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Opinions on Spanking


Active Member
LOL, that doesn't surprise me at all! They're 1-3 and spanked? Jeez that's far too early anyways.

Still though, the method of "spanking" varies so greatly, from how often and what for, and how it is explained or resolved etc. It's like saying "drinking Alcohol" is bad for you, but it depends on the consumption and the person.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a supporter of constant, first resort spanking, I'll just reserve the right to administer one depending on the severity of the circumstances.

AHAHAhAHA!!! Who spanks a 1 year old kid!?!?!?!? Comon!! I'm talking like, 5 year olds, maybe a lil earlier


Well-Known Member
Well then no wonder there's so much research showing correlation between spanking and psychological issues in later life, if they're all being spanked after just 1 year of age.......

Crazy, they can't even understand anything at such an early age! I'd agree with spanking around 5 at the earliest, and my definition of "spanking" appears to be quite different from everyone else's here too.

But spanking 1-3 year olds? Jeez.......


Active Member
yeah. The way it worked for me was that when I was 5-10 or 11...somewhere around there. I got spanked as many times as I was old with a wooden spoon.Just this year my parents have gone to grounding saying that, "Your too old to spank, and we cant just smack you around" So, now I get grounded.....wow. 1-3 year olds....holy crap that is ridiculous... I cant even believe that


Depends Upon My Mood..
2 and 3 year olds can talk.And they can and are mischieveious and they do test the limits.They throw temper tatrums they get into things they know they arent supposed to they will run from you in a store etc.(all of this is normal behavior by the way). and you have to discipline/teach/redirect them all the time.One year olds cant "talk" but they understand more than people think..And many are walking by then and getting into everything that is why you have to lock up cabinets and litterally watch them every single second.

Taking care of 1-3 year old children is usually one of the most trying and frustrating ages for parents ...where do you think the term "terrible twos " came from?And all the parents I know agree they dotn even get that term because 3 is worse.

You have your head burried in the sand if you are "shocked' that parents who think spanking is O.K dont start spanking early on..and its the other way around that ya'll talk about..its usually older children that get grounded or have things taken away and spanked less or not at all.I dont know why you would find it so unbeleivable that a parent will swat a toddler on the rear end or swat their hand for acting up.

Why do you think they have to warn parents not to "shake a baby"?

A person who thinks spanking is a good form of discipline isnt going to "reason" with their 1-3 year old that is acting like a little monster and then suddenly one day start spanking instead at 4 or 5.

There was a lady just recently on a parenting forum that was asking for help she was desperate her 3 year old talked back to her /was throwing temper tantrums including hitting her and absolutely wearing her out..

She mentioned she had 'tried everything" including spanking to get the child to behave.It is a lot more common than you seem to understand.

If you dont feel the "need" to swat a 1-3 year old then you certaintly arent going to feel the need to swat a 4 or 5 year old.


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yeah. The way it worked for me was that when I was 5-10 or 11...somewhere around there. I got spanked as many times as I was old with a wooden spoon.Just this year my parents have gone to grounding saying that, "Your too old to spank, and we cant just smack you around" So, now I get grounded.....wow. 1-3 year olds....holy crap that is ridiculous... I cant even believe that

James Dobson, the guru of child abuse legitimizers and king of the religious right, recommends that parents start smacking children until they cry at 18 months.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I have known people who do!! I was pretty shocked about it myself.

I know many including myself.Maybe not at 1 year old on the dot but definately when they were still in diapers..

Imagine the differnt scenerios where a parent would for instance slap a 3 year old on the hand?Think of a 2 year old for example sitting in his high chair and picking up his plate of food and throwing it on the floor.I dont know why someone would be "shocked" the parent might slap the childs hand and tell them NO!Think again of a 2 year old that walks up behind you and bites the back of your leg.It would shock you that the parent might lose it and swat the child on the rear end through their diaper 3 or 4 times while telling them no biting ?

The updates I get on my grandbabies age and what stages they are going through on this last one at his age 17 months is all on how they have emotional outburst and throw temper tantrums and how to handle it.And why they are acting that way including that its normal.

Parents(many) are mostly ignorant and reactionary to how to handle a "rotten" toddler.It doesnt shock me at all that this is a common method.




Depends Upon My Mood..
This just in:

(CNN) -- Think a little spanking won't do much harm to kids? New research says the effects can be long-lasting.

Experts say "popping" kids can do more harm than good. A new study of more than 2,500 toddlers from low-income families found that spanking may have detrimental effects on behavior and mental development.
"We're talking about infants and toddlers, and I think that just, cognitively, they just don't understand enough about right or wrong or punishment to benefit from being spanked," said Lisa Berlin, the study's lead author and research scientist at the Center for Child and Family Policy at Duke University.
Berlin and colleagues found that children who were spanked as 1-year-olds tended to behave more aggressively at age 2, and did not perform as well as other children on a test measuring thinking skills at age 3. The study is published in the journal Child Development.

This is some of the information I found too.Not only that but it appears parents who spank also dont tend to talk as much directly to the children(in general) and they also tend to use a high ratio of negative words directed at the child versus postitives of the words they do speak to them by the time they are 3.

The research I was reading was on why is it a child born into poverty(in the U.S) is almost destined to stay in poverty as an adult.




Well-Known Member
James Dobson, the guru of child abuse legitimizers and king of the religious right, recommends that parents start smacking children until they cry at 18 months.

Wait, he recommends that parents start spanking until they're 18 months? So asically, to spank from day 1?

What the Hell, well if spanking is taken to that extreme then no bloody wonder there's this data showing negative correlation to children being spanked. Auto's CNN report was about 1-3 year olds too, that's far to early anyways.

I take it this James Dobson is like the Jack Thompson of the baby world?


Active Member
i am ok with a little tap on the hand and saying "NO!" but not full on flipping a child over, and whapping them on the butt.


Wait, he recommends that parents start spanking until they're 18 months? So asically, to spank from day 1?

I take it this James Dobson is like the Jack Thompson of the baby world?

Alceste said:
James Dobson, the guru of child abuse legitimizers and king of the religious right, recommends that parents start smacking children until they cry at 18 months.

James Dobson is the "brains" behind Focus on the Family, which is a Christian fundamentalist lobbying and propaganda organization concerned mainly with spreading lies and hysteria about homosexuality and abortion. He also apparently has a degree in child psychology and is able to pass himself off as an "expert". He also hand-picked Sarah Palin, I believe. He's an astonishingly influential man in the US.


Active Member
Yeah, but focus on the Family is still a good deal. They made the Adventures in Odyssey, so they have to be good.


Well-Known Member

James Dobson is the "brains" behind Focus on the Family, which is a Christian fundamentalist lobbying and propaganda organization concerned mainly with spreading lies and hysteria about homosexuality and abortion. He also apparently has a degree in child psychology and is able to pass himself off as an "expert". He also hand-picked Sarah Palin, I believe. He's an astonishingly influential man in the US.

Oh right, I see.

Also, he wants to spank them until they cry, it is as if he only wants that reaction form them. If your child doesn't cry, it doesn't mean you should repeat the process purely to get them to cry, *** is all that about?!



Active Member
hehe. Reminds me of a story my dad has told me. His mom would belt whip him untill he cried, but he was dumb, and never cried. So one time she whipped him while he was bent over....the belt went up between his legs and snapped him there...then he cried, lol


Oh right, I see.

Also, he wants to spank them until they cry, it is as if he only wants that reaction form them. If your child doesn't cry, it doesn't mean you should repeat the process purely to get them to cry, *** is all that about?!


This guy is a huge psycho. His own dog hates him. He's got a major, pervy sub/dom sexual fetish (which I gather from his statement that his mom used to beat the crap out of him and "believe it or not", it made him feel "loved"). Not only does he say you should beat your 18 month old until they cry, he also says that if they're still crying five minutes later you should offer to beat them again if they don't stop. And that you should beat them if you get the sense they're feeling resentment toward you while following your orders.

Boy, there's hardly anyone I hate more than James Dobson. There's nothing more repulsive than a contemptible, self-hating coward pretending to be capable, respectable and manly. (lol - I think I may have just inadvertently summed up why I hate the whole crowd of religious right culture barons - Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly...)


Well-Known Member
This guy is a huge psycho. His own dog hates him. He's got a major, pervy sub/dom sexual fetish (which I gather from his statement that his mom used to beat the crap out of him and "believe it or not", it made him feel "loved"). Not only does he say you should beat your 18 month old until they cry, he also says that if they're still crying five minutes later you should offer to beat them again if they don't stop. And that you should beat them if you get the sense they're feeling resentment toward you while following your orders.

Boy, there's hardly anyone I hate more than James Dobson. There's nothing more repulsive than a contemptible, self-hating coward pretending to be capable, respectable and manly. (lol - I think I may have just inadvertently summed up why I hate the whole crowd of religious right culture barons - Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly...)

Dunno who Limbaugh ansd Hannity are, but O' Reilly and Beck make me laugh. I always remember how he just either shouts over his interviewee or just cuts off their mike, it's an excellent way of saying "I am in complete control, and am correct" :D.

And Beck, when he tried a sleazy "flirt" with that Women on air an she was just silent, man it's so awkward to watch lol!


Premium Member
My daughter was into biting when she was about 18 months old. I didn't smack or hit her, I didn't want her to switch from one thing to another (from biting to hitting), so I put her in her high chair for a minute or 2. Within a week or so, she stopped biting altogether.


Premium Member
This guy is a huge psycho. His own dog hates him. He's got a major, pervy sub/dom sexual fetish (which I gather from his statement that his mom used to beat the crap out of him and "believe it or not", it made him feel "loved"). Not only does he say you should beat your 18 month old until they cry, he also says that if they're still crying five minutes later you should offer to beat them again if they don't stop. And that you should beat them if you get the sense they're feeling resentment toward you while following your orders.

That is sick! :eek: