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Search results

  1. spacemonkey

    Is President Bush Really Concerned About the Environment?

    :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: I feel asleep... (any one who get's that is an OLD SCHOOL gamer)
  2. spacemonkey

    Punished with Flood Again?

    Every doom sayer of his generation thinks the bad things going on in his time are the fulfillment of prophecy.
  3. spacemonkey

    Punished with Flood Again?

    A flood in SLC would indead be an act of God....;) Aside from that happening, isn't it possible that the people living in the time of the Bible's writing might have attributed natural disasters to punishment from God for lack of a better understanding of what caused them.
  4. spacemonkey

    Let's brand ourselves red.

    I am most definately a libertarian. I believe that NO ONE should be allowed to tell other people what they can and can not do as long as what they are doing is not adversely affecting anyone else.
  5. spacemonkey

    Was Jesus a vegetarian?

    Most of these dietary laws were originated to prevent the contraction of parasites and deseases from improper preperation and storage of food in a time that, like I said before, did not have many options when it came to food preservation.
  6. spacemonkey

    Was Jesus a vegetarian?

    But they lacked proper refrigeration and other preserving technologies like canning, so fresh fruits and vegtables would not be available all the time.
  7. spacemonkey

    IQ Test

    I scored a 128
  8. spacemonkey

    what happens?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBTqWVL9LHw This is what happens acording to Trey and Matt.
  9. spacemonkey

    Was Jesus a vegetarian?

    I think mankind has been living to comfortable an existance when people decide they're not going to eat certain foods just because they feel sorry for the animals. I'm sorry to break it to you, but the way that complex organisms sustain themselves is by consuming less complex organisms. You'll...
  10. spacemonkey

    Scientists Confirm The Signs Of God

    What exactly are you trying to say with this article, that there are religous scientists? For every scientist you have listed I can find 10 from the same field that don't believe everything is a "miracle". I find it of intrest that the author of the article takes a quote out of "Holy Blood, Holy...
  11. spacemonkey

    Share Your Pet Pics!

    First we have Gino Now Sophie And the three of us
  12. spacemonkey

    Iraq and WMDs

    Michel, they have been looking for WMD's in Iraq since the early 90's, if they were there we would have found them by now. These things aren't something you can just hide under a rock or in some bunker and leave. They have to be properly stored and maintenanced or they are not dangerous anyways...
  13. spacemonkey

    Iraq and WMDs

    The weapons that we (Rumsfeld was just our rep) sold to Hussein to fight Iran were NOT Weapons of MASS Destruction. They were what are termed "conventional" weapons.
  14. spacemonkey

    75 Bands

    Red Hot Chili Peppers
  15. spacemonkey

    U.S. 2008 Dream Election

    Eisenhower supported the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka ruling that segragated schools were unconstitutional by telling District of Columbia officals to intergrate the very next day after the ruling. He also signed several civil rights bills (the most signifcant since 1870) and sent...
  16. spacemonkey

    75 Bands

  17. spacemonkey

    75 Bands

    The B-52's
  18. spacemonkey

    75 Bands

    The Rolling Stones
  19. spacemonkey

    Muhammad's Sword !!!

    I mean instead of posting the whole article.