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Search results

  1. J

    Is the term "Judeo-Christian" in describing America's values simply political correctness?

    America was founded by Secularists, Agnostics and Atheists for the most part. The Judeo-Christian values that the OP speak of are basically the set of values put forth in commonplace American society in the 1950's in a religious revival era of American History in which "In God We Trust" appeared...
  2. J

    The denial of the pecking order is folly

    Good post. Good observations. I don't think we are "only" happy when we are "above" others in some way. People can be happy in all sorts of different ways. Right now it is hard for religions to "die off" and for us to have a secular global society because people cling onto certain things. When...
  3. J

    Riddle of the beginning solved without god?

    Delete all of the thoughts, posts, arguments, ideas and words that came before this post. That is what I have to do to mentally prepare myself to answer this question. I need a clean slate. Though I hope my answer is not "lacking" or "unsatisfactory" to some, I cannot control how my words are...
  4. J

    Did Jesus really have to die for our sins?

    Did Jesus really have to die for our sins? No. God could have forgiven our sins without having to submit himself to torture and death (for only 3 days) and subsequent resurrection and ascension. That is, if God exists of course. Because if God exists, God can do anything, meaning he could...
  5. J

    Heaven or Hell | The choice is yours

    If hell is still eternal torment, I don't think it would/should change anyone's choice just because friends are involved. I think it would make it worse if your friends are in hell because you know they are being tortured too. And isn't the whole idea of heaven eternal bliss even if people you...
  6. J

    cain and abel, then what.

    Good question. The only assumptions you can logically make is that Cain and Abel both had sex with their mother. Either that or Cain and Abel's wives later came from Adam. Those are the only two outcomes that make sense. That being said, I find it very hard to believe that Adam and Eve were the...
  7. J

    Whose 'logic' is it anyway?

    Keeping it simple: Yes we are bound by our own logic, reason and thinking. But all of that is confined to our brains physically and they are an innate part of us. Our ability to think is what defines us and sets us apart as a species. Anyone who says that, "God's logic and reason is superior to...
  8. J

    mary, virgin or not

    I asked a Christian pastor I know if God is a human male because he must possess human male DNA chromosomes in order to have a child with a human female. I said that its pretty simple, in order to create any child, whether male or female, you need both male and female genetic information in...
  9. J

    Book Burning: Bible, koran, torah, wicca, scientology, buddhism etc.

    I thought the video was quite nice. I could almost feel the warmth of the fire. That being said, "burning books" and burning "religious books" are probably two separate actions to the atheist involved. One is the act of intentionally destroying useful, entertaining, knowledgeable writing and the...
  10. J

    Sex worship

    I second this.
  11. J

    What if Tim Tebow Were a Muslim?

    If he was Muslim then his touchdown runs and accurate throws would be attributed to Allah and his messenger Muhammad rather than Yaweh the God of the Bible and his son Jesus.
  12. J

    Do any non-theists think being Gay is wrong?

    I can't say I'm a theist, I'm probably closer to a non-theist. I think homosexuality is wrong. Mostly because of how many gay people seem to change their gender role (men acting like women, women acting like men). When gay people claim they "identify" with the opposite sex more or they feel...
  13. J

    Why are you here on this forum?

    I'm here because I wanted to jump into some of the conversations.
  14. J

    No other name but Jesus

    Hot pot of coffee!! Merlin's Beard!!!! Sweet Odin's Raven!!!!
  15. J

    whydo all religions work

    Well, I read the entire thing. I think you raise some good questions. Personally I don't think that any religion can bring you anything more beneficial for you or better than an understanding through science and reason of the world and universe around you. When you aren't part of a religion...
  16. J

    "Life is going great, so I became religious."

    You probably never hear that because you don't need religion for anything if you are already happy, healthy, and satisfied.
  17. J

    Can God have a Son?

    I asked a Christian pastor, "If God impregnated Mary, doesn't that imply that God has male XY DNA chromosomes and is therefore a male? and even further that God must also be a middle eastern male as opposed to an African male or a South American male?" The pastor's reply: "Those rules don't...
  18. J

    The Resurrection of Christ

    Its hard for me to believe that he was resurrected. Mostly because his departure into heaven would have been kinda awkward. Its like, he comes back to life, decides to hang out for like a month and a half, and then hes like....alright guys, see you later. And then he ascends into heaven? Why...