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Why is Homosexuality EVIL?


Active Member
I'd say the real disease is small-mindedness. But alas, I'm no doctor.

Careful. If we allow homosexuality in the name of open mindedness, soon we will have to allow human animal sex in that same name. And it will be someone like you who will give you a taste of your own medicine and call you small minded for opposing it. Its a slippery slope


Well-Known Member
Careful. If we allow homosexuality in the name of open mindedness, soon we will have to allow human animal sex in that same name. And it will be someone like you who will give you a taste of your own medicine and call you small minded for opposing it. Its a slippery slope
That's funny. Where do you guys get such ideals?
People who don't understand human sexuality and compare homosexuality with beatiality have much bigger issues internally.
Too funny

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Careful. If we allow homosexuality in the name of open mindedness, soon we will have to allow human animal sex in that same name. And it will be someone like you who will give you a taste of your own medicine and call you small minded for opposing it. Its a slippery slope

Beastiality involves non-consent (given that animals aren't capable of giving informed consent) and thus involves harm.

Homosexuality doesn't have inherent consent issues. You're comparing vastly different things in an extremely inappropriate and insulting way.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to hear your argument

There is no argument really. If a person wants to marry someone that's not me, it's not my business.
If you want to marry someone of the same sex, I don't care.
If you want to marry someone of the opposite sex, I don't care.
If you want to marry a brick wall, I don't care.
But if you want to marry me, then I care.
Again, where do you get your idea that because two people of the same sex want to get married that now people will want to marry animals? Or buildings? Or the alphabet? Or whatever nonesensical thing you can think of?


Active Member
Beastiality involves non-consent (given that animals aren't capable of giving informed consent) and thus involves harm.

Homosexuality doesn't have inherent consent issues. You're comparing vastly different things in an extremely inappropriate and insulting way.

One may argue that the dog is enjoying itself because its wagging its tail during intercourse. Sounds like consent


Active Member
There is no argument really. If a person wants to marry someone that's not me, it's not my business.
If you want to marry someone of the same sex, I don't care.
If you want to marry someone of the opposite sex, I don't care.
If you want to marry a brick wall, I don't care.
But if you want to marry me, then I care.
Again, where do you get your idea that because two people of the same sex want to get married that now people will want to marry animals? Or buildings? Or the alphabet? Or whatever nonesensical thing you can think of?

Do you care if i want to marry my dog?

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
One may argue that the dog is enjoying itself because its wagging its tail during intercourse. Sounds like consent

That's the same distorted "reasoning" as saying "Did you see how she was dressed? She was asking for it."

Even if a dog enjoys themselves, there was no guarantee that they would before initiating the act, so it's still rape. Also keep in mind that it's still rape to have sex with a 12 year old even if they "consent" to it -- that's because it takes a certain amount of cognitive capacity and experience to provide true consent. Dogs are incapable of doing that -- so it's still rape.

C'mon, be serious and fair about this. You should also take into consideration how rude it is to compare homosexuality to beastiality (which is essentially animal rape).

Me Myself

Back to my username
jesus is not recorded to have opposed many other immoral acts either .. doesnt mean he is indifferent or even supports them in fact jesus clearly says "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. homosexuality being one of those.

The same books that prohibit homosexuality prohibit eating pork and advice you to stone to death the children that don´t behave.

I said before: the reality is that Jesus acted and TEACHED different than the past texts, so not all of them should be deemed as moral if yo are a christian.

I agree, there are a lot of things that are immoral that Christ doesn´t specificaly speak against.

That said, you abide by the two major principles: love god, love others.

Now if you are a christian homosexual, you would naturaly not think you are breaking any of these two by being homosexual (because then you would deem yourself unchristian). If you belief that homosexuality somehow breaks one of this two (and I am sure you do) you would deem it unchristian.

But do understand your point of view is merely that: a point of view. And a very unsuported one at that.

So yes, you can be a christian and an homosexual. You can also have premarial sex and be christian. Again, Jesus never spoke against it, and it dosn´t damage anyone nor God . Christ only spoke against infidelity.


Active Member
That's the same distorted "reasoning" as saying "Did you see how she was dressed? She was asking for it."

Even if a dog enjoys themselves, there was no guarantee that they would before initiating the act, so it's still rape. Also keep in mind that it's still rape to have sex with a 12 year old even if they "consent" to it -- that's because it takes a certain amount of cognitive capacity and experience to provide true consent. Dogs are incapable of doing that -- so it's still rape.

C'mon, be serious and fair about this. You should also take into consideration how rude it is to compare homosexuality to beastiality (which is essentially animal rape).

Thats not a bad counter argument. But i think we can do better. When a woman gets raped against her will she will try to fend off the initial penetration my all means possible... so could the dog turn around and bite. But he does not. In fact he tries to initiate it..... id say thats good enough initial consent.


Well-Known Member
Thats not a bad counter argument. But i think we can do better. When a woman gets raped against her will she will try to fend off the initial penetration my all means possible... so could the dog turn around and bite. But he does not. In fact he tries to initiate it..... id say thats good enough initial consent.

Then you need medicated.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Thats not a bad counter argument. But i think we can do better. When a woman gets raped against her will she will try to fend off the initial penetration my all means possible... so could the dog turn around and bite. But he does not. In fact he tries to initiate it..... id say thats good enough initial consent.

Try my argument.

Interspecies sex have high likability of creating NEW diseases that could harm all human race.

Now, supposing this is false, go ahead and may you and your dog enjoy it.

Quite honestly, we humans already do horrible things to animals without asking "consent" to be meat only for our gastronomical pleasure. If youwant to derive sexual pleasure with it, and somehow you can prove that´s not gonna poison the human race as a whole, at least the dog is still alive.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Thats not a bad counter argument. But i think we can do better. When a woman gets raped against her will she will try to fend off the initial penetration my all means possible... so could the dog turn around and bite. But he does not. In fact he tries to initiate it..... id say thats good enough initial consent.

Sometimes a 12 year old will try to initiate something too. Do you not consider that rape?

You're missing the larger picture of informed consent here. The lack of informed consent is rape.

P.S.: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty-seven year olds? Because there are 20 of them. (Just kidding, RIP king of pop)