Ok sister
this is my understanding to obodient and rebellious wife :
what is your definition of obedient or rebellious wife ?
Like kirran mentioned by using the term obedient or rebellious one already assumes the man is superior or an authority figure.
I think a husband and wife should see each other as equals and treat each other with respect. There shouldn't be a 'power' struggle..a husband and wife are a team and should both compromise and try to make the other happy.
I don't think there's an issue with the wife cooking and cleaning and taking care of her husband..as long as she does it out of love and not fear.
The definition of obedient and rebellious depends on culture,society etc. So what I see as normal behaviour can be rebellious to you because we grew up and live in different societies.
But if you mean a disrespectful wife/husband.. Who doesn't take your words in consideration and who always wants you to be the one who compromises and doesn't care about your needs,dreams,opinions. Then I wouldn't advise you to be with her/him.