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The prophet peace be upon him and his wives


god is fair and just...hogwash
that is an over used cop out that really doesn't say anything at all
are you opposed to slavery and to human trafficking?
are you opposed to human rights?
do you disagree that every single human being is born with inalienable rights?
are those rights something that is subjected to mans ignorance and biases?
do you need someone to explain to you that killing, stealing, lying, cheating are wrong?

Whats all the fisting for? Why do you people consider yourselves 'way too far ahead' in humanistics and condescend people of Islamic thought as un-educated fools? If i described any Islamic rulings infront of you, you'd be biting your nails again to find faults with it, EVEN if it turned out better than ANY system prevalent in the world. Pride and prejudice hath a fall someday lady, a big hard fall.
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Well-Known Member
Refer to post # 66 for the detailed reply. The age at which she got married was 19. Infidels and non-believers of only today take the actual hadith out of context AS usual, quick to jump to self made assumptions instead of reading fully into Islamic history.
Calm down. Remember, we are just "infidels" and "non-believers", are we really worth getting upset over :p?

Seriously, though, I have not looked into it. Just saying what I always say when it comes to this topic, sex with children is wrong. If Muhammad did it or not I really do not know, but if you are right and she was 19 and not 9, then that is all good.


Veteran Member
Whats all the fisting for? Why do you people consider yourselves 'way too far ahead' in humanistics and condescend people of Islamic thought as un-educated fools? If i described any Islamic rulings infront of you, you'd be biting your nails again to find faults with it, EVEN if it turned out better than ANY system prevalent in the world. Pride and prejudice hath a fall someday lady, a big hard fall.

i never said islamic thought was for uneducated fools...you did
can't you answer those questions?
just try to


are you opposed to slavery and to human trafficking?
are you opposed to human rights?
do you disagree that every single human being is born with inalienable rights?
are those rights something that is subjected to mans ignorance and biases?
do you need someone to explain to you that killing, stealing, lying, cheating are wrong?

All muslims are opposed to slavery and human trafficking. Islam uprooted all these things, check history for facts.(un-biased facts that is)

Is that a question? Maybe i should ask you, are you opposed to rights of Muslims?just like all on this forum?

Islam gives more human rights to humans than they themselves do.

No man's rights are subjected to his ignorance, its an offense.

No i do not need to know from anyone that killing, cheating, lying and stealing are wrong.

Show me one non islamic country which does not kill unfairly, Do you justify the act of international terrorism carried out by some countries for bombing others WITHOUT any proof? And keeping torturing prisoners without any rights given to their prisoners? even dogs have more rights than the prisoners of the 'Champions of human right activist countries'.

Dr. Aafia sadiqui, A harvard scholar, having 114 honorary degrees , small stature, married with 3 kids, went to prison in a country where the JURY admitted having NO EVIDENCE of her fingerprints, NO EVIDENCE of shots fired from a gun bigger than her own size, (even soldiers take training and time to carry it) And Absolutely no evidence of being in location and be courageous enough to fire UNARMED ALONE at a Dozen US army soldiers, SNATCHING the gun from them and Oh hear this, The shot didnt even get hit to anyone!

Even pedophiles and rapists go to prison AFTER evidences and that too for a short time and here we have a HISTORY of BIASED human rights in US where the jury ruled her guilty without any evidence.


Well-Known Member
All muslims are opposed to slavery and human trafficking. Islam uprooted all these things, check history for facts.(un-biased facts that is)

Is that a question? Maybe i should ask you, are you opposed to rights of Muslims?just like all on this forum?

Islam gives more human rights to humans than they themselves do.

No man's rights are subjected to his ignorance, its an offense.

No i do not need to know from anyone that killing, cheating, lying and stealing are wrong.

Show me one non islamic country which does not kill unfairly, Do you justify the act of international terrorism carried out by some countries for bombing others WITHOUT any proof? And keeping torturing prisoners without any rights given to their prisoners? even dogs have more rights than the prisoners of the 'Champions of human right activist countries'.

Dr. Aafia sadiqui, A harvard scholar, having 114 honorary degrees , small stature, married with 3 kids, went to prison in a country where the JURY admitted having NO EVIDENCE of her fingerprints, NO EVIDENCE of shots fired from a gun bigger than her own size, (even soldiers take training and time to carry it) And Absolutely no evidence of being in location and be courageous enough to fire UNARMED ALONE at a Dozen US army soldiers, SNATCHING the gun from them and Oh hear this, The shot didnt even get hit to anyone!

Even pedophiles and rapists go to prison AFTER evidences and that too for a short time and here we have a HISTORY of BIASED human rights in US where the jury ruled her guilty without any evidence.

Holy Jesus talk about your strawmen. At least in the U.S. we can protest or change the government if we don't like it. You guys are forever stuck with a system that encourages pedophilia but demonizes a harmless practice like homosexuality.

Yeah sure a little girl is totally going to not listen to her parents, society, friends and say something if she dosen't really want to get married and the pedophile waits till she's mature enough to do her :rolleyes:

People saying Mohammad waited till she was 19, show me this proof. Probably more like when she started bleeding which is speculative. Your probably all getting this from hadiths which can't be verified that make Mohammad look better anyway.

God took the time to tell you to not to eat pigs and to persecute two consenting adults who love each other just because they're the same gender but raping little girls is a-ok gotcha.


Veteran Member
All muslims are opposed to slavery and human trafficking. Islam uprooted all these things, check history for facts.(un-biased facts that is)

Is that a question? Maybe i should ask you, are you opposed to rights of Muslims?just like all on this forum?

Islam gives more human rights to humans than they themselves do.

No man's rights are subjected to his ignorance, its an offense.

No i do not need to know from anyone that killing, cheating, lying and stealing are wrong.

Show me one non islamic country which does not kill unfairly, Do you justify the act of international terrorism carried out by some countries for bombing others WITHOUT any proof? And keeping torturing prisoners without any rights given to their prisoners? even dogs have more rights than the prisoners of the 'Champions of human right activist countries'.

Dr. Aafia sadiqui, A harvard scholar, having 114 honorary degrees , small stature, married with 3 kids, went to prison in a country where the JURY admitted having NO EVIDENCE of her fingerprints, NO EVIDENCE of shots fired from a gun bigger than her own size, (even soldiers take training and time to carry it) And Absolutely no evidence of being in location and be courageous enough to fire UNARMED ALONE at a Dozen US army soldiers, SNATCHING the gun from them and Oh hear this, The shot didnt even get hit to anyone!

Even pedophiles and rapists go to prison AFTER evidences and that too for a short time and here we have a HISTORY of BIASED human rights in US where the jury ruled her guilty without any evidence.

polygamy, pedophilia and honor killings are endorsed by islamic tradition...muhammad and many of his companions bought, sold, freed, and captured slaves...as well as the chrarcters of other religious traditions...this thread is about islamic tradition... hence why i am singling out islamic traditions

all these detestable acts are done in the name of religion.

Show me one non islamic country which does not kill unfairly, Do you justify the act of international terrorism carried out by some countries for bombing others WITHOUT any proof? And keeping torturing prisoners without any rights given to their prisoners? even dogs have more rights than the prisoners of the 'Champions of human right activist countries'.

an eye for an eye...
lame. that's all i have to say

i am against the death penalty...it's just a symptom of barbaric behavior

no. i do not justify the bombing of innocent people through acts of terrorism?
why would you think that?

this all started when i was disgusted at the fact a 10 yr old is considered to be a women only because she is now menstruating...


polygamy, pedophilia and honor killings are endorsed by islamic tradition...muhammad and many of his companions bought, sold, freed, and captured slaves...as well as the chrarcters of other religious traditions...this thread is about islamic tradition... hence why i am singling out islamic traditions

all these detestable acts are done in the name of religion.

an eye for an eye...
lame. that's all i have to say

i am against the death penalty...it's just a symptom of barbaric behavior

no. i do not justify the bombing of innocent people through acts of terrorism?
why would you think that?

this all started when i was disgusted at the fact a 10 yr old is considered to be a women only because she is now menstruating...

And you expect to be taken seriously? do you even know what slavery is and where was it practiced the most? Stop using wikipedia's gibberish as an excuse for better knowledge and as your prime source of twisted information over serious issues, without having ANY sound knowledge on the subject, its unbelievable you even mention it ! It is a well known ,well established fact that Islam LIBERATED the world from slavery, but why would you put your head where it matters the most, its just fashion throwing mud over Islam cuz it satiates your soul.

I don't even have to comment on the racist nation's uptight prejuidice against all other races, we'll talk when you have the guts to look beyond your nose to search history in its content rather then spew typical white racist hate speech so distinctive of the race. Your lack of study is too obvious to ignore, and too distinctive of your tone.

You guys push for sexual slavery ( prostitution) to be made legal and you whine to the rest of the world about slavery, talk about being informed of human rights, what a bold faced deception.
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Veteran Member
And you expect to be taken seriously? do you even know what slavery is and where was it practiced the most? Stop using wikipedia's gibberish as an excuse for better knowledge and as your prime source of twisted information over serious issues, without having ANY sound knowledge on the subject, its unbelievable you even mention it ! It is a well known ,well established fact that Islam LIBERATED the world from slavery, but why would you put your head where it matters the most, its just fashion throwing mud over Islam cuz it satiates your soul.

I don't even have to comment on the racist nation's uptight prejuidice against all other races, we'll talk when you have the guts to look beyond your nose to search history in its content rather then spew typical white racist hate speech so distinctive of the race. Your lack of study is too obvious to ignore, and too distinctive of your tone.

i have a bible...
does the quran use the OT as a source?
did mohammed have slaves?

The Quran in Sura 4:24 says:

And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (as prisoners of war) . . . (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 319). (See also Suras 4:3 and 33:50)

The Quran in Sura 23:5-6 says:

5 [Most certainly true believers] . . . guard their private parts scrupulously, 6 except with regard to their wives and those who are legally in their
possession, for in that case they shall not be blameworthy.


According to the Hughes Dictionary of Islam, slaves had few civil or legal rights. For example:

a) Muslim men were allowed to have sex anytime with females slaves - Sura 4:3, 4:29, 33:49.

b) Slaves are as helpless before their masters as idols are before God - Sura 16:77

c) According to Islamic Tradition, people at the time of their capture were either to be killed, or enslaved. Shows you that they were at the bottom of the barrel to start with.

d) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves were merchandise. The sales of slaves was in accordance with the sale of animals.

e) Muhammad ordered that some slaves who were freed by their master be RE-ENSLAVED!

f) It is permissible under Islamic law to whip slaves.

g) According to Islam, a Muslim could not be put to death for murdering a slave. Ref. 2:178 and the Jalalayn confirm this.

h) According to Islam, the testimony of slaves is not admissible in court. Ibn Timiyya and Bukhari state this.

i) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves cannot choose their own marriage mate. - Ibn Hazm, vol. 6, part 9.

j) According to Islamic jurisprudence, slaves can be forced to marry who their masters want. - Malik ibn Anas, vol. 2, page 155.

Slavery in Islam

is all of this made up?


Slavery is a concept that existed since pre-recorded history. However the way it was practiced in the Islamic world differs greatly than how it was practiced in the rest of the world. Even in the more recent times, centuries after the introduction of Islam, the non-Muslims have practiced slavery in the most barbaric manner.

The whole Trans-Atlantic nonsense that was practiced by the Americans is one of the worst forms of slavery man has witnessed. The slaves were not treated as humans and did not have any rights. This way was much similar to the form practiced before the advent of Islam in the Times of Ignorance (Ja'hilah).

Islam indeed came as a blessing to all Mankind and it was seen that slaves were given rights, something which the rest of the world never gave them. Slowly paving the way of totally uprooting the slavery system by establishing their distinctive identity, their rights and then setting them free and bold instructions of setting them free and looking to protect their rights.

Treatment of Slaves

Apart from giving the slaves their rights, Islam also took it a step ahead and discouraged slavery from being practiced. It is seen in history that slaves were mistreated to a great extent in the non-Islamic world. Not only were they verbally abused, they were physically abused as well. The master would overburden the slave and make them work all day. Slaves would wear torn and tattered clothes while the masters would dress with the finest threads available.

When it would come to food, the slaves would get leftovers or if not, very little food which would certainly not include good quality food. Some would not even get meat or fruits which their masters ate. Prophet Muhammad (saw) with Divine Inspiration from Allah (swt) forbade such acts. Masters could not abuse their slaves and had to give them the same that they ate and wore.

Narated by Al-Ma'rur: At Ar-Rabadha I met Abu Dhar who was wearing a cloak, and his slave, too, was wearing a similar one. I asked about the reason for it.

He replied, "I abused a person by calling his mother with bad names." The Prophet said to me, 'O Abu Dhar! Did you abuse him by calling his mother with bad names, you still have some characteristics of ignorance. Your slaves are your brothers and Allah has put them under your command. So whoever has a brother under his command should feed him of what he eats and dress him of what he wears. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity (power) and if you do so, then help them.' " – [Bukhari, Vol.1, Book 2, #29]

The introduction of Islam and with the application of Islam by Muslims, slavery had a new meaning altogether. It no longer meant that you have a beast under your control and hence you could abuse it, make it work like a donkey all day and at the end of the day give it crumbs to eat so that it stays alive.

Islam made it clear to every follower that a human being who is a slave is yet the brother of a Muslim and the slave had their rights which is compulsory for a Muslim to fulfill. It taught that slaves and masters are equal in the sights of Allah (swt) and if a Muslim was given a brother under his command then he had to make sure that the brother was given the rights which Islam prescribed.

In another narration the importance of giving slaves education and teaching them good manners is stressed by Prophet Muhammad (saw):

Narrated Abu Burda's father: Allah's Apostle said "Three persons will have a double reward:
1. A Person from the people of the scriptures who believed in his prophet (Jesus or Moses) and then believed in the Prophet Muhammad (i .e. has embraced Islam).
2. A slave who discharges his duties to Allah and his master.
3. A master of a woman-slave who teaches her good manners and educates her in the best possible way (the religion) and manumits her and then marries her." – [Bukhari Vol.1, Book 3, #97A]

Here it is seen that not only education has been given importance but slavery is also discouraged. It is well known that a person belonging to the People of the Book would receive a double reward for accepting Islam. Similarly the same double reward is offered to a person who would free his woman-slave and marry her after giving her education and teaching her good manners. This way slavery is discouraged in the Islamic world.

The Muslims were also forbidden from forcing their slave-girls into prostitution so that they would earn money out of it. There was an incident when the slave-girl of an Ansari was forced after which a verse relating to the act was revealed by Allah (swt).
Narated by Jabir ibn Abdullah: Musaykah, a slave-girl of some Ansari, came and said: My master forces me to commit fornication. Thereupon the following verse was revealed: "But force not your maids to prostitution (when they desire chastity)." – [Abu Dawud, Book 6, #2304]

The Lessons of Equality

There can be found numerous evidences in the Islamic traditions which teach us that slaves are to be treated like any other human being. People belonging to the days of ignorance would not even stand next to a slave while Muslims stand next to them in prayers showing a sign of unity and uniformity in their status in front of Allah (swt).

Hazrat Bilal was one of the first slaves to accept Islam. He was tortured by the pagans so that he would renounce Islam and come back to the pagan ways. However he did not reject Islam and adhered to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (saw). He was also the first person to stand on top of the Ka'aba and give the Adhan (the Muslim call for prayer).

It is also important to note that further evidence for the equality and recognition of slaves as normal human beings is seen in the numerous ahadith narrated by the slaves and freed slaves that are considered as true and followed by millions of Muslims in the world today. This means that their testimony is also recognized and accepted. We can also see from the traditions that slaves would not only stand shoulder to shoulder with others Muslims during prayer but would also lead the prayers.

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: When the earliest emigrants came to Al-'Usba a place in Quba', before the arrival of the Prophet- Salim, the slave of Abu Hudhaifa, who knew the Qur'an more than the others used to lead them in prayer. – [Bukhari, Vol.1, Book 11, #661]

In the Quran one can see clearly that the woman-slaves and man-slaves who have accepted Islam are better than the free women and men from the disbelievers. Muslims are advised to get the son or daughter married to a woman-slave or man-slave rather than a free, vile, unchaste woman or man from among the idolaters.
Do not marry unbelieving women (idolaters), until they believe: A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise. – [Quran 2:221]

Islam goes a step ahead in giving respect to the slaves and it is narrated that Prophet Muhammad(saw) asked people not to refer to a slave saying "this is my slave" but rather to say "this is my man" or "this is my woman".

Islam Stresses on Freeing Slaves

Importance was stressed upon manumitting(freeing of slaves) slaves a lot by Allah (swt) through his last and final Prophet (saw). Even if a disbeliever practiced slave-manumitting before accepting Islam, it is told that he would yet be rewarded for this good deed after accepting Islam. In Islam there is a concept that all good done for the sake of Allah (swt) will be rewarded and all those done for other causes e.g. fame, fortune etc will not be rewarded in the Hereafter. Manumitting slaves is among those good deeds which are rewarded even if done before accepting Islam.

Narrated Hakim bin Hizam: I said to Allah's Apostle, "Before embracing Islam I used to do good deeds like giving in charity, slave-manumitting, and the keeping of good relations with Kith and kin. Shall I be rewarded for those deeds?" The Prophet replied, "You became Muslim with all those good deeds (Without losing their reward)." – [Bukhari, Vol.2, Book 24, #517]


i have a bible...
does the quran use the OT as a source?

is all of this made up?

Again, stop using anti-Islam trashy websites as your source of prime knowledge, no need to feel so cool over being able to link yet another piece of crafty trash, these websites are all well known among muslims to create mis-information and none of them are run by muslims, don't even have to say why, the result is pretty self evident. Islam in its greatness is such a huge threat to all systems and democracies of the world that even if one third of the whole world becomes aware of it, they'll actually start pushing for it and that is something not acceptable to the rulers of the world, and their tyrant political careers of corruption would end in much dismay. If you want real knowledge read authentic books and for God's sake stop trying taking verses out of the Quran, out of context.

Islam encouraged the embracing and raising the respect of slaves and they were MARRIED to their rich owners and THAT is the ACTUAL context of that ayah(verse). Its not like societies of today where they STILL practise sexual slavery in the form of prostitution , and though they call for their rights, no person of respect marries them.

And Nobody even needs to know how they are treated by their 'sexual well wishers'.

Prostitution, Violence Against Women, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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Veteran Member
ha ha :biglaugh:
slaves were, ah how shall i put this.....slaves
were they beaten?
were they subjected to rape...
given left overs, if there were any :biglaugh:
a slave is a slave is a slave....
seriously your lack of empathy towards other human beings is beginning to become quite evident indeed.
just admit it, slavery is wrong and it was a part of islamic history why try to candy coat the ugly truth...
i am an american and i am not afraid to say that this country has imperialistic intentions
we can talk about nicaragua, vietnam, cuba and with the middle east.
i am not afraid to say we were on the wrong side of history, why can't you bring yourself to admit the truth about your religion...that it did in fact condone slavery, pedophilia, polygamy


Well-Known Member
Again, stop using anti-Islam trashy websites

Wikipedia is anti-islam? I admit that wiki isn't perfect but you can check the sources and it promotes objectivity. I don't see much objectivity happening from a bunch of people with the same agenda who all want to come out with the same outcome. Unless anti-Islam just means facts that you don't like.

The prostitution thing is another nice strawman, not everyone in the west wants to legalize it and it has nothing to do with slavery.

Doesn't change the fact that the all powerful God supported and promoted slavery no matter how nice he told people to be to slaves. It's the same problem with the bible... if God was really against slavery he would have told God's chosen that it was wrong and to wipe it out no matter what the customs of the time.


ha ha
slaves were, ah how shall i put this.....slaves
were they beaten?
were they subjected to rape...
given left overs, if there were any
a slave is a slave is a slave....
seriously your lack of empathy towards other human beings is beginning to become quite evident indeed.
just admit it, slavery is wrong and it was a part of islamic history why try to candy coat the ugly truth...
i am an american and i am not afraid to say that this country has imperialistic intentions
we can talk about nicaragua, vietnam, cuba and with the middle east.
i am not afraid to say we were on the wrong side of history, why can't you bring yourself to admit the truth about your religion...that it did in fact condone slavery, pedophilia, polygamy

Thats where you are gravely and intentionally mis-understanding. Things dont happen with the slight sway of a magic wand in the real world, REAL things require real courage and concrete steps of abrogating evil .

Lets just put it in 3rd grade level flow chart to make you understand.

Slavery existed and practised in the world BEFORE islam >>

>>>Islam came (spread slowly) and its message carried the message of

1)FIRST kindness to slaves( so that people(non-believers) were kind to them).

2) THEN the step of Ensuring their EQUAL RIGHTS, so that people respected them.( even allowed to marry people of respect)

3) THEN the STEP of RELEASING THEM, GIVING THEM COMPLETE FREEDOM, so that the system stood uprooted, abolished, and the identity of slaves as a free citizen restored.

>> non-believers making fun of Islam ,calling it anti- luxury, anti- imperialist , and Americans ,still hiring Africans slaves and treating them worse than animals 1600- 1870. Untill they got free.(not free from racist hate and related crimes still yet)

Sex slave still a prime interest industry in the US, whether its in the form of imagery, pornography or actual prostitution, it IS sexual slavery and it IS an extreme image of dis-regard and dis -respect of the highest level for women >>> but they are indoctrinated by the abusers of this industry as smart professionals who sell their bodies to run their homes.(slavery gets accepted and LEGAL due to its flashy exterior)

>> No, but wearing a veil is more cruel and a sign of oppression??!!!


Veteran Member
Thats where you are gravely and intentionally mis-understanding. Things dont happen with the slight sway of a magic wand in the real world, REAL things require real courage and concrete steps of abrogating evil .

Lets just put it in 3rd grade level flow chart to make you understand.

Slavery existed and practised in the world BEFORE islam >>

>>>Islam came (spread slowly) and its message carried the message of

1)FIRST kindness to slaves( so that people(non-believers) were kind to them).

2) THEN the step of Ensuring their EQUAL RIGHTS, so that people respected them.( even allowed to marry people of respect)

3) THEN the STEP of RELEASING THEM, GIVING THEM COMPLETE FREEDOM, so that the system stood uprooted, abolished, and the identity of slaves as a free citizen restored.

>> non-believers making fun of Islam ,calling it anti- luxury, anti- imperialist , and Americans ,still hiring Africans slaves and treating them worse than animals 1600- 1870. Untill they got free.(not free from racist hate and related crimes still yet)

Sex slave still a prime interest industry in the US, whether its in the form of imagery, pornography or actual prostitution, it IS sexual slavery and it IS an extreme image of dis-regard and dis -respect of the highest level for women >>> but they are indoctrinated by the abusers of this industry as smart professionals who sell their bodies to run their homes.(slavery gets accepted and LEGAL due to its flashy exterior)

>> No, but wearing a veil is more cruel and a sign of oppression??!!!

then why didn't the magical allah eradicate it?
does allah bow to the desires of men?

don't try to change the subject here,
you know as well as i
polygamy, pedophilia and mercy killings happen TODAY in islamic countries that practice islamic traditions...

the thing is of course you know these things, including slavery are abhorrent
you are just trying desperately to convince yourself that islamic traditions are about human rights...and denying the FACT all these these things are in fact CONDONED by the quran
quite a stretch cupcake


then why didn't the magical allah eradicate it?
does allah bow to the desires of men?

don't try to change the subject here,
you know as well as i
polygamy, pedophilia and mercy killings happen TODAY in islamic countries that practice islamic traditions...

the thing is of course you know these things, including slavery are abhorrent
you are just trying desperately to convince yourself that islamic traditions are about human rights...and denying the FACT all these these things are in fact CONDONED by the quran
quite a stretch cupcake

because he was waiting for idiots like somebody to do the job. Duh, what a big mystery, i wonder why you didn't ask 'why doesn't God put the burger in my mouth if He wanted me to eat?!!! Why did he not kill the non-believers? why is the earth round and not flat ?

Go find some sleep , or the piece of mind thats gone missing after such an ELABORATE search on islam today.

And its you who is desperately desperately trying to win over something that isnt even a competition? disappointed? Ive had enough of the same over-repeated, anti-islam fictitious rhetoric for no good reason. All i'd say is ' boo' and you'd be scared for life calling me a terrorist. THAT is your level of understanding of Islam, and that is your calibre of thought, no matter what was presented to you. Nice to know.


Veteran Member
where in the quran does it say slavery is wrong?
not through some ambiguous writing but to flat out say slavery is wrong....
i'm waiting...
where in the quran does it say slavery is wrong?
not through some ambiguous writing but to flat out say slavery is wrong....
i'm waiting...

I am not sure if it ever says that but it certainly alludes to it. Whereas other religions say that a slave should be a good slave, Islam actually says it is better to free them. We can infer from the Qur'an that the ultimate goal for the future is the abolition of slavery.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Again, stop using anti-Islam trashy websites as your source of prime knowledge, no need to feel so cool over being able to link yet another piece of crafty trash, these websites are all well known among muslims to create mis-information and none of them are run by muslims, don't even have to say why, the result is pretty self evident. Islam in its greatness is such a huge threat to all systems and democracies of the world that even if one third of the whole world becomes aware of it, they'll actually start pushing for it and that is something not acceptable to the rulers of the world, and their tyrant political careers of corruption would end in much dismay. If you want real knowledge read authentic books and for God's sake stop trying taking verses out of the Quran, out of context.

Islam encouraged the embracing and raising the respect of slaves and they were MARRIED to their rich owners and THAT is the ACTUAL context of that ayah(verse). Its not like societies of today where they STILL practise sexual slavery in the form of prostitution , and though they call for their rights, no person of respect marries them.

And Nobody even needs to know how they are treated by their 'sexual well wishers'.

Prostitution, Violence Against Women, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Pakistan is an Islamic state as i'm sure you know,would you call this slavery:

Twelve years after the government made bonded labour illegal, it is estimated that there are still five million labourers in Pakistan bonded to their employees by debt. There is a central fund to rehabilitate workers like Laxmi but, so far, not one rupee has been spent.

Here's the link http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/specials/1357_slavery_today/page4.shtml
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the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Pakistan is an Islamic state as i'm sure you know,would you call this slavery:

Twelve years after the government made bonded labour illegal, it is estimated that there are still five million labourers in Pakistan bonded to their employees by debt. There is a central fund to rehabilitate workers like Laxmi but, so far, not one rupee has been spent.

Here's the link BBC World Service | Slavery Today
slavery was already recently done by the Christain colonization armies , in all around the world , in pakistan and india ...etc

this act is individaul but your acts were commun at the christains countries , colonize and killing and stealing
don't ignore your history and minimize their crimes against the humanity
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