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More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Epic Beard Man

Bearded Philosopher
Quoted this, since it seems to have either been ignored or gone off people's radars. If you want to know if it works to put restrictions on weapons, look at the facts using real life application. Australia banned semis and fast loading guns too after a mass shooting, IIRC. Look at the data for countries with severe gun laws, we don't have this problem. Only the USA has this issue. Ask yourselves why and be honest.

Guns should be limited to target shooting and/or hunting, like it is in most developed countries. I'll repeat again, we don't have this mass shooting problem.

Good point....The problem is republicans and conservatives think banning the sale of semi automatic assault rifles is akin to taking their guns or an infringement upon their second amendment. In the following I submit the average gun nut in the United States who are extreme in second amendment:


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
A large, massive, and significant chunk of the American population was in favor of prohibition. And most people did quit drinking to stay in line with the law. Of course many didn't, but it's a far cry to say it was the state trying to repress the wants of the citizens.


He said "boos" by mistake, so I made a joke about apparitions.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
but with regulations and prohibitions profit lure will magnify.
With prohibition, the cartels and gangs make profits. With regulations, legal companies make profits and it's easier to control who can get a substance. Such as alcohol. The Medellin isn't making money with this regulated substance, companies like Anheuser Busch do. They might make crappy beer, but they don't kill people to control the market of a prohibited substance.
They need to return Bugs Bunny instead of Call of Duty they stolen our children's childhood.
I'm for not teaching kids that people being hurt is funny.

wandering peacefully

Which way to the woods?
Even more ridiculous is government's advertising that schools are "gun free",
& prohibiting anyone from being able to defend oneself or others. A handgun
is at a disadvantage against an AR15, but an unarmed worker is even worse off.
I don't think the "government" has any say over what local schools can and can't do. It would be congress that would pass any law which could be applied. And as of now, all decisions on gun control or gun regulations are obviously in the hands of the NRA and the congress members they purchase. So until they are no longer in control there is not much worry about any restrictions let alone "taking away people's guns". Shooters and school killings will continue to be the normal for this country. Mass killings every other week. All because people believe that a well armed militia means every one in the country can own semiautomatic play toys. Because when not in the hands of bad guys, what other purpose do they hold? Deer hunting? Bear hunting? Self protection in the home? It is a farce.

Anyway, schools don't have the money to purchase text books or repair falling down buildings and barely pay for teachers to teach. There is no money. No one will force gunners to purchase insurance or licenses so no money there. Local municipalities can barely pay for police for their towns and cities. They sure don't have money to train unreliable armed teacher militias.

All so people can play with military style rifels. Doesn't seem very free or fair to me.


Veteran Member
in reference to the OP and as I stated in another thread. Using incomplete data does not make a conclusion correct.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I was born to come on here and bore you to death, Revolting.
And, amazingly, boring folks into utter total senility is not an infringement of the rules! :)

Unless @Brickjectivity says different..... :D
Senility is a serious issue that falls under forum rule 13, which I cannot explain since it would be against rule 12 which also falls under 13 due to its ordinal position.


Active Member
The above is so weak........ :)
Because there are bad people doing bad things let's just give up and let our children keep on dying.
It how it works, thousands of good prople make no news, one bad man creates a problem and good people suffer the solution...


Skanky Old Mongrel!
It how it works, thousands of good prople make no news, one bad man creates a problem and good people suffer the solution...
No they don't, they should support common sense rules and controls to protect all.

Licensing requirements such as mandatory all-risks gun-insurance protect to financially give support for all accidents and crimes. How does this put your freedoms at risk?

Licensing requirements such as mandatory domestic security standards and gun-safes to deter and reduce gun thefts. How does this put your freedoms at risk?

Licensing requirements such as mandatory criminal record review, stability report. How does this put your freedoms at risk?

And if ever fast-fire weapons should attract very close scrutiny before licence approval, well, it just makes sense.

And look at what's happening now....... large companies are beginning to withdraw financial support from your NRA, because your people want freedom to stay alive.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Much is allowed under the rules....except for saying **** & ****.
It's all over the news here that some large companies in the US are withdrawing their financial support of the NRA due to US customer pressures.

US folks might just be beginning to exercise their freedom of voice and action over all of this. It is getting interesting enough for the Beeb to tell us all about it.