person who gets into a car without wearing a seatbelt deserve no help if they get in a wreck?
Of course they deserve help...
How is this comparable? Yes they are both irresponsible decisions but pregnancy is not an ailment or a wound to be treated, it is a life...


I don't think that we have yet considered this fact:

If we do not allow, as a free society, women to seek abortions performed by medical doctors, then those who want abortions will either do it themselves or seek black market abortions. This is a crucial medical concern, and the poor will face the worst kind of suffering, as is the case in countries now with poor medical care.
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To Save A Lamb
thoughout this thread, the pro-choice group has continuously stated the it is the womans body and she has the right to choose what she does with her body... does the man have a say in if the woman should abort if she decides to and he doesn't want her to?

When guys can get pregnant, come back and we'll talk.


When guys can get pregnant, come back and we'll talk
What difference does that make? It is the males baby too, he gave half the DNA to conceive it.
Besides, I was responding to an accusation made.


Religious Zionist
pah said:
Males (and parents) can certainly have opinions about abortion but they have no rights
true it is a woman's decision but i feel the man should be there to back up her decision and show support regardless of said decision. Regardless of her choice, especially if she is young, it will not be an easy road and she will need all the help and support she can get...
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Uber all member
jewscout said:
true it is a woman's decision but i feel the man should be there to back up her decision and show support regardless of said decision. Regardless of her choice, especially if she is young, it will not be an easy road and she will need all the help and support she can get...
We agree - but I'm out of frubals


To Save A Lamb
Comparing a fetus to a parasite is a false analogy, and it is quite shoking that you would make that comparison. The fetus is not feeding off of a host to the host's peril, waiting for the host to die and find a new host. In a normal pregnancy, the mother's health will actually benefit from having the baby.
But there is a new host! It's called marriage.

More seriously, the fetus is feeding off and dependant on the host, fitting the defintion of a parasite. Why the shock I'd say this?

Since when did back pain, stretch marks, morning sickness, an increased risk of being murdered, and sometimes death become perks? How does it benefit the mother?


jamaesi said:
But there is a new host! It's called marriage.

Can you please elaborate on this point?

More seriously, the fetus is feeding off and dependant on the host, fitting the defintion of a parasite. Why the shock I'd say this?
It is shocking to see that a future human being can be compared to a parasite in your thinking. It is one thing to support abortion, and yet another to call a fetus a parasite, which obviously a healthy one is not. That is all.
Since when did back pain, stretch marks, morning sickness, an increased risk of being murdered, and sometimes death become perks? How does it benefit the mother?
I do not know what you are talking about here. I said that the results of carrying the baby to term from a healthy pregnancy offers health benefits to the mother, and it is even more beneficial if she breast feeds (decreased risk of breast cancer, even better complection). This has nothing to do with common troubles of prenancy.


To Save A Lamb
Can you please elaborate on this point?

Attempt at humour.

... And there are risks and health problems to delivering.


The mother is assessed for tears, and given an episotomy if necessary. Also, she may suffer from constipation or hemorrhoids, both of which would be managed, since many report these conditions to be unpleasant. The bladder is also assessed for infection, retention and any problems in the muscles.

And bleeding to death and other fatal fun.


Pregnancy itself is a risk.

That makes no sense, an abortion is not medical attention for a unexpected event... abortion is a "solution" to an irresponsible decision.
When you are on BC, it is unexpected. When you drive and get in a car crash, it's not like it's impossible, it happens everyday. Getting medical help is a solution to both.

Sex isn't dirty, it's natural. It's not always irresponsible.
How is a married couple using BC irresponsible?


When you are on BC, it is unexpected. When you drive and get in a car crash, it's not like it's impossible, it happens everyday. Getting medical help is a solution to both.
I have already responded to this... see previous post

Sex isn't dirty, it's natural. It's not always irresponsible.
Who here has said sex is dirty?

How is a married couple using BC irresponsible?
It is not the couple having protected sex that is irresponsible. It is irresponsible to think that just because you are using BC that you can't get pregnant.


In response to the complications involved in pregnancy, we should also keep in mind the complications of abortion from www.abortionfacts.com. To their credit, this source gives citation for their claims.

Effects on Women's Biological Health - Immediate

Maternal Deaths and Long Term Complications: A complete collection of statistics, quotes, and medical evidence.

How Many Mothers Die From Childbirth? A factual look at the numbers of maternal deaths that have been reported and the realistic numbers.

How Many Women Die from Abortion? A look at the numbers and proof of what the actual numbers should be.

How Often do Women Get Infected from Abortion? Medical quotes and statistics.

Does Infection from Abortion Cause Damage? Medical discussion and quotes.

What is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? This is a complication that occurs both in saline and D&E abortions and often causes the death of the mother.

Complications from Abortion: A complete description of the complications and the statistics which are often slanted.

Comprehensive Study Linking Abortion and Premature Birth: Graph of well documented results.

Do More Premature Babies Die if the Mother has had Previous Abortions? Medical discussion and facts.

Abortion and the Incidence of Uterine Rupture: Studies, discussions and facts.

Ectopic Pregnancies and Their Occurrence Rate After Abortion: Well documented studies of the increase of Ectopic pregnancies as well as the history and reasons for pregnancies.

Does Abortion Cause Future Miscarriages? Studies and their findings.

Effects on Women's Biological Health - Eventual

Abortion and Future Miscarriages: A complete discussion with facts and information about how abortion and miscarriages are linked.

How Do Abortion Increase Future Miscarriages? A look at the medical reasons an abortion increases the chances of miscarriages.

Can Abortions Be Done with out Increasing the Risk of Miscarriages? A look at the lack of possibilities to keep the risk of miscarriages low after abortion.

Do Premature Births Increase After Abortion? A look at the facts with well documented medical quotes.

Effects on Women's Mental Health

Psychological Reactions Reported after Abortion An extensive study of post-abortion patients. Contains information of tangible and psychological aspects. Please be patient with download time.

The Aftereffects of Abortion A discussion of the psychological and physical complications brought about by abortion (with sources).

Women Who Abort: Their Reflections on the Unborn What is the view of the unborn taken by women who have had abortions?

Is there a Connection between Abortion and Infanticide? A discussion of why abortion may lead to infanticide.

Does Abortion Ever Lead to Suicide? The facts that show this is a likely progression.

Abortion Trauma and Child Abuse Experts agree that during the past 25 years the rate of child abuse has increased dramatically. These figures clearly contradict the pro-abortionists' claim that abortion of "unwanted children" prevents child abuse.

Does Abortion hurt Self-Esteem? Nancy Russo of Arizona State University completed a study to show that abortion does not have negative psychological effects. Her study is discussed and dissected to reveal the truth of after-abortion emotional dysfunction.

Abortion and Suicide Although pregnancy weakens suicidal impulses, there is strong evidence that abortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide. A discussion of the studies of suicide and abortion.



linwood said:
Excellent post angellous.
Lots of difficult to find info, thank you.
You are most welcome. I was glad to see that they have documentation. Happy reading.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
othistangledweb said:
it dosnt really matter to me if people want to have an abortion let them its there choice who really cares anyway
Er, yes.:)


Pro-life Mommy
othistangledweb said:
it dosnt really matter to me if people want to have an abortion let them its there choice who really cares anyway
Are you even reading this, or did you just come to spout propaganda? Who told you it was a woman's choice, and why do you believe them?

Angellous, you did a great job getting information on this. I won't be surprised though, when later on people insist that the pro-life side is not based on facts.


oooh goody i WANNA LOOK at dead bodies to.....oh nad babies......

is it me or is "SOMEONE" reaching the point of obcession here????
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