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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
america is an empire based on lies. america thinks that the world revolves around it. many people are gonna make excuses about america leaving afghanistan but the fact of the matter is that they left when taliban was taking over afghanistan not when they were the dominant in 2002 or something
Out of curiosity, why would you want to just bring your personal hate to a debate thread? You can hate without asking anybody to argue your hatred with you.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
you are not circumcised so you can't tell but i had skin in past and now i am circumcised so i can tell that it is better to be circumcised. you would see many hindus circumcised as well because of medical reasons and education here are a lot deeper than western education so doctor heres knows enough. circumcision also reduces the probability of sexual diseases because no infection can live under the skin if there is no skin to begin with. if Allah tells people to circumcised then it's part of his plan for creation
If Allah wanted people to be circumcised, they wouldn't be born with a foreskin. If Allah didn't want you to have ear lobes, you wouldn't have them. Silly!

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
i know because i have been circumcised but you aren't. people after becoming adult don't complan about circumcision so they don't complan even when they understand it because they simply understand it to be better. an uncircumcised penis has many issues and problems that circumcised penis simply do not have. putting soap in uncircumcised penis irritates it but it does not irritate a circumcised one. it's like letting the child to decide whether he wants to go to school or not in the future instead of doing what's good for him in his childhood so that he doesn't have a bad adulthood in future

i don't know where you live but doctors suggest circumcision for all kind of penis issues
Only in your little world. Not read the article? You think that all the countries that don't have circumcision as the norm are somehow defective? And why would any who are circumcised complain about it, given they can't reverse this? :D


Veteran Member
There are some social proscriptions that Islam got right, like avoiding the use of intoxicants like alcohol and drugs, avoiding sexual titillation and promiscuity, and avoiding excessive living, generally. But in my opinion it has failed completely on a moral level by embracing capitalist style materialism. That's a poison not even Islam can contain. And once it has its foot in the door, it's relentless. We already see Islamic countries using slave labor to build absurd palaces and monuments to their excessive wealth. What God of ANY religion would tolerate such ugly human abuse in the name of selfish arrogance? Not to mention the idiotic violence against women in the name of male dominance and unquestioned self-righteousness that is in no small part driven by competitive economics. The fewer educated and enabled adults in society the fewer people looking to gain a piece of the economic pie.

Khrushchev predicted decades ago that capitalist greed would destroy the United States, and he was right. It is. Though he didn't live long enough, himself, to see it happen. And the same will be true of every country that fails to let go of it's innate greed to seek a better, more equitable and less contentious form of commerce.

The angry Muslim can point at us and label our sins all he wants, but he is on the same ugly path that we are, and will suffer the same result in the end. Precisely because he's so busy name-calling, now, instead of honestly self-evaluating.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
so your country fought wars in the purpose of giving them western laws but failed. even george washington claimed it "war on terrorism" so they actually fought wars and failed.
Most of America's wars were economically motivated. They're not defensive; they don't 'protect our freedoms'. In fact, our foreign adventurism has generated the very enemies the military purports to protect us from. Moreover, it's generated a police-surveillance state and eroded our freedom -- think Patriot Act.

As for giving them Western laws, that's often exactly what our leaders do not want to do. Democracy and general prosperity is not good for business. In the event of the election of a reformist leader, or a threat of incipient democracy, the US goes on a campaign to undermine reforms and install a compliant leader.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When did George Washington claim any war on terrorism?

But yes, the struggle to gain hearts and minds has always been far more difficult than actually conquering territory. The "war on terror" is not unlike the ongoing "war on drugs." Prior to and during WW2, America was still led by people who tended to operate above-board and who actually wanted to win wars.

Since then, the character of America's government shifted to something that resembles an organized crime family trying to pass itself off as "legitimate." Wars were no longer wars, but "police actions." However, maintaining the ruse of "legitimacy" was clearly more important to the Powers That Be than actually winning the war. Not due to a lack of military power, but more a lack of political will. That was the case with Korea, with Cuba, with Vietnam, with Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan - a recurring pattern of violence and bloodshed, yet no net gain for America whatsoever (nor was America ever really directly threatened by these nations) and no clear "victory" (or "defeat" for that matter).
A net gain was realized, but not for The People.
The defense industry and ancillary services -- the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Ike warned about -- must be fed.


Well-Known Member
The collapsing British Empire shifted to world Liberty in Korea and Hong Kong.
A net gain was realized, but not for The People.
The defense industry and ancillary services -- the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex Ike warned about -- must be fed.
I'd look into very distinct conflicts. United States went alone in Vietnam, its very French, Ho Chi Minh was in Paris.
The World War 2 veteran fame is vanished in Vietnam. They're so completely retired. 1969? Patton-Eisenhower-McArthur-others.

Hitler still makes a People's Car, ya what about the Folk Wagon. Ike's Military-industrial. Need Filled?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not really no. We aren't built on lies. And we are certainly far from an empire.

Unless you count Hawaii? And maybe some military bases?

America is far from the "greatest show on earth", but everywhere has problems.
You must have an awfully strange definition of empire if you think the US doesnt fit the bill.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
1. No one ever wins at war. We just survive them or we don't.

2. One of U.S. culture's biggest failures is it's (capitalist driven) obsession with winning or losing, instead of sharing and increasing well-being for all.
But that sounds.... Socialist!
We're on a mission from God, to make the world safe for Industry. It's a special dispensation, our manifest destiny.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
america thinks of other people as backwards and uneducated but the fact of the matter is that most people in america are dropouts. american education is also really easy i have seen their 10th grade algebra problems which is really similar to the concepts taught here in 6th grade. american geography also reminds me of 3rd grade asian education
America teaches Geography? :eek:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You’re an 18 Muslim from outside the US. My hope is that with some growth, maturity, and experience, you’ll see how nonsensical your extreme statements are. Wish you the best.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Except the US is home to Silicon Valley and DEFCON. It's the birthplace of Microsoft, Apple, Linux, Bell Labs, and IBM. We developed UNIX. MIT was one of the key players in the creation of the internet. To this day, we still consistently rank #1 on most international hacking competitions like CTFs. In fact, we invented hacking.

If you own a digital computer anywhere in the world, chances are high that an American wrote its kernel. Chances are also pretty good that, if you want to hack or modify it, the best person to turn to for help would be an American.

This is reflected in our government, which has the most developed cyberwarfare operations in the world. They use that to do, in my opinion, unforgivably terrible things, but the tech and skill is undeniably better than you get from most other countries.

While this is true, I think the crucial role of immigrants and foreign-born Americans in contributing to the US' technological prosperity is extremely hard to overstate. For example:

Just how important are all these immigrants? The Silicon Valley Competitiveness and Innovation Project Report analyzed the share of foreign- and US-born professionals in the science, technology, and engineering fields in its 2017 report (pdf) using 2015 US Census Bureau data. It turns out that almost every major tech hub has more foreign-born workers than domestic ones. Silicon Valley leads the way: A greater percentage of its tech workforce is foreign-born than in New York, Boston, Seattle, or Austin.


Ella S.

Well-Known Member
While this is true, I think the crucial role of immigrants and foreign-born Americans in contributing to the US' technological prosperity is extremely hard to overstate. For example:

This does not surprise me. I've met many people who immigrated to the US due to their interest in computers.

I consider them Americans, nonetheless.

Pro Gamer

Only in your little world. Not read the article? You think that all the countries that don't have circumcision as the norm are somehow defective? And why would any who are circumcised complain about it, given they can't reverse this? :D
people get circumcised in countries where circumcision are not the norms which should tell you how good it is. uncircumcised penis literally looks like a worm