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Search results

  1. G

    Feminism - has it achieved anything?

    of course feminism worked or works just like every other ism out there....financed by the people on behalf of the illuminati and then let the dialectics of hegel do its work until a new age of thinking appears....on a more lighter side woman now select men for every reason other than his...
  2. G

    Are USA & Israel The Most Dangerous Countries In The World?

    dangerous... all nations are controlled directly or indirectly through illuminati so. remember they control so called christian govts( they are no more than pagan sun worshipers, sol invictus, ie luciferan.) so theyre dangerous.....the islamic ones( a creation based on a mind control document...
  3. G

    flaws in the gospels: Jesus' birth, when?

    jesus was not born on 25th december... this day was sol invictus' main day of worship and they were sun worshippers or should i say still are as they just changed their name to wrest control of the jesus phenonemon...they were successful and wev worship on SUNday and christmas on 25 dec....
  4. G

    Polygamy and Polyandry - You decide

    i personally know of a relationship of two men,1 woman....the big problem they have had has been with the in laws..... the whole thing started due to the senior members sexual fetish and in todays society they are frowned upon... if he or the other man walks hand in hand with the girl ok..the...
  5. G

    Suppose evolution was refuted, then what?

    you may not like my answer but....if evolution was completely refuted it woulnt matter (the whole thing was a sham from the start)....it wold still be taught because of the illuminati's agenda.Ive said this before the elite would push (and still do) the evolution theory believe it was an act of...
  6. G

    There can be no light without the dark.....right?

    most religions at the top are dark as you say........ the balance of good or bad is really only an appearance of positive or negative energy in this heaven(or program) in which we reside.... a clue...the drawing of a sword against a group of attackers is a very positive action and because of...
  7. G

    How Much Longer?

    this site will never get shut down because everyone here is so damn stoic( just like the rest of the world) . you'd have to be a threat to the powers behind the fed judge ie the illuminati and by whats been released on the net so far (which points out that people are always 100 steps behind them...
  8. G

    Global Warming | Fact or Fiction?

    of course the climate is changing ....i live in australia and our summers arnt summer anymore...its december and i still have my winter clothes out... 2 days ago it was like winter ...as to the cause....haarp definitely can be cited as a cause but maybe its because the sun is expanding and well...
  9. G

    Would You Die for Your Beliefs?

    interesting question.... with what i know it would never get that far.....
  10. G

    Bible - Book of lies

    woah.... the bible is in no way a book of lies and the christians have no claim over the bible...remember the kjv is the authorised version and if you didnt follow the interpreptation that was authorised you had your head removed... yes there are errors but if you are wise enough to know which...
  11. G

    Muslims do not worship the same god as the Christians

    quite simply i dont know of any christian or muslim thats ever claimed to see a god to draw a fair comparison of what they looked like and then take that a little further i dont believe that any two people think alike so that the image of god they have cant be the same even at that level...and...
  12. G

    ESP, psychic and supernatural phenomenon... yes or no?

    well this is a very heavy topic and a few sentences dont do it justice but...a lot of people say something is metaphysical or occultic but in reality its something that is based on the way things are and quite frankly unless uve been witness to something or do something that most wouldnt believe...
  13. G

    Global Warming | Fact or Fiction?

    the whole global warming bandwagon that centres around ozone depletion is a doodlebug. yes there is global warming but what were not being told is that it has something to do with the sun....
  14. G

    God/Yahweh/Allah I BELIEVE started as volcanic activity

    the whole volcanic activity thing was what was filtered down to the masses as the then rudimentary theory of evolution... remember ive said before that the elites pushing of the big bang theory revolves around an act of sex (the big bang) super imposed as an act of love (the whole theory of...
  15. G

    What do You do to commune with God?

    ive had answers given to me in regard to just about every question i could ask and have thought why??? two things im going to say....no religion has any idea of the truth and they cant even tell you where you are...therefore youve got to start with a fresh slate and ask genuinely,often and if...
  16. G

    Welcome to the world's first Murdochracy.

    of course murdoch is evil. what did you expect from the rothschild's henchman down under...
  17. G

    Abortion - is it wrong?

    no i dont think its wrong, could be regetful either way later in life depending on ur current or future circumstances and any operation or curette does some damage.....spiritually its that regret later on that could do you damage so youd have to be very clear on why your doing this...all the best.
  18. G

    A Debate About God.

    From browsing and joining many forums i'd say that almost without exception people have a faith in something but no direct proof. My story is that i have had direct proof and can only tell you that whether somone is an atheist or they have some faith in something that some organised religion...
  19. G

    Not taking the bible literally

    well yes literal except as jesus said he spoke in parables for a reason......few there be that find it....not 2 billion....seek ye first the kingdom of heaven....start working out where you are and what the hell is going on literally as soon as you can think....i mean is heaven a place or a...
  20. G

    When is it accetable to hit a woman back? Redefining self-defense

    im so sorry for ur loss...i am extremely experienced in self defence and have a girlfriend(whom i love with all my heart) that due to being ritually abused is or should i say has been diagnosed as dissociative (multiple personalities type thing) and can absolutely go nuts. i cant tell you what...