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Search results

  1. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    Whoa, whoa. Which pagan holidays? Christmas, easter? It's not even called "Christ"mas anymore, it's a holiday tree, get the memo. Atheists "practice" a gift giving tradition on December 25th, it's not even a Christian holiday, unless you can cite the scripture to back it up? Otherwise, it's...
  2. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

  3. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    If anything what Simplelogic said, inch deep and mile wide, is damn near accurate with the garbage you spew.
  4. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    Lol, which website? ;) No, you've proven they're not even close.
  5. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    Why can't you answer the question? What denomination? EDIT: and I haven't read any of that, you alluded in the previous thread you were a religious authority but didn't say how or why. Sooo... put up or shut up, eh?
  6. catch22

    Why the law of Moses prohibits anal sex

    Exodus citation: how many times did God attempt to move Pharaoh to avoid killing the firstborns of his nation, or do any of the plagues? What if Moses walked in and said what he said and Pharaoh was like "Okay, cool bro. See you guys next time." Would anything bad have happened? Nope. So...
  7. catch22

    Oh God! The knower of all….. testing us!!!!!!!!!

    Why do professors test students, then? Giving a test vs taking a test...
  8. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    I think Metis and Rosends have taught me an important lesson in this thread. No matter how many times people run circles around you, your ears are plugged and you continue to chant the same things. The threads where you were dissected piece by piece is convincing enough for me. So sure, I...
  9. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    What is your religion, anyway? You're all over the place.
  10. catch22

    North Carolina Magistrate refuses to marry interracial couple.

    Interracial marriages aren't part of my religion or the Old Laws. Israelites weren't to marry non-Israelites for idolatry/false gods, as in, they didn't believe in the God of Israel. There is absolutely no skin color involved there... Now, if the couple were a Jew and a Muslim, you might have...
  11. catch22

    Are u going to leave USA now?

    I don't think He's missing in action. He might not be here as He was during His ministry, in the physical sense, but He is by no means missing. Understand your personal expectations. If God is real and created you, He has done a wonderful thing for you. If Christ is real and has given you...
  12. catch22

    Are u going to leave USA now?

    The Pharisees and others had enforced the sabbath laws to the point where the law came before everything, good, rest, peace, and God. They used it as a means to persecute and harm, not give rest and peace. The intention and the meaning of the sabbath was forgotten. The Pharisees perverted...
  13. catch22

    Why do people believe what they do?

    My IQ just dropped.
  14. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    I took a gander through those. It's more likely you meant, you didn't want to get logically torn to pieces again... Very unconvincing, on both fronts.
  15. catch22

    Are u going to leave USA now?

    [Edit: missed this one]. Well no, satan is cunning and powerful. He was, afterall, a high angel of the Lord. But pride blinds. All of us know this, whether we can admit it or not. The very effort he makes in knowing the outcome likely seals the demise. I work in casino gaming. Everyone...
  16. catch22

    Why Islam, Christianity and modern Judaism are all apostate religious institutions.

    Lol. Look at you. Using your debate arguments as sources of authority.
  17. catch22

    Are u going to leave USA now?

    Let's have the whole quote: Jesus is referencing Exodus 21 here, let's have that text, too: So, Exodus lays out law for a state; judges or those in authority use these laws to levy judgment upon the accused. In the event of minor injury, the husband and judges decide, more or less, among...
  18. catch22

    Are u going to leave USA now?

    Why not? Pride is blinding. He doesn't believe it will end the way it does or will, yet it does. Why else be so foolish to try to tempt Christ Himself? Perhaps. I guess I have hope. I generally ask God to bless us with rain. I can see it looks silly to some, okay. But to us it's...
  19. catch22

    Girl Scouts refuse $100,000 check due to transgender stipulation

    Well I saw that, they list it as a legend, and they call it hermaphrodite... which to me sounded wrong. What you describe is what I was told, I do believe. Alas, rumor mill... apologies.