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Norway -one of the most anti semitic countries on earth


Well-Known Member

Listen muslims usually dont stun the animal. They do so in some countries like for example germany and there is a discussion wether the meat is good for muslims.

And its the same in norway.

They abide the law and choose to stun the animal. Contrary to their religion.

Do you get it? Probably not.

Fascinating article considering there is a rather big country which holds people indefinitely and without the rule of law.

While norway dealt with Breivik in the probably most law abiding way ever. And seriously Norway doesnt need the Jpost to stay within "democracy".

That's what you got from the article?

You missed the support for Hamas?


Well-Known Member
The current law when it comes to halal and kosher slaughter is not antisemitic. It bans traditional halal slaughter as well, but the muslims practicing it in Norway decided to allow stunning.

Norway has problems with anti-semitism, just like Sweden does, but I don't think it's much higher than other parts of Europe. Some European countries have much larger nazi followings than Norway, for example. In the past the anti-semitism was institutional, but that isn't the case anymore. You can't judge the present by the past.

You need to look at the attitudes of average people rather than a few select cases. If you find anything suggesting that the average norwegian is more anti-semitic than, for example, the average greek or swede, then post that here, because that would be evidence of a higher rate of anti-semitism.

Critique of Israel can't be considered equal to anti-semitism, just like critique of Iran can't be considered equal to islamophobia.


Well-Known Member
Fascinating article considering there is a rather big country which holds people indefinitely and without the rule of law.

While norway dealt with Breivik in the probably most law abiding way ever. And seriously Norway doesnt need the Jpost to stay within "democracy".

Apparently you missed some important parts of the Caroline Glick editorial.

Don't worry I'll help you.
Our World: Norway

In a 2006 report on Jew hatred in contemporary Norwegian caricatures published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Erez Uriely noted among other things that Norway banned kosher ritual slaughter in 1929 – three years before a similar ban was instituted in Nazi Germany.

And whereas the ban on kosher ritual slaughter was lifted in post-war Germany, it was never abrogated in Norway.

As Uriely noted, Norway’s prohibition on Jewish ritual slaughter makes Judaism the only religion that cannot be freely practiced in Norway.

Fascism was deeply popular in Norway in the 1930s.

In the wake of the Nazi invasion, Norwegian governmental leaders founded and joined the Norwegian Nazi Party. Apparently, sympathy for Nazi collaborators is strong today in Norway.

As the JCPA’s Manfred Gerstenfeld noted in a report on the rise in Norwegian anti-Semitic attacks during 2009, two years ago the Norwegian government allocated more than $20 million in public funds to commemorate Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun on the occasion of the Nobel laureate for literature’s 150th birthday. As The New York Times reported, in February 2009, Norway’s Queen Sonja opened the, “year-long, publicly financed commemoration of Hamsun’s 150th birthday called ‘Hamsun 2009.’” But while Hamsun may have been a good writer, he is better remembered for being an enthusiastic Nazi. Hamsun gave his Nobel prize to Nazi propaganda chief Josef Goebbels. During a wartime visit to Germany, Hamsun flew to meet Adolf Hitler at Hitler’s mountain home in Bavaria.

And in 2009, Norway built a $20 million museum to honor his achievements.

As Uriely explained in his report, “Norwegian anti- Semitism does not come from the grassroots but from the leadership - politicians, organization leaders, church leaders, and senior journalists. It does not come from Muslims but from the European-Christian society.”

Despite indignant claims that the two are unrelated, Norway’s elite anti-Semitism merges seamlessly with their anti-Zionism. An apparently unwitting example of this fusion is found in Eide’s attack against me in last Friday’s Post.

Eide’s attack on me revolved around my citation of Ambassador Sevje’s interview with Maariv. In his column Eide wrote, “Several other Israeli media have latched on to this [interview] as well.”


One of the Jewish Americans who attacked the Norwegian ambassador’s willingness to distinguish between Palestinian terrorist murderers of Israelis and Breivik’s terrorist murder of Norwegians was Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz said, “I know of no reasonable person who has tried to justify the terrorist attacks against Norway. Yet there are many Norwegians who not only justify terrorist attacks against Israel, but praise them, support them, help finance them and legitimate them.”

In March Dershowitz experienced Norway’s elite anti- Semitism-qua-anti-Zionism firsthand. Dershowitz was brought to Norway by a pro-Israel group to conduct lectures at three Norwegian universities. All three university administrations refused to invite him to speak. Student groups acting independently of their university administrations in the end invited Dershowitz to give his lectures.

As Dershowitz explained in a Wall Street Journal article, he was the victim of an unofficial Norwegian university boycott of Israeli universities. The unofficial boycott is so extensive that it bans not only Israeli academics, but non-Israeli, Jewish academics that are pro-Israel.

And lest someone believe Norway’s anti-Jewish boycott is due to the so-called “occupation,” as Dershowitz pointed out, the petition calling for an academic boycott of Israel begins, “Since 1948 the state of Israel has occupied Palestinian land.”

The Norwegian elite’s rejection of Israel’s right to exist, and ban on pro-Israel Jewish speakers from university campuses goes a long way in explaining Norway’s support for Hamas. If Norway’s opposition to Israel was merely due to its size, rather than its very existence, it would be difficult to understand why Norway maintains friendly contact with Hamas. Hamas is after all a genocidal, terrorist group, which like the Nazis seeks the annihilation of the Jewish people as a whole. Yet Norway’s Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store wrote an article justifying his relations with Hamas as in line with Norway’s embrace of “dialogue.”

As Store’s deputy Eide’s unrestrained and unjustified attack against me, and as Norway’s academic – and to a large degree media – boycott of pro-Israel voices make clear, Norway’s embrace of dialogue is as selective as its condemnation of terrorism.

Here we should recall that Norway’s ruling class supported Hamas against Israel in Operation Cast Lead.

Israel’s dovish Kadima government only began the operation in Gaza because it had no choice. For months then prime minister Ehud Olmert sat on his hands as southern Israel was pummeled with unprovoked barrages of thousands of missiles and rockets from Gaza. Olmert was forced to take action after Hamas massively escalated its rocket and missile attacks in November and early December 2008.

While silent about Palestinian aggression, Norway’s government attacked Israel for defending itself. As Store put it, “The Israeli ground offensive in Gaza constitutes a dramatic escalation of the conflict. Norway strongly condemns any form of warfare that causes severe civilian suffering, and calls on Israel to withdraw its forces immediately.”

Two of Store’s associates, Eric Fosse and Mads Gilbert, decamped to Gaza during Cast Lead and set up shop in Shifa Hospital. The two were fixtures in the Norwegian media, which constantly interviewed them throughout the conflict, and so spread their libelous charges against the IDF without question.

Fosse and Gilbert never mentioned that Hamas’s high command was located at the hospital in open breach of the laws of war.

When they returned home, they co-authored a book in which they accused the IDF of entering Gaza with the express goal of murdering women and children.

Store wrote a blurb of endorsement on the book’s back cover.

Store visited Israel in January. During his visit he gave an interview to the Post where he ignored diplomatic protocol and attacked the Knesset’s contemporaneous decision to form a parliamentary commission of inquiry into foreign funding of anti-Zionist Israeli NGOs.

The basic rationale for the commission was that Israelis have a right to know that many purportedly Israeli groups are actually foreign organizations staffed by local Israelis. And many of the most virulently anti-Zionist NGOs staffed by Israelis operating in Israel are funded by the Norwegian government. Store arrogantly opined, “I think it is a worrying sign” about the state of Israeli democracy.

During Operation Cast Lead, Oslo was the scene of unprecedented anti-Semitic rioting. According to Eirik Eiglad, protesters who participated in anti-Israel demonstrations – and even a supposedly pro-peace demonstration – called out “Kill the Jews” and attacked policemen who tried to prevent them from rioting. Demonstrators at a pro-Israel demonstration were beaten. The Israeli embassy was threatened. Pro-Israel politicians who participated in the pro-Israel rally were beaten and received death threats.

It is a fact that the day before Breivik’s massacre of teenagers at the Labor Party’s youth camp on Utoya Island, Store spoke to them about the need to destroy Israel’s security fence. The campers role-played pro- Hamas activists breaking international law by challenging Israel’s lawful maritime blockade of the Gaza coastline.

They held signs calling for a boycott of Israel.

Despite their obvious animosity towards Israel and sympathy for genocidal, Jew hating Hamas terrorists, at no point did I or any of my Jerusalem Post colleagues do anything other than condemn completely Breivik’s barbaric massacre of his fellow Norwegians. And yet, the Norwegian government attacked us for merely pointing out in various ways, that Norway should not use Breivik’s attack as justification for further weakening Norwegian democracy.

I will not request such an apology because there are certain actions that are simply unforgivable.


Well-Known Member
I actually found an article about the rate of anti-semitism in Norway from Norway's second largest newspaper, but it's in Norwegian. I'll post it anyway.
Begrenset, men klar antisemittisme i Norge - Aftenposten

About 12,5% of the population have a pronounced anti-semitic attitude, but that is equal to Britain, Netherlands and Sweden according to the article. However, nearly 1/5 of all Norwegians believe that Jews are conspiring internationally to further Jewish interests, which is quite shocking numbers.

12,5% is a very large number though, and it must be looked seriously at. But there seems to be no reason to single out Norway, since anti-semitism is quite widespread all throughout Europe, just like islamophobia is. It's better to discuss what we should do to deal with anti-semitism and racism in general rather than discussing which country is the most anti-semitic.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I actually found an article about the rate of anti-semitism in Norway from Norway's second largest newspaper, but it's in Norwegian. I'll post it anyway.
Begrenset, men klar antisemittisme i Norge - Aftenposten

About 12,5% of the population have a pronounced anti-semitic attitude, but that is equal to Britain, Netherlands and Sweden according to the article. However, nearly 1/5 of all Norwegians believe that Jews are conspiring internationally to further Jewish interests, which is quite shocking numbers.

12,5% is a very large number though, and it must be looked seriously at. But there seems to be no reason to single out Norway, since anti-semitism is quite widespread all throughout Europe, just like islamophobia is. It's better to discuss what we should do to deal with anti-semitism and racism in general rather than discussing which country is the most anti-semitic.

That number is quite worrying. It makes me wonder what "Jews" and "Jewish interests" mean in the minds of those kinds of people, because if that can be figured out, then accurate counter-arguments can be made which directly address any misconceptions. It won't change the minds of all conspiracy nuts, but it would help keep new people from joining their ranks, and hopefully sway some of them.


Well-Known Member
That's what you got from the article?

You missed the support for Hamas?

Hamas existed in 1929? The more you know.

Uriely noted among other things that Norway banned kosher ritual slaughter in 1929 – three years before a similar ban was instituted in Nazi Germany.

So? Kosher slaughter is foreign to gentiles. The more you know.

And whereas the ban on kosher ritual slaughter was lifted in post-war Germany, it was never abrogated in Norway.

The lifted ban in germany is actually against german law. Funny isnt it? :facepalm:

Fascism was deeply popular in Norway in the 1930s.

it was so popular that the Nasjonal Samling never got over 2,5%. Quite the numbers. Awesome. :facepalm:

In the wake of the Nazi invasion, Norwegian governmental leaders founded and joined the Norwegian Nazi Party. Apparently, sympathy for Nazi collaborators is strong today in Norway.

Nope thats a lie. The Nasjonal Samling was establised in 1933. :facepalm:

As the JCPA’s Manfred Gerstenfeld noted in a report on the rise in Norwegian anti-Semitic attacks during 2009, two years ago the Norwegian government allocated more than $20 million in public funds to commemorate Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun on the occasion of the Nobel laureate for literature’s 150th birthday. As The New York Times reported, in February 2009, Norway’s Queen Sonja opened the, “year-long, publicly financed commemoration of Hamsun’s 150th birthday called ‘Hamsun 2009.’” But while Hamsun may have been a good writer, he is better remembered for being an enthusiastic Nazi. Hamsun gave his Nobel prize to Nazi propaganda chief Josef Goebbels. During a wartime visit to Germany, Hamsun flew to meet Adolf Hitler at Hitler’s mountain home in Bavaria.

And in 2009, Norway built a $20 million museum to honor his achievements.

Yeah in honor of his achievements not his political ideas.
In fact his books are good despite him being a Nazi. Crazy.

As Uriely explained in his report, “Norwegian anti- Semitism does not come from the grassroots but from the leadership - politicians, organization leaders, church leaders, and senior journalists. It does not come from Muslims but from the European-Christian society.”

Thats an opinion.

Despite indignant claims that the two are unrelated, Norway’s elite anti-Semitism merges seamlessly with their anti-Zionism. An apparently unwitting example of this fusion is found in Eide’s attack against me in last Friday’s Post.

Eide’s attack on me revolved around my citation of Ambassador Sevje’s interview with Maariv. In his column Eide wrote, “Several other Israeli media have latched on to this [interview] as well.”

Oh my a butthurt author. :facepalm:

The rest is nothing more than Dershowitz crying about antisemitism because some people dont share his political ideas. Boring beyond comprehension.


Well-Known Member
Hamas existed in 1929? The more you know.

The article is talking about Norway's current full support of Hamas.

An organization that not only calls for the destruction of Israel, but targets civilians to spread terror. Norway stated that Hamas is just in it's terrorist acts.

So? Kosher slaughter is foreign to gentiles. The more you know.

So what if it's foreign?

Before not allowing jews to practice their religion they should make an effort to find out what they are making illegal.

The prime minister said it all at the time of the law. Basically that they didn't invite the jews and they don't care about them and what they think or believe.

Slaughtering an animal and making it kosher causes less pain for the animal than just about any other method.

A sharp knife must be used with no nicks. It must be done in one motion at the throat.

It's specifically done this way to not cause pain.

Nope thats a lie. The Nasjonal Samling was establised in 1933. :facepalm:

So? The Norway government as the article stated still collaborated with the nazis.

They helped round up and mass murder jews.

Yeah in honor of his achievements not his political ideas.
In fact his books are good despite him being a Nazi. Crazy.

Imagine that. They couldn't let the meager fact that he was a nazi keep them from honoring him. :facepalm:

Perhaps they should have given Hitler a nobel prize for his literary work.:sarcastic


Sane, rational non evil, governments don't donate to and honor nazis.

Good grief. :cover:

Oh my a butthurt author. :facepalm:

The rest is nothing more than Dershowitz crying about antisemitism because some people dont share his political ideas. Boring beyond comprehension.

The article was written by Caroline Glick.

How surprising that you got that wrong too.:sarcastic

I find the defense of Norway's evil behavior to be disturbing.

You may be able to excuse away one or two of the heinous acts.

However, compiled together, they show that the Norway government is one of anti-semitic slimeballs.


If there was a religion that required all of its followers to snort cocaine, would you call drug laws discriminatory against that religion?


If there was a religion that required all of its followers to snort cocaine, would you call drug laws discriminatory against that religion?

"IF" does not count. Your question does not address the subject at hand. You cannot defend your point with assumptions and ifs. If you do not like Judaism, that is your problem, no body could care less but stay out of the discussion then.


"IF" does not count. Your question does not address the subject at hand. You cannot defend your point with assumptions and ifs. If you do not like Judaism, that is your problem, no body could care less but stay out of the discussion then.
It's a relevant question; don't be so bitter :p. If you expect a country to change their animal slaughter laws to accommodate Jewish tradition, would you expect them to change drug laws to accommodate the cocaine religion?


Well-Known Member
It's a relevant question; don't be so bitter :p. If you expect a country to change their animal slaughter laws to accommodate Jewish tradition, would you expect them to change drug laws to accommodate the cocaine religion?

What's the cocaine religion?


It's a simple question. Should countries have to change their laws to accommodate EVERY religion? If not, what makes the Jews special?




Well-Known Member
The only people involved in the koshering of a cow is the person killing the cow, the jew who will be eating the meat, and the cow.

It's really no one's business how jews wish to slaughter the cows.

The animal rights arguement is rediculous.

The cow is killed specifically to cause as little pain as possible.

Once again, a very sharp blade must be used, in one motion, at the throat.

The people who lose out are orthodox jews who have to work very hard to obtain kosher meat.

There is no reason for this other than hatred for jews.

When this law was debated the Norway prime minister said "we didn't invite the jews" and basically we don't give a hoot what they think.

This is only one example of the hatred of jews displayed by Norway.

As I mentioned before a former Norway prime minister criticized Obama for appointing a jew, Rahm Emanuel, into his cabinet.

Norway fullly supports Hamas, an organization that not only doesn't recognize Israel's right to exist but intentionally targets and attacks civilians.

As Alan Dershowitz wrote in his article, Norway Universities refused to allow him to speak about Israel. However, they readily have anti-Israel speakers.

Norway has a history of collaborating with the nazis and in rounding up and helping the nazis mass murder jews.

Below is a link to an article of more vile Norweigan anti semitic behavior.

Norway: Extreme Expressions of Anti-Israeli and Anti-Semitic Attitudes | Jerusalem Center For Public AffairsJerusalem Center For Public Affairs