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Search results

  1. Mr. Hair

    Is Stillness Necessary To Spirituality?

    I'm not entirely sure what you're asking me, but I'll give the old finger-typing-thingie a bash... :cool: I see them as being two complimentary aspects that contribute to who we are in the moment and how we perceive things, much as how both good and bad experiences shape the kind of person we...
  2. Mr. Hair

    Poll: Theist, Atheist, Agnostic, Other

    *looks in vain for an 'all of the above' option* (I'd also include several tablespoons of pantheism, before bringing myself to boil for a nice 20 minutes :))
  3. Mr. Hair

    Do y'all refer to yourselves as 'Taoist'?

    Ahhh, indeed. I tend to figure that who I am will become apparant through my actions and words anyway, and so it's a little pointless to distract people with such labels.
  4. Mr. Hair

    Is Stillness Necessary To Spirituality?

    I would say so. There's an old saying; 'The moon is reflected in the lake. Neither desire this, it happens because both are still.' It is only when we are able to still our minds that we become aware of the deeper silence that surrounds us. Not that such permanent inner quiet is necessary, or...
  5. Mr. Hair

    Creationism (or religion's love/hate relationship with science)

    Talking of bad science... :p http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/ http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/ Enjoy! :)
  6. Mr. Hair

    Taoists: Here me roar!

    Mervyn Peake, from 'Titus Groan' @SW: Thank you for the suggestion, I'll check it out! :) I only really got interested in alchemy by accident, but after starting to read into it I was fascinated by the way alchemical themes not only tie in with a lot of Taoist teachings, but with wisdom (For...
  7. Mr. Hair

    Do y'all refer to yourselves as 'Taoist'?

    A simple question, with a simple poll. Generally, do you refer to yourself as a Taoist, both inwardly and outwardly, or not? I remember I used to do so a lot, once I even grandly informed my Tai Chi master that I was 'following Tao'. :D EDIT* W00t! 100 posts! *does the Man-Dance*
  8. Mr. Hair

    Taoists: Here me roar!

    I haven't, but it sounds interesting, so far I've mainly focused on western early-modern alchemy. May there be a book or online resource devoted to this which I could peruse? :) As an aftertaste, from Deng Ming-Dao: (Hey Chimalma! *waves*)
  9. Mr. Hair

    Do you believe Jesus existed?

    Awesome, for once I'm in the majority! :D Oh, and fruballs. Lots and lots of 'em... Well, 11.
  10. Mr. Hair

    Would you convert?

    Perhaps, it would certainly be a very interesting situation! I'm feeling a little dense tonight though, so my answer would probably depend on what it would mean to convert in this case. If it meant accepting and agreeing with the core doctrines, activities, experiences and perspectives of the...
  11. Mr. Hair

    Taoists: Here me roar!

    *has a secret passion for alchemy*
  12. Mr. Hair

    Tiny Little 10 Second Favor From You.. Please?

    Done and done! :)
  13. Mr. Hair

    How frequent is your religious fix?

    Every second of my life is a religious experience. I'm just more aware of it sometimes then others. :D
  14. Mr. Hair

    Taoists: Here me roar!

    Yay! *counts* Three replies! I do believe I've achieved a personal best, for topics that actually mean something anyway... :D @ChrisP: Ahhh, a wonderful and extremely informative site. Thanks for sharing! :) @Scarlett Wampus: That's beautiful! I'm somewhat reminded of the old adage, "Stillness...
  15. Mr. Hair

    Taoists: Here me roar!

    Ahhh, that's better. :D *clears throat* Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in sharing anything that they've found interesting, amusing or illuminating that expresses a Taoist perspective. And I do mean anything; quotes, poems, photographs, Zen koans, Babylonian creation...
  16. Mr. Hair

    religious artifacts used by Taoists

    *revives thread with CPR* Well, I have a very distinctive Orthodox Christian icon that I rather enjoy looking at, and a few asian knick knacks scattered around; but I'd hardly consider them 'Taoist artifacts' nor do I collect them for any particular use or purpose. As others have noted, Tao Jia...
  17. Mr. Hair

    Why does the OT bible god act like a threatned king?

    Of course, that was kinda my point. :)
  18. Mr. Hair

    Why does the OT bible god act like a threatned king?

    *shrugs* Presumably because the authors of the OT instinctively reverted to their cultural understanding of the world and their mythological traditions when trying to describe God.
  19. Mr. Hair

    Religious Co-existence

    Having lived my entire life in quiet parts of England, I haven't had much experience dealing with those of an evangelical nature. However, this thread reminded me of that old Zen story which concerns itself with this very topic. (Which isn't in fact old at all, but you have to preface these kind...