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Does Islam Need a Reformation?

Does Islam Need To Be Fundamentally Reformed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 62.8%
  • No

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
" Useful to know the pious have said: " pious concealment of the truth, and Lester believe in it, and concealment of offenders , leaving their demonstration followed , including damage to the debt or lower . "


Active Member
Non-Muslims need a fundementally reformation to get away from their prejudices and sided World views :rolleyes: they should stop behave hostile against Islam, because we will always be here, many non-Muslims will come and pass from the face of the earth but we will always be here :)

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Non-Muslims need a fundementally reformation to get away from their prejudices and sided World views :rolleyes: they should stop behave hostile against Islam, because we will always be here, many non-Muslims will come and pass from the face of the earth but we will always be here :)
There is no anti-Islam
Here to talk about thought and teachings
Write us and prefer the teachings of Christianity
What Jesus says
Christ declares that God is love
While Muhammad declares that God Misanthrope
Which is better?
And which remains intellectually stand ???
Yes Christianity need repair
But the reform is to return to these texts
While Islam needs to cancel a Cancel texts
It's a very difficult process
Christ told us
Not live by bread alone man
That man is a combination of thought and action
Christians today are far from the texts of the Bible
For this reform possible
But Muslims are living with the Koran every day
But this reform is not possible
They Two
Unlike other one in

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Are Christians declare war and using the Bible texts to justify their wars ??
Are Christians profess polygamy and also owning slaves ??
I hope that taught Christianity intellectually
Even Atdaha in one basket with Islam
Islam and Christianity are opposites do not meet


Active Member
There is no anti-Islam
Here to talk about thought and teachings
Write us and prefer the teachings of Christianity
What Jesus says
Christ declares that God is love
While Muhammad declares that God Misanthrope
Which is better?
And which remains intellectually stand ???
Yes Christianity need repair
But the reform is to return to these texts
While Islam needs to cancel a Cancel texts
It's a very difficult process
Christ told us
Not live by bread alone man
That man is a combination of thought and action
Christians today are far from the texts of the Bible
For this reform possible
But Muslims are living with the Koran every day
But this reform is not possible
They Two
Unlike other one in

was this a poem ? :expressionless:

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Aslong he is not an apostate who gives information to the enemy or joins the enemy, nothing should fall upon him. People should be free to enter islam and leave islam as mentioned in quran:
And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve.

However ayaan does not fall on this category of apostasy. Her fate is very dark.
The apostate that deserves death penalty is the one who reveals secrets of muslims to enemy
, selling information, or conspiring with the enemy. To deterr other apostates to do the same, an example will be made.

Which begs the question: what are muslims so frightened of non-muslims discovering about them that they're willing to kill to keep that information secret? If she is spreading lies then surely her words will have no power and she should be left to her futile efforts. Taking violent action against her because she speaks is a tacit admission that what she says has an element of truth and power to it. This is why some view Islam (and others view Muslims) as barbaric: you kill because people say things you don't like and you call it holy.
Last edited:

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
She conspires with the crusaders. And stirrs up the flame of hatred by advising them to attack islam and its followers. Her stay in the usa is just to increase hatred against muslims.

She is more dangerous than netanyahu ever dreamed about to be.

Your own comment is evidence that Hirsi Ali is right. Ideas should be countered with ideas, not blades and threats of violence.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I have lived in Arab-speaking Muslim countries my whole life. What I find to be most worrisome is not Islam's dire need of am equivalent of the European Enlightenment; it is most Muslims' satisfaction with the status quo of their religion's fundamental texts.

Threats of eternal torture for non-belief, codification of punishments like flogging and cutting off hands, misconceptions about gender-specific roles, homophobia, and intolerance of non-believers: only one of these problems would be enough to give rise to Islam's need of major change. Together they require a full-fledged era of enlightenment to resolve.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
There is no anti-Islam
Here to talk about thought and teachings
Write us and prefer the teachings of Christianity
What Jesus says
Christ declares that God is love
While Muhammad declares that God Misanthrope
Which is better?
And which remains intellectually stand ???
Yes Christianity need repair
But the reform is to return to these texts
While Islam needs to cancel a Cancel texts
It's a very difficult process
Christ told us
Not live by bread alone man
That man is a combination of thought and action
Christians today are far from the texts of the Bible
For this reform possible
But Muslims are living with the Koran every day
But this reform is not possible
They Two
Unlike other one in

Go read Leviticus and Deuteronomy if you seriously think the Bible doesn't contain violent and unethical texts--not to mention the verse that basically labels atheists "fools." You are overlooking those texts while criticizing Islam for similar problems.

The religion of love strikes again.
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Veteran Member
Yikes. No wonder people fear Muslims. Those who are strong in faith won't leave Islam because of Ayaan. Also, if the religion is so perfect as is, people wouldn't be on the fence, either.

Oddly, a lot of Muslims DO take Ahadith very seriously, and I've witnessed some people applying Hadith over Qur'an. Coincidentally, Muhammad specifically told his followers to not record his actions and sayings.
It's ironic. I feel like a great deal of Islamic Ideology consists of things that Muhammad expressly forbid.


Veteran Member
Aslong he is not an apostate who gives information to the enemy or joins the enemy, nothing should fall upon him. People should be free to enter islam and leave islam as mentioned in quran:
And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve.

However ayaan does not fall on this category of apostasy. Her fate is very dark.
The apostate that deserves death penalty is the one who reveals secrets of muslims to enemy, selling information, or conspiring with the enemy. To deterr other apostates to do the same, an example will be made.
I think this is the aspect of Islam that freaks a lot of Westerners out. There is this sense that it's Islam against the world ... that one is either with Islam or against it in a way. The West prides itself on attempting to remove barriers like religious or ideological differences through almost forced cohabitation. But, it seems like the Islamic viewpoint that you represent would rather have isolated Muslim communities, contrary to the welfare of the global society we currently live in. Can you explain your view on this a bit more so I can better understand where you are coming from?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Nietz its not black and white as u see it.

Look at europe/west they tolerated apostates to such a point that now homosexuals can openly kiss in public. Well there u have ur freedom!

You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't see anything wrong whatsoever with public displays of affection between consenting adults. Certainly healthier than severely punishing people merely for expressing their fully consensual love of another adult.


Veteran Member
Nietz its not black and white as u see it.

Look at europe/west they tolerated apostates to such a point that now homosexuals can openly kiss in public. Well there u have ur freedom!
What's wrong with homosexuals kissing in public? Why would you have an issue with any consenting adults kissing in public? How could it possibly effect YOU negatively? Explain yourself please.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
You think it's worth the occasional killing to ensure that gays only kiss in private? That seems an odd argument, especially when considered from a moral standpoint.

I find it quite ironic that those who are opposed to the idea that Islam needs reformation are themselves usually examples of why it does. What we have here is someone defending violence and hatred all the while telling us that Islam is perfect as is. The irony is downright astounding.


Veteran Member
You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't see anything wrong whatsoever with public displays of affection between consenting adults. Certainly healthier than severely punishing people merely for expressing their fully consensual love of another adult.
Love it!! I can't wait for Servant's explanation for why homosexuals kissing in public is so wrong.


Veteran Member
I find it quite ironic that those who are opposed to the idea that Islam needs reformation are themselves usually examples of why it does. What we have here is someone defending violence and hatred all the while telling us that Islam is perfect as is. The irony is downright astounding.
Agreed. This view of homosexuals just stinks of unfounded, irrational hatred. Not very "peaceful" if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with homosexuals kissing in public? Why would you have an issue with any consenting adults kissing in public? How could it possibly effect YOU negatively? Explain yourself please.

I despise homosexuality because it goes against mankind and spread diseases. But i dont go around beating gays. Thats wrong. Some youth do that.


Well-Known Member
Yikes. No wonder people fear Muslims. Those who are strong in faith won't leave Islam because of Ayaan. Also, if the religion is so perfect as is, people wouldn't be on the fence, either.

Oddly, a lot of Muslims DO take Ahadith very seriously, and I've witnessed some people applying Hadith over Qur'an. Coincidentally, Muhammad specifically told his followers to not record his actions and sayings.

Yikes? Are we in high school :p
For your information, treason is punishable by death in many countries. Then how about a apostate who insults and openly opposes the religion? He is the worst kind of traitor. I have no pitty for such people because they brought it on themselves with their own tongue and hands.