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Why I don't accept Christian or Muslim Faith


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Seems there is a third option here.

Why not go to the Source yourself instead of relying on intermediaries such as prophets or books?
Because the Source does not talk in a way that my human mind can engage. If I pray, "God, tell me what the winning numbers of for the Lottery," I promise you, I will hear no answer, unless I am hallucinating.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
My biggest actual gripe with Christianity is the hypocrisy, and claiming only One god as True. When they All are.

My sentiments exactly.

And the Mahatma Gandhi quote is, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Why I don't accept Christian or Muslim Faith​

For me is started out with my upset and loathing of the Christian attitude of condemning difference. Then i read the bible.

I agree with you on that, Christine.

I essentially studied my way out of believing in God after I read the Bible without the influence of my former Christian indoctrination.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
They don't care.

As it's Spiritual and not detrimental to my well-being or ability to function within society (in fact it's the opposite).

Edit: You should try deep listening sometime. You may be surprised at what you learn.
No, I don't ever hear any voices. I do believe that I interact with God via my conscience, but that's pretty limited, and even there, I acknowledge that I may be mistaken.

If having hallucinations is not adversely affecting your life, then you are correct, they will not treat it. They only step in when voices are making a person dysfunctional. But they are still hallucinations, self generated voices.

The Hammer

Premium Member
I do believe that I interact with God via my conscience, but that's pretty limited, and even there, I acknowledge that I may be mistaken.
Obviously, we all make mistakes from time to time. And how do you know that my conscience doesn't speak to me in a manner that it does not for you?

As for deep listening again. This doesn't always necessitate the usage of ones ears.
But they are still hallucinations, self generated voices.

Nope, not even listed as having hallucinations, not a part of any psychiatric diagnoses of anxiety/depression.

I've talked with my GP, therapist and psychiatrist. I have spiritual insight and convictions, but nothing they consider a delusional or hallucinating.


The Hammer

Premium Member
If you are hearing voices that other people do not hear, that is a hallucination. If such is the case, please see your doctor.

Look... Harder.

" 3) God speaks to us through our mind.
God gave us the gift of reason to think through decisions about our future. God often shows us the right path to choose as we take time to think and reflect on questions like:

Which of my options will make me a better Christian? Which of my options will help me grow in my relationship with Jesus the most? Which of my options will help me serve others in a meaningful way?"

Seems like you could listen deeper imo.



Question Everything
Sufficient reasoning I suppose. I actually just prefer my path over any other. That's my main reason for not being Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Sikh or ......

Know thyself to find what is common within us all. Many paths are similar in many ways.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Obviously, we all make mistakes from time to time. And how do you know that my conscience doesn't speak to me in a manner that it does not for you?
I specifically asked you if you were hearing voices that others did not hear, obviously referring to voices you hear with your ears, not inner dialogue you have with your conscience. While your answer was not direct, it did appear to confirm this.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
God speaks to us through our mind.
That is debatable. There is no way to prove that the inner dialogue you are having is actually God speaking, or is simply you having a conversation with yourself with the help of a little dissociation. Indeed the very fact that many people have this experience but receive contradictory messages casts a lot of doubt on it. Basically, if you want to believe that God is communing with you inside your mind, I have no problem with that. But that is you believing, not you knowing.


Premium Member
I am a Baha'i, but skeptical and everything is in pencil. As a foundation I have a Universalist (not UU) philosophy that looks at all religions and philosophies as they are in time and culture they originated. Problem with the ancient tribal religions is yes they relate and are a part of the culture and time of their origin, and nothing other time and place of our existence. The other religions and beliefs are excluded as being in the wrong tribe.


Premium Member
That is debatable. There is no way to prove that the inner dialogue you are having is actually God speaking, or is simply you having a conversation with yourself with the help of a little dissociation. Indeed the very fact that many people have this experience but receive contradictory messages casts a lot of doubt on it. Basically, if you want to believe that God is communing with you inside your mind, I have no problem with that. But that is you believing, not you knowing.
I do not believe God actually talks verbally to anyone from the days of the Torah to today. A little too anthropomorphic like the Torah and New Testament. I believe prayer and scripture are the expression of human communication and relationship with the 'Source' some call God{s}. Physical Creation reflects the attributes of God. Communion with God is possible through medium of our mind and Creation if one believes. If one does not believe it is simply the nature of being human and our relationship with the natural nature of our existence.

Is the Baha'i Faith in harmony of our natural existence? I believe more so then the ancient tribal religions most cling to, Being 'more so' I acknowledge is a human judgement, but the evidence supports the Baha'i Faith if God is a Universal God and not the God of one tribal religion or the other. The Baha'i Faith acknowledges spiritual evolving change over time and is not the end of the road.
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The Hammer

Premium Member
I specifically asked you if you were hearing voices that others did not hear, obviously referring to voices you hear with your ears, not inner dialogue you have with your conscience. While your answer was not direct, it did appear to confirm this.

No one hears my inner dialogue but me. And those are voices.

Especially, as it's not always my exact voice. Examples being lessons from various Gods, Ancestors, and Spirits I work and commune with.

You want to call that as me hallucinating or not, fine. I'm just gonna stop caring, it's not like I haven't been told or called worse throughout my life, and for my Spiritual viewss no less.

Especially from Jews and Christians. Shame really.

Edited* I suck at typing clear
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There is wrong that is being done, and it is all with harm. But there is not agreement on what is wrong, that harm comes from. God still knows what is wrong. But people do not all know, you even would not know all that is wrong. If you are shown harm from some things that you would not see as wrong you would just say you do not see harm in those things. People are all like that. So it happens that we do need God to tell us things.

And how does that happen? Most people have one of two answers, both of which are insufficient. The first is that they know someone who is a prophet who speaks for God. But how can they verify that? There are a gazillion wannabe prophets who all say different things. The other is similar, that some prophet wrote a sacred text. Again, the pertinent question would be how to know which religious text is the "right one" since they all contradict each other.

Yes, many are such that are false in giving prophecy. At the time there were those who could be put to death, for saying that God said such that they speak, and those things do not turn out to be true. That things did happen as were claimed in prophecies showed that such giving those were true, and further prophecies were kept, even when such prophets had already been killed. And now there are scripture texts with many prophecies that are fulfilled, and what is revealed from prophets as these has weight of authority. It did not come so easily. You may think of some contradiction, we can look at those.


Veteran Member
I get why Satan sees Allah (swt) as a Jinn that possesses the Prophets (a).

I just don't get why humans choose Satan over Allah (swt) and deny the Living Being that created all things and how they can equate others with the ultimate one.

Allah (swt) is with all things. I suppose Jinn occupy space of a lot of minds of people and that some people worship them ignorantly and equate them with God when in fact they are enemies to the soul of that person and lead them astray . They are no where on par with Allah (swt), in fact, they are not even on par with the exalted souls of Prophets (a) and close Angels (a).

Soothsaying religions are old and ancient. So is Allah (swt) and the truth his representatives come with.
Dude. What are you talking about? How do you know Satan being a jinn sees God as a Jinn?

Bro. Have a cup of tea and say hi to me as a brother. Yeah?

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
That is debatable. There is no way to prove that the inner dialogue you are having is actually God speaking, or is simply you having a conversation with yourself with the help of a little dissociation. Indeed the very fact that many people have this experience but receive contradictory messages casts a lot of doubt on it. Basically, if you want to believe that God is communing with you inside your mind, I have no problem with that. But that is you believing, not you knowing.
Except that in some cultures where spirit possession is quite common and accepted as a part of their reality, would disagree with you. Western society cannot rationalize this yet that is our cultural experience. Others see this as very normal. Of course, if one believes that our perspective is the only one that is true then one can psychologize anything not acceptable to western culture.