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How to stop all thoughts for good.


Veteran Member
Yeah, stopping thought is a rather painful process for me and one I can't endure for any longer than a minute or so.

During trataka and internal focus on Ajna Chakra, the pain and pressure between my eyes just gets so intense, that this is all I am aware of and I can feel. My whole concentration becomes fixed on the pain.

Then, I am able to briefly experience 'the void', until I cannot take the pain any longer.

That's because you are trying to stop them, in meditation see them as clouds that fade away, watch them for what they are. They are not yours, so why continually entertain them ?.


Cosmic Vagabond
That's because you are trying to stop them, in meditation see them as clouds that fade away, watch them for what they are. They are not yours, so why continually entertain them ?.

I feel like i've noticed this in the past couple of days. I've not really concerned myself with quieting the mind lately, it seems like its been better to just passively let the thoughts flow on without paying much attention to them. It seems to me like being in public, you hear sounds and see things happening but you go about your business without latching onto everything you see and hear.

So, now it doesn't seem so much like "me" thinking them, they are just going on like the stuff outside seems to be going on and I dont feel as much of a compulsion to do anything with them.


Veteran Member
I feel like i've noticed this in the past couple of days. I've not really concerned myself with quieting the mind lately, it seems like its been better to just passively let the thoughts flow on without paying much attention to them. It seems to me like being in public, you hear sounds and see things happening but you go about your business without latching onto everything you see and hear.

So, now it doesn't seem so much like "me" thinking them, they are just going on like the stuff outside seems to be going on and I dont feel as much of a compulsion to do anything with them.

Yes I like that, and that works for me also, especially with my so called schizophrenia, I even think it has saved my life, well as a mind body organism that is lol.


Active Member
It is the ego that wants to still the mind...a dog chasing its tail...duality in motion....when the mind is free from thought, only then will the ego cease to arise to want to still the mind or not still the mind.

There is an old mystical saying that...God can only ever reveal God to God...beginning and end of story.

That's because you are trying to stop them, in meditation see them as clouds that fade away, watch them for what they are. They are not yours, so why continually entertain them ?.

I believe these statements by Ben and psychoslice , hits the nail well on the head , and forms the crux of the matter in stopping the incessant, untamed thought process. :)
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I thought I'd share a story about what happened to me yesterday.

I am a migraine sufferer and occasionally, I will get one so bad, I need to take myself off to the hospital for treatment (that only happens a few times a year, thank god).

Anyway, the hospital decided to keep me in overnight for observation (last night) after giving me a shot of Morphine and hooking me up to all these machines (the tests revealed a hormone imbalance and I need HRT now).

Now, Morphine does really strange things to me.

I took particular interest in my blood oxygen saturation levels, which were hovering around the 98-99% and after the Morphine kicked in, I was using Pranayama techniques to try and change it - also, using the opportunity for being hooked up to machines to practice a few recordable Bio-feedback techniques....until the nurse came in and stared being all very stern and 'matron-like', telling me to knock it off and try to get some rest...

I was like 'on one condition - please tell me how low my oxygen readings are going to go when I am in deep sleep, because I won't be awake to know this' (like I said, narcotics make me insufferable). lol

She said 'it will go down to between 88-90% when you are asleep, because you breathe much shallower then, but don't work yourself up too much about it - that's my job - your stats are all normal, so please try and get some rest now and shut that brain off of yours (easier said than done in this environment).

So, I decided to take her advice and try to sleep, or at least try and go into Yoga Nidra (now, doing Yoga Nidra under these circumstances is absolutely amazing), but anyway, onto the whole reason for this post.

I thought about what the nurse said, and decided to go to sleep, but to 'program my mind' beforehand, to wake up just as I was about to enter non-REM sleep (I didn't know how Morphine would affect this), just so I could catch that moment on the machine, while I was still technically in 'deep sleep', just to check my oxygen saturation levels - not that I didn't take the nurses 'word for it' of course.

So, I set that 'mental alarm clock' and yes, I actually managed to accomplish this, and the machine read 87%.

Now, is that 'mental control' or what? I am pretty proud of that achievement. lol

Then I keep thinking to myself now, what woke me up while I was fast asleep? and no, there was no part of my brain that was consciously aware at the time.
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As postscript to the above -

At least one thing I know now (and after months of worrying)...

Before I went to the hospital, I was worried about my migraines (thinking it may be an aneurysm or cancer or something) and I was also worried about my physical health in general...I had many thoughts about all this, leading me into an anxious state of awareness.

Yesterday, when I got this migraine attack (although it has been building up for days and I should not have ignored the 'aura' and the signs of it) and my daughter eventually called for an ambulance when my screams brought the house down and I was puking everywhere...

After arriving at the hospital, I had every test done known to scientific medicine except for a cat-scan or MRI. Now, one would think that would be the very first thing they would do, right?

So, it was only natural I asked the doctor 'why aren't you doing this?'

He said 'you are totally rational and coherent, your pupils are responding equally and as they should, you can grip both my hands (and nearly break them), all your reflexes are astounding (they tested them immediately), you show great force and resistance towards pressure with every part of your body (they asked me to press against their hands with everything I owned), you can walk on a straight line placing one foot directly in front of the other, you can stand on one leg without falling over, you can follow my finger around your face and from side to side, you have perfect spatial recognition and definition, you have a very good memory and your memory and logic skills have all been tested...we don't need to do a cat scan or MRI to tell that this isn't neurological, however, if you request one, please see your local GP about a referral to a specialist after this'.

So, I had blood tests, urine test, ECG, I was monitored hourly for my blood pressure (they were worried because it was very low - 90/40 - which was what forced my overnight admission), my temperature was slightly low as well...I had every test on my blood and urine, and I had every muscle, nerve and reflex of my body and mind tested - I was also seen by a psychologist to have my general mental health assessed - he said that these episodes of migraines can also be triggered by stress, and I should be seeking to use those 'bio-feedback techniques' to lower my stress levels..

It was found that I was also slightly dehydrated and lacking in Vitamin D (as well as the obvious hormone problems). I was hooked up to a saline drip all evening and went through 3 IV fluid bags - I got the 'royal treatment' in hospital and that was really nice!

At least one thing, I can now put any thoughts of there being 'something seriously wrong with me' behind me and they become a few less thoughts I actually have to 'think' about.

Have a nice day.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
begin to look inward. dont try to stop any thoughts, just let them be. Now, just watch them, let them flow and have no identification with them.

Doesn't work (at least for me). As soon as I start having the internal thoughts I forget completely that I'm just looking inwards. I can't hold two levels of thought at the same time.

HELP! I'm drowning....
Are you trying to much at once? Start with 5 minutes twice a day, maintaining concentration in meditation for more than that without practice is like trying to swim the channel for the first time every time and you will drown every time! But more importantly you won't learn anything from it, it will engender feelings of frustration.

5 minutes a day turns into twice. That turns into ten a day. You can stop there or you can keep going as you please.


Its only a Label
Friend ben,

Guess one needs to experience the state of what the mind is when it is free of any thought.
When anyone has such an experience even for a split micro second, one is afflicted with a strange addiction to expand that zone to mill seconds to seconds and then minutes, till the point where the individual is nowhere but simply HERE-NOW a PRESENCE at all times.

Love & rgds
And then 20 extending to fifteen minutes each. But is that really required? What purpose the person is trying to fulfill?

That is something someone can only really tell you after doing 5 minutes a day and then seeing if he wants to do more. Maybe he does not or maybe he finds a purpose, up to him I think. Do we know what we really think without a little meditation? Not sure, up to the person. Not deliberately trying to sound super vague and zen but as I'm sure you know there is no more individual an experience and path.


Cosmic Vagabond
Yes I like that, and that works for me also, especially with my so called schizophrenia, I even think it has saved my life, well as a mind body organism that is lol.

Yeah, it seems that trying to do anything with the thoughts just strengthens the ego feeling.

While I don't have schizophrenia, it works for me in a similar way in that I have invasive and obsessive anxious thoughts (I likely have mild/moderate OCD along with the depression) that go on no matter what I do with them and trying to fight or indulge the urge to think a counter-thought to nullify the problem thought just builds up tension and and strengthens that self-fiction and makes me more stressed by them.


Be your own guru
Self-Realization .. It's the most important thing to me.

(atheists don't accept the concepts in this approach, i know)
:) Well, there are many kind of atheists (many are spiritual kind of atheists). I for one, consider 'self-realization' very important, and see meditation as the path to it (if one does not think intensely and in a focused way, how will one get it?) . (BTW, I already have achieved 'self realization')


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Friend ben,

Guess one needs to experience the state of what the mind is when it is free of any thought.
When anyone has such an experience even for a split micro second, one is afflicted with a strange addiction to expand that zone to mill seconds to seconds and then minutes, till the point where the individual is nowhere but simply HERE-NOW a PRESENCE at all times.

Love & rgds
Hehehe... some of us only come out of the zone for brief interludes on RF... (Nice to see you again, my friend.)


Its only a Label
Friend YmirGF,

One is always in between In & Out, neither In nor Out.
Who is the exception?
Take Care Love!

Love & rgds


Be your own guru
Me, in for all times. Earth's gravity would not let what constitutes me to escape. We are recycled here itself.