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  1. Cassiopia

    Hopeless medical practice.

    I think a lot of them would prefer to just be doctors and not be forced into being business people and administrators.
  2. Cassiopia

    [un]veiled discontent

    That's an incredibly brave thing for them to do.
  3. Cassiopia

    Should Spirituality be Fun?

    This. :yes:
  4. Cassiopia

    FYI - had surgery.....success!

    I don't really know you but I wish you a fully and speedy recovery from your surgery (don't try and do too much too soon). And then go out and enjoy all that better health makes possible! :)
  5. Cassiopia

    ESP and Higher Consciousness - not Science.

    Why? I practice witchcraft. I do it because it works. If science can explain "how" it works it won't make it any less effective. As for spirituality, there are many famous scientists who have had strong spiritual beliefs and lead deeply spiritual lives. I think we need to break down...
  6. Cassiopia

    ESP and Higher Consciousness - not Science.

    Not entirely but partly. No. Why would you think that?
  7. Cassiopia

    Do you support marriage rights for homosexuals?

    Because being married in law gives couples legal rights that they might not otherwise have.
  8. Cassiopia

    ESP and Higher Consciousness - not Science.

    Although I am not an atheist I think that there is a good chance that science will one day be able to explain these phenomena. Quantum mechanics, particle physics, superstring theory and other developments in science have already opened up facts, theories and lines of thought that are in every...
  9. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    I think the answer to the first part of your question is fairly simple. When addressing prayers to the universe or any God or Goddess it is principally the same power that is being sought. The highest power. You may use the word GOD, and so might I on some occasions, but generally the universe...
  10. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    I pray for different things in different ways. I have some Jewish friends who tell me their prayers are sometimes like conversations with their Lord, sometimes needy, sometimes funny and sometimes just full of praise. My prayers are often like that too. I generally pray to the universe (or to...
  11. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Well, I'm a witch and I do pray. So that portrayal of witches is not true of all witches, not that I think it is inaccurate. She seems to have been a good person. Indeed it seems even the speaker thought she was a good, well meaning person. His problem with her was simply a particular...
  12. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Of course it is permitted. I believe that opinion to be wrong though and reserve the right to argue that point. That's what discussion forums are for.
  13. Cassiopia

    what is your idea of heaven and hell?

    I don't really believe in heaven or hell as permanent places or even permanent states of mind. But I would describe heaven as a sense of peace and euphoria and hell is the feeling you get when you see cruelty and suffering all around you but you are powerless to stop it.
  14. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Of course my opinion is just my own. I am not trying to foist it on anybody. I am a bit confused how you expect me or anyone else to express views and opinions on a multi-faith religious forum? In what way am I foisting an opinion? I originally asked for a diverse range of views which of course...
  15. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    I already apologized (twice) for my mistake. While I respect the poetry of the texts you have quoted, they are all open to many interpretation and since I am not a Christian or a Jew I do not accept their authority. Witchcraft and folk magic existed before, during and after the times of the...
  16. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Apologies again. I edited my post when I realized my mistake.
  17. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Apologies. My mistake. I read it as Paul. My bad.
  18. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    ^^ Which just goes to show that even one of the most well known Christians used practices associated with witchcraft when it suited him. Do you think this is evidence that Christians should perhaps be a little more open minded about these practices than some of them sometimes appear to be.
  19. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Some very interesting replies here. Yes indeed some witches use various forms of divination, the best known of which might be tarot, but there are many other forms. I am sure not all people would even regard divination as witchcraft since it is practiced in various forms in many religions...