I believe the Bible is without error.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t mistranslations, and even much more, gross misinterpretation. Nearly all of Christianity is seriously misinterpreting the Bible, imo.
But who am I? I know nothing and I’m aware that I know nothing.
Do not worry. God...
Republicans are so far right now, they fell off the scale.
Most Democrats are right wing corporate shills.
Very few Democrats are really Democrats.
Who is to say the Abrahamic religions are correct?
Is it possible they’re all false?
Cults organized to control the masses and make then feel somewhat happy perhaps?
Religion is a man made construct to control large groups of people, and persecute all those who don’t belong, while simultaneously claiming to be persecuted. (Specifically talking about Christianity)
Religion also needs a bad guy, or gal. Homosexuality is the bad guy du jour.
Actually, that’s not quite the whole truth.
They will have to pay far far far far more than that.
Including the $8,000,000,000,000 that trump gave away to billionaires.
Now, that’s a truly large amount of money wasted.
You mentioned a lot of short comments from LOTR.
But I don’t see how those comments from the story are myths, although they are wise and teach values.
I had to look up the definition of myth.
I would consider the garden of Eden story, and the flood story as myths, and definitely not history, but...