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Is There Proof God Exists????

end of time

Reality check
I know god exist, when I was a child studding for my first communion I would feel the lord’s presence with me every night. It was a worm wonderful feeling. I wish I could feel his pretense again


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Well you can definitely apply the scientific method to meditation for sure. Reason being is hundreds of saints have come to the same conclusion upon practicing over and over again. Analyzing those results and sharing them amongst their peers or Guru in a non formal way and then all them agreeing that it happens exactly as they say it does. You see if all of them come to the same conslusion and experiences then it is a science. That is what I was trying to say. Science is knowing something is a fact and works if done in the exact same way as the previous person. That's why certain meditation techniques such as Kriya Yoga are used universally and have been documented in books and testimonials from generations to generations to bring upon God realization and spiritual growth and revalations. It's a science no matter what anyone says because it works EVERYTIME if done right and is systematical.

Good Gods, you just don't give up when you're clearly wrong, do you.

Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I have asked, explain how meditation follows the scientific method.

You can sit there and say "science science science" over and over until you turn blue in the face, it won't change the simple fact that meditation is not science. Your "hundreds of testimonials" are not examples of repeatable tests results, your "results" are highly biased and absolutely subjective to the individual. Your "hundreds of books" is meaningless.

Look, we all know some people are absolutely desperate to prove their god exists, and we know that some people will attempt to ductape the term science onto something far from science in an attempt to add legitimacy to their beliefs.

But to be absolutely frank, for those of us with even a basic understanding of the scientific method, you merely embarrass yourself and lower your credibility with each instance. Your attempt is no better than any YECer version of pseudoscience.


Facts not Faith
I know god exist, when I was a child studding for my first communion I would feel the lord’s presence with me every night. It was a worm wonderful feeling. I wish I could feel his pretense again

How was this feeling like? Why don't you feel God's presence now?

Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Good Gods, you just don't give up when you're clearly wrong, do you.

Scientific method - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As I have asked, explain how meditation follows the scientific method.

You can sit there and say "science science science" over and over until you turn blue in the face, it won't change the simple fact that meditation is not science. Your "hundreds of testimonials" are not examples of repeatable tests results, your "results" are highly biased and absolutely subjective to the individual. Your "hundreds of books" is meaningless.

Look, we all know some people are absolutely desperate to prove their god exists, and we know that some people will attempt to ductape the term science onto something far from science in an attempt to add legitimacy to their beliefs.

But to be absolutely frank, for those of us with even a basic understanding of the scientific method, you merely embarrass yourself and lower your credibility with each instance. Your attempt is no better than any YECer version of pseudoscience.

Everyone who has done it knows its a science. It works like mathematics it will not fail. More and more people in this world know it is a science and when scientists wise up and realize that proof of God exists within they might stop trying to prove his existance outwardly and try these techniques. Then and only then may others that hold the scientific method so dear to their heart will they realize that Kriya Yoga works and does reveal God. Do some research on yourself and in time you will know I'm right. As of now just because it wasn't exactly scientifically documented in the way your demanding it does that does not make it pseudoscience. Everyone will soon know I guarantee it!


Let's explore together whether God exists or simple evolution and random chance is the truth. Let's start by looking at our world today. Can you see God and God's work behind it all or do you feel the cold mechanical clockwork of an unfeeling system??

Both ... the latter though because of the goodness of the Creator who gave Man free-will. But it is not difficult so much anymore to bring into focus the "touch" of the Creator of Life, this especially when I am outside carefully noticing the details that are too often overlooked (and this is when often I am startled to notice, something greater than myself notices too). I do not doubt the Creator of Life ... but what I know to be Life and what most assume it to be is totally different. Life is simply the natural way of It. :) All else becomes overwhelming in a negative way for me.

Today, we have a great diversity of people. There are modern,high tech, highly intelligent people. There are poor people with low intelligence, barely surviving. Of course, there are the rest of us in the middle.

With advancements in science, mankind has been able to control birth rates. The most modern countries are having one or two children per couple. The developing countries are breeding ten to twelve children per couple. How is this changing the world??

It isn't that people are breeding that is lack of respect for Life, and rather it is the destruction of Life to make room for ... uhm ... more stuff (?). I loathe stuff, especially more and more lately, however I love newborns (their precious scent, especially)!

Evolution is clear. It's survival of the fittest. It is a system that guaranties our survival by allowing the most fit to survive. If the less intelligent people are having more kids, how can the world be getting smarter as a whole??

Don't worry about it. I found more insulting to Life and Its Creator the "brilliant minds" that can't even figure out WHAT Life is for us. I learn more about the Creator of Life by observing the lives going unnoticed next to the ones polluting in the name of "knowledge" <--- His understanding is infinite, and thus, no man will ever be brilliant enough to justify saying to a mother more "lowly" than he is that her child should be considered as not worthy to enjoy life for the sake of his intelligence. :) Just my own humble opinion.

BTW, evolution is only clear from the human perspective of birth to death. Get it? "Big Bang?" not rocket science really. Man came up with the theory based on what he thought he knew. However, each moment IS the creation ... do You see it? Just curious.

And the world is gaining in knowledge. Sure, evolution is a part of the unfolding of the universe but there is a goal beyond survival of the fittest. Do you know what that goal is?? Can you see God yet??

I see the fingerprint of the Creator of Life, but I do not think that is the same God most people are referring to. And His goal is whatever your goal is whilst you still have His breath in your lungs. As for me, I am thankful to be afforded, even though It is not in Its fullness all the time, Life ... which I have found trumps the knowledge that is going around by "intellectuals" as for what it teaches me about the goodness that is the way of Life. I also see it testified of in the Tanach, which by the way, does say that whatever your heart desires to see of God, that you will find. Personally I find myself blessed in the earth that He has made, and I am not speaking metaphorically, and I am excluding most of all this stuff that is being built of man's hands.

[quoteI believe life is the education of God's children. The world will always move forward in knowledge and education. Sure it seems slow at times but forward it will go. Beyond the cold calculating of survival of the fittest, children of God, which is all of us, carry humanity with them. One doesn't have to be the smartest or the fittest to survive today. One will, however learn and grow with life.

Well, certainly to each their own, yes. I find more enjoyment the company of those I am very close to for understanding (though, they will not rate HIGH on the "intellectual list" of 2010, mind you) .. whilst being outside together talking about the LIfe that we are grateful ... and dreaming of a day that perhaps we can enjoy HIS work (tending to Life, I am thinking natural) than having our time stolen to keep others happy in what they force on us (their "creations") just so we can have a place to live and function ... ahhh, but the few minutes to break apart still is enough to keep us going having been refreshed of the One Whose designs Truly restores our life-breath. :)

Since, there appears to be a goal to life, is that proof God exists??? Isn't there more than evolution going on????

I am proof enough, for me, that there is the Creator of Life ... but if you are still looking, go sit outside for a couple of hours and notice what ISN'T brought forth of man's hands .... and there you go for proof. :yes:
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Empirical Curmudgeon
It is a science in the sense that it is documented by saints(spiritual scientists) in books and through testimonies all over the world. There are no journal articles that you are looking for that I know of anyway. It doesn't mean its not a science though. It just means its documented and researched in a different way. I could give you plenty of Saints quotes on this science of Kriya. I could also point you to many books on it too.

The plural of anecdote is not data.


Empirical Curmudgeon
Everyone who has done it knows its a science.

Then they don't know science.

It works like mathematics it will not fail. More and more people in this world know it is a science and when scientists wise up and realize that proof of God exists within they might stop trying to prove his existance outwardly and try these techniques. Then and only then may others that hold the scientific method so dear to their heart will they realize that Kriya Yoga works and does reveal God.

God helmet. Google it.

As of now just because it wasn't exactly scientifically documented in the way your demanding it does that does not make it pseudoscience.

Yeah, it pretty much does. Your claims fit the bill perfectly actually.

From the Online Oxford Dictionary:

a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on [the] scientific method

Linkage: http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0670180#m_en_gb0670180
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Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
The plural of anecdote is not data.

Well I beg to differ. I personally think thousands of accounts from different times in the universe that all say the same thing is just as good as any data that scientists have written down. Essentially it is just about the same thing. Ancient rishis of India did not know what they would find but when they found that breath was tied to life and the spiritual energy in our spines they began to practice unbiasedly and researching with themselves whether it would lead to something. Eventually they found that this practice lead to God realization. They in time were able to leave their body by stopping the breath and would merge with the omnipresent bliss of God's consciousness emanating all of life. These testimonies were documented and now many saints experience the same thing all over the world. There are other benefits that they experience too. A sense of freedom, joy, and bliss that becomes ever more predominate the more one practices. I just have a few question to doubters. Wouldn't you want to know that if this can possibly change your life and bring upon God's presence in your life, that you might want to try it for yourself? Instead of denying its validity why don't you prove its validity for yourself? That's what true scientists do. If they hear about something instead of utterly denying it they go out and try to prove it wrong through studies. If you all hold science so dear to your heart in terms of it being real then why don't you experiment instead of doing this :ignore:??????
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Kriya Yogi

Dharma and Love for God
Then they don't know science.

They know God. The inventor of science.

God helmet. Google it.

I'm really sick of this argument. Again it has nothing to do with true spiritual experiences. This is the last time I'll acknowldege this worthless argument. It has no bearing on true spiritual experiences and whether God exists or not.

Yeah, it pretty much does. Your claims fit the bill perfectly actually.

In order for this to be pseudo science it has to be a belief, but if these are KNOWN as true ways to God then they are not beliefs and are in fact scientific.
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Superabacus Mystic
They know God. The inventor of science.
False. No holy text describes the scientific method, and no divine revelation is involved in the development of systematic research. Science is entirely man's invention.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Everyone who has done it knows its a science. It works like mathematics it will not fail. More and more people in this world know it is a science and when scientists wise up and realize that proof of God exists within they might stop trying to prove his existance outwardly and try these techniques. Then and only then may others that hold the scientific method so dear to their heart will they realize that Kriya Yoga works and does reveal God. Do some research on yourself and in time you will know I'm right. As of now just because it wasn't exactly scientifically documented in the way your demanding it does that does not make it pseudoscience. Everyone will soon know I guarantee it!


Funny how eveyone BUT the scientific community thinks it's science.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
False. No holy text describes the scientific method, and no divine revelation is involved in the development of systematic research. Science is entirely man's invention.

Quite agreed.

Historically, religion has been very detrimental to science and its advancement.

Then again, you were replying to someone who has no idea what science is.


Well-Known Member
Rich and Poor

You ask some insigntful questions and I would love to discuss them. You are right. Poor people tend to be less intelligent and the least intelligent places are the poor ones (e.g. Africa). The literacy rate in most poor nations is horrible, though the correlation is not absolute. This links actually show this correlation and I hope it works.


You are also right that rich people tend to have more babies than poor people, however, that gap has been shrinking as Africans and Asians have greater access to birth control. The link below demonstrates this. It is really cool.



Evolution is about the survival of the fittest. The fittest are those who are most linkely to survive in a certain environment. The "fittest" depends on the environment, other species, and the DNA of the fittest. The survival of the fittest is a general trend so some "fit" animals will die young, while some "unfit" animals will live long. However, these are only deviants from the norm and you will see a general trend over the years.

The advancing poor

The world is getting smarter as a whole because we as humans are making it a priority to educate and our social structures and technology are adequate enough for previously poor people to enjoy a higher standard of living and educate themselves. Our minds are not becoming better, we simply know more intellectual stuff which is only one kind of intelligence.

If children stayed just as educated as their parents then since uneduated parents in the world are more likely to have more children, the world will become less educated. However, we are finding that children of poor people are actually becoming more educated than their parents. The education levels among rich nations are rising too, but not so fast.


The universe and evolution

Evolution has no goal, it is simply a process that we observe. Evolution has just as much of a goal as gravity or rocks do. This universe is 99.99% uninhabitable and is full of pain and suffering, along with some happiness. I also observe that the only way for life to exist is to consume other life and we see this all over nature. Nature is a terrible place to live in where most animals die before reaching adulthood and most die painful unnatural deaths. This indicates that the universe probably was not created by an all-benevolent being. We have an enormous amount of fossil evidence for evolution as shown below.


In order to survive we must be fit. Having large brains, virus defenses, good eyesight, and well-functioning body parts make us fit. Without them we will always die. There is no evidence for God and science is able to explain quite a bit without the unproven concept. God is a simple fairytale ancient people made up thousands of years ago to try to explain the universe in human terms without proper information. Like all other mythical creatures (knomes, trolls, fairies, angles, devils, Thor, Zeus) God will remain an unsupported and comfortable fairytale.
WOW!! Some really great comments. Thanks. Evolution is indeed part of the unfolding of the universe. Perhaps there is more to the view of life feeding on life as being cruel. It aids in the survival of the fittest. There is another service it provides. Life is about change. Life is about learning and growing. When the lessons are learned and you have no one around you that you need to teach, it's time for a change. This feeding on life can provide a quick and easy exit without much involvement. Have you ever been a hunter??? Have you ever tried to bag something and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't do it??? Everything has a time. As far as concrete proof God exists, we base proof on the physical laws of the universe. Perhaps a hard task since God is a Spiritual Being. Science will discover God one day when they reach where they can investigate spiritual things. In the meantime, it's up to each of us. God is no longer just a belief when you actually bump into Him.


Well-Known Member
So, lots of fiction and no facts.

I wonder how many people ahve you on their ignore list for your refusal to answer simple questions?

BTW, here's an example of your continuing Epic Fail and how your credibility keeps burrowing deeper and deeper sicne it passed zero long ago.

We Gaels generally believe that all gods exist, even yours. We believe that all gods are birthed by man, including yours.

And yet you have offered absolutely nothing that would convince me, a believer, that your god exists.
Don't you understand what I'm doing????? I don't want you to believe. I want you to DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF!!! The only one who can take the steps necessary is you. I can light the way, give you a starting point but it's all up to you. Freedom to choose is necessary for true learning. CHOOSE!! Most gods and religions are created by people. The reason is deep down, we all know God. I did not create God. I don't have the capability. It's a bit of a stretch just to understand at times. God is beyond mankind. We are truly ants.


Well-Known Member
Well, certainly to each their own, yes. I find more enjoyment the company of those I am very close to for understanding (though, they will not rate HIGH on the "intellectual list" of 2010, mind you) .. whilst being outside together talking about the LIfe that we are grateful ... and dreaming of a day that perhaps we can enjoy HIS work (tending to Life, I am thinking natural) than having our time stolen to keep others happy in what they force on us (their "creations") just so we can have a place to live and function ... ahhh, but the few minutes to break apart still is enough to keep us going having been refreshed of the One Whose designs Truly restores our life-breath. :)

I am proof enough, for me, that there is the Creator of Life ... but if you are still looking, go sit outside for a couple of hours and notice what ISN'T brought forth of man's hands .... and there you go for proof. :yes:

Very good comments. We all choose what we deem important in this world. We all choose our view. Since we are all spiritual beings in our true natures, that view will bring the most happiness. I do not have to tell you because you already see. One thing you do need to consider. Even though in can be painful for you to share yourself with those that see only the physical, it is exactly what they need to learn. There are great souls who go through adversity in order that others might see. You never know when your kindness and view will light the way for others to see what it's really all about. One should not always avoid drama for that is where most of the learning takes place.


Empirical Curmudgeon
Well I beg to differ. I personally think thousands of accounts from different times in the universe that all say the same thing is just as good as any data that scientists have written down.

Well, that's real nice for you, but it really doesn't change the definition of the word in question. Data - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I just have a few question to doubters. Wouldn't you want to know that if this can possibly change your life and bring upon God's presence in your life, that you might want to try it for yourself? Instead of denying its validity why don't you prove its validity for yourself? That's what true scientists do. If they hear about something instead of utterly denying it they go out and try to prove it wrong through studies. If you all hold science so dear to your heart in terms of it being real then why don't you experiment instead of doing this :ignore:??????

Because the claim that there even is a god has absolutely zero credibility and is backed by no evidence.