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Pro Gamer

Some of us - where our parents had more sense perhaps but also where it wasn't so common anyway - have not been circumcised and wouldn't dream of inflicting this on any male child. As to the cleanliness, well a bit of tuition at an early age usually gets around this issue, and you will find few professionals dealing with medicine or health (especially in Europe) advocating for circumcision, so it is mostly down to religions as to why so many are circumcised in many countries, including the USA. As for FGM, there is no legitimate reason for this and the practice has been wholeheartedly condemned worldwide. God was in error whilst making foreskins? :eek:
you are not circumcised so you can't tell but i had skin in past and now i am circumcised so i can tell that it is better to be circumcised. you would see many hindus circumcised as well because of medical reasons and education here are a lot deeper than western education so doctor heres knows enough. circumcision also reduces the probability of sexual diseases because no infection can live under the skin if there is no skin to begin with. if Allah tells people to circumcised then it's part of his plan for creation

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
you are not circumcised so you can't tell but i had skin in past and now i am circumcised so i can tell that it is better to be circumcised. you would see many hindus circumcised as well because of medical reasons and education here are a lot deeper than western education so doctor heres knows enough. circumcision also reduces the probability of sexual diseases because no infection can live under the skin if there is no skin to begin with. if Allah tells people to circumcised then it's part of his plan for creation
Argue with the European professionals who would tell you otherwise, given it is just as easy to keep a penis clean with or without a foreskin. And given that most males are circumcised before they become sexual, I doubt they would know the difference as to how sex differs and feels between the two states. Still not explaining why God (or Allah) made a mistake.

Pro Gamer

Argue with the European professionals who would tell you otherwise, given it is just as easy to keep a penis clean with or without a foreskin. And given that most males are circumcised before they become sexual, I doubt they would know the difference as to how sex differs and feels between the two states. Still not explaining why God (or Allah) made a mistake.
then i can also ask you to argue with asian professionals. it is not easy to clean under the foreskin, are you gonna shove soap inside the sking? many males are circumcised in adulthood because they convert or something like that. you have to explain why foreskin is an error. you just assumed that it is an error because Allah commanded to get circumcised although it could verily be part of his plan. I mean if he already planned that he was gonna give people the foreskin then tell people to cut it then it not an error but part of the plan to see who would obey and who would disobey

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
then i can also ask you to argue with asian professionals. it is not easy to clean under the foreskin, are you gonna shove soap inside the sking? many males are circumcised in adulthood because they convert or something like that. you have to explain why foreskin is an error. you just assumed that it is an error because Allah commanded to get circumcised although it could verily be part of his plan. I mean if he already planned that he was gonna give people the foreskin then tell people to cut it then it not an error but part of the plan to see who would obey and who would disobey
Of course it's easy - when you start from a young age to peel it back so as to clean it, and such being so as an adult. No problem with mine. There will be some where the foreskin might not be so easy to retract but a doctor might be able to relieve this. I suspect that more people can do this with their foreskin, and hence make it easy for cleaning, than those not being able to do this. The below seems to support this:

At age 6 years, 80 percent of boys still do not have a fully retractile foreskin. By age 17 years, however, 97 to 99 percent of uncircumcised males have a fully retractile foreskin.

And unfortunately, the argument as to what God wants of us could be made for virtually anything, and coming from any religion.

Pro Gamer

Of course it's easy - when you start from a young age to peel it back so as to clean it, and such being so as an adult. No problem with mine. There will be some where the foreskin might not be so easy to retract but a doctor might be able to relieve this. I suspect that more people can do this with their foreskin, and hence make it easy for cleaning, than those not being able to do this. The below seems to support this:

And unfortunately, the argument as to what God wants of us could be made for virtually anything, and coming from any religion.
the penis head is really sensitive if you are not circumcised so putting soap there will be painful. circumcised people can urinate better and there will be no urine drops going under the skin. i am sure you don't take shower every time after urinating so there is a risk of infection

I am just saying your argument about error doesn't make any sense

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Last time America won a war was in 1945. Last time we were invaded by a foreign power was in 1814, and the last time our national survival actually depended on fighting a war was in 1861-65. Last time a war was actually fought purely for American interests was in 1898.

The World Wars and the conflicts related to the Cold War and post-Cold War eras were fought under the pretext of "making the world safe for democracy," not for expansion, conquest, glory, or anything at all that might benefit America exclusively. In other words, after WW2, we weren't supposed to win any wars - and wars weren't really even wars anymore, not in the traditional sense. You can't "win" or "lose" an undeclared war.

The main reason for all the Hollywood falderal about America winning wars is mainly to placate the egos and change the minds of the masses who were originally isolationist, xenophobic, and unwilling to involve our country in foreign wars which did not involve our direct defense, nor had any apparent national security justification nor any material benefit for the American people. But the argument putting America in the role of some noble white knight saving the damsel in distress is very compelling, and to oppose war within that context would make one appear cowardly and dishonorable.

We won the Cold War.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
We won the Cold War.

Yeah, although that wasn't really any kind of declared war - or even any kind of normal "war." It was more of a strategic, geopolitical interplay where the two main players never actually fought each other in open warfare.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
What about Iraq?

Well, I was thinking more in terms of winning an actual declared war in the traditional sense. But yeah, I suppose Iraq would count as a war which was won by the U.S., at least in the sense that they achieved the objective of kicking Iraq out of Kuwait in 1991. However, the regime of Saddam Hussein was still in place and holding a grudge against the U.S. Some believed that they probably should have taken him out right then and there, anticipating that it wouldn't be the last we would hear of him. In 2003, hostilities resumed, and Saddam was finally toppled. But it was a case where the U.S. won the war, but lost the peace, as the years-long insurgency and the birth of ISIS came about in the aftermath.

That wasn't really the case after WW2 with Germany and Japan, as there was no massive guerilla uprising against the new regime. We played it much differently with them than with Iraq.

It was kind of the same with Afghanistan. The military battle was won, but in the end, the Taliban were in charge again, just like they were before the US originally invaded.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
What about Iraq?

If you mean the second war that started in 2003, it was a highly damaging affair for the US and a victory only for Iran, according to a study conducted by the U.S. Army itself:

“At the time of this project’s completion in 2018, an emboldened and expansionist Iran appears to be the only victor,” authors wrote in the concluding chapter.

They note the damage to the political-military relationship that the war has caused, even to the American public.

“The Iraq War has the potential to be one of the most consequential conflicts in American history. It shattered a long-standing political tradition against preemptive wars,” authors wrote. “In the conflict’s immediate aftermath, the pendulum of American politics swung to the opposite pole with deep skepticism about foreign interventions.”


Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I just wanna share my thoughts on america and you guys can turn it into a debate if you want

when was the last time america won a war? I guess they win everyday in their hollywood movies but in reality they got kicked out of afghanistan and vietnam

in hollywood movies america is best at everything but in reality it is not good at anything and the only reason america developed is because it got scientists and geniuses from europe and asia into the country

america even lost fifa world cup lol the only competition america wins are the ones that they play among themselves but they never won a competition that they play with rest of the world
Why was it important to you to share your thoughts on America?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
the penis head is really sensitive if you are not circumcised so putting soap there will be painful. circumcised people can urinate better and there will be no urine drops going under the skin. i am sure you don't take shower every time after urinating so there is a risk of infection

I am just saying your argument about error doesn't make any sense
This below probably sums up the facts as to circumcision or not, and I'm sure like most of those who are uncircumcised, we have no problems with not being circumcised. Since there is no easily reversible solution to circumcision, and where such is usually done whilst very young and with the approval of or under the direction of a parent, these are essentially taking away the child's right not to be circumcised - having no say in the matter - and where if they didn't want it in later life such might be seen as an imposition on them. This actually is my strongest argument against circumcision - that it is usually done when the child cannot complain and where it is not reversible. Unless you think, like many, that the parents' rights trump those of a child - and always.


Pro Gamer

This below probably sums up the facts as to circumcision or not, and I'm sure like most of those who are uncircumcised, we have no problems with not being circumcised. Since there is no easily reversible solution to circumcision, and where such is usually done whilst very young and with the approval of or under the direction of a parent, these are essentially taking away the child's right not to be circumcised - having no say in the matter - and where if they didn't want it in later life such might be seen as an imposition on them. This actually is my strongest argument against circumcision - that it is usually done when the child cannot complain and where it is not reversible. Unless you think, like many, that the parents' rights trump those of a child - and always.

you have no problem because you don't know any better. children who are circumcised never regrets it later because it's literally a better experience to have a circumcised penis than an uncircumcised one. it's like saying that people who are born rich have no say about their lives and it's against human right to give them a life that they might regret in future. they are not gonna regret it because being rich is a better experience than being poor. ask doctor from anywhere on earth and they would tell you that circumcision is better. get circumcised and you will understand it

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
you have no problem because you don't know any better. children who are circumcised never regrets it later because it's literally a better experience to have a circumcised penis than an uncircumcised one. it's like saying that people who are born rich have no say about their lives and it's against human right to give them a life that they might regret in future. they are not gonna regret it because being rich is a better experience than being poor. ask doctor from anywhere on earth and they would tell you that circumcision is better. get circumcised and you will understand it
Wrong, I was circumcised as a baby (most U.S. males are/were), and I would rather my penis have remained natural instead of cut. And no modern, professional doctor favors circumcision unless deluded by religious superstition.

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
you have no problem because you don't know any better.
Like you of course? But you aren't showing such in your comments or presentation. But being a great advert for Islam, as usual. :D

children who are circumcised never regrets it later because it's literally a better experience to have a circumcised penis than an uncircumcised one.

And how would they know that? You seem to lose coherence when you have to think things through - as to how would anyone know when one only has one experience to base anything on - rather than being able to compare them? Not read the article? The vast majority of circumcisions are carried out on the young - not grasp that fact.
it's like saying that people who are born rich have no say about their lives and it's against human right to give them a life that they might regret in future. they are not gonna regret it because being rich is a better experience than being poor.

What this has to do with this issue is beyond me. Those who decide to circumcise their child are gambling as to the child actually wanting this to have been done in the future, and even as to them accepting the religion from which this might have come from. Just ridiculous.

ask doctor from anywhere on earth and they would tell you that circumcision is better. get circumcised and you will understand it

Rubbish. Only in your tiny little world - of indoctrinated belief systems. :eek:

Pro Gamer

Like you of course? But you aren't showing such in your comments or presentation. But being a great advert for Islam, as usual. :D

And how would they know that? You seem to lose coherence when you have to think things through - as to how would anyone know when one only has one experience to base anything on - rather than being able to compare them? Not read the article? The vast majority of circumcisions are carried out on the young - not grasp that fact.

What this has to do with this issue is beyond me. Those who decide to circumcise their child are gambling as to the child actually wanting this to have been done in the future, and even as to them accepting the religion from which this might have come from. Just ridiculous.

Rubbish. Only in your tiny little world - of indoctrinated belief systems. :eek:
i know because i have been circumcised but you aren't. people after becoming adult don't complan about circumcision so they don't complan even when they understand it because they simply understand it to be better. an uncircumcised penis has many issues and problems that circumcised penis simply do not have. putting soap in uncircumcised penis irritates it but it does not irritate a circumcised one. it's like letting the child to decide whether he wants to go to school or not in the future instead of doing what's good for him in his childhood so that he doesn't have a bad adulthood in future

i don't know where you live but doctors suggest circumcision for all kind of penis issues

Ella S.

Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the US government is garbage, but I would take living here over living in any Muslim-majority country any day, from Egypt to Turkey. I would rather live here than most of Europe, too, although places like Finland and Belgium are admittedly probably better places to live with their improved infrastructure and social welfare programs.

Except the US is home to Silicon Valley and DEFCON. It's the birthplace of Microsoft, Apple, Linux, Bell Labs, and IBM. We developed UNIX. MIT was one of the key players in the creation of the internet. To this day, we still consistently rank #1 on most international hacking competitions like CTFs. In fact, we invented hacking.

If you own a digital computer anywhere in the world, chances are high that an American wrote its kernel. Chances are also pretty good that, if you want to hack or modify it, the best person to turn to for help would be an American.

This is reflected in our government, which has the most developed cyberwarfare operations in the world. They use that to do, in my opinion, unforgivably terrible things, but the tech and skill is undeniably better than you get from most other countries.

Muslim-majority countries might be great if you somehow still believe in a God that was disproven during the Enlightenment and you're a man. As an atheist woman, you couldn't pay me enough to live there.