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  1. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    Not as I see it...politican is a career. Besides I didn't "call" him a politician, meerly suggested he look into it :D :bb: Nessa
  2. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    You are right...it does suggest that. Maybe I should reword it. I know the unborn are living. By saying living I simply meant being an active part of society, not as in alive or dead. For example: I live near the beach, doesn't mean I am alive at the beach, it is simply a way of putting me...
  3. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    My caps lock is just fine thanks, seeing as how I turned it off and on (missed that huh?). My clevermeter is not part of the debate of this thread and therefore shouldn't be called into question. Dirty tactics such as name calling is poor form for debate. (maybe being a politician is in your...
  4. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    The only reason I included the hypothesis of drinking to the point of causing a miscarriage wasn't to say "that is why abortion isn't wrong", it was to point out that it isn't like murder at all. I would have commited manslaughter had I hit a home run causing someone's death (and I'm sure I...
  5. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    On the contrary, I found his post quite clever and ON TOPIC. Your post, on the other hand, had nothing to do with what is being debated here. Therefore, your post is the one that is "less than clever" seeing as how you didn't offer ANYTHING to this thread other than to attack someone for a...
  6. Nessa Nenharma

    Child rape victim allowed abortion.

    I am pro choice so the decision seemed just to me, although I think they only reached that decision because they didn't want the family to take her to another country to have the abortion performed. It's nice to see the family supporting the girl in this decision :). :bb: Nessa
  7. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    Regardless of the fact that you could kill yourself from drinking, I was only talking about going out on the town once, not an alcoholic. You mean to tell me you have never went out clubbing with friends and had drinks? The point of my post was that while she intentionally drank, it was not...
  8. Nessa Nenharma

    Are you different?

    My husband does know about and supports my new faith. He actively helps me when I am searching for certain candles and scents and herbs for new potions and spells. I was worried about telling him at first for fear of rejection, but I realized that neither one of us would change the other...
  9. Nessa Nenharma

    Which is worse? Which is easier? Which would you prefer? and Why.

    I choose to not being sure of anything and wondering what life is all about ( although I wouldn't consider it a continuous cycle of guilt). I chose this one because I would find life boring if you knew everything. Part of the thrill of life is it's great mysteries. How could you ever learn...
  10. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    Not every woman who is pregnant knows that she is pregnant. Some women continue to menstruate during their pregnancies, and therefore would have to reason to suspect that they are pregnant. With that said, if that same woman decided to have a night out on the town and drank until she was...
  11. Nessa Nenharma

    Are you different?

    I was wondering if anyone else here can identify with a split in religious beliefs within their family? I am a Witch (Pagan if you prefer) and everyone else in my family is Baptist (including my husband ). My mother and father-in-law are hard core Baptists and thought that my husband...
  12. Nessa Nenharma

    Infant Baptisms, Dedications, etc.

    Personally I would rather my children learn about my religion from me versus having someone who only "thought" they knew, inform them. I think it is nice to let your children decide, but if they aren't informed in the first place they won't know of what they are choosing. I mean if one of my...
  13. Nessa Nenharma


    I choose to call myself a Witch because I earned that right while being taught the religion and I am never going to allow someone to take away something that I worked hard to earn. Neither am I going to allow someone to persuade me that Witch is an evil term. I think the more people that...
  14. Nessa Nenharma

    Tolerance and What If You Were Wrong?

    I can accept the possibility that I am wrong in my beliefs (Although I believe all religions lead to the same destination). And if I die and end up standing in front of the Christian God awaiting my sentence in hell, I will turn to him, look him straight in the face and say, "What, you can't...
  15. Nessa Nenharma

    Bugging the Hell Out of Me..

    This is why there are so many killings all over the world in the "name of God". If a murderer says they killed because "God" told them to, the people of today would think he/she were nuts and in some serious need of medical attention. When Abraham was willing to do it he was considered...
  16. Nessa Nenharma

    weapons laws

    Weapons are beautiful, it's the people using them I'm not so sure about :help:. If you think about it, anything can become a weapon. I had a great-grandma who was punched repeatedly in the face by my (not quite so sober) great-grandpa. She warned him that that would be the last time he...
  17. Nessa Nenharma

    Weight Loss and Diet Support Group

    I know there hasn't been any new posts here in almost 6 months, but I am trying a new "way of eating" that I have enjoyed and thought it would be nice to post it here. I haven't been on it long enough to lose any weight, but I do find myself leaving food on plate where I never would have before...
  18. Nessa Nenharma

    Abortion is murder

    I highly doubt that just because they make a law banning abortions that people won't get them. We have laws against drugs and people still smoke it, inject it, snort it, sell it, make it, and grow it. Even though there are stiff consequences to drug use people still do it. People will...
  19. Nessa Nenharma

    What Is Worth Fighting For?

    Above everything else, my sons. Then of course my family. Then I would fight for anyone that couldn't fight for themselves (elderly, children, etc.). I would also fight for animals and nature. :) :bb: Nessa
  20. Nessa Nenharma

    What Debate Tactics Rub You the Wrong Way?

    I don't like it when too much is read into what you have said. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone is entitled to them, but I don't like my words interpreted for me. I know what I said and what I meant when I said it, I certainly don't need someone else twisting it around or reading...