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Search results

  1. W

    Is caffein good for you?

    haha!:clap i think 7up/sprite are caffeine-free, but never knew about DrP. huh. back to the topic of this thread, ive read in several different places that green tea is a healthier caffeine-containing drink option than coffee, anybody else heard that? or heard of other...
  2. W

    Ouch! Shoe hurts on other foot!

    this just in--student gets detention for breathing!
  3. W

    Is caffein good for you?

    really? is this true about DP?
  4. W

    best game console

    im looking forward to the 360 as well. and the ps3. and winning a shopping spree around the same time they come out!@!! do any of yall rent games online?
  5. W

    Drug Testing in School

    tracing back and getting a conviction is very difficult, ask any police officer or prosecuting attorney. I havent seen the statistics on gang drug distribution, but i would venture to say that the majority of middle and high schoolers who want to try pot (which is the most commonly used drug...
  6. W

    What a great theory: those hurricanes are not natural disaster

    well, my guess is that those who seeded eucalypts in those areas weren't thinking to themselves "what's the most flammable plant/flora we can install here to promote forest fires...." we need to take care of our planet better. it's dying a slow death.
  7. W

    One Best Movie

    heat is probably the movie ive watched/seen the most times. cant go wrong with pacino/de niro.
  8. W

    Sex Promotes?

    sex has long been shown to work in marketing/advertising products. there's really no doubt about that. when it's really blatant is when it's at is most egregious. For instance, i think Carl's Jr. using paris hilton to sell their burgers was more an act of marketing desperation than ingenuity.
  9. W

    What do you collect?

    i collect records. End up going to a lot of different places to "dig" for some, but make sure i hit up yardsales every week. anybody else look for their items at yardsales? you can find some really cool stuff, plus it's like wakling through a history msueum sometimes....
  10. W

    Jesus drank alcohol

    precisely, it's symbolic. drinking or not drinking alcohol is a personal choice.
  11. W

    Television Shows

    i watch a lot of sports. And I like Boston Legal, desperate housewives, entourage, weeds, and grey's anatomy.
  12. W

    Morning after, over-the-counter medicine rejection by the FDA

    great quote. nice to see our government thinking (and acting) in such realistic terms in 2005. idiots.
  13. W

    Is caffein good for you?

    yup coffee/caffeine is a diuretic. and drinking water is really good for the body anyway.
  14. W

    burning the flag (yanks only)

    haha. i agree 100%. maybe congress can just enact a bill fining people for acting like jerks. not getting up for senior citizens on a bus/train $50 creating gridlock by blocking an intersection in traffic $100 driving slow in the left lane $25 burning a flag $1000 fine
  15. W

    Should drugs be illegal?

    i dont see decriminalizing some drugs helping out the situation. Take crack for example, statistically shown to be one of the most addictive drugs and long-associated with causing the most damage to someone's life, as well as fueling crime. As long as crack isnt regulated, there will be...
  16. W

    Workplace exposure

    i get it malus. anyway, i think people should be allowed to wear whatever they want, but should be aware of the fact that dress influences how people perceive you. If im meeting with a client, for instance, there's no way im going to come in wearing jeans. mainly because it's not in my best...
  17. W

    Marriage Inequality

    what's so good about Goa in December? i never knew one month was better than another month for that scene. (but i also didnt know Goa was still cool cause i havent heard of people going there for years)
  18. W

    Workplace exposure

    you mean they dressed with more covered up? my workplace has a very liberal dress policy, but i still feel as though those of us dressing nicely contribute more positively to a professional work atmosphere.
  19. W

    Is caffein good for you?

    i thought tea was a better source of anti-oxidants than coffee, or at least a healthier option. how much is too much?
  20. W

    Manhatan Project

    haha, that ws my first impression too! is anybody interested in discussing this still? my knowledge is a bit limited, but I think the project itself was justified. as for the use of the bomb itself, i pray that we no longer see the need for this type of mass violence/devastation again. the...