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The Health Care Bill Passes!

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Y'all can think what you want about Mr. Pied Piper/Obama. What you or I think will not make this tragedy go away. Only time will tell. Hey, I would love to be wrong. I doubt I am though. Who knows, this may be good in a roundabout way. Maybe Americans will finally take up arms and fight to take their country back from tyranny.

The bill is going to save 1.5 trillion....over 20 years

that means more money for chocolate bars

funny though...you spent $50 on incense the other week, but are now moaning because god forbid your children have an acciendt or get an illness, now you may not go bankrupt... same goes for if your beloved gets cancer.

Cancer knows no boundaries, it hits both young andn old, any gender, health freak or fat slob.......

But hey, as long as you have incense


No matter how you feel about the bill, least we can be happy knowing Rush Limbaugh is going to move to Costa Rica, right?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Maybe Americans will finally take up arms and fight to take their country back from tyranny.

I'm all for gun toting red necks settign up their own country....

I say let the militia toting cult christians have their own country...

why should we pay for their "rights" to marry cousins, carry semi automatic guns to "shoot rabbits" and their right to NOT educate thweir children?

Home schooling is illegal in most of Europe now, as studies have found its simply not a good idea,...in Germany they'll fine you $10,000 and take your kids away....
(Achtung!) Given that American education is so wonderful, depending on state, I can kind of understand why people homeschool.

Health reform is hopefully, just step one though...in order to drag this country into the 21st century, health care reform will actually make us a more competitive workforce. SO that the economy can improve, so that workers such as yourself can actually ahve a better standard of living. There ARE reasons why companies outsource, healthcare costs being one.

You see people like the republicans are planning short term, as they are "careeer politicians." What we are seeign here, refreshingly is LONG term planning..... decades long.

The only thing that can go wrong really is passing inadequate laws because people feel the need to pander to naysayers like all the repubicans that voted no..... over compramise may lead to any benefit being worthless..... time will tell.

At least mr Pied Piper is trying, no one else has had the cahoonas to even get this far.....well Billary Clinton tried...but we all know, his penis tend to get in the way

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
No matter how you feel about the bill, least we can be happy knowing Rush Limbaugh is going to move to Costa Rica, right?

he is?



Wonder Woman
The bill is going to save 1.5 trillion....over 20 years

that means more money for chocolate bars

funny though...you spent $50 on incense the other week, but are now moaning because god forbid your children have an acciendt or get an illness, now you may not go bankrupt... same goes for if your beloved gets cancer.

Cancer knows no boundaries, it hits both young andn old, any gender, health freak or fat slob.......

But hey, as long as you have incense

Hadn't thought about that, but it's a great point. Amazing that someone whose family is living off of ramen noodles can afford to buy expensive incense all the time. Perhaps, if one didn't spend exhorbitant amounts of money on unnecessary things like Egyptian incense they could afford something better than ramen noodles to feed their kids.


Intentionally Blank
People don't need to worry about what to think. They are teaching it in schools. Here in MD they were passing out play magic money for good deeds to students with a pic of Obama and it said "In Obama WE Trust"

Got a source for this story? I'm skeptical.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Maybe Americans will finally take up arms and fight to take their country back from tyranny.

Yes this is what the forces of intolerance say.

Before WWII the French right wing nuts said they were willing to let the Nazis march in to France rather then deal with the left wing. They were willing to bring down there country. Just like you are willing to bring down yours. Birds of a feather. Only your reasons are even more pathetic.
It's funny how giving people medical converge is something to take up arms to kill your fellow Americans over.
You talk about bottom feeders maybe you should take a good long look in the mirror.

75 years from now your great Grandchildren will be looking on comments like this with horror and disgust.
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
:clapBravo, President Obama and Speaker Pelosi!

32 million Americans can now have insurance.
No more denial due to pre-existing conditions.
Small businesses no longer crippled by health insurance costs.
Insurance companies will be regulated.
Deficit reduction by $1.3 trillion dollars.

Democrats who voted yes can expect to return to Washington.
Democrats who voted no can expect to be primaried.
Republicans - I don't know but I would be ashamed to be one right now.

lets hope all of this is true....


Devotee of the Immaculata
Or hey, maybe we could just invade six more countries, run up the national debt until the sun can't even rise over it, and act like "deficit spending" is God's plan for all of us because Saint Reagan said it was so.

Where was your indignation at all of the debt run up over the last 30 years while we gave massive tax cuts to the rich and sweetheart deals to the petroleum industry?

I was going to take a deep breath, dive in, and make that exact point, but you did it for me very eloquently. Thank you for saving me the work.


Admiral Obvious
No matter how you feel about the bill, least we can be happy knowing Rush Limbaugh is going to move to Costa Rica, right?
Damn Right!!

But since Mr Rush Limbaugh is a big fat liar, I ain't gonna hold my breath that he will stay true to his word.


Veteran Member
Well why can't we leave it up to those who our old enough to form rational decisions instead of brainwashing children and even substituting our name in the place of God on magic money in schools?
I think you're reading waaaaay too much into the motive of the school and handing out the fake bills for good deeds. Give them some credit for trying to do a good thing. No need to be so skeptical just because you're not a Democrat.

Whatever happened to the days people of praying for and rallying behind our president? Does that only count if he's of the same political party as you?