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The Democrats are in trouble because of the Supreme Court nomination


Just old
Premium Member
What I see coming is: Higher inflation, higher personal taxes, higher gasoline charges and taxes on same, higher property taxes, and eventually lower wages over all.....and recession up the arse. Give it a few months, starting right about now ! Check your utility taxes to start with, and your grocery prices.
Check later, will see !


Premium Member
So? The odds for retaining the House are almost 60%. And it is the Senate that confirms Supreme Court nominees. Did you have some point?

The odds are the Republicans retains the House and Senate and the Supreme Court gets a Trump nominee confirmed.
So what? The Senate has been voting Trumps and GOP retarded policies down. I trust their judgment even with the current Majority Republicans. The Senate is also in disagreement with the House on the Russian collusion issue. I also trust the judgment of Federal judges to be non partisan. Checks and balances are still working, Trump can hardly get anything through because it’s normally unconstitutional even with Trumps own appointees.


Well-Known Member
I'm referring to the vote. There's a large congressional election coming up and the current layout of congress is going to be changing. It's wise to wait and then have a vote.
True. It may also produce more Republicans hoping for a more conservative judge. I doubt you would be happy if that happened. Not needing a single Democrat vote. Are you assuming a blue wave? Hillary, the polls and media assumed Clinton would win.

I wouldn't put a lot of faith in what the media says or even polls. Polls only poll registered voters. Not considering first time voters.

I don't care who Trump picks, because I don't have a horse in the race of Roe V Wade, which the media is touting.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Wiki tends to sort stuff out in understandable terms. Not always of course.

Oh yeah "with the advice and consent of the Senate" is why I said sorta.
I agree. WIKI has it's value. Politics is something that causes dizziness to everyone, anymore. Even WIKI. :)


Well-Known Member
So? The odds for retaining the House are almost 60%. And it is the Senate that confirms Supreme Court nominees. Did you have some point?

The odds are the Republicans retains the House and Senate and the Supreme Court gets a Trump nominee confirmed.
I think that could be. But to what avail? The Republicans aren't as tight in their voting as the Dems. Even with a Nuclear Option, they're challenged to get all 51 on the same page. Having a majority holding would be 65% anymore. Don't see that happening (and hope neither party gets that control). We need centrists moderates that can satisfy both sides, then the country may follow suit. Civil discourse is tearing the country apart.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What I see coming is: Higher inflation, higher personal taxes, higher gasoline charges and taxes on same, higher property taxes, and eventually lower wages over all.....and recession up the arse. Give it a few months, starting right about now ! Check your utility taxes to start with, and your grocery prices.
Check later, will see !
You should let the Federal Reserve Board know right away! Because they don’t think inflation is going to dramatically increase any time soon.

We sure are lucky to have you around to correct those stupid Federal Reserve Board members. What do they know, anyways? ;)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I think that could be. But to what avail? The Republicans aren't as tight in their voting as the Dems. Even with a Nuclear Option, they're challenged to get all 51 on the same page. Having a majority holding would be 65% anymore. Don't see that happening (and hope neither party gets that control). We need centrists moderates that can satisfy both sides, then the country may follow suit. Civil discourse is tearing the country apart.
It would mean a lot. If the Republicans retain control of the House and increase their control of the Senate after the mid term elections there are several consequences. Future Supreme Court and Judicial nominees will face scant resistance, for one.


Dr Green Fingers
Future Supreme Court and Judicial nominees will face scant resistance, for one.



Premium Member
It would mean a lot. If the Republicans retain control of the House and increase their control of the Senate after the mid term elections there are several consequences. Future Supreme Court and Judicial nominees will face scant resistance, for one.
That’s some big “ifs”. Republicans are looking to lose numbers if they aren’t careful.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As I have said before, it ain’t all about you. (or you and your friends).
I responded to another poster with mutual personal concerns.
Of course, our concerns & experience wouldn't matter to you.
But one can indeed glimpse a larger picture from how things
go in one's locale.


Veteran Member
Not only studies proving you right when it comes to the majority of both parties. I'm also taking the word of conservatives as well. Conservatives hate the education system and legislate to ban critical thinking. Rush Limbaugh (conservative messiah), calls the education system "liberal indoctrination camps." Always on about "High Screwel (school)."

So why do the intellectual leaders of the conservative base demonize the education system? Studies show the more educated a person is, the less likely they'll vote republican. (propaganda doesn't work on critical thinking people as much)

So I think you're correct when you say Democrats are the educated party and Republicans are the uneducated party. When you look at the numbers, you have a winner.

Even Trump loves the uneducated. Clearly we agree.



Not Religious
True. It may also produce more Republicans hoping for a more conservative judge. I doubt you would be happy if that happened. Not needing a single Democrat vote. Are you assuming a blue wave? Hillary, the polls and media assumed Clinton would win.

I wouldn't put a lot of faith in what the media says or even polls. Polls only poll registered voters. Not considering first time voters.

I don't care who Trump picks, because I don't have a horse in the race of Roe V Wade, which the media is touting.
The problem with putting in a far-right conservative like Mike Lee is they'll put their religion above the constitution. Which is unAmerican. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves over the evangelicals trying to legislate religious law.


Veteran Member
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I feel sorry for anyone living in the US right now, with an abject narcissistic retard in charge. The Democrats might be worried about supreme court nominations, but it's their (US) inadvisable system, of allowing the executive, ie Moron in chief Trump, to nominate 'his' people to the very highest judicial positions. Only a fully independant judiciary can deliver true equitable justice. Free from the executive government's control.

However it's not the Democrats caught between a rock and hard place, everyone in the US will suffer if Trump has his goons/sycophants/fellow nazis in the Supreme court undermine democracy and human rights. With their judgements.

The only people who might temporarily benefit from Trump's presidency are Israeli religious extremists, The UAE and Saudi Arabian governments, US far right nationalist religious bigots and Vladimir Putin. Of course.

The US Constitution is what allows the president to nominate 'his' people to the Supreme Court, subject to confirmation by the Senate. This is also true for other Federal judgeships, as well as Cabinet level posts.

I would question whether "only a fully independent judiciary can deliver true equitable justice." Sometimes I think the problem with our justice system is that the judiciary is too independent and unaccountable to the people. This may be how we end up with so many people convicted of crimes they didn't commit, since there's too little oversight or supervision.

Regarding the issue of people in the US suffering and whether anyone should feel sorry for them, it depends on where you sit. I've seen lots of suffering in this country over the past decades, and those who are suffering now were likely suffering just as much under any previous administration. The fact that so few people seemed aware of it (including most Democrats) is what contributed to the charge that Democrats were out of touch in the last election. That's probably the more troubling aspect of all of this, since it's not only a huge gulf of disparity between rich and poor. The gap between the political/cultural/intellectual elite and the "non-elite" has also widened considerably.

America can endure a bad president. We've done it before, so it's not like Trump is the end of the world or anything like that. But the fact that different factions and regions of the country seem to operate as if from completely different worlds and diametrically opposed perceptions is what seems more telling. This seems to go beyond mere disagreements or differences of opinion on politics. They way both sides regard each other, it's like they view each other as aliens from another planet.
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Dr Green Fingers
The US Constitution is what allows the president to nominate 'his' people to the Supreme Court, subject to confirmation by the Senate. This is also true for other Federal judgeships, as well as Cabinet level posts.

True, I should have recognised and mentioned that. However, if the Senate has a Republican majority, then presumably the confirmation is likely to stand. So the end result is the same.


Dr Green Fingers
Sometimes I think the problem with our justice system is that the judiciary is too independent and unaccountable to the people. This may be how we end up with so many people convicted of crimes they didn't commit, since there's too little oversight or supervision.

The judges do not create the law, they are merely required to interpret the will of the legislative behind the law and apply it in their courts, in their judgements. If too many people are wrongly going to jail, because of mistrials, then the law that governs the judicial process can only be changed by the legislative and or possibly executive powers.

Allowing the government to interfere with the judiciary, by way of determining it's favoured appointments, is not a solution to the above issue I would embrace in any way. Each to their own I guess.

As for oversight, I presume in the US there exists a system of judicial review? Perhaps that needs looking at.


Dr Green Fingers
America can endure a bad president. We've done it before, so it's not like Trump is the end of the world or anything like that.

Hmmm, well, he might not be the end of the world, but for many people, he is the bringer of suffering and misery and he aint done yet.


Veteran Member
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The judges do not create the law, they are merely required to interpret the will of the legislative behind the law and apply it in their courts, in their judgements. If too many people are wrongly going to jail, because of mistrials, then the law that governs the judicial process can only be changed by the legislative and or possibly executive powers.

Allowing the government to interfere with the judiciary, by way of determining it's favoured appointments, is not a solution to the above issue I would embrace in any way. Each to their own I guess.

As for oversight, I presume in the US there exists a system of judicial review? Perhaps that needs looking at.

It's true that judges do not create the law, although a common complaint these days is about judges "legislating from the bench."

The idea of judges being selected as political appointees has been troubling to some. In some states, judges are elected by the people. Federal judges are not elected, as some people feel it's better that judges don't have to worry about being re-elected, since it allows them to do their job without having to worry about the vagaries of public opinion.

Even if a nominee to the Court is chosen by the president, it still has to be confirmed by the Senate, which is considered sufficient in terms of checks and balances. The only other solution would be a direct election by the people.

As for judicial review, there is a system for that. My impression is that judges and lawyers are expected to "police their own" and keep their own house in order.
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Well-Known Member
The problem with putting in a far-right conservative like Mike Lee is they'll put their religion above the constitution. Which is unAmerican. The founding fathers are rolling in their graves over the evangelicals trying to legislate religious law.
I think the founding fathers would be rolling in their graves from a lot of what the liberals are wanting. Taxes being one. Over extension Government control being another. Lowering taxes and eliminating job killing regulations make them rest better, for sure.

Our wars have been won by men citing For God and Country. I doubt many will be won by citing "FOR MAXINE WATERS".


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Hmmm, well, he might not be the end of the world, but for many people, he is the bringer of suffering and misery and he aint done yet.

Yeah, although I think for most people, life goes on pretty much the same as it did before. True, there has been a lot of suffering and misery, but even that is more systemic in nature and has pre-dated Trump's election by decades.

I don't know if it's Trump himself that people are upset about, or if it's just the fact that his election has revealed numerous weaknesses and vulnerabilities in our political system that we should have already been aware of all along.
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Dr Green Fingers
Our wars have been won by men citing For God and Country. .

Yeah I am sure God takes sides in petty human wars.

It's funny, every nation claims God is on their side in war, it's laughable.

Dying for your country, is not noble, it's foolish.