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Search results

  1. Cassiopia


    Do people deserve to have a job? Is it a basic right? How would you create a system that ensures all able-bodied people had employment? This is actually the most difficult of your questions because in reality I don't think it will ever again be possible for all people to have a job due to...
  2. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    This article ( LINK) didn't take long to find with a quick google search into platonic friendship. And Shermana, it does mention the potential problems you have spoken of. It doesn't quite agree with everything I have said either, so it might be worth your while giving the whole article a read...
  3. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    Because I choose my male friends more wisely. I have been drunk in their company and nothing bad happened. They are decent human beings. In fact I have even come home late and a little drunk and slept in the same bed as a male friend and nothing happened. And no, he wasn't gay; far from it...
  4. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    Shermana, you quote two random strangers from random blogs and totally ignore what I said or the gist of anyone else's arguments.. And evidence! Perhaps you are just happier in your own little fantasy world.
  5. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    That's not true. You just ignore them. I'm curious as to what your definition of the Alpha Criteria is though. :rolleyes:
  6. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    That is making some sweeping assumptions about both men and women and totally ignores the fact that many of us here have testified that we do have platonic friendships with the opposite sex without any sexual complications. I do not believe that men are animals, unable to control their sexual...
  7. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Thanks. I am new here but I must admit that I have been a bit disappointed with some of the responses in this thread. As the term "Religious Education" forms part of the name of this site I was hoping that the responses might have been more along the lines of genuine interest rather than...
  8. Cassiopia

    Can a Christian smoke marijuana?

    Do you really think it does that? I have to say I don't.
  9. Cassiopia

    Are we just Christians in denial?

    I think your views are your views, and from the threads you have started here it seem you are genuinely trying to examine your beliefs and find your own path. Perhaps in the end it will be some form of Christianity. Perhaps it will be something altogether different. All you can do is be honest...
  10. Cassiopia

    Paganism - satanic or not?

    As somebody else has said, it sounds to me as if they are making it up as they go along. They seem to be living a mish-mash of beliefs they have read in books or on the internet somewhere. So, yes they could be called eclectic pagans. Perhaps they are both in their own way just going through a...
  11. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    Yes it is and if you have been reading any of my replies and the replies of many others you will have seen that for us it doesn't really complicate things;- well unless you have a very low threshold for complication. I have many platonic friendships with members of the opposite sex and some...
  12. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    Why do you think it complicates things? And is complication always a bad thing?
  13. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    What does it matter if people do occasionally have lustful or sexual thoughts about their friends of the opposite sex? I would say that is normal. We don't have to act on them though or allow the fact that having perfectly normal sexual thoughts for people of the opposite sex should preclude us...
  14. Cassiopia


    I can sort of understand why some Christians don't want to participate in Halloween (which btw is not quite the same thing as Samhain) but that is just silly. James Dobson and his ilk are indeed scary!
  15. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Please don't call me a liar. As for the rest of your post, all I can say is your experience and opinions are very different to mine.
  16. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    I have many platonic friendships with men. Maybe some of them at some points have "lustful" thought about me. I am sure others are not attracted to me at all. And it is the same for me. I have several platonic male friends who I love dearly. There are some I find sexually attractive and some...
  17. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    Not at all. I am genuinely surprised that you have this opinion. I have found in general that witches are very open to and supportive of alternative medicine and the practitioners of alternative medicine whom I have met seem seem open minded about witchcraft, religion and spiritual ideas as a...
  18. Cassiopia

    Is It Possible For Males and Females to Be Platonic Friends?

    In answer to the OP... Yes it is possible. I have many platonic friends of the opposite sex.
  19. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    No I wouldn't. I am not claiming to prove or justify witchcraft by the scientific method. Whatever floats your boat. And as I have said I have no problem if every single aspect of witchcraft one day gets a scientific explanation. I think that would be good. In the meantime my interest in it...
  20. Cassiopia

    Views of witchcraft

    How would you define it then? Or how would you prefer me to define it? If I defined it as a purely supernatural thing I am fairly sure you would just sneer. Witchcraft is a body of knowledge that has been passed down over hundreds of years. Some of it is supernatural. Some of it isn't. Some of...