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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Behavior builds fences, my friend. :rolleyes:

So, if he and I are claiming no fence exists, as do all other gay people who are only asking for equal rights and acceptance as people who are no different from anyone else, and their friends, and others who have no problem with it, then the ones left building bridges would be those like you, no?

I'll get to your other post in the morrow... long day, and I'm sleepy.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
You're comparing your distaste for noodles to homosexual behavior? Do noodles assemble at geographical locations and hold public protests? Do noodles contract & spread STD's? Are noodles gender specific and are they attracted to each other? Are you beginning to understand how stupid your comparison is?

Couldn't help myself throwing in a reply to this one. I wanna have a go at this paragraph. Hope I do ok.

"Do heterosexuals assemble at geographical locations and hold public protests? Do heterosexuals contract and spread STD's? Are heterosexuals gender specific and are they attracted to each other? Are you beginning to understand how stupid your comparison is?"

I predict that for every question that you answered yes to in the first paragraph, you will also answer yes in the second.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
‪Tampopo - The Art of Noodle Appreciation‬‏ - YouTube

The movie "Tampopo" is a Japanese movie about a gal who wants to run a great noodle restaurant. In the style of an American western,
she enlists the help of a truck driving gunslinger....er, noodleslinger. Gawd this movie made me hungry. I haven't seen it in decades,
but it still resonates whenever I think of Asian cuisines. A great noodle soup is the pinnacle of any society's achievement.
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Can't brain. Has dumb.
You're under the silly notion that my belief system is exclusive to a book. This is not the case. What you need to understand is that there is more to faith in God than just scripture.
And what you need to understand is that there is more to the world than Christianity, God, and Jesus. But that's besides the point. I'm not convinced that any of your beliefs that you've talked about in this thread so far has had a basis in something other than the bible.

Interesting. I considered that you might not be wrong, and I nearly lost my testimony of the truth and power of God. See, unlike you, I finally listened to my conscience, worked extremely hard to shed the charms of selfishness, and finally found my way out of the darkness. It wasn't just a book that granted me that clarity.
My conscience told me that no-one deserves to be treated differently just because they fall in love with people of the same sex. My conscience told me that the world has plenty of other problems and that homosexuality simply isn't as big a deal as world hunger, global warming, and wars. The world has far too many other things that it needs to sort out before going into something as petty as who gets to marry who.

Jesus Christ is not about "drilling" His pupils. It's unfortunate that you learned at the hands of the wrong group of people.
The drilling part was the least important part of that paragraph. I could have said "taught" or "told" just as easily. The drilling only came after I questioned everything, like any good student would. I don't take another's word for it, just because they're in a position of authority. You kind of missed the entire remainder of the paragraph.

Do you love your wife or the package she comes in

If the packaging changed, could you still love her?

Because the kind of love you are referring to is confusion. It's stated thus in the Old Testament, and it's also been revealed to prophets of God.
I have never been confused about what I felt in my whole life. Yes, I've been confused as to whether I should feel that way, but I've never been confused about how I feel. The only people I've known to be confused about how they feel are ones that have been told over and over again "Feeling this way is bad. If you feel this way, then you are bad." or something to that effect. The words used aren't really important, the message that has been sent is that if you feel a certain way about someone, and act on it in a way that is nothing short of love, then even God doesn't like the fact that you exist. That's why gay people are confused. That's why gay people commit suicide.

God has told me. He has told me through His prophets. He has told me through His scriptures. He has told me through my parents, my religious teachers, and my closest friends. He has told me through anyone else sent to me by Him. And most importantly, He has told me through my own desires to fear Him and keep His commandments.
So... he hasn't told you then. This is all second- and third-hand information!

God tells prophets things, that they write down, that then gets translated and then you pick it up and read it. Or God tells them things that they then tell you. Even if it is God's word in scriptures, then you're looking through translations and edits - again, that's not first-hand. Your parents were told by someone who was told that this is what the bible says. Your religious teachers were told by someone that was told that this is what the bible says. Your closest friends were told by someone that was told that this is what the bible said. Anyone else sent to you by him was told by someone that was told that this is what the bible says. Your own desire to fear him and keep his commandments was because you believed them. I don't believe for a second that you've actually been told directly from god. I don't believe for a second that you truly know. Second- third- and fourth-hand knowledge doesn't count for anything - that's just taking someone's word for it that this is the case.

See above.
Hmm... nope. Telling me that someone told you that someone told them that x and y is how the world works is not how you know homosexuality is a sin. How do you know? How did you figure it out? How did you come to that decision yourself? Did you even make that decision for yourself, or did you just let other people tell you how it is?

You've found no evidence because you've been looking in the wrong places. You have allowed the world to tell you what you believe. In all honesty, you will never understand the will of God as long as you cling to worldy doctrines.
I've not let the world tell me what to believe. I actually came to my own conclusions. It wasn't difficult. All I did was ask myself what I really felt. I imagined my self as God for a while, and thought what I would do in God's situation. Would I allow people to believe that one person is better or worse than another? Would I allow people to believe that loving each other was bad? Would I allow people to believe that hate and fear poorly disguised in love in my name is what I want, that that is my will? No, no, and no. That seemed entirely against what I thought god was supposed to be.

Why is homosexuality so special that you can't comprehend it? Surely you can comprehend other sins. Lying for example. Or theft. Even murder. There's plenty of those in society, you must hear or read about them if you haven't done them. Though, I guess without empathy it may be difficult imagine.
I'm not a homosexual. I've never engaged in gay behavior, nor have I fantasized about homosexual acts. It is in fact, contrary to my nature.
Ok, so you're not gay. Good for you. But that wasn't really what I asked. How is homosexual "sin" different from other sins? How can you comprehend other sins, but not homosexuality? Why is it so special and unique?

I have a request. You don't need to take up on it, but I really would like it if you did. See if you can get hold of a film called Prayers for Bobby. It's based on a true story, and in the 5 or 6 times I've seen it, I've cried every time. If you see this film, it might give you an idea of what it's like to be gay, and facing the arguments and statements you present. It's really a beautiful film.


Well-Known Member
I am a christian and my daughter is gay. She came out in 7th grade, which few ppl would dare to do and when she began to develop, which she did early-5th grade, she realized she was attracted to girls. So, it was very normal and natural and obvious she is truly gay, and I do not think its wrong at all. The kids at school who were the meanest to her both verbally and physically, were the so-called Christians. So its sad but true about how many religious types treat gay people.

My daughter has not attended public school for around three years now and she is a terrific girl, the apple of my eye. And as far as attending a church, well, I don't think there are many in East Tennessee in our little town that we'd be very welcome in. But despite all that, I do love Jesus and still am a christian.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I am a christian and my daughter is gay. She came out in 7th grade, which few ppl would dare to do and when she began to develop, which she did early-5th grade, she realized she was attracted to girls. So, it was very normal and natural and obvious she is truly gay, and I do not think its wrong at all. The kids at school who were the meanest to her both verbally and physically, were the so-called Christians. So its sad but true about how many religious types treat gay people.

My daughter has not attended public school for around three years now and she is a terrific girl, the apple of my eye. And as far as attending a church, well, I don't think there are many in East Tennessee in our little town that we'd be very welcome in. But despite all that, I do love Jesus and still am a christian.

Sheesh, how can you possibly consider yourself to be a true Christian! Doesn't that go against all of the knowledge God has imparted on you? :p


Self-appointed Lunatic
No it doesn't. The only negativity here, is coming from you.
And you. Haven't you been listening to yourself? (Even after I pointed it out)

Not getting what you're trying to say here. Clarify.
You completely dodge the issue of the fact that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality by calling people who disagree with you "selfish," as if there was a connection between selfishness and gay rights. Your accusations were both baseless and entirely irrelevant to the discussion.

Then you were raised by hateful people. It really explains your comfort with hatred though, doesn't it? ;)
They're people like you, Adonis.

Let's see; so far we have an instruction manual for sex slavery, and references to mysogyny doctrine. Check, and check. Anything else you care to add about what you think the Bible is?
A book of myths that should have no bearing on the beliefs of today any more than, say, Greek polytheism does, a semi-historical record of the nation of Israel, and a fictional tale of a jealous, hateful God. A book promising hope but giving nothing of substance, a book speaking of love but advocating hate. A book of false prophecies and bad morals.

Don't you think it was selfishness & hatred that brought you to the truth about you?
Don't you understand that I am not and was not selfish (nor is that relevant), and that at that time I was as Christian as you are now? I was speaking of how I came to be the way I am now instead of staying as I was, which was similar to how you are now.

No, that doesn't sound right. How about this, instead: "being a self proclaimed hater, I wanted to disprove others beliefs (so that I could destroy their faith).
I begin to doubt your authenticity as a legitimate poster, Adonis. I was talking about the time in my life I was like you before I came to see the light - I wanted to prove Christianity correct, but found that I could not do so, and being an honest man, I eventually changed my beliefs. I wasn't a self-proclaimed hater then, either, I was in many regards like you. Have you even been paying attention to the content of my posts?!?

Uh-huh. I find this part difficult to believe, given the extensive hate training you received in childhood. Something tells me that you've never even attempted to open heartfelt communication with your maker.
You do realize, of course, that by claiming that the way I was raised was hateful (which it was), you're undermining your own position. These were people raising me TO BE A CHRISTIAN - LIKE YOU. And believe me, I tried and tried to contact God, but I was never important enough for him. I wanted answers that I could show to those who doubted him, but he never even attempted to call back. Almost like he wasn't there (which I eventually figured out).

Actually that sounds a lot more like your story, only you were manipulated into the charms of selfishness and hatred.
It was both of our stories, only I eventually realized I was being lied to (by my Christian family), and you're so steeped up in lies and deceit that you can't see beyond them.

The only threat here, is you. You're a threat to yourself, and to everyone around you. let go of the hate before it destroys you.
I'm one of the few around who isn't a threat! Everyone around me is either like you or too afraid of people like you to oppose them. No one understands how grave a threat Christianity poses to the world (not that Christianity is exclusive in this regard, but it tends to be the most relevant to me since it's overwhelmingly the primary destructive group in America).

You're comparing your distaste for noodles to homosexual behavior? Do noodles assemble at geographical locations and hold public protests? Do noodles contract & spread STD's? Are noodles gender specific and are they attracted to each other? Are you beginning to understand how stupid your comparison is?
Yes, I am. No, because no one is insane enough to try and outlaw noodles. Not easily, but heterosexual sex contracts and spreads STDs just fine. No, noodles are food, not genitalia. Are you beginning to understand how stupid your questions are, and that you've entirely missed the point? (The point being that you want to outlaw a particular behavior solely because you find it distasteful and project this distaste with your religion.)

EDIT: Here, maybe this link will communicate more clearly the true nature of God:
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Veteran Member
I am a christian and my daughter is gay. She came out in 7th grade, which few ppl would dare to do and when she began to develop, which she did early-5th grade, she realized she was attracted to girls. So, it was very normal and natural and obvious she is truly gay, and I do not think its wrong at all. The kids at school who were the meanest to her both verbally and physically, were the so-called Christians. So its sad but true about how many religious types treat gay people.

My daughter has not attended public school for around three years now and she is a terrific girl, the apple of my eye. And as far as attending a church, well, I don't think there are many in East Tennessee in our little town that we'd be very welcome in. But despite all that, I do love Jesus and still am a christian.

your daughter is very fortunate to have a parent(s) that supports her...
kudos to you...
I am a christian and my daughter is gay. She came out in 7th grade, which few ppl would dare to do and when she began to develop, which she did early-5th grade, she realized she was attracted to girls. So, it was very normal and natural and obvious she is truly gay, and I do not think its wrong at all. The kids at school who were the meanest to her both verbally and physically, were the so-called Christians. So its sad but true about how many religious types treat gay people.

My daughter has not attended public school for around three years now and she is a terrific girl, the apple of my eye. And as far as attending a church, well, I don't think there are many in East Tennessee in our little town that we'd be very welcome in. But despite all that, I do love Jesus and still am a christian.

You're an amazing parent and I admire your ability to look past your religion and understand that being gay is not wrong and is the result of natural occurrences.


Well-Known Member
your daughter is very fortunate to have a parent(s) that supports her...
kudos to you...
Thanks, waitasec! Yeah, she left a note on the bathroom mirror one night for her mom to read, but i had to get up to go, and I found it first. She was concerned about hell but she said that's how she is. So I went straight to her room and put my arms around her and told her it was just fine and we love her just the way she is, unconditionally, all the time no matter what and that she wasn't going to hell or anything--she trusted in Christ long ago--but still, ppl don't go to hell cuz they're gay, ya know. I have always made sure she knows she is perfectly ok just how she is and I've always got her back if anyone has a problem with it.


Revelation all the time
Thanks, waitasec! Yeah, she left a note on the bathroom mirror one night for her mom to read, but i had to get up to go, and I found it first. She was concerned about hell but she said that's how she is. So I went straight to her room and put my arms around her and told her it was just fine and we love her just the way she is, unconditionally, all the time no matter what and that she wasn't going to hell or anything--she trusted in Christ long ago--but still, ppl don't go to hell cuz they're gay, ya know. I have always made sure she knows she is perfectly ok just how she is and I've always got her back if anyone has a problem with it.

Tis not everyday one gets to see Christianity demonstrated.

Thanks (friend) for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Tis not everyday one gets to see understanding compassion demonstrated.
True Christianity is understanding compassion demonstrated! :)

From the Good Book:

"Remind God's people to...be ready to do what is good. Tell them not to speak evil things against anyone. Remind them to live in peace. They must consider the needs of others. They must be kind and gentle toward all people." Titus 3:1-2

"Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done." Ephesians 4:32

"You are...dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don't be proud. Be gentle and patient. Put up with each other. Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you." Collossians 3:12-13


Veteran Member
True Christianity is understanding compassion demonstrated! :)

From the Good Book:

"Remind God's people to...be ready to do what is good. Tell them not to speak evil things against anyone. Remind them to live in peace. They must consider the needs of others. They must be kind and gentle toward all people." Titus 3:1-2

"Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done." Ephesians 4:32

"You are...dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don't be proud. Be gentle and patient. Put up with each other. Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you." Collossians 3:12-13

on a side note:

not that i disagree with these passages, but i wonder why people in general don't quote the main character, jesus.

luke 6 is brilliant...

if christians followed what jesus said in that chapter...i imagine a more peaceful world...

of course i could be wrong...:shrug:


Well-Known Member
on a side note:

not that i disagree with these passages, but i wonder why people in general don't quote the main character, jesus.

luke 6 is brilliant...

if christians followed what jesus said in that chapter...i imagine a more peaceful world...

of course i could be wrong...:shrug:
Love your enemies, don't judge, etc. You got that right.


New Member
Hmm. For a religion that's supposed to be about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, Christians seem to spend a vast amount of energy crushing others' happiness and freedom because of differences in choice and thought. And what's more, Christians aren't even taking revenge, they're instigating and pursuing homosexuals (and other groups) and attacking them.

I would have thought a group that believes humanity only continues to exist due to the sacrifices of one man/deity who thought differently and was killed horribly for it would be hesitant to give that fate out to others.

But then I'd be thinking for myself. And we can't have that, now can we?


Revelation all the time
Hmm. For a religion that's supposed to be about forgiveness and turning the other cheek, Christians seem to spend a vast amount of energy crushing others' happiness and freedom because of differences in choice and thought. And what's more, Christians aren't even taking revenge, they're instigating and pursuing homosexuals (and other groups) and attacking them.

I would have thought a group that believes humanity only continues to exist due to the sacrifices of one man/deity who thought differently and was killed horribly for it would be hesitant to give that fate out to others.

But then I'd be thinking for myself. And we can't have that, now can we?

I continue to wonder if calling 'them' Christians is fair? Accurate?

Like if I self identify as Pro-Life but am vocally in favor of capital punishment, wouldn't that cause someone / anyone to doubt that label?

Or I am self identified pacifist, but tell you if you get between me and my people with intent to do harm, then I will rip your fracking head off, wouldn't that cause someone / anyone to doubt that label?

You know I could go on all day like this (even bringing atheists into the fold), but just seems like the labels that get to be used, leave a lot to be desired in terms of rationality. And are masked under umbrella of righteousness.

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
Cause I'm in need of some restraint


Veteran Member
I continue to wonder if calling 'them' Christians is fair? Accurate?

Like if I self identify as Pro-Life but am vocally in favor of capital punishment, wouldn't that cause someone / anyone to doubt that label?

Or I am self identified pacifist, but tell you if you get between me and my people with intent to do harm, then I will rip your fracking head off, wouldn't that cause someone / anyone to doubt that label?

You know I could go on all day like this (even bringing atheists into the fold), but just seems like the labels that get to be used, leave a lot to be desired in terms of rationality. And are masked under umbrella of righteousness.

Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
Cause I'm in need of some restraint

i think the term passive aggressive fits just fine...