But we CAN'T survive without each other. When we are born into this world we are born dependent upon our mother's for life. And they in turn are dependent upon their mates. We are born into human groups and we need those groups to survive. We humans can either work together in groups, toward mutual survival, or we end up competing with and killing each other over whatever resources are available. This is the longest running lesson of human history. It's the story of mankind. Lawlessness results in an 'every man for himself' environment, where people and groups kill and rob each other as a way of life. And sooner or later everyone is killed and robbed by someone stronger, or luckier, or more ruthless. We learn that there is survival only through numbers. So family clans joined together to fight off other family clans, and some family clans joined together to kill and rob other family clans, so we had to create even bigger family clans. Eventually clans formed their own governments, and hired soldiers to protect them from marauders. On and on it went ... but always the same concept remained, that people are only safe when they band together and work for their mutual survival. And yet as this concept remained, so did the concept of 'might makes right', and so there were always some percentage of people banding together to kill and rob other people for their own advantage.
The myth of the loner applies only to the dead.
You have a choice in life. You can band together with others for the sake of everyone's mutual survival, or you can live by the rule of 'every man for himself' and instead abuse and exploit other people, and feed off them for as long as you can get away with it.
The greed of the corporate executive who is stacking up piles of money by exploiting and abusing the people of his own society is no different from the greed of the welfare cheat who likewise feeds off the labor and good intentions of his fellow citizens. The only difference is that the corporate executive steals a whole lot more money, and therefor does a whole lot more harm to his society. And he makes his own thievery legal by bribing the government, and the schools, and the churches, and thus he spreads his toxic greed around and opens the door for many more like himself to follow him. At least when the welfare cheat gets caught, he gets punished, and perhaps our vigilance is increased.
As Utah Phillips said: "Don't worry about the bum on the rods, worry about the bum on the plush!"